'Polishing Turds' with Kurt Angle

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
If only that were a real television show, we'd all be in for a treat. I mean honestly... between that and 'Off the Hook: Extreme Catches' with Eric Young, what more could you want out of your broadcast entertainment options?

But seriously — I get that the title is kitschy, but that's sort of the point...

For weeks now we've seen Angle take the apathy-inducing Garett Bischoff and what seems to be the next Garett Bischoff in Wes Brisco under his wing, so to speak, often accompanying them to the ring like a coach, and frequently interacting with them backstage. When you factor in for all the internet rumors about both men (Garett and Wes, not Angle) being in Aces and Eights, it makes sense that this could all be a means to pull the wool over the eyes of Angle, the character, but it got me thinking — is there any way Angle could actually polish those turds into something people might actually tune in to see? I'm far from a standard to point to, but I do seem to remember Angle working quite well with Shelton Benjamin, who many (myself included) would consider to be one of these polished turds after all.

I personally don't think it's possible in the case of Garett, (though Wes still owns a shred of my hope), but I figured it might be worth the discussion, if for nothing else than to chalk up a historical record of what users here actually saw something in ol' Jackson James down the line.

Well if you're wanting to improve in the ring and become decent on the mic Kurt Angle's your guy.

He can teach younger guys how to work in the ring and give them advice for promos.

I mean I'm sure Angle could make Garett Bischoff into a competent wrestler such as a midcard/ tag team guy (I highly doubt Garett can get any better than that) As for Brisco I actually think Angle could turn him into a good upper midcard main event guy. I mean Triple H and Ric Flair turned Randy Orton into a good character from what he was (pretty boy with no stand out personality).

I could see it as a Tough Enough style program where Angle tells each guy what he's good at (or what he's least bad at) and works with each one on those particular areas and at the end we see if they've learnt anything.
Garret and wes I believe has potential so if tna will make them into ovw then they could polish the two guys up with douglas williams but I also believe that tna needs kurt angle to be a trainer once or twice a week on ovw so guys from ovw could really improve in condition,wrestling and mic skills
I could see Brisco getting advanced up the card. He's at least a prospect.

Garrett Bischoff on the other hand has one major flaw that Angle can't fix: he's Garrett Bischoff. At the end of the day, the fans are not interested in watching Garrett Bischoff wrestle. He has no skills, no talking ability, and no gimmick. He's just Garrett Bischoff who is there because of his daddy. If you don't remember that his name is Garrett Bischoff, look at his chest where he has a tattoo with the name emblazoned on his body. The fans have decided they're not interested in seeing him, but TNA keeps putting him on TV anyway and from all the clues we've been given, they're going to push him in Aces and 8's.

At the end of the day, there's no coach or mentor that can fix the fact that he's Garrett Bischoff. He either has to be taken off TV and completely repackaged with a hidden identity, or he needs to find a new line of work, because with that name and his history so far, he doesn't have much of a shot.
Is it possible? Sure. I don't see why it wouldn't be. Angle is someone that obviously knows what he's doing and any advice he has to give is certainly worth listening to.

At the end of the day though, there's only so much that Angle can do. Bischoff & Brisco are ultimately going to have to be the ones to run with the ball. If someone doesn't have that certain something, that "it factor" if you will, then all the coaching & advice in the world can't make up for that.

If they keep putting Angle with these two on a regular basis, they'll be over to some degree simply because of Angle's presence. Again though, that can only go so far in the long run.

Neither Bischoff or Brisco have been particularly impressive in my eyes thus far. Personally, I don't really see them gaining any benefit of ultimately being revealed to be part of Aces & Eights. The group is a crippled horse that TNA just hasn't seen fit to cart off to the glue factory. The booking of the faction has been weak as they only seem to be generally effective if there are half a dozen of them against one guy, since they lose pretty much every match they have. I just don't see those two getting much out of associating with Aces & Eights unless TNA suddenly starts booking the group to be strong after they join up, if they join up that is.

It's too early to tell but my initial reaction is that Wes Brisco & Garett Bischoff are not the future of TNA.
I don't think it is possible at all for any top star to groom Garrett Bischoff into anything. The guy totally sucks and cannot be taught. You either have an intangible factor about you or you don't. Take a guess which Garrett is....

I think Brisco has potential but is kind of sloppy in the ring. He definitely does not have that third generation vibe to him, as most guys with that lineage are a lot better in the ring. All of that being said, I think Angle is doing the best he can with what TNA is giving him to work with[not much]. Angle is the best in-ring technician that Impact Wrestling has. He should be contending for the World Title or at least be used as TNA's weekly attraction having long matches on TV. Maybe a reign as TV Champion? Then Kurt will have won every major TNA Title on the roster. TNA should send their talent to OVW for training and not sticking Angle in meaningless tags with Brisco & Bischoff. We all know that both will probably be revealed as part of Aces & 8s, and that will probably lead to teacher vs. students. Too cliché and overdone in wrestling. Once the two turn, I'd say stick them in the tag division and let Angle become a singles main eventer again. But this is TNA. We'll probably get more of the same.
I don't think I could personally get behind either of them, especially Bischoff... Why? Because whatever Garrett Bischoff does people will claim he got where he is due to his father running the company. Like Mark Madden stated, he would have been better off to be known as Garrett <something else> instead of Bischoff. I don't see a gifted worker, I don't see a gifted talker, and I don't see a gifted look.

Garrett Bischoff doesn't have the it factor what so freaken ever. He looks silly with track pants, he has no build and he has no redeeming features. I am 100% of the opinion that he is in TNA ONLY because his father is booking. I couldn't even see him in there if his father had nothing to do with the company and he came in as Garrett Bischoff or Garrett Brown for that matter.

Them joining Aces and Eights would be disasterous. They would bring down the group due to their lack of position with the company and no one really cares about them.

If say Sting joined Aces and Eights I would care but those two are the last people on the roster I'd want to see there. Heck Id rather see Earl Hebner in Aces and Eights as a heel referee. Atleast he could get some heat. He could do that pathetic slow count after he takes a bump on the faces just to screw them over and as soon as its a heel he fast counts or he could call for the bell similar to what he did to Bret Hart.

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