Piper's Pit


Occasional Pre-Show
Holy shit that was all too real. Piper and Cena fed off each other pretty well, but I think they weren't expecting the reaction that the crowd gave. The crowd picked up the corniness pretty well. But great opening segment, I loved it.
Yeah, figures the one time they need the haters to really boo they...kinda didn't.

Still great seeing Piper but it just didnt seem to play as they wanted it too.
I know we get this all the time but I really think this is a legitimate transition into Cena going heel....I think it is going to drag out a bit longer to make sure it gets the proper reaction it needs from viewers in and out of the arena.

It should happen no sooner than January but not later than Elimination Chamber.

Cena might as well go heel to make his match with Rock mean more than what it already does. This is a career making feud for Cena, this is what he will be remembered for.....going heel will be the icing on the cake for him and much deserved with how hard the S.O.B works
Pretty good opening segment for Raw tonight, it felt kinda weird though with Cena not being in a match all night, but this was a great way for him to be on TV. They have to be planting the seeds in our heads of a heel turn in the coming weeks to even months. The perfect way I see this going down is having him either attack a legend or even, maybe, just maybe, attack Zack Ryder!! He is going to have to make an impact when he does do it, why not do it with him. Yeah Ryder may not be a main eventer, but look at what Cena's little feud with Miz a few years back did for the Miz...

Tonight's opening segment was hopefully the start of something pretty entertaining to come.
I'm pretty certain that this angle will go either of two ways: 1) Cena loses at WrestleMania 28 and finally goes heel after Rock humiliates him, thus leading to Cena finally letting the crowd in and turning on them, or; 2) Cena wins at WrestleMania 28 and we get another cliche, sunshine ending where we all learn that John Cena is a good guy and that dreams do come true...

Do I need to even cast my vote as to which one of those two will happen? They're just trying harder that ever to let us know that our opinion of Cena means nothing to them, and that they're just going to force us to accept whatever they decide to put on TV. This is why John Cena is so hated, in my eyes: his success makes us feel like we don't matter. WWE has finally accepted who John Cena is as a performer, and yet they're still delusional about whether or not they can actually get us to accept their image of who they used to think he was.
I really loved this opening segment for Raw. The crowd was hot and although there wasn't as many boo's as we are used to hearing, they were fully into it the whole way through. Piper slapping Cena was great!

On the Cena heel turn issue, I really don't think the "he sells too much merchandise as a face" or "he is too much of a role model" are the reasons as to why the WWE aren't doing it. If he turns heel, then the face who steps up to be his first feud is pretty much going to become the top face in the company (as sooooo much heat and hate will be on Cena that the crowd will get 100% behind whoever takes him on), and I think that will be CM Punk. The only reason I can see for them not turning him heel yet is they are waiting for WM vs The Rock. Cena cheating to win and turning heel on the biggest stage of them all will have the biggest impact of all.
As another poster mentioned, I know we hear this all the time but it does seem that Cena's character is on the road to some sort of transition.

When you look at Cena's segment with Miz & Truth last week, with the stuff going on with Piper's Pit and the comments Cole & Lawler were making about Cena's "frustrations" with the reaction of the fans; it just looks as though they're on a slow built to a heel turn. I might be wrong, it's just the feeling that I'm getting.

I thought the segment in and of itself was very well done. Nothing over the top, Piper didn't ramble on about his glory days, Cena didn't try to be cute & corny and they addressed the situation regarding Cena's response to the crowd. The crowd was made to feel like they were an important aspect in the segment and they responded in kind.
I called this last week. Last week I made a thread on here stating that i think the WWE is slowly going to progress Cena into a heel. I said that the way he "set up" the break up of Awsome Truth really came off as a heel tactic. I said that the crowd mocking him constantly and people doing so also will eventually make him snap and I loved the opening segment tonight. I think it was a perfect way to start this heel turn.

Its coming guys. Finally
I knew it was all a set up.

Since Survivor Series i knew they were doing something like that.
Rock embarrassing Cena & then giving him the Rock bottom, The "This is Your Life" segment w/ Foley was intentionally suppose to be cheesy, Miz saying that no one liked Cena anymore.. and now the Piper segment.

It's all done deliberately to make Cena snap.
How long can Cena possibly go without snapping and beating the shit outta someone? how long can he ignore his haters?
I dunno if it will result in him turning Heel.. but at least they're as close as ever to it being possible.
It was very odd to actually hear a semi-pro-Cena reaction from that live crowd. I don't think either of them expected it, and for a lot of their promo they played it off like everyone hated him. But for the most part I thought Piper did an excellent job and was passionate as he always is. Cena is slowly breaking down, even though his cocky grin gets more frustrated every single week.

I hate the "it doesn't matter who boo's me, I'm going to smile at them" face he gives off. It's so condescending! But at the same time, that's part of his character. I have to remember that for all intents and purposes, WE are the heels in this situation, not Cena. Yes, the audience is Cena's biggest heel opponent. But I'm hoping the pro reaction tonight doesn't steer Vince away from doing what needs to be done.

I know after it didn't happen at Survivor Series most dropped the idea of a heel change, but I think it's more apparent now than ever before. It started with the Rock getting the upper hand on two back-to-back occasions. It continued with Foley trying and failing to get the crowd behind him. And now Hot Rod, one of the all time great heels in the industry stood up to him. I have to say I was expected something a bit more, but I'm glad it walked away. it shows that it all IS getting to him, and that he might break eventually.

OR they could play this all as an annoying under-dog situation, with Cena conquering the fans to win at Mania. That would frustrate me to no end, because in zero situations does Cena need to play the underdog... At this point turning Cena is the RIGHT thing to do, and the best time to do it.
I knew this day would come eventually, and I couldnt be any more excited. There's no doubt that once Cena snaps its going to be huge. I think this Cena heel turn will revamp his character in every way. I would love to see a corporate Cena, always wearing a suit, bashing the crowd telling them that he will no longer wear his Rise Above Hate shirts because they don't deserve anything from them. I wouldn't mind a new attire too, maybe long tights similar to JBL when he came back with Simmons in 03. Cena could come out every week and brutally attack guys like Kofi, Ryder, etc..until The Rock comes back and saves Cena's next victim, thus setting up the Road to Wrestlemania for them. Hell, make Cena lock on the STF on Jim Ross, that'll garner major heat.
It was a great segment. Piper's segments usually are. It would be really interesting to see Cena and The Rock in Piper's Pit. CM Punk in Piper's Pit would be another great showcase. Cena cut a great promo on the crowd and so did Piper without really putting down Cena or the fans that much. The only odd thing about it is this was a very pro Cena crowd. If this was a hostile New York or Chicago crowd it would have come off better. This is either the first step to get all the fans behind Cena, or a step to change Cena's character altogether. I have to see it to believe it though.
idk how many times i been trying to tell people this but nobody believes me. Tonight was proof that they are setting Cena up to turn heel. All the greats had their heel run n Cena is due for his. What more could they do with him? They need a change and it appears that this is the route they are going
Well based off how Cena caused The Awesome Truth split last week it was in a heelish way and the night before at Survivor Series the way he crawled up the ramp after Rock Bottom is not what Cena would do and finally tonight i noticed some frustration building up in Cena and I say he could or should turn heel before the year is over or at least at Royal Rumble. Maybe the itbegins could be a Cena heel turn but i doubt it
As another poster mentioned, I know we hear this all the time but it does seem that Cena's character is on the road to some sort of transition.

When you look at Cena's segment with Miz & Truth last week, with the stuff going on with Piper's Pit and the comments Cole & Lawler were making about Cena's "frustrations" with the reaction of the fans; it just looks as though they're on a slow built to a heel turn. I might be wrong, it's just the feeling that I'm getting.

I am one of the first to facepalm when we see John Cena Heel Turn threads and comments pop up every week, but for the first time I've got a strong feeling that it's coming because they're hinting at it pretty damn hard. The stuff with Truth and Miz wasn't too big and I didn't take that for much but with what was said in Piper's Pit and especially what Cole and Lawler were saying on commentary are pointing to Johnny boy finally doing what so many people have been crying for now for months. I think it's very interesting and appealing, the way he's been acting has been odd for him but in a good way, it feels very fresh and I see some cool things up ahead between now and Wrestlemania. Piper was great tonight running the Pit just as well as ever, even though the crowd didn't give him and John exaclty what they expected they played it well and gave us a great segment that may be leading to a legendary turn.
I wonder what will happen next week to Cena. Cena seems to be changing every week since Survivor Series. Will the "boo's" get to him? Oh hell yeah it will!

Quick funny note: My buddy noticed Cena taking off his hat after he got slapped by Piper. Next week, he says that Cena will not wear his hat. Then, he would take off another of his merchandise every week, until he is left with his dog tag that he kisses before every match. Once he has only has that dog tag left, he is going to turn after he throws it away.

The question now is if WWE has already set and planned out this long awaited heel turn. Let's just hope WWE will not disappoint.
You cant really expect the crowd to boo Cena after he said he did 3 make a wishes in segment, can you? Honestly with all the anti bullying ads Cena is in I honestly cant see him turning heel at all. I would love to see some more edge and fir in Cena that would be solid.
I think everyone one of you are wrong about the heel turn.

Its clear that their changing his character, adding these segments each week.

Clearly Cena is going to snap but it's not going to be a heel snap, its going to be an aggressive face. Theirs no way they can make him heel now, not with all hes done, and all hes going to do. If he goes heel then those thousands of make-a-wish grants go out the window. He can't do them anymore. So when it comes to heel no, but I'm saying it now we won't be seeing the same Cenation, Rise Above Hate leader we've seen for years now come Wrestlemania vs the Rock.
I think everyone one of you are wrong about the heel turn.

Its clear that their changing his character, adding these segments each week.

Clearly Cena is going to snap but it's not going to be a heel snap, its going to be an aggressive face. Theirs no way they can make him heel now, not with all hes done, and all hes going to do. If he goes heel then those thousands of make-a-wish grants go out the window. He can't do them anymore. So when it comes to heel no, but I'm saying it now we won't be seeing the same Cenation, Rise Above Hate leader we've seen for years now come Wrestlemania vs the Rock.

Completely disagree. Going to use a very obvious case that everyone uses, but Hulk Hogan did more for wrestling as a face than Cena ever has and ever will, but they turned him heel for the sake of the product. Or...because Hogan's ego meant he always had to stay relevant, and that was the only way to do it. I don't know, take your pick... Either way the idea that they "can't" do it absurd. Never say never, as they say...

Also, if Cena turns heel there's no reason he can't still do all the charity things. It just means they can't be as vocal about them like they are now. For instance, Miz does a lot of charity work and even more media appearances. When he's in front of the public he acts like a perfectly nice guy, and nothing like his WWE character. There's no reason Cena still can't go out there and do Make-a-Wish, just as long as WWE isn't advertising it all over the place.

I will admit that it'll significantly decline if he goes heel, and yeah it may actually stop completely. But the WWE is smart, and they know how important the charity things are. Cena steps out of the face light and somebody else steps in. Kids will find new characters to latch on to, whether that be Sheamus, Randy Orton...whoever.
I'm agreeing with most everyone here. EVEN IF... Cena doesn't go full-fledged heel and just decides that everyone is a target. This new side, this aggression and frustration they are building is refreshing. I did think it was odd that he went from such bright colors to a black shirt. Of course, the whole issue with The Rock makes everyone want Cena as a heel.
But the part that grabbed my attention was how he handled the Awesome Truth. It felt more like his days as the Dr. of Thuganomics. I think there are a lot of things that need to be changed with Cena and he may very well be in that process. He posted that he agrees that the belt should be changed. Maybe we'll see a change in his entrance music since so many others are being revamped.
Do I think he's going to be a heel... maybe, but maybe not. But hopefully, if he stays face, he'll just be far more aggressive.
Personally I would rather have him as more of an aggressive face.

Now a days we see WWE make it so that a lot of their heels can't win a big match fairly. Either someone interferes or they cheat. Thats the last thing i want them to do to Cena. Winning matches by cheating.

So Aggressive Face>Heel
You cant really expect the crowd to boo Cena after he said he did 3 make a wishes in segment, can you? Honestly with all the anti bullying ads Cena is in I honestly cant see him turning heel at all. I would love to see some more edge and fir in Cena that would be solid.
That's my opinion too.
Cena is just a very nice guy even outside the ring, for all we know. It would be hard to have a guy that breaks records in Make-a-Wishes turning fully heel.

I do believe change is coming, but not a heel turn. A more aggressive or, more precisely, a more insecure John Cena. A John Cena that no longer smiles to the people that boo him. I believe Cena could easily make this kind of subtler change in his character work well enough to make him fresh.
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper: " JOHN CENA "
Crowd : " YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" and very loud Cena chants


John Cena got the biggest pop out of Bret Hart, Stone Cold and tooth fairy.

No he didn't. At all. Go rewatch it. He was definitely the quietest of all the names mentioned, but, the bit kinda backfired because he was cheered a bit more than anyone probably thought he would be.

I think Piper told us the outcome of the WrestleMania match last night.

When he said, "If you don't let it out, you're going to lose" I'm pretty positive it was an indicator that he WAS going to let it out, and he would defeat The Rock... It's the only way I can see Rock signing up to lose...

It changes the landscape of the WWE if Cena turns. He cheats to win.

Him cheating to win does a few things:

1) Let's The Rock (and the Attitude Era) lose with some credibility and an "excuse"

2) Pushes Cena as a dominant heel (that will probably actually get cheered)

3) Makes the WWE landscape a lot more interesting.
That was a really interesting segment. The crowd was much more Pro-Cena that usual, which was great to see. Out of the names Piper announced, Austin was the only one who was cheered by everyone. Rock's name did have some boos mixed in with the cheers.

As for the heel turn, I still am not sure that it will happen before WM28. WWE seem to be teasing the turn just to make for more compelling shows and are succeeding at it.

If this segment does not make anyone respect Cena, he/she should really quit watching pro-wrestling.
That was a really interesting segment. The crowd was much more Pro-Cena that usual, which was great to see. Out of the names Piper announced, Austin was the only one who was cheered by everyone. Rock's name did have some boos mixed in with the cheers.

As for the heel turn, I still am not sure that it will happen before WM28. WWE seem to be teasing the turn just to make for more compelling shows and are succeeding at it.

If this segment does not make anyone respect Cena, he/she should really quit watching pro-wrestling.

Given what a positive reaction the Rock's been getting, I was really surprised to hear a noticable amount of boo's mixed in with the cheers too. Love him or hate him, Piper stated what the situation was in black and white Cena had the torch passed to him and the boos keep getting bigger and bigger.

After seeing him slap Cena I expected there to be a bit more back and forth from the two and maybe another slap or two before Cena left (I didn't think he was going to give the AA to Piper), or maybe a run in from Miz, Brodus Clay, etc but the way the segment ended wasn't disappointing either.

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