Philadelphia 76ers


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I have to admit this is another draft in which they left many people scratching their heads. They took a smart gamble on Joel Embiid. When you’re rebuilding and you need elite talent you swing for the fences not play it safe. Put Embiid next to Nerlens Noel in a couple years and if they both stay healthy they can be a force in the paint. The Sixers got a good future point forward - Dario Saric but likely he will spend the next two years in Turkey, developing. They picked up the very athletic Jerami Grant out of Syracuse, who should make some plays and fits an up-tempo system like the Sixers run. They rolled the dice on a few Europeans as well who may pan out down the line.

The people likely upset are the fans as I doubt they want to sit through another terrible season. Although I think they'll fare well if Noel is ready to suit up this upcoming season. Mix.these guys with Thad Young and MCW - you got a,pretty good team in 2-3 seasons.

Who all agrees or do you think the 76ers are doomed yet again?

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