Pick A Match


Championship Contender
Inspired by the WM 19 vs 21 Shawn Michaels thread, I choose some matchs that compliment each other and are tough to choose from. Not which match has a better rating or had more impact on history, just which match you would prefer to watch if given the option of the two. So lets hear it: which match do you prefer?

Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin Wrestlemania XIV or
Randy Savage vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania VIII

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X or
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania X7

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania VI or
Steve Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X7

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Wrestlemania X or
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper Wrestlemania VIII

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 13 or
Warrior vs Savage at Wrestlemania VII

HeadShrinkers vs Steiners Wrestlemania IX or
Team Angle vs Los Guerrero Wrestlemania XIX
Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin Wrestlemania XIV or
Randy Savage vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania VIII

Im going to go Wrestlemania 8. Flairs best WWF match. Great build up, Savage made you think he wanted to kill Flair. Having him cheat to win was the perfect ending.

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X or
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania X7

Maybe the 2 best straight technical wrestling matchs theres been. Im going to go with Benoit/Angle. One of my favorite matchs ever.

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania VI or
Steve Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X7

I think this is the hardest one. Austin/Rock gets my vote.

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Wrestlemania X or
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper Wrestlemania VIII

Really hard call but Ill go with the ladder match. Simply because it was new and fresh at the time and stole the show. Although I do find Roddy/Bret to be one of my top 5 favorite IC Title matchs ever

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 13 or
Warrior vs Savage at Wrestlemania VII
This is where I became an Austin fan and started booing Bret. Best finish ever.

HeadShrinkers vs Steiners Wrestlemania IX or
Team Angle vs Los Guerrero Wrestlemania XIX
Steiners killed it in 93, classic. Not by much, but Im going to go with 9.
HBK vs Austin, great match Austin was incredibly over and Michaels was great at playing the cocky heel, his work preceding this was actually my favourite of his ever. A match which as it was going on and in the build leading to it you knew would be historic.

Bret vs Owen, I loved this two brothers facing off an excellent technical match full of emotion, didn't see it live as I was a bit too young but even watching it back was shocked when Owen got the win.

Stone Cold vs Rock every day of the week, my favourite match of all time the two biggest icons of the attitude era at their peak, magnificent build, excellent promo work, red hot crowd, intense match and the finish with Austin turning heel was incredible.

HBK vs Ramon, the match was the first of its kind, very innovative and very entertaining.

Austin vs Bret Hart, I haven't seen Warrior/Savage but Austin/Hart was an absolute classic in spite of being a pretty big Bret Hart fan the emotion the match triggered really made me empathise with Austin and obviously triggered his ascent to the top.

Haven't seen either of the last two matches...
1. Ill go with Randy Savage vs Ric Flair it was just a great wrestling match with a great ending that stands the test of time

2.This was the hard 1 for me since im a huge wrestling fan and theyre both amazing matches but ill go with Benoit vs Angle cause they went on to have several other amazing matches

3.Stone Cold vs The Rock to this day my 3rd favorite Wrestlemania closer just a great back and forth match IMO Steves best match it was just a classic

4.Another hard 1 but ill have to pick Bret Hart vs Piper cause it was such a good match and when i 1st saw it i was actually shocked by the ending and i loved it

5.A close one but Steve Austin vs Bret Hart do i even need to explain why?

6.Headshrinkers vs Steiners
My decisions are going to be bias because of the era i grew up in (attitude era)

Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin Wrestlemania XIV or
Randy Savage vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania VIII
- HBK vs SCSA hands down for me, these are 2 of my favorite of all time

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X or
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania X7
- Angle vs Benoit, although i didnt watch in the days of Owen (RIP), i did watch some of his matches and i will say they were amazing. I am just much more entertained by benoit and angle's in-ring work personally

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania VI or
Steve Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X7
-SCSA vs Rock hell yea! this is a no contest for me

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Wrestlemania X or
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper Wrestlemania VIII
-HBK vs Ramon, very very entertaining

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 13 or
Warrior vs Savage at Wrestlemania VII
- Austin vs Bret Hart, i watched the video's of this match and i loved it! SCSA in there with a technical wrestler like Bret was just amazing

HeadShrinkers vs Steiners Wrestlemania IX or
Team Angle vs Los Guerrero Wrestlemania XIX
- Team Angle vs Los Guerrero, again, bias here because i've never even heard of headshrinkers
HeadShrinkers vs Steiners Wrestlemania IX or
Team Angle vs Los Guerrero Wrestlemania XIX
- Team Angle vs Los Guerrero, again, bias here because i've never even heard of headshrinkers

The Head Shrinkers werent a great tag team but this match was really good. Rikishi was one of the Head shrinkers. If your into tag wrestling Id suggest checking it out, its worth watching.

I wanted to get a tag match in there. Wrestlemania has really lacked classic tag matchs. Demolition/Strike Force was the only other match I considered for the tag match question.
Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin Wrestlemania XIV or
Randy Savage vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania VIII

Austin vs Michaels. Although I really enjoyed the Savage and Flair match, Watching Austin win his first WWF title and beginning the Austin era was more enjoyable.

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X or
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania X7

Bret vs Owen. Great build up and then they put on an incredible technical display with an unpredictable ending.

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania VI or
Steve Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X7

Austin vs Rock HANDS DOWN! That Hogan Warrior match was boring to me, maybe the spectacle and drama was good but the Austin vs Rock match was a bigger spectacle, had more drama and was entertaining throughout the match with an ending nobody was expecting.

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Wrestlemania X or
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper Wrestlemania VIII

Hart vs Piper. I think they told a great story and had an incredible IC title match and would very much enjoy watching it again. Michaels vs Razor is a very close second though.

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 13 or
Warrior vs Savage at Wrestlemania VII

Austin vs Hart. Probably the most obvious one. Savage did a good job carrying Warrior through that match whereas Bret vs Austin was exciting and entertaining and BOTH wrestlers put on an incredible performance. One of the most historical matches ever and there's a reason for that.

HeadShrinkers vs Steiners Wrestlemania IX or
Team Angle vs Los Guerrero Wrestlemania XIX

Don't really care for this one that much, but I'll go with Team Angle vs Los Guerreros based purely on the variety in that match compared to the Headshrinkers vs Steiners match.
Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 13.

It's the day when the birth of the Attitude Era begins when Austin turned face and Bret hart began to turn heel. At that time, USA fans were tired of the classic good guys vs bay guys so they turned on Bret Hart and cheered for SCSA which at that time was a heel. While in overseas, it was a start of a Canadian vs American angle. Without having Bret turning heel, WCW would completely destroyed the WWF/E in the ratings and PPV salerates and if not, put them out of business. Stone Cold got over as a result.
Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin Wrestlemania XIV or
Randy Savage vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania VIII

Gonna go with Savage vs Flair! I think Shawn kinda let me down in his match against Austin, although it was interesting.

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X or
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania X7

I have to say, both matches were good, both got decent amount of time. But there is no way Angle/Benoit beats the Harts.. Angle and Benoit have had better matches than the one they had at Mania, but in the 20 mins we had the Hart brothers fighting it out, the build was soo good as well. and the surprise victory Owen got, I don't think ANYONE saw that coming. Pure classic!

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania VI or
Steve Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X7

Hogan/Warrior was good! But Austin/Rock II was much better, add a little extra time, but these guys were destroying each other, they simply wanted to hurt each other, Austin care about the title more than he cared about anything else, and he proved that when he sided with Vince in the end.

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Wrestlemania X or
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper Wrestlemania VIII

Some may be surprised with me going with Hart/Piper on this. A very underrated match, not many people mention this match when mentioning classic Mania matches, this was the start of Bret becoming a singles wrestler, he picked up the IC title and the respect of a true great.

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 13 or
Warrior vs Savage at Wrestlemania VII

A very tough one here, Because I haven't seen Warrior/Savage in so long, I'm gonna have to go with Austin/Hart, you can't deny it was an epic match, but I must say, I am only choosing it because I need to go back and watch Warrior/Savage, I do remember the consecutive elbow drops!

HeadShrinkers vs Steiners Wrestlemania IX or
Team Angle vs Los Guerrero Wrestlemania XIX

Good tag team matches here, there have been better tag matches at Mania, but I'm not going to pick a winner here because I haven't seen either in so long.
I can see from the listing that this indeed will be tough to make picks. Here we go.

Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin WrestleMania XIV
This is tough only because Savage was my first favorite Heel and Flair is tied for 5th in my all-time Top 5. I’m going with HBK / SCSA, because Austin is tied for 2nd in my all-time Top 5, and this was just an excellent way to win your first WWE World Championship. Plus Tyson did his thing and I ain’t mad at him.

Kurt Angle vs. Chris Benoit WrestleMania X7
I love a good Brother vs. Brother Match, and the Harts, in my opinion had the best ever Brother vs. Brother match that I had ever seen, but Angle is 3rd in my all-time Top 5. This match with Benoit is Wrestling. I think they should have Main Evented a WM at some point before the WWECW started.

Steve Austin vs. The Rock at WrestleMania X7
Okay, I’m a Title Belt mark and Hogan / Warrior were put in, what I think of as an Ultimate Dream Unification match. It was the first Unification match I’ve ever seen on the first WrestleMania I’ve ever seen. Hogan is tied for 5th on my all-time Top 5, but Austin and the Rock are tied for 2nd in my all-time Top 5. Though this was a tough due to what was involved, picking Austin and Rock was the easy part.

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon WrestleMania X
The Kliq gets the nod, but not by that much. I think the Ladder gets the slight edge.

Warrior vs. Savage at WrestleMania VII
The emotions involved in the Warrior / Savage match was just too much for me to overlook. We’re talking about the two of the three SuperStars that got me into the WWF here with one of them possibly leaving. Yes, I understand that it was Austin’s coming out party, but my pick goes to the retirement match.

Team Angle vs. Los Guerrero vs. Benoit / Rhyno at WrestleMania XIX
I liked the Triple Threat match for a few reasons. You have Faces, Heels, and a makeshift team. You have the WWE Tag Team Titles on the line. I just really didn’t like the Steiners / Head Shrinkers match as much.
Let me start by saying you made some absolutely fantastic pairings. Each one had me thinking. Kudos to you.

Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin Wrestlemania XIV or
Randy Savage vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania VIII

I'll go with Savage vs Flair. The history between the two makes this one so much more special for me. It was Flair's best WWF match in his first run and it was really Savage's last big WWF match. As much as I like HBK, I never cared all that much about Austin during his rise.

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X or
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania X7

Bret vs Owen. This was probably the easiest for me because I loved the entire Bret vs Owen feud so much. Owen winning meant a lot to me.

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania VI or
Steve Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X7

Yikes! It's hard to believe this was tough, but Hogan v Warrior had such an epic feel to it. Still, I'm going to go with Austin vs Rock. I saw this one live and the intensity was so high...

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Wrestlemania X or
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper Wrestlemania VIII

Hart vs Piper. Michaels vs Razor may have been a better match and may have more historical importance, but Piper vs Bret was a better story in my mind and as it was Piper's best match I'd rather watch it.

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 13 or
Warrior vs Savage at Wrestlemania VII

Toughest one on the list for me, seriously. Austin vs Hart is one of the best matches of all time in terms of watchablity, but Savage vs Warrior was simply awesome and epic. I guess I'd pick Savage vs Warrior here, really because I'm picking Savage and the moment he gets.

HeadShrinkers vs Steiners Wrestlemania IX or
Team Angle vs Los Guerrero Wrestlemania XIX

This was a no brainer for me. Shrinkers vs Steiners going away. Big time Steiner Brothers mark and this was a great match. By Wrestlemania XIX I barely cared about wrestling at all.
Gonna go with Savage vs Flair! I think Shawn kinda let me down in his match against Austin, although it was interesting.

Id go with Flair-Savage as well, the story build up was great, as was the ending with Savage cheating the "Dirtiest Player In The Game" followed by Flair kissing Elizabeth in front of Savage lying crippled on the ground.

That said, with regards to HBK-Austin and HBK "Kinda letting me down", he was seriously injured going into that match, a bad back injury suffered at the Royal Rumble when he beat Undertaker in a Casket Match on a bothched spot. HBK had a reputation for trying to change match endings and refusing to lose when asked, and when that failed he had a rep for simply claiming injury and forfeiting titles rather than let anyone beat him fairly. However, with his back up against the wall due to the financial investment in guest ref Mike Tyson, the 86 week and counting consecutive ratings losing streak vs Nitro, Vince basically told HBK either he wrestled AND lost as planned or dont bother coming back, and for the only time after he became a legit top attraction HBK "did the right thing" and wrestled and lost as planned. This was the one time he was legit hurt however and probably should not have wrestled at all, kind of like the boy who cried wolf. Give him props though for coming through in the end (would Hogan have done the same?).

The injuries were bad enough that he didnt wrestle a match for four years after this. Everything considered, I rate this as HBK's best WM match.
Id go with Flair-Savage as well, the story build up was great, as was the ending with Savage cheating the "Dirtiest Player In The Game" followed by Flair kissing Elizabeth in front of Savage lying crippled on the ground.

That said, with regards to HBK-Austin and HBK "Kinda letting me down", he was seriously injured going into that match, a bad back injury suffered at the Royal Rumble when he beat Undertaker in a Casket Match on a bothched spot. HBK had a reputation for trying to change match endings and refusing to lose when asked, and when that failed he had a rep for simply claiming injury and forfeiting titles rather than let anyone beat him fairly. However, with his back up against the wall due to the financial investment in guest ref Mike Tyson, the 86 week and counting consecutive ratings losing streak vs Nitro, Vince basically told HBK either he wrestled AND lost as planned or dont bother coming back, and for the only time after he became a legit top attraction HBK "did the right thing" and wrestled and lost as planned. This was the one time he was legit hurt however and probably should not have wrestled at all, kind of like the boy who cried wolf. Give him props though for coming through in the end (would Hogan have done the same?).

The injuries were bad enough that he didnt wrestle a match for four years after this. Everything considered, I rate this as HBK's best WM match.

Very interesting post. I'd like to challenge your "would Hogan have done the same?" line by pointing out that while Hogan still "da man" he lost the title to the Ultimate Warrior as the next face. It wasn't his fault that UW flopped and Vince wanted the belt back on Hogan. He lost again to Yokozuna on his way out the door. So I guess for in their prime, Hogan and Michaels both have 1 good clean job. lol
Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin Wrestlemania XIV

Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania X7

Steve Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X7

Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper Wrestlemania VIII (this was a hard one)

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 13

Team Angle vs Los Guerrero Wrestlemania (only cause in the other one the finish was a little off)

im surprised how much i picked new school over old school. But if u just wernt talkin about WM there would of been alot more better options in my opion. Like summerslam with Bret and Bulldog. I think are one of the best matches up there with Bret n HBK iron man match, Razor roman n HBK ladder match (man that was a hard pick). i would also put bret and piper too. Very good thread.
Savage vs Flair was a better just all together it had a great story behind it and the match delivered better than expected plus Savage and Flair in their prime are better than Austin and Michaels in any match!!!!!
The match between Austin vs Michaels was perdictable plus the story had no real build up I was looking foward to the story of Austin vs DX and it was just dissapointing Austin vs Tyson story was better than Austin vs DX!!!

I think Bret vs Owen was better but not by much Angle vs Beniot was a hell of a match and it was great too watch but Owen's victory over Bret made it better because you weren't expecting it too be a clean victory or a victory at all!!!

Now this was a no brainer for me but Warrior vs Hogan was the better match because for 3 reasons it was the first time too faces squared off in the main event at any PPV, second reason it was the first time people thought Hogan might my lose, last but not least it was title for title and Hogan lost fair and square to the Warrior this was one of the most epic matches in WWE history!!!! Austin vs the Rock was a great match but it had main evented wrestlemania before. Vince's involvement ruined it for me I wanted them to go at it too see who is overall better and Austin sided with McMahon amd cheated to win!!!!!! Not an epic ending to an epic battle plus they were playing hot potatos with the title at that time so it made the title a less factor!!!! But Hogan vs Warrior gets it hands down by a landslide victory in my book.

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon was a slightly better match then Bret vs Piper both of the story build up were duds but the matches were great!!! The only reason why the ladder match was better because it was slighty more innovated then Bret vs Piper's all out fight for the IC title.

Now this last one is the toughest one to pick from both feuds built up and ending at Wrestlemania were amazing!!!! The matches are 2 of my favorite matches in wrestlemania history. But I am going with Savage vs Warrior only because their careers were on the line even though a submission is just as tough Austin competed one week later and Savage waited 6 months to get back in the ring!!!! That's the only reason why I picked it a career vs submission is more important.

Team Angle vs Los Guererros is the better match only because the teams were faster and more technically sound don't get me wrong I love the match between the Stieners and the Headshrinkers my favorite part is when Rick catches Fatu in mid air for a powerslam on Samu's shoulder was awesome!!!!!!!!
Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin Wrestlemania XIV or
Randy Savage vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania VIII

Flair vs Savage is still the best and most emotional WWF/E title match in Mania history IMO.

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X or
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania X7

Owen vs Bret had a lot of variety in it as well as a better story and flawless execution.

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania VI or
Steve Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X7

Not even close, Austin and Rock had great chemistry and Hogan vs Warrior was a very basic power man match.

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Wrestlemania X or
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper Wrestlemania VIII

Both are great in different ways, I love how Bret vs Roddy is a passing of the torch and a case of the brawler vs the technical wrestler, but the Ladder match was groundbreaking and is iconic.

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 13 or
Warrior vs Savage at Wrestlemania VII

Austin vs Bret is just so emotion driven and one of the top 5 brawls in WWE history, it is also iconic and phsyically superior to Warrior vs Savage, which was a good match in it's own right.

HeadShrinkers vs Steiners Wrestlemania IX or
Team Angle vs Los Guerrero Wrestlemania XIX

Good opener so I picked it because I can't even remember the other match in truth.
Inspired by the WM 19 vs 21 Shawn Michaels thread, I choose some matchs that compliment each other and are tough to choose from. Not which match has a better rating or had more impact on history, just which match you would prefer to watch if given the option of the two. So lets hear it: which match do you prefer?

Shawn Michaels vs. Steve Austin Wrestlemania XIV or
Randy Savage vs Ric Flair Wrestlemania VIII

Bret Hart vs Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X or
Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Wrestlemania X7

Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior Wrestlemania VI or
Steve Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania X7

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon Wrestlemania X or
Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper Wrestlemania VIII

Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania 13 or
Warrior vs Savage at Wrestlemania VII

HeadShrinkers vs Steiners Wrestlemania IX or
Team Angle vs Los Guerrero Wrestlemania XIX

Austin v Michaels: When matches are equal for me the style is what separates them. And for me attitude era matches are my favorite as a group so I give this match the edge.

Austin v Rock: And its not even close. Warrior v Hogan was a good match (considering their skill set) but Austin and Rock put on a trilogy of great matches and this could be their best one.

Bret v Owen: This gets the nod as it was simple and effective. Also Benoit is a few years away from his best self in the WWE which hurts it here against Bret v Owen where both are in their prime.

Michaels v Razor: Another one that's not close. Piper v Bret was good, but not a classic like Michaels v Razor.

Bret v Austin: Another situation were both matches are on par, but the nod goes here because of the era of the match and thus its style.

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