People That Made Their Entrances


Old School Legend
I posted on the coolest ring entrance ever thread, and it made me start thinking. Who has memorable entrances, simply because of the individual's personality? What I mean is, is that, for example, Y2J's entrance was something that was amazing, and helped to showcase him as per the other thread but there were talents that you remember coming to the ring but had average or common entrances but their innovation made them memorable. if this has been posted before, I apologize. It's just that as I was posting the other thread, I started to put a couple of these guys down and then realized they didn't have memorable entrances, they made their entrances memorable. Here's my list.

Ric Flair- His ring entrance was nothing over the top, he didn't have pyros or smoke and mirrors or anything, and was a basic walk to the ring they could have done w/anybody. But what separates "Naitch" from the crowd was the way in which he walked to the ring and the attitude he put behind that entrance as well as his character.

Mr. Perfect- I think that anybody else in this character with his entrance would have quickly faded away. But Hennig, along w/his exceptional ring skills, added an element of attitude that made his entrance memorable. The cocky walk to the ring, the look on his face that said "I'm better than you and I know it", and his spitting and slapping the gum and use of the towel. Simple, basic things, yet done with the kind of personality that made him above and beyond the rest.

Rick Rude- Again, nothing special about his entrance. Very basic heel entrance. But Rude pulled it off perfectly. His arrogance, plus the gyrating to piss people off, was done in a way nobody else could. Plus, who wouldn't get pissed with the whole "fat, out of shape..." etc. etc. lines he spoke in the ring. Bunch of haters, just jealous. lol

Junkyard Dog- Absolutely nothing extravagant about his entrance to the ring. However, Mr. Ritter made a great entrance simply by being himself. The guy had a "Mr. T-ish" type attitude, meaning he looked like he could legitimately knock the ever lovin' crap out of you but inside was a heart of gold that shone through just as much. The dance, the bark, all made a memorable entrance for something that by today's standards would have been bland. But he pulled it off, and nicely.

Roddy Piper- Very simple way of coming to the ring. Sure, we all know his mic work and tough as nails attitude was the big part of his success, but he could come out and play to the audience like no other without speaking on the mic too. And that' s why he's on the list.

Booker T- Again, nothing over the top about his entrance. But in WCW, he put an amount of energy into his entrance that helped get the crowd into his arrival and made him fun to support.

The Rock/Stone Cold- Here are two people that epitomize the meaning of this thread. Their entrances by themselves weren't anything geared toward enhancing them, they just came out and enhanced the entrance. With the Rock's ability to play to the crowd with just craning his neck, to Stone Cold's ability to stand on the ropes and just put his arms in the air (even w/out the middle finger or the head wiggle), these entrances are memorable not from the standpoint of music, pyros, etc. etc. but by just the men themselves and the little bit extra they put into their actions.

I'm also going to try to give an example of somebody that I think does not fit into either category. I'm talking about the Hardys. The entrance wasn't memorable, they really weren't noted for making their entrance, but rather was known for in ring ability and appealing to the younger crowd. I do not think they fall in either category, which helps to explain why I think not everybody that has been popular or "over" can fall into this category. Same can be said for Orton. I have no clue what is appealing about that guy, but the same thing applies, he doesn't have a memorable entrance, and doesn't do anything really special or unique when he comes to the ring either. Just my two cents...
I think you have to look at John Cena's. Sure, he comes out to his own song, but he's been doing that since 2005. He gives a simple salute, but it has a "big match feel" every time Cena comes to the ring. His intensity and purpose with which he comes to the ring are unmatched today, honestly. Other then the opening sound, I hardly notice "The Time is Now" anymore, because Cena is that captivating with his entrance. He makes a top of the hour match feel like a PPV main event with the way he enters.
I think you have to look at John Cena's. Sure, he comes out to his own song, but he's been doing that since 2005. He gives a simple salute, but it has a "big match feel" every time Cena comes to the ring. His intensity and purpose with which he comes to the ring are unmatched today, honestly. Other then the opening sound, I hardly notice "The Time is Now" anymore, because Cena is that captivating with his entrance. He makes a top of the hour match feel like a PPV main event with the way he enters.
I know I'm gonna get slammed for this....
Here are a few I have in mind:

GOLDBERG-,Yes Goldberg,from headbutting the locker/door to the chants getting louder and louder to when he stands within the pyro and if you looked close...when he breathes out that little bit of smoke from them,
He once said in an interview way back when he was on Dennis Miller's HBO show"Where else but in pro wrestling can you hear thousands of people in the south cheering for a jew like me?"

TAZ-old school original ECW....When the music hit,the orange&black comes down the aisle and he's wearing that scraggly old black towel over his head..You just get the feeling he's saying"Give me a reason to fuck your world up in ways you can't imagine"
I always thought the coolest entrance/theme song was wasted on an at-best-mid-carder - - - Gangrel. The music, coming up from the floor into that little circle of fire. The chalice full of blood. Just a totally kick-ass entrance. then he'd get in the ring and screw it all up.

But my favorite of all time has to be the Undertaker. His normal, everyday entrance is badass. But when it's a big match (Wrestlemania, etc.) when he gets the druids, torches or of all time.
Hulk Hogan for one. The theme was awesome and everyone just got going from the top of the aisle till he ripped his shirt off.

Goldust is a good one, his entrance really fits his character and the music would continue during his vignettes which was cool.

Raven I like because there was absolutely notbhing special about the entrance, especially in WCW, just the knockoff music, slide into the ring, sit in the corner and not give a shit. Really spoke to nhis character.

But my favorite would have to be Sting, not just for the music, but coming down from the rafters was always cool, and the look on everyuone in the nWo's face was great.
Here are my list of people that made their entrances-

Brood/Gangrel- This was probably my favorite of all the Old Attitude era intros. I loved the music, the three of them, Edge, Gangrel, Christian, the eerie music, the red lights. The bloodbath, it just gave that gothic, vampire feel to them and they really immersed themselves in that stable for the time being. I really love watching their old school bits on youtube. You can't deny the appeal of that stable right there. It really showed the bond between E&C.

Edge and Christian- The "You Think You Know Me" song, the goofy intros they would do in crazy costumes, the 5 second poses, their goofball antics. Coming in through the crowd, it really solidified their stance as a dominant tag team, as well as crowd favorite.

Jericho- Who can forget this GRAND entrance of all? The big countdown was counting down, and then when ZERO hit, the figure appeared. Besides being a great speaker, he had the cocky moves, and killer swagger when walking, he knew how to get into peoples' faces when being a heel. The millenium clock and his air of attitude suited him.

Randy Orton- I think this guy is IT when it comes to entrances. whether Evolution, Legend Killer, or being a viper, he has the moves, and knows how to move and just let his opponents know HE IS GOING TO MAKE YOU PAY. Those poses on the turnbuckle, perfect for showing why he is a 3rd generation star. Each song he's had has been great for him.

Stephanie McMahon- My Time/All Grown Up- Each of these were great for her. I liked both songs, each suited her personality at the time of each storyline. Still both can suit her since she is a motivated business person. I think she was great with her intros at each time. Granted, she wasn't a TRUE wrestler, but it was entertaining and was appropriate given the circumstances her 'character' was in at the time.
I think people are losing the point of the thread, it's not who had great entrances, it was who MADE an otherwise boring entrance into a great one. Gangrel came up through a burning ring of fire (RIP Johnny Cash) and spit blood... How is that a regular entrance that he MADE special? And Sting decending from the rafters? That seems like an abnormal entrance to me. Now when he would slowly walk through the crowd, bat in hand, jump the rail and get into the ring and single handedly face off the entire nWo, that was something that he was able to make special that other wise was just a guy walking through a crowd and jumping the rail.
Another great entrance was CM Punk's entrance in ROH. From the opening beats of AFIs Miseria Cantre to his circling the ring to either taunt the crowd (as a heel) or fire them up (as a face) it was great. Even his cocky entrance as ROH world Champion with Cult of Personality as his theme was great, and he made them so... If you ever get a chance to see his work in ROH it will be worth rounding and money to see it, truely great stuff
Jake the Snake Roberts Definitely comes to mind in terms of entrances. From the walk to ring with the sack, to sitting in the corner waiting (which Raven adopted later since Jake trained him).

The Ultimate Warrior's entrance was also very memorable as well, with the running all the way down and shaking the ropes.
I agree with two people who posted earlier, when you think of memorial entrances, you cant help but think about the undertaker and hulk hogan. You just knew something importaint is going to happen
Val venis!!! The big Valvowski absolutely..... The confidence, the charisma, the "hello ladies", the music which soooo suited a pornstar, the whole thing wsas awesome..... And on top odf that when he got in he did his little dance while he took his towel off and then the classic "hello ladiessss" and after that a hilarious mini promo about having sex....just because of that he is one of my favorite memories of the attitude era!
Triple H. Let's think about this for a minute who else can walk through the curtain stand there staring at the floor spit some water angrily walk to the ring , jump onto the apron and repeat the process but add a flex and turnbuckle pose and have the crowd be into it? In my opinion his entrance has to be up there because I believe no one else period could pull this off
I'm not a huge fan of the man, but The Sandman from the original ECW def had an attention grabbing opener. I mean cmon, the dude smashed a can up beer against his forehead until he bled. If that doesn't grab your attention and say hey watch what I'm about to do then I don't know what will

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