Pick your weapon

Uncle Phatso

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Pick your weapon

So I figured we would all need a good laugh here and there so i came up with this. IF you had to be in a fight or fight in a war before the modern era of powder weapons {ie Guns} What would you use. Here is a small catorigised list of weapons, Feel free to add your own. But remember no modern era wepon's. You can chose as many as you could cary or just one if your confident in yourself. So lets see just what you would pick?

Blunt weapons

Baseball bad
Cracker jack (pool balls, Rocks or a lock, In a sock, Shirt sleve or anything that has a end and can be tied in a lock.
Quater staff (ie bill club, baton)

Whip's Or movable length wepons
Grappling hook

cavelery sword
Cane sword
Kitchen knives
Buther Knive

Long axe's / Axe's
Pole axe
Battle axe
Splitting axe
Firefighters axe
Ice ace

Throwing weapons/ Bows
Throwing nice
Throwing ax
Throwing stars
Short bow
Long bow
Cross boe

Personally I would take a long bow with a full quiver of arrows. Then i would have a Katana, Then if that got lost or broken I would take a small battle axe.
Can I have a shield? I'd get close enough to bite of their nose. What an odd thread. Bar Room here it comes.
I'd like to be some sort of assassin (hahahaha ass ass.....)

So I would take poisons, whatever sort wre available then.

A dagger. ( A good one too, not some crap thingy.) Maybe a shortsword.

A long bow. For killing people from a distance.

And a horse to carry my crap on.
Dude, the fucking Pizza Lifter I have at work is lethal. But since it's not on your list, I'll have to go with the closest thing to it, and that would be a rounded battle axe.
When I was a firefighter, me and my buddy at the station were discussing what we would do if we were at a fire, and big ass spiders suddenly started attacking. Like eight legged freak size spiders. He grabbed the axe off the truck...and I grabbed the rubber mallet.

True story
Pick your weapon

Throwing weapons/ Bows
Throwing nice
Throwing ax
Throwing stars
Short bow
Long bow
Cross bow

Yes please.

Flail. Seriously, I thought this through numerous times, long enough that I actually now own said flail. 18" handle, 12" chain and a 2kg flail at the end.

It's just absurd. Smashing someones head in with such force that you can cave their skull. Spiked, it'll tear their face off even if you don't manage to catch them right on, and against many other weapons if used right can quite comfortably disarm them, tearing it out their hand. Downside is fuck me does it tire you out.

Still, for pure strength-enhancing potential and absolute sickness, the Flail is the way to go.

You can have shields/ Body armor as long as it dosent move into the modern era of kevlar and such. Like chainmail, Towershiled , Buckler, And such will be accepted. Poisions that could be made before the modern era can be brought to. But i wouldent sugguest it. Because really 20 seconds to kill someone with a bow and arrow. And 2 to 3 min to get through the bloodstreem with a poision.

Can this be moved to the game room ? ID actually like to see this go someware and not just die after a day like most threads in the bar room lmfao.
You can have shields/ Body armor as long as it dosent move into the modern era of kevlar and such. Like chainmail, Towershiled , Buckler, And such will be accepted. Poisions that could be made before the modern era can be brought to. But i wouldent sugguest it. Because really 20 seconds to kill someone with a bow and arrow. And 2 to 3 min to get through the bloodstreem with a poision.

Can this be moved to the game room ? ID actually like to see this go someware and not just die after a day like most threads in the bar room lmfao.

Where did you plan on it going to begin with?
No idea. Maybe when we're done he'll actually buy us all weapons and make us kill each other.

... dibs Will in the first round please ...
No idea. Maybe when we're done he'll actually buy us all weapons and make us kill each other.

... dibs Will in the first round please ...

Well thats just silly. I have long range weapons. You have a flail. The only flailing you'll be doing is when I pin-cushion your butt with arrows and you flail about until you die. :p
I wanted this to be like a long standing game maybe we could do somthing with it like make stats with the weapons you chose and have a lil tourney. Like you could have 20 points total in weapons and armor. Heres a lil setup
Knive/ Dagger = 2 points
Rubber mallet = 2 points
Battle axe = 4
Claymore =6
Tower shiled =6
long bow and arrows = 7

Somthing along that line
Like i could have a tower shield battle ax long bow and a dagger and thats 19 points
Somthing along thoes lines
Blunt weapons
Brick (set of 2) (4)
Cane (2)
Baseball bat (4)
Cracker jack (pool balls, Rocks or a lock, In a sock, Shirt sleve or anything that has a end and can be tied in a lock. (3)
Hammer (3)
Mace (4)
Boomerang (set of 2) (2)
Shillelagh (3)
Quater staff (ie billy club, baton) (2)
Rubber malet (2)
Long flail (4)
Short flail (6)
Sledge hammer (6)

Whip's Or movable length wepons
Bullwhip (6)
crop (3)
Stockwhip (3)
Quirt (3)
Grappling hook (2)

Longsword (5)
Shortsword (4)
dagger (3)
Gladus (5)
cavelery sword (4)
Cane sword (3)
Claymore (7)
Dirk (2)
Katana (6)
Kitchen knives (set of 3 2 paring and one lage steak knive) (1)
Buther Knive (3)
Bayonet (2)
Pike ( 10 foot pike ) (7)
Trident (4)
lance (5)

Long axe's / Axe's
Pole axe (6)
halberd (6)
Battle axe (4)
tomahawk (3)
Splitting axe (5)
Firefighters axe (4)
Ice ace (2)
Pick ax (5)
Great axe (7)

Throwing weapons/ Bows
Throwing nife (3)
Throwing ax (6)
Throwing stars (2)
Short bow (4)
Long bow (6)
Cross bow (5)
Catapult (20)
Darts (set of 3) (1)
Javelin (3)
Slingshot (2)

Med shield (4)
Tower shield (6)
Wooden buckler (3)
Bourgonet (helm) (5)
Gauntlents (Metal gloves) (2)
Greaves (metal boots) (4)
Leather chaps (2)
Plate body (5)
Leather plate body (3)
Steel half helm (4)
Steel full helm (4)
Chain mail (5)
Leather boots (2)

Ok so heres the setup. If you have any weapon/ Armor you would like to see added to the list pm me and i will approve or dissaprove. I need a minimum of 10 people to participate in this for me to put it in the games room. It will be another popularity contest BUT Votes will also be added in on the weapons you chose. As the catapult might be a monster of a wepon but it's 20 points and can you really load and fire more than one shot before your opponet is on you?And you will get to kill your opponet *kafabe* lmfao. Pick and choose your armor's and weponry wisely because you only get 20 points. Your free to pick and choose your weps and armor now but don't tell people that are in the game because they could use it as an advantage and pick better weapons than you.
[geek] How come plate armour is so cheap? It gives +8AC. I mean yeah, you don't get any DEX bonus and the Armour Check Modifier is stupidly bad, but I can't imagine I'll need many swim checks or climb checks anyway, and my BAB would be more than enough to keep me swinging with a Dire flail (Which is absent from the list btw, it's a double weapon, but my first three feats would be two weapon fighting, power attack and Weapon Proficency - Dire Flail, so it would only be a -2 modifier).

... Wait, wrong game. My mistake


I don't see my weapon of choice of sharp stick for poking. Or a shovel...you could dig a hole with that, cover it, hide in a tree and wait! It's genius.

If norcal lifts a mallet over an axe, he'd probably fall down a hole!

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