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Piper's Pit and what's wrong with promos

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Dark Match Jobber
I finished watching Raw and for all that went down all I could think about was Piper's Pit. Probably because I'm a Piper mark, but also because of the promos that were cut during the segment. It seemed to me to really highlight what is wrong with promos these days, and that is the scripting. Piper just hit the bullet points and then let fly in typical Piper style, but when Riley started talking it was like someone hit the brakes on the train. Riley sounded so monotone and forced compared to Piper and Miz. I know part of is that Riley is still fairly green, but I think the main problem is that they are being force fed a script to follow and it takes all the soul out of the moment. Miz is better due to his occasional ad libing but even he falls victim to the script at times.

So all that is to say: Am I the only one who felt that way? And is there any hope of letting people handle their own promos again, or is WWE too afraid of someone accidentally breaking PG like Stone Cold does every time he picks up a mic?
Personally I liked the promo from all three. Miz and Riley are depicted, as being two serious guys. Look at this from a realistic standpoint, these two are going to have a fight on Sunday. They have fought twice already, brawled all over the place. They meet in the middle of the ring and it isn't like they're going to laugh at one another.

They did well during the promo. Very well. Riley was particularly good, and not, as you said "green." Hence the reasoning for the amount of praise and plaudits hes recieved and the support he's getting from the fans.

Some people cut their own promos, some don't. Some don't have the skills, some do. It's a thing I keep saying, if I sent you out in-front of 20,000 people and you had to be convincing you had to make people buy the product, you'd shit your pants.

As for SCSA breaking PG. Bitch is such a minor curse word. It's like bastard. If he said shit or something, It'd be cool, but bitch isn't that bad. It's just cool he said it due to how they are PG, which is an advantage of being a PG product. The shock value when you say the almighty curse word which is, "bitch."

The promos were solid all night. You just have to think of it from a different angle.
If I came off as a Riley hater, I am not. I actually really enjoy his work and probably would have thought it a good promo had it not been for the comparison to Piper. It's and old school vs. new school thing and I just personally think it is something that the product lacks these days. Everyone sounds the same because you have the same guys writing everyone's promos.

And last week on RAW SCSA did say shit. And I'm pretty sure The Rock let something slide during one of his promos recently. It just shows what happens when emotions and the moment get the best of you. Again, that's something I feel is missing. Not for the language, but for the emotion.
If I came off as a Riley hater, I am not. I actually really enjoy his work and probably would have thought it a good promo had it not been for the comparison to Piper. It's and old school vs. new school thing and I just personally think it is something that the product lacks these days. Everyone sounds the same because you have the same guys writing everyone's promos.

And last week on RAW SCSA did say shit. And I'm pretty sure The Rock let something slide during one of his promos recently. It just shows what happens when emotions and the moment get the best of you. Again, that's something I feel is missing. Not for the language, but for the emotion.

You don't come across as a Riley hater, but you have to understand what WWE and the performers are trying to get across. Also, we're in a different time, Piper wouldn't have been told that he has to do this, that or the other. He'd have been told, "This is what's going on, enjoy." He's from a time when they didn't tell anyone to say much asides from the basic point.

And that's why I made the comparison to the word shit. Although WWE won't go that far. What you're saying is true and all that, that compared to Piper, Miz and Riley aren't as good, but Piper has been doing this for... 30 years plus? Miz has been doing it for about seven and Riley, five. Certain skills mature in time.
personally I was disappointed :shrug: I was waiteing for Piper to turn heel and helps the miz

Piper as a face is good, but Piper as a heel is great :worship:

As popular as RRP is I really dont think he could be a heel ever again due to Nostalgia.

Even when the EVIL Iron Shiek comes out the place pops for him no matter what ole Sarge used to Say.
Piper really helped the segment, obviously it's his show. But this is what needs to be done to put the younger talent over, last week Vince and Austin were hands on with Andy, Miz, Cena, Truth and Riley. This week Piper was putting Miz and Riley over, I kept thinking is "this is a good safety net", so to answer your question Vagrant, no you're weren't alone in thinking that. WWE is too scripted they need to mold superstars and let them go they can't just handhold them across the street.

I think last night highlighted the good and the meh; the young guys can work well with the older guys but they still can get out shined a'la the Miz/Austin segment and the CM Punk/Austin (but Punk is more seasoned) backstage segment. Honestly, I think one of the things WWE needs to do when they have the older guys on the show is allow younger guys to get a little vulgar, don't treat them like 15 year-olds in the presence of his/her Grandparents. They're all adults at the end of the day.
Or maybe it just that Piper is one of the greatest one the stick ever...You can't compare many people to Piper on the stick because he is just a lot better than almost everyone. Very few people, from ALL eras, are as good as Piper. John Morrison wouldn't be better or anywhere near Piper if his promos were unscripted (his promos would probably be even worse if they were unscripted). The WWE probably doesn't script everyones promos to a "T", they probably just give those to the lower card/people that can't talk. A lot of guys would suck without scripts. People like Cena, Miz, Punk probably don't have scripts. There is no way of telling whether or not something is scripted (few exceptions), things in the AE could have been scripted too, but there is no way of knowing.
Yeah,I dont mind seeing Piper once in a while.Showing the young uns how its done.Last time he was on, the Original Nexus were watching him backstage & learning.Im kinda hoping one day a charisma free World Champ (take your pick) gets pissed off enough to give him a title shot,& lo & behold he wins,if only for one Christian type reign,Justice is served..but as he has no vince backed book/lifestory dvd/bad movie (smile)) to plug,,,,,
Having said that I think the new guys are kinda restricted by coming through the WWE/ FCW/NXT PG-13 system while the old guys HaD to put bums on untelevised sets by any means necesary & while SCSA would be a star in any era,he flourished in the Attitude era.Its a fine line to be a bad guy in a family show where basically two guys beat each other up.
Im probably going on another thread here but be thankful that Piper comes from an era where they did their talking in the ring.what would half these wrestlers do before the internet.Yeah you know who Im talking about..Like someone said,From Wrestlemania to Twitter.How about a segment where these guys go in the ring & E MAIL EACH OTHER.You,d pay to see that!? Call it the teXt division (owch),The winner takes on SCSA (well,.every OtheR thread mentions the next match he WoNT be having!).
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