Petition to bring back masked Kane

Bring back old Kane?

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Exactly what the headline reads. How many people out there are hoping to get kane back to his dominating, mask wearing old ways. I know the thread can be looked at as pointless but just want to see how many feel the same and i know there is alot. So agree or disagree add your comments of character whatever you feel.
No. No, no no.

First of all, what does Kane do now? Job, but still gets the pops he deserves and the wrestlers he puts over gain from it. If he gets his mask back, he'll just be demasked by the next wrestler he puts over. Which won't take long at all.

Secondly, Kane doesn't need to be dominant. Dominance goes for the monster heels or faces that need dominance to get over, or it comes as a by-product of being higher up the card for a long time.

Kane is over to the Nth degree. Not only does he not need to be dominant to get pops, he is always considered dominant over any mid-carder he's feuding with. Maybe not to the IWC, but to the crowd he'll always be considered a contender. You could put Kane against Cena tomorrow, and the crowd would still think Kane had a chance. I guess you could say that means that Kane is dominant to the crowd. I dunno.

Third, the mask isn't what gave him his dominance. It was the fact that he steamrolled through competition. He could come back tomorrow and start rolling through wrestlers and everyone would think he's dominant. Everyone is fallaciously implying that the mask brought the dominance. It was the other way around.

Remasking him isn't going to do anything but make a shitty storyline with probably Morrison that will end up with Kane unmasked again.
Kane as a masked monster was incredible for the time that is lasted. The colors of red and black together went so well together to create a monster that came from the pits of hell. But after the initial shock had ended, less people cared about the character. Sot he WWE had to change something, thus removing his mask. After that short fix brought nothing, he became the jobber to the stars that he is now. Giving him a mask back probably would not change what has already happened.

I vote against giving him his mask back, instead I vote for him to have never lost the mask, and instead for creative to give him something else to do while keeping the mask.
No. No, no no.

First of all, what does Kane do now? Job, but still gets the pops he deserves and the wrestlers he puts over gain from it. If he gets his mask back, he'll just be demasked by the next wrestler he puts over. Which won't take long at all.

Secondly, Kane doesn't need to be dominant. Dominance goes for the monster heels or faces that need dominance to get over, or it comes as a by-product of being higher up the card for a long time.

Kane is over to the Nth degree. Not only does he not need to be dominant to get pops, he is always considered dominant over any mid-carder he's feuding with. Maybe not to the IWC, but to the crowd he'll always be considered a contender. You could put Kane against Cena tomorrow, and the crowd would still think Kane had a chance. I guess you could say that means that Kane is dominant to the crowd. I dunno.

Third, the mask isn't what gave him his dominance. It was the fact that he steamrolled through competition. He could come back tomorrow and start rolling through wrestlers and everyone would think he's dominant. Everyone is fallaciously implying that the mask brought the dominance. It was the other way around.

Remasking him isn't going to do anything but make a shitty storyline with probably Morrison that will end up with Kane unmasked again.

good points but thats my point exactly he is a jobber to the stars now, when he use to dominate bigger stars like austin, rock, triple h in is prime, and so on. If he had a horrific burn accident left came back not just with mask as your right its not just mask, but fake hair old costume his pops would be huge and destroyed guys he could easily be top guy now and they really need it.
I'm a Kane fan and to be honest I like him in both his guises, that is both with the mask and without it. I remember people kept saying that Kane would need to lose the mask eventually because the masked gimmick would become stale. So he eventually does that and now people are saying he's stale again and that he needs the mask back.

Personally I would just like to see him come back from his latest hiatus and dominate Razorback said, it definitely was not the mask that made him dominant, it was the way he was booked as an unstoppable force. If you recall, when Kane was unmasked he was dominant all it takes is for creative to have Kane charge through people again and he will regain his monster aura.

I still think Kane can be effective today, it's just all about how he is booked. In saying that though, I wouldn't totally object to him returning with a mask (Undertaker went back to his old gimmick, no reason why Kane can't so long as it is accompanied by the right storyline, but then again this is the wacky world of pro wrestling...things don't have to make sense, have WWE say he was burned and there we have masked Kane again) but I'm happy either way so long as he's given a half decent feud and program.
You dont have to be burned to wear a mask, that said it'd be pointless now though, he's coming to the end of his career and while I'd love to see the old dominant Kane return I think he strictly is the put over guy. Even though he is the put over guy he is still pretty strongly booked, always a contender, he might not be the spotlight hog that Taker is but he's still one over motherfucker.

So yeah, he'll never be that guy again, but he's still good to this day.
The mask was good because it gave Kane's character some mystique, but now that we all know what he looks like, putting the mask back on is kind of pointless. Plus, as already stated, the mask wasn't what made him dominant; it was his booking. The mask was cool though.

However, I'd like him to come back as the psychopath he was when he was first unmasked back in 2003. When he lit JR on fire, electrocuted Shane's balls and sat right up after a Stone Cold Stunner. He whooped some serious ass during that time, all without the mask. Bring back that black towel he used to wear on his head too; he looked even more badass with it.
YES YES YES YES YES YES this would help bring kane back to the way he was years ago ...and might elevate him to the main event level b4 he retires for that one last title run
good points but thats my point exactly he is a jobber to the stars now, when he use to dominate bigger stars like austin, rock, triple h in is prime, and so on. If he had a horrific burn accident left came back not just with mask as your right its not just mask, but fake hair old costume his pops would be huge and destroyed guys he could easily be top guy now and they really need it.

He could dominate without the mask. That's my point. People think that the mask lends him dominance, but it doesn't. He lends the mask dominance. Why do you think he was so great when he had the mask? He dominated Austin, Rock, Triple H, and so on. He could come back and do all that without his mask. Just give him a feud where he dominates people. The crowd will believe it. Swear.

And really, if you give him the mask back he's just going to lose it again. People will care for a few months, then he'll lose it to some one like MVP and nothing will be any different. He'll be the same wrestler who can move up and down the card and no one but the IWC can tell the difference.
He could dominate without the mask. That's my point. People think that the mask lends him dominance, but it doesn't. He lends the mask dominance. Why do you think he was so great when he had the mask? He dominated Austin, Rock, Triple H, and so on. He could come back and do all that without his mask. Just give him a feud where he dominates people. The crowd will believe it. Swear.

And really, if you give him the mask back he's just going to lose it again. People will care for a few months, then he'll lose it to some one like MVP and nothing will be any different. He'll be the same wrestler who can move up and down the card and no one but the IWC can tell the difference.

okay Razorback my fellow arkansan we are bout to get all hillbilly up in here and have a good ole slobber knocker if you keep rebuttaling my comments. lmao. :smashfreakB:

yeah of course if he comes out and destroys people he can be built as the monster again and doesn't need the mask, but that hasn't happened and won't and he needs a change, right. Look at history: old gimmick, he was super dominant almost like no character before him; always at the top. New gimmick, he's a jobber to the stars plain and simple.

Is it me or did he also look bigger in the old attire, maybe he's lost some size also.

If your built as a monster doesn't it help to look more like one. I seriously doubt if he went back to the mask he they would make him lose it again that would seriously kill the character and any storyline. That would be like undertaker going back to the american bad ass gimmick now.
It would be cool to see kane back with his mask on, but it would also be cool to see the big red machine back on tv(just not as a jobber). I haven't seen kane on tv in months.
yes kane career plummeted the minute the mask cam off but they need to work it right or no one would give a damn like the whole bit he did with Rey would have been the perfect set up but they decided to make it Rey's mas in the bag and not kanes
Whats Paul bearer doing these days. If they wanted to make him heel and redebut with bearer that could definately be interesting.
I think Kane needs to have his mask back. When Kane had his mask, people were more interested in his character. True booking a superstar plays a role but look at Jeff Hardy, this guy was so popular before he was in the main event that they pushed him into the main event. It seems like after Kane was unmasked people became less interested and WWE started to make him a jobber to the stars
I voted yes, not because I think the mask made him dominant, but because I'm going off of what I'd like to see in storylines. Have one of the top guys beat him in a casket match (setting the casket on fire), inferno match, hell, any match as long as he winds up on fire in the end. Have him take off for a few months, yeah, they'll have to find a new jobber to the stars, but I'm sure Big Show is used to jobbing for Cena enough to take over that spot. Then, when they finally do bring him back, have the faces treat him with lots of melodramatic sympathy because the burns just HAVE to have made it to where he can't do shit in the ring, and have the heels treat him like a leper, then have him crush whoever he faces in the return, and in every subsequent match, up until he's big time main event status. And hell, you can even modify the look some to make it a hybrid of current Kane and masked Kane, Undertaker's return was the bastard child of the deadman and the American Badass, so why not?

I don't think Kane has gotten stale, and I think he could go to main event status as is, but to see him start crushing people with no catalyst whatsoever just wouldn't make sense to me from a storyline point of view.
Putting the mask back on Kane would get a few pops for a few weeks, then it be back to what it's always been. It won't reinterest the fans, it won't suddenly bring back the monster/unstoppable/unbeatable Kane, so it's kind of pointless to remask him. Does he deserve a huge push and to win the WHC? Oh hell yeah he does, will he? No. Does he want it, I don't think so. I believe Kane is just happy doing what he loves and that's wrestling. He doesn't need the mask, the big storylines, the titles, the major feuds anymore, he just wants to wrestle. So again why remask him? It really won't accomplish anything. Kane's happy where he is.
At the very least during one of these breaks kane has for some R&R he should come back with long hair and a beard and a bit of a new attitude.

I mean FFS, how long has it been since the failed attempt at making him come across as being burned? The guy has to walk around in public... let him have eye brows. At this point i've come to the conclusion kane takes time off everytime he actually wants to get laid for a few months.
At the very least during one of these breaks kane has for some R&R he should come back with long hair and a beard and a bit of a new attitude.

I mean FFS, how long has it been since the failed attempt at making him come across as being burned? The guy has to walk around in public... let him have eye brows. At this point i've come to the conclusion kane takes time off everytime he actually wants to get laid for a few months.
Is that why he never tries to grow a beard and shit? He would look better with a beard like he had in 2003. That and and a shirt, since he lost his muscular build a LONG time ago.

He doesn't need his mask anymore, although we all know he was much more menacing with it. He just needs to be booked as the big red fucking machine again, and not as the big bald jobber. I would like to see Kane wear a major title again before he retires. And more than a day of course.
I was going to suggest this before he returned last night

I was going to suggest Kane grows back the hair and beard during his hiatus. Then promos could start running saying Kane has been ignored and overlooked long enough. But now he has found guidance in his new manager..... Father James Mitchell!

Mitchell to the best of my knowledge is a free agent at present and would be an ideal associate for Kane. Kane could return bearded and with hair with new ring attire and a new darker personality. Mitchell the brains Kane the muscle. Very similar to Abyss/Mitchell in tna and Taker/Bearer but it could potentially work. Build Kane up again as a monster heel.
What will it really do?
Kane will just get un-masked by who ever he is putting over. And besides Kane isn't in his prime anymore, he's 42 now! I'm sorry Kane fans but it's the sad truth. Also you got a lot of rising stars like Morrison, Bourne, Kofi, etc, it would be pointless. And bringing back the monster Kane would be like bringing in some one more dominant than WWE's golden boys Trips and Cena. And Vince doesn't wan't that.
48 people? REALLY? It's apparent you're in need of an education.

The mask would MAKE NO SENSE NOW. Why should it come back? because it would make Kane interesting again? If you think that, congratulations on being the dumbest person on the face of the fucking planet. The mask worked because we dind't know what Kane looked like under it. They kept talking about how burned his face was and how many scars he had, so we were curious as to what it looked like. Now that we've seen him, what's the point in putting it back on? That doesn't make any fucking sense, which you would realize if you thought for two seconds instead of just thinking "oh this was cool 10 years ago so obviously despite everything changing it'll be cool now!" Get your heads out of your asses and THINK DAMN IT.
I agree with KB. The allure of Kane's mask was what does Kane look like without it. We seen what he looks like without it so why is there any need to put it back on. I do wish he can go back to the way he was after he was unmasked. I believe he has it in him to be that monster heel again but a guy can dream, can't he?
The mask does not make the man. Kane is no scarier with the mas on (in fact I think he's scarier without it). The mystery is gone because we already know what he looks like. There are no pluses to him wearing his mask again. If you want him to be dominant again great me too. Beating the piss out of Khali with a chair at The Bash was a great start. But don't feed me this mess that masking him again would make him a dominant force in the wwe. Clothes don't add power.
No, this whole concept is ******ed. He can be just as big of a monster without the mask. Its just the fans still pop for him not matter if he's heel or face. The fans love the guy, and theres no way of getting around it, so putting the mast on him wont change a thing.

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