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Point of NXT Eliminations?

Ghost of Benoit

Dark Match Winner
I'm gonna get right down to the point. What was the point of the weekly "eliminations" in the season 1 NXT "contest" if they all ended up coming back and receiving WWE contracts? Where exactly is the "winner" will receive a contract idea enforced???

Is this gonna happen with all the season 2 participants as well?? Is the rookie who was "eliminated" last night gonna be back?

Your thoughts...
First of all... I don't know how Cottonwood was not in the bottom 2.

Titus had a very good send off and he grew on me a little after the speech..

Now to your reply

I don't see anyway they can call the whole NXT season two up like they did season one. Which IMO sucks because I feel so far Season two has the better group of characters.

But both shows are way to crowded for another 8 guys to get a spot on TV. Right now the Raw show seems crowded and the Nexus guys haven't even been involved in matches yet.

So I really don't see NXT 2 getting to stay after eliminated which will somewhat make no sense because what is stopping them from doing what the Nexus did?
I do find this post to bring about some good thoughts. I really can't see them letting ALL of the eliminated NXT season 2 rookies stay. I find the first season somewhat okay with what they're doing, but the Nexus can get old fast if they (creative) is not careful and keeps that as a crutch. Season 2 has some very good contenders, like McGillicutty. I personally would hate to see him go, I think he could be good for WWE, and so would probably Alex Riley. I'm still on the fence with Kaval, I'm afraid of it being another 'daniel bryan' internet darling thing, he could be good if used right.

That being said, why even bring up "The winner gets a contract with WWE" when you see all the nexus people from Season One having contracts? I know that the majority of them probably will end up as mainstays on one of the rosters. I think it should not be a Male Diva contest.

Somehow the eliminations seem to harken to American Idol proportions almost, where anyone can be a star now, no matter how trained, bad, good, amazing they are. Whether we want to see them perform or not, they will be in the squared circle it seems. Just my :twocents:
I'm going to say this should probably be in the NXT section to start with.

Now onto the topic here. That was just a storyline for the season 1 guys to go with and get them all on tv. Now I believe Season 2, the guys eliminated won't all end up on the main roster, but a few of them will in my opinion. Guys like Mr. Perfect's son and Percy Watson are ready for the main roster, so if they don't win the show, then I'm sure they will get the call up. I mean sure the guys from Season 2 could just go the same route as Season 1, but right now I can't see that happening. These guys all seem like they wouldn't be able to come together as a unit, let alone have a decisive leader of the group. I just don't see it happening, the eliminations in Season 2 will stick, and the guys eliminated will end up on the main roster at some point.
In 2 years time a lot of these NXT wrestlers will be irrelevant. Obviously Joe Hennig and Husky Harris will be around because they are mutli generation wrestlers and WWE likes to keep them around.

Fortunate Sons should be Ted Dibiase, Husky Harris, Mike McGuillicutty and Bret Dibiase

Some of them will go back 2 FCW I assume..

Or these Seasons of NXT can just be a surge of young blood in the WWE because they sure as hell can use it..They may keep all of them and just spread them out to Raw Smackdown and Superstars...
The point of the NXT season 1 eliminations was to give the eliminated rookies something to be bitter about; a catalyst for the formation of Nexus.

I highly doubt this will happen with the Season 2 rookies because it's already been done and it would just be redundant. They're might be 3 or 4 of the guys who may find they're way to the roster after this season ends, but I'm sure that whoever's eliminated this time around is going to stay eliminated.
I don't believe that the NXT Rookies of Season II will be given spots on the WWE roster as with the 1st Season. Quite frankly, there's just not enough room for them. The WWE already has about 60+ wrestlers signed to their roster, so they're not simply going to be able to use the same formula/storyline plans for the other NXT Seasons as they did for Season I.

The Season I Rookies are wrestlers that have either been on the indy scene for a long time, have worked out very well in Florida Championship Wrestling, have something special about them or some combination of any or all of the above. Overall, I don't think the NXT Rookies of Season II are as strong collectively. Eli Cottonwood, Titus O'Neil and Husky Harris are the three weakest Rookies of the season, it shows and the overall weakest one was sent home last night. Titus O'Neil was classy and very well spoken, but I don't think we'll be seeing him again anytime soon.
Firstly, the Season 1 guys are not going to be around forever. Once Nexus gets broken up, I'd say at least half will be gone immediately. I'd say they think the most of Sheffield, Barrett, and Gabriel because they all get to hit their finishers during the beatdowns, so I'd say they're the mostly likely to stay and have meaningful roles. The rest will probably become jobbers/be on Superstars, go back to FCW, or be released.

But back to the original question, the biggest thing for the winner isn't the guaranteed contract, but the guaranteed title shot at a PPV. But now that you bring it up, the whole eliminations thing could be done away with...they could just go through the whole season, and then in the last two weeks have a good old fashioned 8 man tournament to decide who gets the title shot...first round one week, and then the semis and final the next week.
I'm sure that the main reason the NXT season 1 winners were brought back was that it was painfully obvious who would win that season. This way, the characters can develop a bit more, and more stars could shine better than they did on NXT (Tarver, Sheffeld.) Now, NXT has struck creative gold with some of the gimmicks they have. I agree with one of my friends when he says, "It's Percy Watson's world. We're just living in it." Watson is my pick as far as gimmick-wise. McGuillicutty (I know I spelled that horribly) is great ring talent. However, Kaval is the complete deal. Very good on the mic, and his move set is not tired and worn out (i.e., Rey Mysterio.)
NXT is awesome and entertaining but I honestly think that they should stick to their word about only 1 getting a contract & title shot. You're right if they just give them all contracts it is pointless. NXT=great but the WWE needs to follow its own stipulations for the show
There are a couple of reasons for this:

1. They didn't know what they were going to do with the guys when they were "competing" in NXT. They came up with the idea a few days prior to that Raw.

2. They wanted to set up the angle. I think this is more plausible, simply because Matt Striker was kind of a dick to them. He would cut them away from the mic mid-sentence and generally make the NXT guys look like idiots. It only reflected how they said they were treated backstage.

Now, it's not like these guys are competing in singles matches. They're still in a stable, so it's not like a casual viewer is going to look at the guys and be able to name them individually. So when this angle is over, they can easily discard the guys they're not going to push individually and send them back to FCW.
Even though NXT Season 1 was eliminated, that does not really mean that they were not going to get a contract. Winning the thing means that you get a automatic contract, but WWE never said anything about the wrestlers that didn’t win wouldn’t get a contract.

The NXT is like American Idol. Just because the singers get a eliminated that don't mean that they wont get a music contract by someone but at the end, there can only be 1 winner.
I was wondering the same thing, especially since they're already talking about season 3. One can assume (of course we all know what happens when you assume. It f***'s everything up!) that had those guys been eliminated, they would have gone back to FCW, BUT the formula for FCW is after you lose the FCW championship, you get promoted the main roster (Swagger, Sheamus, Escobar, McIntyre, Heath Slater, Justin Gabriel, you get the point), so an eventual debut would be looming. So would they really send these guys back to FCW then at a later time "Oh hey, remember this guy? He didn't make it on NXT, now he's debuting," or do they just gradually fade from FCW and go on with their lives? I kind of see it as NXT is their last chance to make it in the WWE.

I will also give you that the characters are much better this season and I would rather see these guys as Nexus, especially with this idea floating around that Vince has this ideal look that he wants everyone to have, but someone like Husky Harris and Kaval clearly challenge.
I'm gonna get right down to the point. What was the point of the weekly "eliminations" in the season 1 NXT "contest" if they all ended up coming back and receiving WWE contracts?

Well the concept of the show is to find the wrestler who is the "next breakout star" we obviously had no idea that the Nexus angle was going to spawn from the first season of NXT, so the reason for the eliminations was to show who the best wrestlers in the group were, give us a feel for all the charecters, and eventually introduce the Nexus to us.

Is this gonna happen with all the season 2 participants as well?? Is the rookie who was "eliminated" last night gonna be back?

Your thoughts...

Seeing as this isn't WCW, I highly doubt we are not going to see a NXT season 2 faction, and rightfully so. I'm sure guys like Mcguillicutty, Riley, Kaval, Harris, and Watson will all be on the main roster regardless of if they win or not, the winner of the show may get the biggest push, but a lot of talented people are participating in this season and the WWE would be foolish not to capitalize, and keep more than one of those guys around.

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