People who make Videos on Youtube about how much they can't stand Wrestling today


Championship Contender Check this idiot out and tell me how much of a loser this guy is. He is 19 Yrs old btw.

I cannot stand these people on Youtube who make Videos about how disassatisfied they are with Wrestling today. If your that unhappy with it why waste the time making a Video about it? I don't get it.
More Wrestling Spam Zone than Wrestling - Non Spam. But whatever.

Me, I'd think most of the hate is baseless or based on an incorrect interpretation of the WWE's motives regarding certain wrestlers or storylines - but who cares? They're not doing anything wrong by voicing out their opinion, even if that opinion opposes yours.
Why waste time making a thread about those people? I don't get it. Why do you care so much about people who make videos that don't like wrestling. Why waste time? Why are you watching said videos?

It's fun. People like ranting about shit they care about. I do. It's fun to go on and on about something you don't like. They want a response and people give it to them. Other wise, they wouldn't have put their videos on Youtube. It's no worse then coming to a Wrestling Forum, criticizing the product and logging off.
First off this kid uses the word fuck waaayyyyy too much lol. Secondly yes this person is a loser but you my friend are also a loser for giving said ****** the attention he wants. If ppl want to voice their opinions then hey more power to em.
1. This has nothing to do with wrestling in general and will probably be closed before i'm done posting.

2. Ranting is a form of expressing yourself, its a way of getting out your anger. Sometimes people have no-one to talk to and find a sense of false security via the Interwebz.

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