Pink Floyd Appreciation Thread


Pre-Show Stalwart
Pink Floyd is one of the greatest bands ever formed. Their music is still amazing to this day and they are easily in my top 5 favorite bands of all time. In this thread we shall honor them and their greatness. Here you can share videos, songs, and personal experiences youve had related to the band and their music.



why wuolld i want to listen to punk floyd when i cuold jsut go outside and listen to pointless sounds.
I don't like Pink Floyd's gigantic songs like the animal album. But I love The Wall and I Wish You Were Here.
Hmm, doubtful, but go ahead and tell me who exactly is better than Floyd with the exception of bands like Zeppelin and (Not a band I care for but people always list as being so) The Beatles.
Pretty bold thing to say, seeing as I haven't mentioned any of my favorite bands yet. That tells me that no matter what I say, you're already extremely biased and will disagree either way. I don't dislike PF. There are obvious things they have influenced within the industry, especially regarding production values and strides in recording techniques. But to say the most talented when you don't even know my favorite bands? Come on now.

Besides Zeppelin and Beatles, you can throw Rush, Dream Theatre, Maiden, and even newer bands like Between the Buried and Me that are all more talented than Floyd.
Pretty bold thing to say, seeing as I haven't mentioned any of my favorite bands yet. That tells me that no matter what I say, you're already extremely biased and will disagree either way. I don't dislike PF. There are obvious things they have influenced within the industry, especially regarding production values and strides in recording techniques. But to say the most talented when you don't even know my favorite bands? Come on now.

Besides Zeppelin and Beatles, you can throw Rush, Dream Theatre, Maiden, and even newer bands like Between the Buried and Me that are all more talented than Floyd.

As a matter of fact Im not extremely biased, I just know as a matter of fact very few bands are better. And did you honestly say Between The Buried and Me? Now I like all of those bands but they are not better than Floyd. And if you think bands like Dream Theater that has only ever had one hit song and BTBAM are in the same league as Floyd you are sadly mistaken. And Maiden is great and Rush is too(though I dont like them) but they are not as good as Floyd.

Also your remark that its just pointless sounds shows just how little you know about musical talent.

Ive listened to thousands of bands all across the spectrum and play music myself. Floyd isnt my favorite band, theyre probably 5 for me, but even I know that they are better than every other band in my top 5 with the exception of Zeppelin (who is the greatest band of all time) when it is actually in my top 5(it tends to fluctuate).

Theres a reason Floyd sold as many records as they did, and its not from being overrated but from being that damn good.
As a matter of fact Im not extremely biased, I just know as a matter of fact very few bands are better. And did you honestly say Between The Buried and Me? Now I like all of those bands but they are not better than Floyd. And if you think bands like Dream Theater that has only ever had one hit song and BTBAM are in the same league as Floyd you are sadly mistaken. And Maiden is great and Rush is too(though I dont like them) but they are not as good as Floyd.

So record sales makes you great? Because BTBAM hasn't sold as many records as PF they aren't as musically talented? In terms of overall skill and knowledge of their instruments I GUARANTEE that every member of BTBAM is better than every member of PF no fucking questions asked. Either you have your head up your ass and think that PF are better musicians because they're classic and timeless and yada yada or you've never heard BTBAM and what they can do.

Also your remark that its just pointless sounds shows just how little you know about musical talent.

Yup because I didn't spend 3 years going to school specifically for music, even more specifically for record engineering. And ignore the fact that I have promoted and have been booking successful bands since I was 16. Obviously I was joking and being a drunk with that comment, but half of what Floyd did was for ambiance and feel and that includes minutes of nothing but noises.

Ive listened to thousands of bands all across the spectrum and play music myself. Floyd isnt my favorite band, theyre probably 5 for me, but even I know that they are better than every other band in my top 5 with the exception of Zeppelin (who is the greatest band of all time) when it is actually in my top 5(it tends to fluctuate).

Agree with Zeppelin being the greatest rock band of all time. Does that mean they're the most talented? I guess that all depends on what you look at when judging. There is no question in my mind that both guitarists from BTBAM can outplay Page. No fucking doubt about that. Was Page a better song writer? I can definitely see an argument for that one. If we are talking JUST skills, not songwriting, then BTBAM is better than Floyd and even Zeppelin. Now obviously I wouldn't call them a better band then Zeppelin, but when you say there are very few bands as talented as Floyd, that just isn't true. There aren't a ton of bands more influential than Floyd, but musically talented? I disagree.

Theres a reason Floyd sold as many records as they did, and its not from being overrated but from being that damn good.

Let's not get into record sales here because I can throw out names like N*Sync and Britney Spears, both sold a shit ton yet you wouldn't make a case for either of them.
So record sales makes you great? Because BTBAM hasn't sold as many records as PF they aren't as musically talented?

No, I stated they sold that many records because they were good not overrated, making the distinction between them and other bands that have sold around the same(not every AD/CD is great as is Michael Jackson).

In terms of overall skill and knowledge of their instruments I GUARANTEE that every member of BTBAM is better than every member of PF no fucking questions asked.

And I guarantee you have no god damn idea what the fuck you are talking about.

Either you have your head up your ass and think that PF are better musicians because they're classic and timeless and yada yada or you've never heard BTBAM and what they can do.

Bullshit, I think they are better BECAUSE THEY ARE. Ive listened to BTBAM and even have a CD of theirs, they are not in PF's league and you even insinuating as such shows your immense ignorance of what musical talent is.

Yup because I didn't spend 3 years going to school specifically for music, even more specifically for record engineering.

"I went to school so I automatically know more than you", sorry that shits not gonna fly here. I dont care where you went or what degrees you have, oit doesnt fucking matter when youre so obviously wrong.

And ignore the fact that I have promoted and have been booking successful bands since I was 16.

I dont give a shit about your life story. Ive heard THOUSANDS OF BANDS, I PLAY MUSIC, Ive HAD BANDS. Ive heard every single song by PF and Maiden(have every one of their cds), and BTBAM(all of it on my computer) and RUSH(Dont like them but I wanted to see what the fuss is about, I cant get past the vocs). Im not saying Floyd is the best band ever, they are not, Zeppelin is above them, I think I may rank Sabbath above them, but the bands you listed ARE NOT.

Obviously I was joking and being a drunk with that comment, but half of what Floyd did was for ambiance and feel and that includes minutes of nothing but noises.

This is obviously due to the fact you cant understand the music. Wow a minute of the song was clocks or cash registers so it must be pointless shit. Its about a lot of things, listening to them is like going on a journey into the mind. They have whole CDS that the songs flow into each other. Their music is just beyond half of the shit today, and the majority is simply shit in comparison.

Agree with Zeppelin being the greatest rock band of all time. Does that mean they're the most talented?

Overall in every category, yes. There are bands close to them, but no cigar. Yes Hendrix is a better guitarist and there are better drummers than Bodon but thats not the point, its about the entire band as a whole and they were the best of them all, and dont simply take my world for it, many critics agree with me.

I guess that all depends on what you look at when judging. There is no question in my mind that both guitarists from BTBAM can outplay Page.
No fucking doubt about that.

God stop being such a mark for them, you obviously dont understand guitar playing if youre going to say they are better guitarists.

Was Page a better song writer? I can definitely see an argument for that one. If we are talking JUST skills, not songwriting, then BTBAM is better than Floyd and even Zeppelin.

Thank god we're in the cage so I can tell you you are a fucking moron if you think this. Get off of their fucking dick for 5 seconds because there are MUCH BETTER SKILLED BANDS THEN THEM.

Now obviously I wouldn't call them a better band then Zeppelin, but when you say there are very few bands as talented as Floyd, that just isn't true. There aren't a ton of bands more influential than Floyd, but musically talented? I disagree.

Because you dont know what the fuck youre talking about.

Let's not get into record sales here because I can throw out names like N*Sync and Britney Spears, both sold a shit ton yet you wouldn't make a case for either of them.

I made a perfect distinction, your point is moot.

Now I didnt create this thread for a debate, I created it to honor an awesome band, if you dont like them or at the least dont think that they are as good as blah blah blah then you should have the common sense not to come in here and make an ass out of yourself.

In the mean time if you keep this up Im simply going to agree to disagree, because this is not the point of the thread. I like you and think youre pretty awesome so Im not going to throw that away over something stupid like this, so you can go on thinking Im wrong and I will be fine with it.
No, I stated they sold that many records because they were good not overrated, making the distinction between them and other bands that have sold around the same(not every AD/CD is great as is Michael Jackson).

Point is record sales don't meant shit.

And I guarantee you have no god damn idea what the fuck you are talking about.

And I guarantee I fucking do kid.

Bullshit, I think they are better BECAUSE THEY ARE. Ive listened to BTBAM and even have a CD of theirs, they are not in PF's league and you even insinuating as such shows your immense ignorance of what musical talent is.


"I went to school so I automatically know more than you", sorry that shits not gonna fly here. I dont care where you went or what degrees you have, oit doesnt fucking matter when youre so obviously wrong.

Really, from what I have seen from you so far I would expect more than this. I never said I know more than you, unlike the statements you made above about my musical ignorance. I have more than an average amount of knowledge about music and have been playing music since I was 6 fucking years old dude. I think I know enough to make a judgment. But apparently others have the right to tell people that they clearly know nothing about music right? Sit the fuck down.

I dont give a shit about your life story. Ive heard THOUSANDS OF BANDS, I PLAY MUSIC, Ive HAD BANDS. Ive heard every single song by PF and Maiden(have every one of their cds), and BTBAM(all of it on my computer) and RUSH(Dont like them but I wanted to see what the fuss is about, I cant get past the vocs). Im not saying Floyd is the best band ever, they are not, Zeppelin is above them, I think I may rank Sabbath above them, but the bands you listed ARE NOT.

Yup, because you don't like them as much as you like Floyd. Obviously you are going to rank the bands you like better over the ones you don't like as much. Really though, who the fuck are you to tell anyone that they are wrong JUST because you say they are? You haven't given any reasons besides "I rank them high so therefor they are the better". That's bullshit and it isn't going to fly if you want to discuss shit with me.

This is obviously due to the fact you cant understand the music. Wow a minute of the song was clocks or cash registers so it must be pointless shit. Its about a lot of things, listening to them is like going on a journey into the mind. They have whole CDS that the songs flow into each other. Their music is just beyond half of the shit today, and the majority is simply shit in comparison.

Yes dude, I don't understand the music. You're right, you know me and you know the degree to which my musical knowledge reaches. Seriously, you seemed smarter than this. I can talk music theory that will make your fucking head spin kid so don't talk about shit you aren't ready for. I love the "Yeah you just don't get it" talk when someone is disagreeing with you. It's a known tactic for those who have nothing else to backup what they are saying. What's hilarious is both Colors and The Great Misdirect follow what Floyd did with concept albums and one song flowing into another.

What you are saying is "Everything I don't like is shit, so it's shit because I don't like it". That is a completely ******ed argument.

Overall in every category, yes. There are bands close to them, but no cigar. Yes Hendrix is a better guitarist and there are better drummers than Bodon but thats not the point, its about the entire band as a whole and they were the best of them all, and dont simply take my world for it, many critics agree with me.


How did I know you were going to say shit about Hendrix. He revolutionized what could be done on guitar, sure I agree with that. Skill wise, as far as doing shit besides making sounds with his guitar, he was never that skilled as a player. He was influential yeah. He did what people hadn't done before yeah. Does that mean he had the technical skill of Page? Fuck no and you would have to be completely fucking daft to not understand the difference.

God stop being such a mark for them, you obviously dont understand guitar playing if youre going to say they are better guitarists.

Seriously, you're being a fucking idiot when you say shit like this. Do not fucking tell me what I don't understand when you don't fucking know me. What are you like 14? Get over this ''classic rock is better than all music'' fucking kick that every kid goes through when they're in their teens. You fucking remind me of the kid that doesn't write any of his own music but claims to play music. No dude, you can play a handful of classic rock songs and try to impress everyone at guitar center, that doesn't fucking mean you know shit about music.

Thank god we're in the cage so I can tell you you are a fucking moron if you think this. Get off of their fucking dick for 5 seconds because there are MUCH BETTER SKILLED BANDS THEN THEM.

You're quickly digging yourself into a hole dude. You haven't done shit in here yet but say they're better just because. Either say something worth saying or shut the fuck up and go pop the pimples you undoubtedly have. I know dude, I understand...14 was a hard age for me too.

Because you dont know what the fuck youre talking about.

You've said this more times than you have said anything of value yet. I'll just chill and wait for you to give me reasons.

I made a perfect distinction, your point is moot.

No, your entire posts are moot because you decided to say some stupid fucking shit about someone you don't know. You've given no reasons and somehow devolved into a fucking freshman in highschool with the way you have defend your pov.

Now I didnt create this thread for a debate, I created it to honor an awesome band, if you dont like them or at the least dont think that they are as good as blah blah blah then you should have the common sense not to come in here and make an ass out of yourself.

Hmmm no, this is the cage and I will do whatever the fuck I wish. And with all of the above posts as evidence, you are the only one who has made an ass of themselves.

In the mean time if you keep this up Im simply going to agree to disagree, because this is not the point of the thread. I like you and think youre pretty awesome so Im not going to throw that away over something stupid like this, so you can go on thinking Im wrong and I will be fine with it.

Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and do you a favor and keep this all in here, in this thread. You seem like a smart enough kid, it just makes it that much more surprising for you to say the dumb shit you have here.
The only fucking person that said anything stupid in this thread was you. You wanted to waltz on in here and sound all cool and make a joke , well the only thing you did was make yourself look like an ass. Idc if you were drunk or not, thats not my concern.

Havent you ever heard the expression "If you dont have anything nice to say keep it to yourself"? Oh and nice condescension calling me "kid" and "14" real mature there buddy ;)

People are totally missing the point of this thread, so I suppose I shall set it back on course.


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