Poll: Better Technical Monster Taz or Brock Lesnar?

Better Technical Monster

  • Taz

  • Brock Lesnar

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Hey, moderators? I reposted this cuz I fucked up and forgot to create the poll, I'd appreciate it if you'd delete the other one. I didn't know where to put this so I put this here since Brock wrestled for WWE and WWE owns all of the catalogue with Taz as a wrestler. Here's the debate that I pose to you, who played the gimmick of a technical monster better, Taz or Brock Lesnar? In ECW, Taz had only one real rival and that was Sabu, you can count Bam Bam Bigelow as a rival if you want but I tend to think that his only rival was the Homicidal, Suicidal, Genocidal, Death Defying One. I believe that was probably due to the fact that Sabu was probably the only one crazy enough to fuck with him, I don't believe Taz ever even had a run in with Raven. Taz was known for just choking people out and slamming them so hard that he actually folded them up, his throws were so unique that the opponents actually landed on their heads. The last thing to mention is that Taz was actually a martial artist and proficient in judo. On the other side, Brock Lesnar was able to out muscle the bigger guys like Taker and The Big Show as well as keep up with smaller guys like Mysterio and match the technique of guys Kurt Angle. Just like Taz, his one real rival, Kurt Angle, was one of the baddest mofos in the company(even if you count Taker and The Big Show) and, like Taz, Lesnar is was an actual martial artist at the time being a NCAA Champion even before MMA. They also both had great managers that let them both be quiet bad asses but Taz was more of the "walk lightly and carry a big stick" bad ass while Brock had the "quiet seething" aura about him.
I would say overall I would have to pick Brock Lesner because he as ton's of moves he could do or put on you.

Where as Taz was just known as the suplex machine. That was his specialty but otherwise I don't think overall he was better than Brock Lesnar
I would have to go with taz. Yes Brock is a beast but all he did was straight up wrestle. He had no character. Taz has a back ground in judo and wrestling and had one of the best characters in wrestling. Plus he created so many different types of suplexes. the only move Brock created was the f-5 witch if you think about it isnt that big of a move. Taz is the total package
I have to go with Brock. Taz only threw suplexes and slapped on the tazmission. I was never all that impressed with him while Brock on the other hand might be one of the greatest in ring performers of our time. Being an amateur wrestler at such a high level helped Brock wonders seeing as how he could roll around with Angle and Benoit and he was so big that he was a legit threat to Taker and show.
brock because of his wrestling backround and size. tazz is 5"8 and taz can only do so much do to his size
I definitely have to go with Lesnar. His style was way more technical than Taz's. Taz was a great technical wrestler in his day, but his style was more hardcore. Brock's background in amateur wrestling gives him the advantage over Taz in my opinion.
As much as I loved Taz in his prime, you have to say Brock Lesnar is better. He was huge in size, and yet so quick and agile. Much more agile than Taz. Both men were excellent technical wrestlers, but Lesnars amateur background gives him the edge in this in my opinion. Brock didnt need to use his amateur skills in most of hist matches, simply dominating opponents with his huge size, but he had them in the armoury for when they were needed- e.g. matches against Kurt Angle.

Taz was the master of the suplex, and very innovative, creating many varieties of the Tazz-plex, while the only move really originated by Lesnar was the F5, but come on, the F5 was one of the all time great finishing moves!

Simply as a combination of size, speed, techincal ability, power and just looking like an absolute monster, I am going with Brock Lesnar, although Taz was a beast too, and was criminally underused in the WWE
I think only one of those two actually classes as a 'Technical Monster': Brock. Tazz was about 5 ft 8 whereas Brock was a genuine meat headed monster.

Even if both men were actually the same size, I'd still go Brock, more of an all rounder in my opinion: could mat wrestle, had submission holds and could supposedly do a shooting star press, although I don't see much evidence of that!
Brock Lesnar. C'mon people, the guy has far too many legit qualifications not to come out on top in this particular discussion.

Factor in Brock Lesnar's sheer size and strength along with his background in amateur wrestling, then top it off with his accomplishments in that area and it's pretty obvious. Big Ten Conference champ in 1999 and 2000, NCAA Division II Runner-up in 1999, NCAA Division II Heavyweight Champion in 2000.

I never really saw much out of Taz beyond suplexes and the Tazmission.
I never really saw much out of Taz beyond suplexes and the Tazmission.

I think you're giving way too much credit to Lesnar and not nearly enough to Taz.

Lesnar has all those "qualifications" from amateur wrestling and what not ONLY because of brute strength. Lesnar relied on nothing but strength throughout his amateur wrestling career to accomplish what he did. And he was the same in pro wrestling. There was nothing "technical" about Lesnar. There was no 'technique' behind his belly-to-bellies and F5's. He could do those moves because he was super strong, bottom line.

With Taz, it was the complete opposite. He could pull off all those countless, innovative suplexes on bigger guys because of TECHNIQUE. It wasn't strength or anything else, it was technique. It was technique Taz learned from taking Judo, and the fact of the matter is, Judo has much more technicality behind it than amateur wrestling. In MMA Judo isn't as effective as wrestling, but regardless... it takes a lot more to learn a proper Judo throw than it does to learn a wrestling takedown.

So, yeah... I have to go with Taz here, since, you know, he was actually a technical wrestler; Lesnar definitely was not. Lesnar just threw people around because he was strong, whereas Taz used proper technique. Huge difference.
First of all this is pro wrestling not a real fight so wrestling backgrounds and all that mean nothing it's pro wrestling not amateur. What Taz was able to pull off at his size was incredible, and it was as much about his attitude and the way he carried himself as a badass. If Lesnar were similar in size to Taz he would've never been taken seriously.

Brock was an athletic freak one the most impressive I've ever seen(up there with early 90's Scott Steiner). He was great in his role, but Taz was a more complete worker. When you factor in Taz' awesome promos, gimmick, and matches I'll go with him but Brock was awesome as well just not the complete package with his character and promos imo.
This was hard to chose between. They both have many technical move to just break an opponent. I had to choose lesner just for the fact theat he had more moves to use.
My pick was easily Brock Lesnar. This huge monster storms to the ring and grabs any light person darting round and wraps their leg AROUND HIS HEAD WHILST STANDING!! He had the ability to look absolutely brutal and powerful whilst cutting some very technical moves (Lesnar shooting star press anyone? I can't tell you how much I wish he had hit it!).
I'll definitely go with Lesnar. Though he was considered a little careless about opponent's well being at times, he was leaps and bounds more technical than Taz.

They had a similar style as far as suplexes go. Lesnar is given credit for his power but I think people forget how technical he was. Taz's suplexes were really impressive, even more so given his size.

But Lesnar was so powerful that his moves would look effortless and would come off really smooth. He had a huge list of moves/suplexes/slams he could execute in a match. Usually they looked great and he could really smash a dude with his suplexes, leading right into an F-5.

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