Pollocktics talks to kids about Jeff Hardy's arrest

Vintage Nick

Climbin' in your windows...
On the front page of Wrestlezone, there was an article called VIDEO: "Reporter" Informs Children of Jeff Hardy's Arrest". I took a look at this video and found this guy to be a huge douchebag. There's a 4-year old kid that the guy interviewed and he asked if the kid was a Jeff Hardy fan, which was responded "yes". He asked an older girl how he should tell a kid about Jeff, and the girl said "Same thing with Santa Claus: You just DON'T," yet this little asshat goes around telling little kids and Jeff Hardy fans "Well did you know he could go up to jail for 14 years for trafficking drugs?" And the kids were suprised/shocked about it.

In my opinion, this "reporter" should not have done that. Yes it's the truth, but why tell little kids about this? Is he deliberately trying to hurt WWE Merchandise AND Jeff Hardy's image, especially when (to my knowledge anyway) no definate proof is given saying he was trafficking them? Or is he just a douchebag extrodinaire?
i kinda thought it was funny hey these little kids should know hell i would have told them that rey mysterio was suspended for steriods screw jeff hardy and his fans i can't stand jeff he always fucks up and cant stay away from the drugs and he wonders y he gets let go if i was wwe i would never let him back he cant be trusted and is a bad example for the audience and he gonna ruin wwe.
I saw this either yesterday or the day before, before it hit Wrestlezone. I thought it was inexcusable. It's much like telling a small child that Santa isn't real.

Completely classless act. I don't know if he was trying to be funny, or just stir up controversy, but it was an absolutely pointless act.
lol I agree man. He was a huge doucher. He just went up to those kids and said right in their face: Hey, you know what Jeff hardy's been doing since he left? He got arrested for drugs!!! The kids' faces just sank when he said it, and you can tell their hearts were crushed. I agree with the girl on that video, he should've just let them find out by themselves.
I know that the term so and so is killing wrestling is thrown around a lot, but this right here actually is something that is killing it: the innocence of children being ripped apart by morons like this. I've mentioned this before, but when I went to Raw in June I think it was there was this probably eight or nine year old girl sitting in front of me. I've never seen anyone have more fun at a wrestling show. She had a ton of signs, she screamed for her favorites and booed the people she hated all night long and you could tell she had a blast. Those kind of people are the ones that make wrestling great. When i was a kid I knew wrestling was fake but I loved it anyway. It turned me into the lifelong fan that I am today.

People like this idiot are ruining wrestling for kids. By the time I found out the things I found out about Hogan, I was already hooked and wasn't going to just leave. That kid might never watch wrestling again because his heart is broken. Also, what kind of asshole is so pathetic that he enjoys crushing children? What right does he have to do that? It's just pathetic and makes me ashamed to be a fan.
I think KB hit the nail on the head here.

I think the guy was trying to be funny even though it was the farthest thing from funny. Did he really need to take away the innocence of some little kids? Was it going to make him feel better about himself by doing something so classless and disgusting? I hope the answer would be no to both of those questions.

Like KB said, some idiot jackass could have just ruined wrestling for an innocent little kid just because he tried to be funny and make himself feel better. I don’t see what good could have come out of something like this. People like him and people who do things like that just really piss me off.
Funny when i saw that video i was watching it with my girlfriend.. And we both kinda just watched as this Asshole decides to bring up a serious topic to those that can't tell him to just Fuck off... You know i dont think its a matter of being a Jeff fan of not , or whether he is guilty of not but more a matter of Class that is shown on the matter... But i guess my point is i thought he was Fuckin Dick and if i see him i will spit in his Face. And you know why BEACUSE I SPIT IN THE FACE OF PEOPLE WHO DONT WANT TO BE COOL...(AND POLLOCK IS NOT COOL)
I now just watched this video. If this was done as proper psychiatric reseacrh then it wouldn't be cruel and would actually make for a intresting study if it was to adhear to APA research standards. With that said the researcher would have to have diffrent age groups of kids a a control group and a variable group. Since it contained none of these things I thought it was a sick joke since it is mocking what actually research is. The idea behind this piece was valid but the way it was done was cruel and sick, if it was controled then it would be valid and not so heartbreaking for the children.
Douchebag wouldn't even begin to describe this guy. This is a guy who clearly grew up with no friends and zero sense of human decency. If his approach was for this to be funny, then he should probably find a new line of work. I don't see how anyone could think that telling kids who barely know what drugs and felonies are except they are for "bad people" is a good idea. This is an idiot who saw an opportunity to try to make a little name for himself off of Jeff Hardys problems.

By all means bro do your thing, but no need to hurt a little kids feelings dick.
If it was taken seriously AND if he was questioning adults about this, then yes by all means, but little children? He's as big of a douche as Kanye West for crying out loud! well maybe not THAT big but hes a close second. Been said on this and hell I'll say it, its like telling a kid Santa, Easter Bunny etc. arent real, especially when we're awaiting to hear the whole truth behind it. I myself am a huge Jeff fan, and I'm just waiting to hear the full verdict but if I'm being honest I doubt he would have went so far, especially when he has a music career, and a TV Show thats in the early stages, that and we knew it wouldn't be the last time we saw him on WWE programming. So this guy telling young innocent kids about their hero is the doucehbag of the week.
What this guy John Bollock did is unacceptable. He was actually taking the fun out of a kid's day. You don't tell a child that their favourite star is in custody for drug trafficking. You definately don't do it when he might not be guilty. It would be OK if he was actually a respected reporter for a proper news company. Of course, a respected reporter of a proper news company wouldn't anything like this.

I bet this guy still asked loads of kids that said "Yes we know and no we don't care". If he ever does return he will still be loved. Even the kids thought so. However, the guy did go too far and should be ashamed.
Jeff Hardy did exactly what most people would do when they are addicted to drugs. After he left the job that provides his income and drug test. He relasped. If you have a job such as he did the thrill of the crowd was his drug of choice at the time. But after he left the WWE he did the only thing that made sense to him, did drugs. Yes it became knowldege to the public but whoses fault is that? Kids that arent part of the IWC? NO, himself. Hardy deserves anything coming at this point at his life and I.m sure he accepts it. Of course your going to get people who will its exploit it but thats just part of todays sense of humor and/or income.
I don't think this guy is a douche bag more like a dick or a jackass (sorry about the cussing). i mean telling 4-9 yearolds that jeff hardy got arrested for doing drugs and breaking their hearts. that guy needs to get his ass kicked by the parents and hardy fans and wrestling fans. i want to see him on the wwe and i hope matt gives him a really good ass kicking. pullock more like pullcock
this guy is a total dick does he also go around telling kids that their dog isnt living on a farm but is really that fresh mound of dirt in the yard the world of wrestling is seperate from the real world its another place for kids to escape a see their heros but this nob head wants to take that away from them a real journalist would have spoke to parents but this ********er trys to get kids to cry it is a parents job to inform kids of these things if they want to i just had to get this off my chest
and i hope that mr pollock will issue an apology if jeff is found not guilty as i still beleive that someone is innocent untill proven guilty
Was a very classless act, what right does he have to even bring that up around kids with out the parents acknowledgment. I don't see why he would try to destroy a kids hero who promotes good moral, just another sad loner that probably knows nothing about wrestling.
Like most posters mentioned here in this thread, he's a douchebag. Nuff said.

He'll probably be stuck doing interviews like this because I certainly don't see any big companies hiring a douchebag like him.
He is quite the ass, but I noticed that some of the kids actually had an idea of what he's done, one of them was perfectly aware of his drug problems from 2003. I know its wrong to break a kids heart(or any heart) but sometimes its best to tell the truth, just not like that, Pollock basically took advantage of them to get a lousy laugh. But to be honest, I would tell my kids(I don't think I have yet) the truth behind their hero too, but it would be to teach them why they shouldn't do drugs. Side Note; I told my4 year old sister Santa Claus wasn't real... Now she just asks mom for anything at anytime.
*grabs a jeff hardy action figure and sticks up pollocks candy ass*

good job in crushing little kids hopes and whatnot. You sir, a idiot and an ass.

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