Please Review My Poem

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
So I am currently in the process of writing a poem for a poetry contest, and I'm in the initial stage of editing it and I was wondering if anyone would care to read over it and just leave comments on what you think about it. I wrote it based on the premise that the world gets so engulfed in hate that we can't see the light. I think it has a good message as well as an interesting scheme to it. So without further ado

The First Fight for Humanity

The moon shines most bright on the darkest days
The sky a burnt red reflecting gloom,
The world at a standstill preparing for doom.
The problems made, a web over the world

Fear grips us with his unyielding grasp,
Drowns us in bloodshed, gives us no air to gasp.
Slowly we all start to fall in the abyss below
One by one we give into the darkness.

Some will stand to fight the dread,
Others consumed by hate’s persuasive speech
The destruction flows through our veins
Making us helpless, making us vain.

Chaos swallows the world; he salivates as he destroys the good
Malice makes us his minions, brainless servants we become,
Destruction then wields its army, the world about to fall
The end is near; the world gives in to Mr. Fear.

One ray of hope humanity could grasp,
Evil has spread… the good just a needle in the haystack.
One man steps up against the evil
Chance of success slim, but a chance he feels like taking.

Not always was the world so grim,
Days of the past, engulf him.
A chance to make the world better,
Failure is apocalypse

He takes his first step on route to Armageddon,
He prays to the heavens but knows he will face hell.
His first steps take him to the valley of shadows,
His first adversary is Malice.

He yells at Malice, telling it to stop its ways
Malice says never, and the battle ensues.
The man fights for humanity
Malice fights for doom.

The dust settles, the battle done,
Man wins but it is just round one.
The journey continues, hope still far from,
More problems lie in the way… he must overcome

He is getting closer to the ray of hope,
Nothing stops his path until he meets Fear’s fiercest General
He comes across Sin, a darkest foe,
An impenetrable fortress his heart must become

He knows of Sin’s strengths, but recalls its weakness
This is a fierce foe, with fiery fiendish skills,
There is only one way to beat Sin
But not many men are pure of heart.

He faces Sin with adamant heart,
Sinister Sin strikes with super speed,
A blow to the heart but the man doesn’t bleed,
Like a newborn child, this man was pure of heart.

Sin was vanquished, crushed and killed,
The man getting closer his dream yet not fulfilled.
He still knows what was to come,
No going back now no time to run.

Chaos came next in his list of foes,
The man is seeing the illuminating ray,
Chaos’s might was almost too strong
But with the strength of Hercules man had won.

Hope was just a few feet now,
But before he reached the ray of light,

Fear stabbed him and took his life
And then IT happened.

Out from the ruins and debris that was there
People were coming, without their despair.
Fear feared what had happened what he had done,
He knew at that moment Hope at won.

The people watched the deceased man’s fight
And they were filled with courage from the taking of the man’s life
They stormed Fear and tried to bring him down
Fear laughed looking maniacal at the man, then disappeared

The storm clouds ceased, the air turned clean
The grey gloom had left, and the darkness turned to light.
Humanity had won the battle, but the war had yet to start.
But the war, shall never end, look outside, you will see,
This war never ends, never there will be true peace and harmony.
I like it. The scheme of rhyming is interesting. I really like the storytelling, and the symbolism of the actual battle within people against sin, fear, etc...being turned into an actual battle, with a hero type man representing humanity. I like the personification of fear as a person, and where most people personify those things with females, yours is interesting. I also like the message it brings, as most people do become consumed by fear, sin, hate and the like and few can overcome the battle. And even if some do, the battle will never be over. It holds true with me. If it's in a contest, I can't guarantee others will like it as much or if it will win, but I like it.
I like it. The scheme of rhyming is interesting. I really like the storytelling, and the symbolism of the actual battle within people against sin, fear, etc...being turned into an actual battle, with a hero type man representing humanity. I like the personification of fear as a person, and where most people personify those things with females, yours is interesting. I also like the message it brings, as most people do become consumed by fear, sin, hate and the like and few can overcome the battle. And even if some do, the battle will never be over. It holds true with me. If it's in a contest, I can't guarantee others will like it as much or if it will win, but I like it.

Thanks man for the review. I was inspired in a way byn the movie Legion however I thought it was something different. I was really trying to get meaning behind the entire story and let it be something that it can connect. to. It's funny because I was deciding wheter I should write about a girl but I felt I had so much to work with, in this topic so I went with it and I kind of liked how it turned out. I think that it definetly deserves an honorable mention if nothing else, however the cash prize would be nice. Thanks for your review considering that your the only one so far. I truly appreciate it.
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