Poll: Ultimate Wrestling Fantasy Round One

Who has the best show?

  • Mrs. Sam

  • Colamania/Koalamania/Poo Monster

  • cmlv18

  • WHoLe FuCKiN SHoW

  • TheOneBigWill

Results are only viewable after voting.

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
Vote for whoever you think has staged the best show. Shows are shown below. Please, at least skim through them all before voting. Contestants may vote, even for themselves.

Cmlv18: IWF Final Impact
IWF Final Impact

IWF Tag Team Title:Cryme Tyme vs Londrick vs Los Guerreros

Finish:Paul London was going to pin JTG when Eddie broke the count.
Chavo distracted the referee and Eddie low blow London and JTG,while shad and Kendrick were wrestling outside.
Eddie frog splash London to win the tag titles.

WINNERS:Los Guerreros

IWF U.S Championship #1 Contender Street Fight:Finlay vs Paul Burchill
Finish:Burchill was hitting Finlay with a chair several times outised the ring
when Hornswoggle made a surprise apperance from under the ring and hit burchill
with the shillelagh a couple times.Finlay got up and Hornswoggle gave him the shillelagh
to hit Burchill with it then Finlay did the Celtic Cross to pin Burchill.

WINNER & U.S #1 Contender: Finlay

Mask vs Mask Match:Rey Mysterio vs Ultimo Dragon

Finish:Rey Mysterio was going to hit 619 but Ultimo Dragon moved
out of the way and Dragon push him outside of the ring
Rey Mysterio got up and Ultimo Dragon hit the Asia Moonsault on Mysterio
Neither were able to get in the ring before the 10 count


IWF U.S Championship:Mr. Kennedy vs MVP

Finish:Mr. Kennedy was on the top turnbuckle ready to hit the Kenton bomb but MVP got up
and moved out of the way. MVP picked Kennedy up and irish whip him to the turnbuckle
MVP was going to hit a mafia kick but Kennedy moved. Mr. Kennedy went up to the top turn buckle
to hit the Kenton bomb for the win.

WINNER:Mr. Kenedy

Hardcore Match:Marcus Cor Von vs The Great Khali

Finish:Marcus Cor Von hit The Great Khali with several chair shots to the head then Cor Von hit the Alpha Slam on the
Great Khali. The Great Khali got up and Cor Von hit the Pounce for the win

WINNER: Marcus Cor Von

IWF Championship #1 Contender Match:Lashley vs Goldberg vs JBL

Finish:JBL hit the clothesline from hell on Lashley.JBL turn around into a spear from Golberg
and Goldberg picked JBL up to hit the Jackhammer for the pin

WINNER & IWF Championship #1 Contender: Goldberg

IWF Championship:Hulk Hogan vs John Cena vs Chris Jericho

Finish:Chris Jericho had the walls of jericho on Cena but Hogan big boot Jericho then Hogan hit the atomic Leg Drop on Cena.Jericho attack Hogan from behind and Jericho does the flashback on Hogan.Jericho goes for the lionsault then the Walls of Jericho.
Hogan taps out to the Walls of Jericho


[ps:first time i done this,i know it might not be good but i try]

TheOneBigWill: ACW Deadly Games - Part One
A.C.W. presents: "Deadly Games" Part One

1. Texas Death Match: Ric Flair v. Dustin Rhodes
Dustin Rhodes feels screwed by Mr. McMahon, after attempting to debut him as Goldust. After Rhodes went off on the history of his Family, Ric Flair decided to find out if the Grandson of a Plumber, & the son of the American Dream can live up to what his Father was capable of.. against the Dirtiest Player in the Game. Its Flair v. the second Generation, will it be as great as the Flair/Dusty feud?

Match Ending: Flair is a bloody mess, as he locks in the figure four on Dustin. The official asks Rhodes if he wants to quit. Rhodes yells no, as he fights to get to the ropes. Rhodes grabs the ropes, as the official states he can't break due to the match stipulation. Rhodes pulls himself, along with Flair under the bottom ropes & to the floor, breaking the hold. Flair gets to his feet, as Rhodes can't even stand, clutching his knee.

Flair yells at Rhodes, something about "time to learn respect!" Flair reaches under the ring & grabs a lead pipe, as he struts toward Rhodes, who is crawling away, Flair quickly steps on Rhodes' foot, stopping him from crawling. Flair raises the pipe in the air, as Rhodes throws salt/sand from underneath the ring into Flair's eyes. Flair instantly drops the pipe, & falls to the ground, holding his eyes.

Rhodes gets up, grabs the pipe & takes a violent swing at Flair's head, knocking him out. As Rhodes covers Flair, the official slides out of the ring to count. 1.................................................. 2.................................... Flair somehow manages to get a shoulder up. Rhodes grabs Flair's bloody hair, as he pulls him up & shoves him back into the ring. Rhodes slides into the ring, as he pulls Flair up, Rhodes picks up the pipe that he sat on the apron, only to swing at Flair, who ducks down & grabs Rhodes' crotch. Rhodes drops the pipe, as Flair low blow's Rhodes 3 consecutive times. Flair gets to his feet, dances around, then picks the ring bell up, that'd been laying in the ring.
Flair swings at Rhodes, who ducks outta the way. Flair turns as Rhodes delivers a kick straight to the crotch of Flair, Flair drops the ring bell, as Rhodes goes to the turnbuckle, climbs up & delivers a 2nd turnbuckle bulldog to Flair, who's face comes down directly on the ring bell. Rhodes rolls Flair over, & makes the cover. 1............................................................ 2..................................................... 3!!!!

2. #1. Contender's Match: Shawn Michaels v. Kane
Both men fell just short of becoming options for the World Heavyweight Tournament. Each with their own opinion, they have decided to find out who should be considered the Number One contender for a shot at the first-ever World Champion.

Match Ending: Kane is down on the mat, as H.B.K. signals for the match to be over with some Sweet Chin Music. Kane sits up, as he quickly gets to his feet, only to turn as H.B.K. attempts a Superkick that is quickly blocked. Kane spins Michaels around, as he grabs him by the throat & delivers a monsterous Chokeslam!!! Kane covers H.B.K. 1.................................................. 2............................... H.B.K. kicks out, as Kane can't believe it. Kane signals for another Chokeslam, as Michaels gets to his feet. Kane quickly grabs him by the throat & lifts once more. This time, Michaels counters into a DDT, as both men lay on the mat.

H.B.K. suddenly gets his second wind, as he nips up, only for Kane to sit up almost instantly following that. H.B.K. runs at Kane, who attempts a clothesline that H.B.K. ducks, continuing to run the ropes.. Kane attempts another clothesline, once again, Michaels ducking out of the way. As Kane turns around, he's met by a flying forearm by H.B.K. who as soon as he hits the mat, nips back up again.

Kane attempts to sit up, but can't quite do it, as he falls back down. H.B.K. goes to the top, only to leap off & deliver his elbow drop. H.B.K., instead of going for a cover signals for another attempt with some Sweet Chin Music. Kane slowly gets up, as Michaels attempts another Superkick.. Kane ducks, Michaels turns, Kane attempts a clothesline, Michaels ducks, Kane turns, Michaels delivers a Superkick right on the mouth, as Kane & Michaels both fall.. with H.B.K. on top of Kane.. cover, 1............................................. 2.......................................... 3!!!! Shawn Michaels wins the match & becomes the number one contender, for whomever wins the Championship!

3. Grudge Match: The Big Show v. Lex Luger
Once upon a time, these two were former Tag Team Champions. But that isn't how Lex Luger seen it on his debut, when he cost Big Show a chance to become the World Champion. Now, these two will fight in a grudge match to prove which was the better of the team.

Match Ending: Big Show has had his way with Lex almost the entire match, as he whips him into the ropes, Luger bounces off & back into Big Show's boot. Show calls for the match to end, as he raises his hand signaling for the Show-Stopper. Show clutches Luger around the neck & lifts him up off the ground. Luger, with all he has punches Show a few times to get the grip released. Luger bounces off the ropes, as he attempts a clothesline that barely knocks the Big Show back. Luger again tries it, as it has the same effect, barely anything. Luger tries a 3rd time, as Show attempts a clothesline, Luger ducks underneath & bounces off the far side ropes, as Show turns around, Luger soars through the air & takes the Big Show off his feet with a flying forearm.

Luger leaps up, as he motions for the Torture Rack! Show is slowly getting to his feet, as Luger attempts to pick the Giant up. Show elbows Luger in the jaw, which not only stops the lift attempt, but causes Luger to stumble backwards into the near corner. Show rushes at Luger, who moves outta the way causing Show to leap at the turnbuckle, planting himself a-top it. Luger gets underneath the proun Giant, as he uses Show being leveled by the top ropes to his advantage, lifting him up into the Torture Rack. Show yells & motions to stop the match, as he submits in pain!! Lex Luger wins!!

4. #1. Contender's/contract at the top: Tag Team Ladder Match: The Dudley Boyz v. John Morrison & Kenny Dykstra
If theres one thing A.C.W. isn't short on, its Tag Teams. After Joey Mercury failed a talent test. (proving he has none) John Morrison asked for Dykstra to replace him. The Dudleyz have proven themselves in Ladder matches, but Morrison & Dykstra are looking to make a name for themselves against one of the best Tag Teams in wrestling history.

Match Ending: Earlier in the match there were several high spots, including the Dudleyz doing the "Wasssupp" off the top of a ladder to Dykstra. Morrison hitting his finisher off two ladders on Bubba Ray. Morrison & Dykstra hitting a leg drop/body splash combo on both Dudleyz, through 4 tables.. & thats where we pick it up, all four men down, but slowly getting back up & to the ring.

Dykstra slides into the ring, as he slowly starts to climb the ladder set up in the ring. Bubba Ray slides in behind him, as Morrison & D-Von are still barely moving. Bubba sets up a ladder next to Dykstra's, only to climb up behind him & hit the Bubba Bomb off the ladder!!! Morrison climbs into the ring, as he goes right past both Bubba & Kenny, positioning a ladder & climbing up himself.

D-Von slides in & positions another ladder, similar to how Bubba did with Dkystra. D-Von climbs up behind Morrison, as Bubba then gets to his feet, kicking Kenny out of the ring, then proceeds to set up a ladder beside D-Von's. (3 ladder side-by-side) Bubba climbs up, as Morrison attempts punching D-Von, only for D-Von to counter into a top of the ladder, 3-D ON MORRISON!!!!! The crowd goes insane, as all 3 men are down, but the ladder's remain standing.

Suddenly, as everyone assumes noone will get up soon, Dykstra is up on the apron. D-Von & Bubba attempt rushing at him, but Dyksta spring-boards up onto the ropes & over both Dudleyz, onto the ladder. As both Dudleyz fall to the floor, Dykstra climbs as quickly as his broken body can get him to the top, grabbing the contract/clip-board & winning himself & Morrison the match!!!

Part Two
A.C.W. presents: "Deadly Games" Part Two

5. 6 Man Anything Goes Tag Team Elimination: Sid Vicious & America's Most Wanted v. Vader & the Impact Players --------- (If Sid's team wins, he gets 5 minutes in the ring, alone, with Mr. McMahon)

Background: After Sid turned against Mr. McMahon, its been nothing but chaos, as McMahon brought in Vader & the Impact Players to reform the Corp. & make Sid's life a living hell. Added on to the fact that he then traded Rob Van Dam & Sabu away, leaving Sid with no option.. that is until America's Most Wanted came over, off the same trade & sided with Sid. - The final decision by the Board of Directors has determined that if Sid's team wins, Mr. McMahon will have to face the monster he created, in Sid Vicious.

Match Ending: Lance Storm, Justin Credible, & Chris Harris have been eliminated. The remaining superstars are Sid Vicious, James Storm against Vader... Sid & Vader are going at it in the ring, as Mr. McMahon is yelling at Vader to not fail him. Vader whips Sid to the ropes, Sid reverses Vader into the ropes, as Vader bounces off he goes for a clothesline. Sid ducks the clothesline, as Vader turns around, Sid grabs him by the throw & lifts him up, only to slam him back down with the Chokeslam! Mr. McMahon jumps up onto the apron, as the official turns his attention away from Sid's cover on Vader to get McMahon down.

James Storm leaps down off the apron, as he picks up his beer bottle & yells for Sid to lift Vader up. Sid shakes his head no, as he continues yelling for the official to turn & make the count. Storm slides into the ring, then suddenly smashes the beer bottle over SID'S HEAD?!?!?! Storm drags Sid to the corner, as he then slides out of the ring & throws his arms toward the ring. Vader slowly gets up, as he sees Sid laid out. McMahon gets down, as Vader climbs the turnbuckle & delivers a Vader Bomb. The official counts. 1.................... 2.......................... 3!! Sid has been eliminated, thus leaving Vader v. James Storm, who has walked out of the match & to the back. The official has no choice but to call for the bell, as he raises Vader's hand. Sid is left in a puddle of blood, from the shattered beer bottle.

6. Deadly Games Tournament: Semi-Finals: Chris Benoit v. Batista
Selected as two of the four best athletes on the roster, available. After this match, one will get the ultimate chance to become the first World Champion for A.C.W.

Match Ending: Batista hits the spinebuster, as he hops back up & signals for the match to end. Suddenly, Chris Harris of A.M.W. rushes out & jumps up on the apron to get the officials attention. Batista ignores Harris & sets Benoit up for the 'Batista-Bomb.' James Storm jumps the guardrail on the opposite side of the ring, slides in behind Batista & blasts him in the back of the head with a beer bottle. Batista falls backwards, with Benoit falling down across him for the cover. Storm quickly exits the ring, as he ducks down below the apron. Harris jumps off the apron as well, as the official turns to make the count. 1.......................................... 2....................................... 3!! Chris Benoit advances to the finals, as A.M.W. enter the ring & help Benoit out?!

7. A.C.W. World Heavyweight Championship Tournament:
Deadly Games Tournament: Semi-Finals: Triple H. v. Scott Steiner
Scott Steiner defeated the Big Show, with Lex Luger's debut in A.C.W. to find his way into the Final Four of the Superstars who'll compete for the A.C.W. World Heavyweight Championship.

Match Ending: Ref. is out. Steiner sets Triple H. up for a top rope Frankensteiner, Triple H. low blows Steiner, who falls outside the ring, to the ground. Triple H. rolls out of the ring, as he starts looking under the ring, only to pull out his trademark sledgehammer. The crowd goes crazy, as Steiner backs away, holding his hand up toward The Game. Triple H. raises the hammer, as Steiner quickly kicks Triple H. in the crotch, causing him to not only drop the hammer, but fall to the ground himself in tremendous pain.
Steiner rolls Triple H. back in the ring, then grabs the hammer & slides in behind him. Steiner locks in the 'Steiner-Recliner' with the sledgehammer placed below Triple H's throat, choking him extra hard. The official begins to stir, as Steiner quickly tosses the hammer outside the ring, then goes for a cover. The official slowly slides over to make the count.. 1................................................... 2...............................................

Triple H. with all he had left kicks out, barely. Steiner can't believe it, as he goes to lock in the Recliner again, this time, Triple H. counters by tripping Steiner up. As both men get to their feet, Steiner goes for a punch, but its countered & Triple H. sends a punch back. Steiner charges for a clothesline, but Triple H. ducks. As Steiner turns, Triple H. kicks Steiner & nails him with the 'Pedigree!' The count.. 1.................................... 2................................... 3!!! Triple H. advances to the finals.

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!

More coming soon. Don't vote yet!
Mrs. Sam: NAICW Origins
North American Independent Championship Wrestling


Fireworks explode in the Staples Centre as the beginning of Origins is signalled. The camera goes over to the two commentators, Mike Tenay and his broadcast partner, NAICW General Manager and owner, Paul Heyman. Both look excited at the prospect of the history that will soon be made this very evening.

Mike Tenay:
“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to NAICW Origins, the first of what will surely be many of fantastic monthly Pay-Per-Views. Paul, if there’s one thing I believe in, it’s “start as you mean to go on”.

Paul Heyman:
“You got that right, “Professor”. Tonight we will have everything you could possibly want in a Pay-Per-View. But firstly, we have NAICW’s first ever Pay-Per-View match - a man many claim to be the best pure wrestler in the world, Bryan Danielson, takes on the returning “World’s Most Dangerous Man” Ken Shamrock in Round One of the tournament to name the NAICW World Heavyweight Champion. Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy!”

Match 1:
World Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 1

Bryan Danielson vs. Ken Shamrock

These two took each other to the absolute limit in what would soon prove to be a classic. Their similar, yet strangely different styles surprisingly worked well together to create a hard-fought, back-and-forth match. Danielson was able to shake off many of Shamrock’s hard strikes, and managed to turn the match into a mat-based contest, where, naturally, he dominated. Shamrock, however, managed to keep in it with a few shocking reversals. Currently, he has Danielson in the Ankle Lock, one of his signature manoeuvres. Danielson is trying to conceal the extreme pain he is being subjected too, but cannot merely just grin and bear it as he roars with pain. He manages push up with his own body weight, forcing Shamrock to his feet, before rolling under himself, sending Shamrock into the turnbuckle. The American Dragon stalks behind his stumbling prey on just one functional leg, before throwing whatever force he has left behind a vicious German Suplex, halting in a pin with a bridge. Shamrock’s body is completely limp, and it appears as if he is completely unconscious from the brutal punishment his head has received in this match. Because of this, he is unable to kick out, leading to a sweat-drenched Danielson standing over him, the crowd humming along to the victorious notes of “The Final Countdown”.

Bryan Danielson wins via pinfall and proceeds onto Round 2 at NAICW’s second PPV, Best Of The Best.

Match 2:
World Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 2

Mike Awesome vs. Homicide

Many may have thought that the relatively small Homicide would have trouble keeping in this one, that he may be tossed around by the larger, more powerful, more ferocious Awesome. This wasn’t the case as Homicide used his high-flying and mat-based skills to keep his opponent’s power in check. In fact, he even managed to successfully bust Awesome open after an incredible number of collisions with the ring post, but had the same done to him. As the match begins to come to an end, both wrestlers are stumbling to their feet, both looking at each other in “How are you still standing!?” amazement. Homicide uses his superior speed to rush over to Awesome and attempt to keep him down with a number of straight strikes, which the referee rightfully warns him about. Out of nowhere, Awesome hits Homicide with a thunderous clothesline before making his way to the outside and bringing in the steel steps. He gets Homicide in position and signals for the Awesome bomb, which the referee tries to dissuade, warning that it will end in a disqualification. It matters not, however, as Awesome is suddenly subject to a low blow. Amazingly, Homicide hooks his opponent up in the Gringo Killah, and slams him down on the steel steps. Awesome drops like a fly and remains motionless on the canvas as Homicide celebrates a supposed victory. The referee frantically calls for the bell as paramedics begin to come to Awesome’s aid.

Mike Awesome wins via disqualification and proceeds onto Round 2.

Match 3:
World Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 3

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kurt Angle

A fairly by-the-numbers crowd pleaser, featuring much back and forth action, but with Angle impressing overall. Surprisingly, it has been Jarrett using the good majority of underhand tactics, something that both wrestlers are specialised in. Angle has pleased the crowd mostly with his technical skills and one incident involving sixteen German suplexes in a row, although Jarrett has pulled out a fair few surprised, not all of them being illegal. As we join them Jarrett is in the centere of the ring screaming for his life as Angle applies the ankle lock. For the second time during the night, however, he manages to roll underneath his own body, sending Angle into the corner before stumbling backwards looking dumbfounded. Jarrett grabs him and looks to hit the stroke, but Angle slide out of backwards and hit’s a successful Angle slam, proceeding a well-deserved three count. After the match, both wrestlers shake hands and hug, celebrating the great show they’ve just put on. The forever untrustworthy Jarrett, however, has a surprise for the Olympic Hero in the form of a guitar, and ultimately leaves the supposed “victor” in a pile of splintered wood.

Kurt Angle wins via pinfall and proceeds onto Round 2.

Match 4:
Last Man Standing

Nigel McGuinness vs. Abyss

A surprisingly well-worked match, with a good mixture of pure and hardcore wrestling. McGuinness took much of the punishment in this match, but refused to stay down and often gave Abyss back what he’d dished out. Drawing to the end, McGuinness has the monster on the back foot, bouncing backwards and forwards from the ropes, attempting to take his opponent down with lariats. So far, despite being bloodied and battered, Abyss’ sheer sense of will hasn’t allowed him to drop to the floor. He has, however, backed up so he is just in front of a pile of glass and tacks as McGuinness charges forward with a powerful lariat waiting. Suddenly, Abyss catches him in a Black Hole slam, but McGuinness, instead if being slammed into the mixture, manages to land on his feet and low blows the monster before grabbing a nearby chair and handing it to him. Thinking little about his own wellbeing, he runs forward and meets the chair with a head butt, sending Abyss into the tacks and glass, but Nigel onto the clear canvas beside him. The referee begins to count. As the count approaches 9, both begin to stir. Abyss is not up as the count hits ten, but McGuinness has managed to roll to the outside and stay on his feet for the second necessary before collapsing, exhausted.

Nigel McGuinness wins and will receive a “special reward” from Paul Heyman for his efforts.

Match 5:
World Title Tournament
Round 1, Match 4

The Rock vs. The Undertaker

This match of epic, legendary proportions received a standing ovation nearly throughout, and deservedly so. For what it lacked in scientific wrestling, it made up for in dramatics and ring psychology. Despite having it all on the line, and hitting their opponent with all they had, both treated each other with respect and played along with the rules, much to the crowd’s joy. The crowd is wired more than ever as Taker looks to choke slam Rock, but the latter elbows his way out of it and bounces against the ropes, only to be twisted into position for a tombstone piledriver. The Rock reverses it and hits a tombstone of his own, before signaling for the people’s elbow. Just before delivery, the Undertaker sits up, but Rock kicks him back down and delivers the elbow. Amazingly, it’s only good for the longest two in history. The Rock raises Taker to his feet but is caught by the throat and tossed to the floor with a vicious choke slam. The Undertaker puts the Rock in pinning position, but again it is only good for a long two. Taker raises Rock his feet, as the announcer announces there is “one minute remaining”. Taker begins to strike at The Rock, but the Rock hooks and delivers the rock bottom out of nowhere. “One… two… thr--” Taker kicks out! Rock pulls him to his feet but receives a sudden kick to the gut. The Undertaker uses all he has left to deliver a devastating last ride. “One… two…” “The time limit has expired! As a result, both competitors advance into the next round.”

Draw via time-out, both proceed onto Round 2.

Match 6:
Tag Team Title Match

The British Bulldogs vs. AJ Styles & Austin Aries vs. Harlem Heat

A crowded match, to say the least. Each team used their unique kind of athleticism to gain the upper hand at one time or another. Styles and Aries’ inexperience as a team cost them at times, but their natural skill and competitiveness helped them to keep their heads above water. Harlem Heat foolishly focused most of their time on the Bulldogs, and were held off by their stubbornness and unwillingness to give in, leaving themselves susceptible to the high-impact, speed-based moves of this match’s “odd couple”. Currently, Davey Boy Smith has his hands full with both members of Harlem Heat on the outside as Austin Aries is behind a recovering AJ Styles and the Dynamite Kid prepares to launch an airborne attack against Booker and Stevie. Aries tries to lift AJ to his feet but clearly he has surprised his partner as he soon plays victim to a pele kick. Styles holds his head in regret but manages to think quickly, taking down the Kid on the corner and flinging himself over the ropes with a shooting Styles press, taking out three quarters of his opponents in one movement. Despite thinking things through quickly, it appears he didn’t think them through very well, as Billington is suddenly on his feet, delivering a flying head butt. The Brit covers for the three, and the two defeated teams stumble off, arguing with each other, as The British Bulldogs celebrate their victory in the ring.

The British Bulldogs win via pinfall and become the first ever NAICW Heavyweight Tag Team Champions.

Match 7:
Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match

Edge vs. Christian Cage

In this match, the opponents, despite being brothers and former tag team partners, showed each other absolutely no respect. Then again, this is a TLC match, where you are expected to take every advantage available, it’s sink or swim. Amazingly, both have managed to get up from ladder and chair strikes, and being put through tables in order to prevent from winning the briefcase (which contains a mystery prize) at the top of the ladder. The debris surrounding the ring as the two climb separate ladders is truly astounding. Both are dripping with sweat, blood and - quite probably - tears of anger and frustration. Finally, they make it the top of their respective ladder and begin striking each other. Christian manages to subdue Edge momentarily by slamming his already battered head on the top of his ladder, but is still prevented from winning the match by his brother. The two shove each other ladders aside, but both manage to keep their balance on the ropes, pushing themselves back upright. Christian, however, has grabbed a steel chair that was tangled in the ropes and, as the rises, he manages to catch Edge’s head between it and the ladder. Edge loses balance and topples over the ropes and onto a ladder topping a wooden table, which collapses immediately. Cage grabs the briefcase and is victorious. After the match, the brothers are seen helping each other to the back, seemingly having earned mutual respect.

Christian Cage wins by capturing the briefcase and is entitled to the mystery prize inside it.

Main Event:
Pure Title, 60 Minute Ultimate Submission Match

Taz vs. Low Ki

These two warriors showed no mercy in this match, doing all they could to cause the utmost damage on their opponents. Low Ki managed to avoid the tazmission for a while, but was still battered by the wide array of suplexes Taz had up his sleeves, or lack thereof. Not that Low Ki was dominated, far from it, he had given as much as he had taken, perhaps more so, and Taz’s toughness had definitely been seriously dented by Ki’s wide array of kicks and strikes. Ultimately, he had failed to do what he did best, keep his opponent grounded, and he was punished heavily for it. Finally, as the clock begins to tick down to sixty minutes and neither man has scored any points, Taz locks in the tazmission. Ki begins screaming, but refuses to tap for a number of minutes, despite being almost completely spent. He manages to continually head butt Taz with the back of his head, sending him stumbling backwards. Using his incredible athleticism, he climbs ontop of Taz and locks in the head scissors arm bar. Despite being in clearly excruciating pain, Taz remains standing. It is almost two minutes before he falls to his knees, and it appears as if he is about to black out. With one final rush of energy he manages to toss Low Ki off an over the ropes, slowly following him to the outside. The two exchange strikes on the outside, but Low Ki sends Taz to the floor with a rolling kick, before climbing the the top rope back on the inside. To everyone’s amazement, he shoots off at Taz with an incredible phoenix splash. Several moments later, Ki slides Taz into the ring and begins to deliver chop after chop after chop in the corner, before setting Taz up on the top of the ring post. He backs into the other corner before cart wheeling into the corner and delivering a high kick. The human suplex machine drops and lands awkwardly on his head. The referee runs over and checks on him, before calling for the bell. Quickly, he speaks to the announcer, who declares, “as a result of knock out, the winner, and new NAICW Pure Champion, LOW! KIII!”. Low Ki celebrates with the belt as everyone in the arena, including Paul Heyman and Mike Tenay, get to their feet and applaud.

Low Ki wins via knock out and becomes the first ever NAICW Pure Champion.


Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!

The Whole Fuckin Show: EWA - Part One
Part 1

Ewa Promo Airs
“let The Bodies Hit The Floor” Plays As A Collection Of All The Major Events Leading Up To Tonights Matches And The Elimination Chamber Are Displayed.
The Final Message Is This:
Mayhem. Bedlam. Chaos.

Insane Pyro. Sold Out Arena At Madison Square Garden Roars

First Match
#1 Contenders Match
The Legion Of Doom Vs The Murder City Machine Guns

Background- Winner Gets A Shot At The Ewa World Tag Team Titles. The L.o.d. Want Their Chance At The Outsiders In The Ring With The Gold On The Line But Will Have To Get Thru The Mcmg First.

Summary- Very Entertaining Leadoff Match. Surprisingly Even With The Mcmg Using Their Agility And Finesse To Combat The L.o.d.’s Massive Power Advantage. Hawk And Sabin Are In The Ring. Hawk Has The Upper Hand Until Sabin Hits The Springboard Tornado Ddt Out Of Nowhere. Both Men Down In The Middle Of The Ring And Eventually Both Make Their Tags. Animal And Alex Shelly Are Now The Legal Men. This Is Where The Match Starts To Get Out Of Hand. All 4 Men Get Involved. Hawk Takes Sabin Over The Top Rope And Out With A Clothesline. Animal Hits Shelley With A Powerslam. Suddenly Scott Hall Is Seen Walking Down The Ramp. Hawk Gets A Glimpse Of This And Begins To Chase Hall. This Gets The Refs Attention As Well As Animals, Who Doesn’t See Kevin Nash Come From Behind Him And Catches A Jacknife Powerbomb. Alex Shelley Covers Animal And They Get The 3 For The Victory And The Title Shot. Sabin And Shelley Begin To Walk Away. Hall Hits Hawk With A Chair And Rolls Him Back Into The Ring. The Outsiders Begin To Stomp Away At The Lod And Look To Take Them Out Of Action For The Long Run. Just Then, Sabin And Shelley Look Back And Run Back Into The Ring To Save The Legion Of Doom, Putting Them Over With The Crowd.

Winners: Murder City Machine Guns

Second Match:
Carlito Vs Scott Hall
Hair Vs Hair Match

Background: Carlito And Scott Hall Have Been Fueding For Weeks Since Carlito Made His Debut As The Ewa's 11th Pick Overall And Last Week Emotions Boiled Over As Carlito Was Forced To Watch Hall Shave An Innocent Fans Head Bald In Front Of Him. Halls Message To Carlito: "your Next." Calitos Message To Hall. "what You Did To That Fan Was Not Cool. And What I Do To You At Chaos Wont Be Either."

Summary: Beginning Of The Match Sees Hall Spike His Toothpick Of Carlitos Chest, Only For Carlito To Respond By Taking A Bite Out Of His Apple And Returning The Favor All Over Scott Halls Face. The Brawl Begins. These 2 Tell A Good Story In The Ring. Very Even Through Out. Scott Hall Connects With A Fallaway Slam And Then A Neckbreaker. Carlito Battles Back To Avoid A Clothesline And Connect With A Hurricanrana. As Hall Staggers Back To His Feet Carlito Goes For The Backstabber But Hall Wisely Grabs The Ropes And Carlito Falls Hard Without Connecting. Hall Then Taunts Carlito, Grabbing His Hair And Screaming In His Face. Sets Him Up For The Outsiders Edge But Carlito Avoids It Falls Back And Rolls Scott Hall Up Into A Quick Pin, Hall Reverses The Pin And Pushes His Legs Off The Ropes For Extra Leverage To Get The 3 Nd The Win. Carlito Is Outraged And Refuses To Shave His Head Until He's Hit From Behind By Owen With A Chair. In A Familiar Scene, Carlito Is Locked Up In The Sharpshooter Once Again, Only This Time Its Scott Hall Shaving His Head Instead Of A Fans. After All The Damage Has Been Done, They Proceed To Beat Carlito Until Teddy Hart Runs In And Gives Everyone A Preview Of His And Owens Cage Match Later On Before Being Split Up By Various Refs And Suits.

Winner: Scott Hall

Third Match:
Brock Lesnar Vs Mr. Perfect
Ewa Tv Title Match

Background: This Match Was Made By Gm, Stephanie Mcmahon To Determine The First Ever Ewa Tv Title Champion. Mr Perfect And Raven Cost Lesnar And Mick Foley A Chance To Win The Tag Titles 6 Days Earlier On Carnage To Add To The Drama.

Summary: Excellent Match. These 2 Bring The Best Out Of Each Other. Perfect Hits A German Suplex, Lesnar Responds With A Thunderous Overhead Belly To Belly Suplex. Perfect Hits A Superplex Off The Top Rop. Lesnar Kicks Out. Lesnar Hits A Spinebuster, Perfect Kicks Out. These Two Are Worn Down. The Fans Are On Their Feet As This Match Nears Its Conclusion. Perfect Hits The Perfect Plex For The 1................2...............lesnar Just Barely Kicks Out!!! Perfect Cant Believe It. What Else Can He Do. He Retreats From The Ring And Grabs The Tv Title. Attempts To Use It But Lesnar Ducks And Hits And F5 For The 1...2....3... Brock Lesnar The First Ever Ewa Tv Title Champ

Winner: Brock Lesnar, First Ever Ewa Tv Title Champion

Fourth Match:
Mick Foley Vs Raven
Battle Of The Hardcore Legends
Ewa Hardcore Title Match

Background: When Mick Foley Was Drafted To The Ewa Roster He Was Announced As The Hardcore Legend. This Angered Raven Who Then Challenged Foley To Find Out Who The Real King Of Hardcore Is. Anything Goes. No Rules. The 24/7 Rule Will Also Be In Effect Starting The Second A Champion Is Crowned.

Summary: This Match Has All Kinds Of Excitement. Raven And Foley Take Chair Shots, Garbage Cans To Their Skulls, Each Take Shots From A Barbedwire Bat. The Action Spills Into The Crowd. They Are Climing The Concrete Steps All The Way Up. Raven Hits Foley Head Off Of A Concrete Wall And Foley Is Immediatly Busted Wide Open. Somehow These Two Makes Their Way To The Roof Of Madison Square Garden!!!! They Are Brawling On The Roof!!! Foley Locks In The Mandible Claw But Raven Reverses It With A Ddt On The Cement Roof. Foley Kicks Out!!!!! This Bizarre Match Continues. Both Men Are A Bloody Mess. Foley Suplex's Raven Off Of The Roof Into A Garbage Dumpster. 1...2....3....foley Is The Ewa Hardcore Champion. Neither Man Is Moving. They Lie There Motionless.

Winner: Mick Foley Is The New Ewa Hardcore Champion

Part 2 Coming Soon

Part Two

Fifth Match
Teddy Hart Vs Owen Hart
Cage Match

Background: When Ted Was Drafted To The Ewa He Was Given The Choice To Either Side With His Uncle Owen And Join The Outsiders Or Support His Uncle Bret And Fight Against The Evil Faction. Teddy Went Face And Chose To Take Brets Side. Owen Was Irate And Immediatly Asked For A Cage Match With Ted Where Bret Couldnt Save Him From Getting His Ass Kicked. Stephanie Of Course Granted His Wish.

Summary: Exciting Match With A Lot Of High Spots. Owen Back Body Dropping Ted Into The Cage At Full Speed. Owen Hitting A Frankenstiener From The Top Of The Cage On Ted. A Battle At The Top Of The Cage Saw Ted Push Owen Off And Then Hit The Open Heart Surgery On A Fallen Owen Hart. The Pop From The Crowd Was Enormous. Owen Bangs Teds Head Off The Cage Siding A Few Times Until Hes Bleeding Nicely. Towards The End Of The Match Teddy Hits A Dungeon Bomb And A Heart Rate Back To Back And Manages To Climb To The Top Of The Cage One More Time. Owen Is Staggering And Can Barely Stand. Nows His Chance To Escape The Cage. Then Ted Does Something Thats Never Been Done Before. A Double Moonsault Off The Top Of The 20 Foot High Steel Cage. (2 Flips In The Air And Connects). Both Men Are Out. Ted Gets Up First And Being The Cocky Athlete He Is Begins To Take Bows From The Crowd As They Applaud His Efforts Uncontrolobly. But It Costs Him As Owen Low Blows Him And Rams His Head Into The Cage One More Time. Owen Goes Thru The Cage Door And Wins But He's Not Done. He Pulls Teds Leg Thru One Of The Cage Holes And Begins To Smash It With A Chair. Ted Appears To Be Writhing In Pain As Owen Walks Off, Arms Held High In Victory.

Winner: Owen Hart

Sixth Match:
Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs Sting

Background: This Entire Rivalry Started Wen Sting Made His Debut In The Ewa. He Saved Stone Cold From A Beating He Was Taking At The Hands Of The Outsiders And In Turn Stone Cold Showed His Appreciation By Stunning Sting And Issuing A Challenge. Challenge Accepted. The Best Wrestler In The 90's For The Wwf Vs The Best Wrestler In The 90's For The Wcw. Whose The Better Man?? We Find Out Tonight

Summary: Of Course The Crowd Was Split On This One With Lots Of Former Wwf And Wcw Fans In Attendance. Sting Hits A Stinger Splash, Stone Cold Hits The Lou Thesz Press With A Bunch Of Fists, Breaking The Paint On Stings Face. Stone Cold Goes For The Stunner Its Reversed Into A Scorpion Death Drop. 1.....2.......stone Cold Kicks Out!!!! The Battle Is Taken To The Outside. Sting Gets Thrown Into The Steel Steps. Sting Chokes Austin Wit The Cable Wires. Stone Cold Hits A Viscous Clothesline And Stings Head Bounces Off The Floor. Stone Cold Attempts An Irish Whip Into The Post But Sting Reverses It And Austins Head Is Busted Wide Open. Blood Is Everywhere. Fast Forward Back Into The Ring. Stone Cold Goes For A Piledriver But Its Reversed And Sting Pulls Austins Legs Out From Underneath Him. He Locks In The Scorpion Deathlock. Stone Cold Is Screaming In Agony And And The Blood Is Pouring Down His Face. (reminiscent Of Wm13) It Appears That Stone Cold Eventually Passes Out As He Lays There Motionless Just Inches From The Ropes. Just As The Ref Is About To Call The Match Austin Looks Up And With All The Strength He Has Left He Grabs The Bottom Rope And Sting Is Forced To Let Go. Sting Hits A Pair Of Dropkicks And Whips Stone Cold Into The Corner For Another Splash. Austin Moves And Sting Goes Crashing Into The Turnbuckle. Stone Cold Uses Everything He Has Left To Hit A Stunner On Sting As He Bounces Off The Turnbuckle And Gets The 1.......2...........3!!!!!!! For The Win. The Fans Go Crazy. Austin Celebrates With Some Brewskies In The Ring.

Main Event
First Blood Elimination Chamber Match
Ewa World Heavyweight Championship
Bret Hart Vs Shane Douglas Vs Kevin Nash Vs Macho Man Vs Rhyno Vs Gangrel

These 6 Men All Felt They Deserved To Be In The World Title Picture And Have A Spot In The Main Event For The First Ever Ppv In Ewa History. The Whole Fuckin Show Took All Of These Demands And Bottled Them Up Into One Match, An Elimination Chamber. With The Arrival Of Gangrel Leaving All Of His Competitors Covered In A Pool Of Blood, Show Had The Idea To Make This Match The First Ever First Blood Elimination Chamber Match. You Bleed You Lose. Its That Simple. Let The Chaos Begin.

Summary: The Chamber Is Initially Filled With All Sorts Of Weapons, As Requested By The Whole Fuckin Show. The First 2 Men In The Ring Are Bret Hart And The Macho Man. They Set The Tone For The Match As They Each Hit A Couple Of Big Moves On The Other Early On. They Repeatedly Try To Hit Each Other With Chairs, Pipes And Ringbells To Get An Elimination But Neither Is Able To Connect Thus Far. The Third Man In Is Gangrel Who Immediatly Goes After Macho, Leaving Bret Hart To Catch A Bit Of Breath, That Is Until The 4th Man, The Franchise Shane Douglas Enters, And They Go At It. The Fued Between Douglas And Hart Has Reaching A Boiling Point And They Both Want To Bust The Other One Open Without Mercy. Bret Hits A Neck Breaker On Douglas On The Steel Portion Of The Chamber Outsider The Ring. Macho Man Is Bangin Gangrels Head Off The Steel But To No Evail. Gangrel Grins At Macho Man And Bangs His Own Head Off The Steel And Then Hits Macho With A Viscous Clothesline. The 5th Man In Is Rhyno Who Immediatly Gores Macho Man Thru Kevin Nash's Chamber Door, Releasing Him Early. All Six Men Are Involved Now And No One Has Been Eliminated Yet. Gangrel Is Jacknkifed Thru A Table And Then Hit With An Elbow Off The Top By Macho Man Simultaneously. In One Of The Highest Spots In The Match. Rhyno Gores Bret Hart Thru An Entire Side Of The Chamber, Opening Up A Fraction Of The Chamber And Eventually Leading To The Wrestlers Spilling Out Into The Rest Of The Arena. Shane Douglas, Nash And Macho Man Are The Only 3 Left In The Ring As The Others Have Spilled Out. Nash And Saveage Both Have Chairs But As They Go To Swing At The Same Time Douglas Grabs Macho Mans Chair And Leaves Him To Get Smashed By A Chairshot From Nash. Machos Busted Open, First Elimination. Rhyno And Gangrel Fight Their Way Back Into The Ring As Bret Lies Outside Motionless. Rhyno Hits A Gore On Gangrel Thru Another One Of The Chamber Doors. Rhyno Turns And Looks To Land Another Gore On Shane Douglas But Douglas Manages To Move Out Of The Way And Smash Rhyno With The Chair He Stole From Macho Man While Rhyno Is Running At Full Speed For The Gore. Rhynos Bleeding. Second Elimination. With Just 4 Men Left Raven And Mick Foley Suddenly Are Seen Fighting There Way Down Towards Ringside. With The 24/7 Rule Involved As Far As The Hardcore Title Goes, Raven Wont Stop Until He Pins Foley And Takes The Belt Home. All 4 Men Are Back Inside The Chamber With Raven And Foley Fighting Outside. Kevin Nash Is Battering An Injured Gangrel. On The Other Side Bret Hart And Shane Douglas Continue To Go At It. Kevin Nash Throws Gangrel Into The Corner In Which He Has Left His Chaliss Filled With Blood. While The Refs Attention Is Elsewhere, Gangrel Takes A Sip From The Chaliss And Spits It All Over Nash's Face. Upon Seeing This, The Ref Declares Nash Eliminated, Thinking He Must Have Been Busted Open. Nash Is Irate. Jacknifes Gangrel And Leaves The Chamber. Foley And Raven Are Now On Top Of The Cell Battling. Gangrel Notices This And Ascends The Chamber Himself Getting Involved In Their Battle. Bret And Douglas Have The Entire Chamber To Themselves And Are Going To War. Raven Throws Foley Off The Chamber. Oh My Goodness. Raven And Gangrel Exchange Fists. Raven Picks Up A Steel Pipe That He Carried To The Ring With Him And Strikes Gangrel In The Back. Raven Climbs Down And Pins Foley. Raven Is The New Ewa Hardcore Champion. Medics Try To Attend To Foley But Raven Continues To Stomp Away. Hart Locks Douglas In The Sharpshooter. Stephanie Mcmahon And Owen Hart Make Their Way To The Ring. Gangrel Eventually Comes To And Begins To Climb Down The Chamber But When He Gets To The Bottom Raven Throws His New Hardcore Title On The Floor And Ddt's Gangrel Right Onto It, Busting Him Open. Gangrel Is Eliminated. The Last 2 Men Remaining Are Shane Douglas And Bret Hart. Owen Clotheslines Bret Off Of Douglas. Stephanie Tries To Get Douglas Back To His Feet And Hands Him A Chair. Owen Hart Is Wailing Away On Bret Hart, Trying To Break Him Open. Suddenly Teddy Hart Is Seen Limping Down To The Ring. The Damage That Owen Did To His Leg Is Evident. The Fans Are Going Crazy. Shane Douglas Cant Even Stand So Owen Grabs The Chair To Get The Job Done Himself. He Takes The Chair And Cocks Back But Just As He Is Ready To Swing Ted Grabs The Chair And Stands In Between Bret And Owen. Ted Pushes Owen Back And Just As Bret Gets To His Feet Ted Turns And Smashes Bret Over The Head With The Chair, Busting Him Wide Open. Betrayal. Suddenly Ted Can Walk Again. The Injury Wasnt Real. It Was All A Setup. Shane Douglas Is The New Ewa World Heavyweight Champion. Owen, Ted And Stephanie Celebrate Over A Fallen Bret Hart. Blood Is Everywhere. Weapons Are Scattered All Over. Irate Fans Screaming And Going Nuts. Tables Shattered. Chairs Smashed. Bodies Broken. Complete Chaos.

Winner: Shane Douglas, The First Ever Ewa World Heavyweight Champion

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
Koalamania: LWF Relentless - Part One

LWF Relentless

LWF UK Title No. 1 Contender’s Match: Charlie Haas vs. Shelton Benjamin

In a hard fought and surprisingly brutal match, Shelton Benjamin rips into Charlie Haas for the beating that he received on LWF Strike. Haas tries to come back, and ultimately takes advantage of a mistake by Benjamin. Shelton, anger taking control, attempts his famous jump from the ring floor to the top rope, but slips. His foot comes off the top rope, and he lands on the back of his head. Haas drags Benjamin backwards into the centre of the ring, and locks in the Haas of Pain! Shelton is forced to submit by the pain in the back of his neck.

Winner: Charlie Haas

After the match, Haas grabs Shelton, and throws him over the top rope. He rips the cover and monitors from the Spanish announce table, and hits a vicious piledriver on top of the table!


LWF Tag Title No. 1 Contender’s Match: 2nd City Saints vs. Briscoe Brothers

The match is purely a showing of amazing technical skill. There is a 20 minute time limit on the match. At 19:48, CM Punk locks in the Anaconda Vice on Jay Briscoe. Jay tries to pull himself towards the ropes. He can’t get there, and his hand hits the mat – just as the bell rings, and Lillian announces that the match’s time limit is up. Confusion reigns in the ring – did he tap, or is it a draw? The referee ultimately has to make a decision, and he says it’s a draw!



LWF UK Title Streetfight: Samoa Joe vs. Umaga vs. Super Crazy

Crazy is eliminated early on, as Umaga simply wrecks him, nearly caving his head in with a chair. Joe and Umaga battle ferociously, going through the crowd, back to the ring, smashing into the barrier, generally wrecking everything in sight. Eventually, they find themselves back in the ring. Umaga takes Joe down, and scoops up a steel chair. Joe stands, and Umaga smashes the chair into his skull! Umaga then heads out to the apron. He climbs to the top rope, looking for the big splash. He reaches the top rope – and Super Crazy hits him in the leg with a steel bar! Umaga falls sideways, and the front 3 rows of chairs fall over from the resulting shockwave. Crazy hops up to the top rope. Joe suddenly rolls to his feet, and grabs Crazy. He scoops him off the top rope, walks to the centre of the ring, and nails a devastating Muscle Buster onto a steel chair! Umaga slides back into the ring, somehow recovered. Joe is knocked down by a ferocious kick to the jaw. Umaga sets a table up in the corner, and places Joe seated against the table. He runs towards the table. Just as he turns to deliver the running ass-to-the-face move he does with frightening power, Joe slides out of the ring. Umaga crashes through the table! Joe slips back into the ring, and grabs Umaga. He then shows simply amazing strength by hitting the Coquina-Plex on Umaga! He covers Umaga, and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner and new UK Champion: Samoa Joe


Steel Cage Tag Team Title Match: The Hardyz vs. Triple X

The match is fast paced and upbeat. During the match, Jeff Hardy attempts to escape, but Daniels tries to pull him back. Jeff spins round on the top rope, sits in the corner of the cage, and kicks out at Daniels. Daniels dodges the kick, holds Jeff’s foot to prevent escape. Suddenly, Skipper makes it to the top of the cage, and stands. The crowd roars in anticipation. Skipper, happy with the wide girders on top of the 4-Sided cage, calmly walks towards Jeff. He goes for the Cagewalkrana, but Jeff hold him in position! Matt flies in with a clothesline, sending Daniels and himself down. Jeff stands on the top rope, and flies off, nailing a sit-out powerbomb from the top rope on Skipper! Skipper is completely laid out. Soon, they have Daniels knocked down. Jeff runs him into the side of the cage, and when he staggers backwards, Matt nails the twist of fate! Matt and Jeff start to climb out of opposite corners. Suddenly, they both stand on the top of the cage, turning to face the ring. Matt pulls the V.1 as Jeff shoots the Gunz, and they both jump, nailing the Event OMEGA! (In case you didn’t know, that’s their Leg Drop/Splash combination). Jeff, the splash half of the move, keeps the cover, and the 1-2-3!

Winners and new Tag Champs: The Hardyz

Part Two

Barbed Wire Massacre: Sabu vs. Terry Funk

Sabu is busted up quick in this match. Funk soon follows however, and before long both are bloody messes. Funk whips Sabu into the wire, which clings to the skin of Sabu. Funk pulls Sabu off the wire, and hoists him up over his head. He goes to drop Sabu gut-first across the top of the wire, but Sabu turns right around, landing on his feet on the floor. He scoops up a barb-wire chair, and throws it at Funk, smacking him right in the face! Funk falls backwards, the chair clinging to his face for a second before dropping. Sabu grabs a normal chair from under the ring, and throws it over the ropes. He hops up onto the apron, using gaps between the barbs of the ropes. He tests how tight the wire is, smiles, and drops back to the floor, before sliding under the wire. He sets up the chair, before laying the barb-wire one down on the floor. He places Funk face down on the wire. He turns his back, preparing for the jump ahead. Behind him, Funk rises to his feet with the barbed wire chair in hand. Sabu runs, jumps off the chair, onto the wire. He balances, and twists as he jumps. He flies forwards, right into a face full of barb-wire chair! Sabu drops, and as he falls, his skin hangs horrifically from the wire wrapped round the chair. Funk grabs Sabu, lifts him up, and piledrives him right onto the barb-wire chair! Funk covers Sabu and gets the three!

Winner: Terry Funk


No Disqualifications: Bam Bam Bigelow w/ Shane McMahon vs. Judas Mesias w/ James Mitchell

No part of the match resembles wrestling, as these two big guys slug it out. Bigelow gets the better part of the early match, but then loses control when he misses a big clothesline and tumbles over the top rope. Mesias grabs him and shoves him back under the ropes. Mesias doesn’t let Bigelow back to his feet, punishing him with stomps and kicks. Eventually, Bigelow fights him off and pulls himself up in the corner. He grabs Mesias and throws him back into the corner. He runs up, and splashes him in the corner! Mesias crumples to the floor. Bigelow drabs him into position, and climbs to the top rope! The crowd cheers in anticipation of the Bigelowsault. Suddenly, Mesias rolls backwards and stands. Shane yells to Bigelow. As it turns out, that was the worst possible decision he could have made, and could well be the last one he does make! Bigelow tries to stop himself, screws up and drops down onto his back on the canvas. Mesias drags him backwards, and grabs Bigelow’s legs. He turns him with difficulty, and latches in the La Patriota! Shane O’Mac scrambles into the ring, but Mesias lets go of the hold, grabs McMahon and spinebusters him right into the mat! He turns, and locks in the La Patriota again. Suddenly, Mitchell slips into the ring, and smashes his cane over the head of Mesias! Bigelow struggles to his feet, grabs Mesias, and hits him with Greetings from Asbury Park! Bigelow makes the cover, and gets the one two three!

Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow

New LWF General Manager: Shane McMahon

Mitchell laughs crazily, as he walks from the arena. The entire building is stunned – why did he screw his own guy, and lose himself a job?


LWF Championship Match: RVD vs. Randy Orton vs. Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka

The match is fast paced. Orton seems to be targeting Snuka, keeping with his Legend Killer persona. As we join the match, RVD is down from a DDT, and Snuka is ascending to the top rope. Suddenly, Orton jumps up onto the apron, and knocks Snuka flying into the ring. Snuka lands badly, coming down on the back of his head. Orton is straight into the ring, and he’s looking to set up for the RKO. Snuka rises shakily, and Orton jumps up as he turns. Snuka somehow finds the where-with-all to push Orton forwards – right into a kick to the jaw from RVD! Van Dam delivers a swift boot to the gut of Snuka, and tosses him between the ropes and out of the ring. He springs up to the top rope, and delivers the Five Star Frog Splash! He covers Orton, and gets the 1-2-3!

Winner and NEW Lightning Wrestling Federation Champion: Rob Van Dam

RVD celebrates with the belt. As he leaves the arena, Orton pulls himself to his feet. He looks enraged – and he jumps out of the ring. He grabs Snuka, and delivers a sick RKO on the floor! He turns Snuka over, and runs up, delivering the sick punt! Snuka’s eyes are glazed over. Orton has a freaky, sadistic look on his face as the show’s lights go down…

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
I voted for SHoW, cause I don't think its right to vote for ourselves. lol Thats just cheap.

Even though I enjoyed all the shows, I liked SHoW's a lot, especially with the First Blood Elimination Chamber & Shane Douglas winning. (Douglas has a nice history with starting a company in the right direction)
I voted for SHoW, cause I don't think its right to vote for ourselves. lol Thats just cheap.

Even though I enjoyed all the shows, I liked SHoW's a lot, especially with the First Blood Elimination Chamber & Shane Douglas winning. (Douglas has a nice history with starting a company in the right direction)
i voted for Mr(s). Sam i really liked his show w/the tournament he had
Hooray. No votes. Go me.

At least this proves I didn't vote for myself. I went for Mrs. Sam. His show was just fantastic.
I seriously have to admit. I was curious on how many votes Mr(s.) Sam would get off a card filled with indy stars & legends. But I'm pleasantly shocked, it looks like Mr(s.) Sam will run away with this.

Congrats (early) to Mr(s.) Sam!
I was shocked that at one point I was tied w/Mr(s) Sam and I wont be shocked if I end up last
So I can show off a bit more, here's some of what you can expect to "see" on the next Pay-Per-View if you vote for me.

Edge vs. Jeff Jarrett

World Title Tournament
Match 1, Round 2

Mike Awesome vs. The Undertaker vs. The Rock

Pure Title No. 1 Contender
Taz vs. Homicide

Tag Team Title Cage Match
The British Bulldogs (C) vs. Harlem Heat

Pure Title Match
Nigel McGuinness vs. Low Ki (C)

Main Event
World Title Tournament
Match 2, Round 2

Kurt Angle vs. Bryan Danielson​

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
Fine. I need votes (at least three) so here's what you can expect from LWF Corporal Punishment.

LWF UK Title Match
Samoa Joe vs. Charlie Haas

LWF Tag Team Championships
The Hardyz vs. 2nd City Saints vs. The Briscoe Brothers

The NEW! LWF Crusierweight Championship
Christopher Daniels vs. Super Crazy

LWF Title Hardcore Rules Match
Rob Van Dam vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Why did James Mitchell betray his son?

More still to come!!!
But... but... I gave you The British Bulldogs vs. Harlem Heat!! And Edge and Christian's future is still uncertain. I thought I had a good-ish tag division. The British Bulldogs for chrissake!

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!
So I can show off a bit more, here's some of what you can expect to "see" on the next Pay-Per-View if you vote for me.

Edge vs. Jeff Jarrett

World Title Tournament
Match 1, Round 2

Mike Awesome vs. The Undertaker vs. The Rock

Pure Title No. 1 Contender
Taz vs. Homicide

Tag Team Title Cage Match
The British Bulldogs (C) vs. Harlem Heat

Pure Title Match
Nigel McGuinness vs. Low Ki (C)

Main Event
World Title Tournament
Match 2, Round 2

Kurt Angle vs. Bryan Danielson​

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!

WOW! That's an amazing card, I would actually pay to see that. You definetly got my vote. Great job..can't wait to read about it.
Oh, oh I see.. now theres lobbying for votes by pushing future cards.. lol Okay, I gotta get in on this..

A.C.W. presents: The Quest

A.C.W. Heavyweight Championship Finals: Triple H. v. Ric Flair
Reason: Flair won the right after defeating Chris Benoit on an addition of Mayhem, find out how in the near future.

A.C.W. International Championship: Authentic Elimination: Chris Benoit v. Dustin Rhodes v. Kane v. Scott Steiner
Reason: Authentic Elimination is this: 2 men start, after 5 minutes, another enters from the back, after another 5 minutes, another enters.. once all 4 are wrestling, it turns into a fight to eliminate their opponents. When a wrestler is pinned or submits, he spends 2 minutes in the elimination box. The wrestler who made the pin/submission, is legal to climb the ladder & take down the Championship. (yes, its basically a ladder match, with KOTM/EC rules)

A.C.W. Tag Team Championships: Tag Team Turmoil: Impact Players v. America's Most Wanted v. Dudleyz v. Kenny Dykstra/John Morrison
Reason: Dykstra/Morrison are last to enter by winning their #1. Contender's match.

Grudge Match: Sid Vicious v. Vader
Reason: Sid Vicious still wants Mr. McMahon in the ring, McMahon says Sid will have to go through Vader.

#1. Contender's Match: Shawn Michaels v. Batista
Reason: H.B.K. is a fighting Champion, even without a Championship. He'll defend his contender's spot against the man who feels screwed from the semi-finals.

Rematch: Last Man Standing: Lex Luger v. The Big Show
Reason: Big Show wants revenge, it'll be a Last Man Standing contest.

Card Subject To Change!!!
But... but... I gave you The British Bulldogs vs. Harlem Heat!! And Edge and Christian's future is still uncertain. I thought I had a good-ish tag division. The British Bulldogs for chrissake!

Hot damn, I'm Mrs. Sam!!

Ha-ha! A victory over Mrs. Sam, go me, I rule and all that crap.

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