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People need to lighten up


Yes I am a female here people
I was watching the VMA's on MTV last night (I ran out of Lucha Libre to watch so I was bored) and they had a host on there. I believe his name was Russell Brand, and he has come under fire so to speak for some of the comments he made last night.

This was from an article I read on Yahoo! news:

There were a few more laughs during comedian Brand's opening monologue, but the celeb audience seemed more nervous than amused, as the frenetic Brit took aim at Madonna, the virginity of teen sensations the Jonas Brothers and President Bush, whom he called "a ******ed cowboy fellow."

He clearly got under the skin of one celebrity, however, with his jokes about promise rings, which the Jonas Brothers wear to signify their virginity. Another famous promise-ring wearer, Jordin Sparks, said before giving out one award:

"I just wanna say, it's not bad to wear a promise ring because not every guy and a girl wants to be a ****, OK?" she quipped.

Afterward, a somewhat contrite Brand apologized to a stone-faced Jonas Brothers, saying, "I didn't mean to take it lightly" before adding, "a little sex once and a while never hurt anybody."

Now personally I thought he was funny. People need to stop taking things so damn serious, you need to laugh at yourself sometime in your life. Heck I am 27 and I get sooooo much crap for being a virgin. I just laugh it off because to me its not that big of deal. As far as Brands political comments, it doesn't matter where you are people are going to make comments about political issues. He was given a chance to say his views and he took it, you can't blame the guy for it. Let it go, I thought he was funny he had my sister and I laughing quite a bit. People take things waaaaaaay to seriously nowadays........
Now personally I thought he was funny.
I have a huge sense of humour Bro but reading that shit put me to sleep. none of what he said was even remotley funny.
People need to stop taking things so damn serious,
But this i agree with. People nowdays do not have a sense of humour. you crack a joke and people will just stare at you. Laugh at something funny and your wierd. people need to loosen up its not worth living your life like a sour puss.
you need to laugh at yourself sometime in your life.
Im always the first that if i stuff up i will laugh at it. Im the first to put myself down. it numbs the pain whenj pthers say it. now i dont feel anything.
Heck I am 27 and I get sooooo much crap for being a virgin. I just laugh it off because to me its not that big of deal.

While i agree that some people need to lightenj up and relax, i did not find one funny part of what was posted. But i think that that is the problem. everybodys sense of humour is different. some people laugh at poop jokes while others frown at them. it just depends on the person.
I can see where you are coming from. Everyone's opinion is different.

Personally though I think that if people like the Jonas brothers and Jordin Sparks are going to be putting their personal business out there for everyone to know then they should expect that someone somewhere is going to joke about it. And I think what Jordin Sparks said could be interperted as insulting for some. She made it seem like people who have sex before marriage are ****s.

But to each their own.

Well Russell Brand is practically unknown around here so his type of humor is different from ours. Lets face it we aren't exactly popular around the world either lol. :icon_lol:

Perhaps they whould have had Jamie Fox be the host and people might not have had such a hissy fit lol.......
Russell Brand has is weird way of telling jokes - I mean his "a little sex once and a while never hurt anybody" is obviously ironic considering his "Shagger of the Year" status.

I personally find him "meh" his jokes are hit and miss.

But anyways - some people need a sense of humor - anyone see the Lynx Chocolate Advert with the guy who looked like Russell Howard totally made of Chocolate. Banned because it scared children according to parents? Utter rubbish!

Also the Irn Bru adverts with the Goths drinking Irn Bru and becoming happy - really funny advert but no it's offensive. This PC World is worse than actual PC World!
Russel Brand is completely unfunny on the giving end and needlessly offensive. Needless because he's not funny when he does it, obviously.

However, I completely agree that celebrities or anyone should be such poor sports - everyone gets the piss taken out of them once in a while and much worse could have been said by a professional comedian.

Quite frankly, I think promise rings are about as good an idea as broken promise rings, which I presume slags wear to show how often they get laid. You're a virgin? Great. No STDs for you! No need to wear a ring to let me know, I'm not going to suddenly violate you and then afterward go: "What? I didn't see you wearing a promise ring!"
Russel Brand is godawful, yet he will always get publicity(and thus get his pages in heat, making him popular with the amsses) because of his "shagger" status and the way he seemingly doesnt give a shit.

He, alongside Pete Doherty, are everything thats wrong with the whole "nu-indie" faze thats sweeping the country.

Wish they both would fuck off, then festivals would become GOOD again
I find him un-funny, boring, and just didn't find him to be a good host. I thought his remarks towards the Jonas Brothers were in good fun, but were completley stupid and unfunny. Of course he was going to get press and be called "contreverisal" for calling Bush a "******", but thats why he did it, for the press. Yeah people need to lighten up and laugh, but this guy just wasn't very funny. I loved when Jordin Sparks, said that purity rings were not a bad thing, and that not everyone wants to be a "****", now that was funny, since Brand is known as a huge ho.
Being British, I have had the pleasure of knowing about Russell Brand for years. I don't find him offensive, I do find him unfunny. In no way shape or form is using childish words to describe your genitalia funny, its so unfunny that it makes my winky shrivel up and go back inside of me.

The thing is, is that people like Brand are shock humorists. He says what he says to get a reaction, and as this proves, he acheives it. I do think people need to lighten up though, because jokes have never hurt anyone really, they're hollow.

I can see this destroying his career in america if he ever had one, because some of the aspects of his past will be brought up, such as his drugs, sex addiction (I saw a show where he tossed off a man in a toilet) and probably worst of all, they will bring up when he dressed up like Bin Laden on September 12 2001.
He's another godawful jackoff that has been spawned from Channel 4's long line of no name presenters, except he has a bird's nest on his head and shouts words that aren't used in the modern vernacular ANYWHERE anymore, and that's the only way you can separate him from the others. (Honestly, if you're from England and actually watch channel 4, you may notice that very few of them have any talent or charisma about them and most of them are from Wales or at least the north. They have less diversity among their ranks than the cast of Eastenders.) He's just a loud mouth twat to summarise.

In regards to the original post, people do need to lighten up. Yes you may take offense to a joke made about you, but there will definitely be another similar joke made, that doesn't apply to you that you probably laughed your ass off at, so you don't really have any right to complain overall.
Oh Mr Brand. One of the ***** spawned from Channel 4 to appeal to the new generation fo indie fans.

He dressed the part and is apparently hunky to the women, means Channel 4 will always get the ratings and he will always get the flange.

Brand was good for one thing, that was Big Brothers Big Mouth(which was more entertaining than Big Brother itself)

But since they, he has done some terrible tv appearances(for example, he was On Have I got news for you and he failed miserably. Yet he will get invited back because as ive said, he is a ratings draw)

I would brand(haha) Brand with the same brush as I tar Pete Doherty and Arctic Monkeys with. People who have been lucky enough to get in the spotlight with very little or no talent.
I have to say that i am a big fan of Brand's ever since seeing him on Big Brothers little brother, i have even seen him live once which was a great night. I think a lot of people (not pointing fingers at anyone here) just dont understand his sense of humor and because of it just cant get into him.

The point about people needing to lighten up is a very true one as there are too many people who just cant take jokes anymore and if it even remotly seems towards some form of minority/disabilty/other touchy subjects than you instantly have an outcry about how disgusting it is.

Considering British humor is well known for touching on touchy subjects its a sad state what we have become when being able to make a light harted joke about some of the more serious things in life that some times you need to be able to laugh at just once in a while has pretty much been taken away.

Lighten up people, just because someone makes a joke about something serious doesnt mean they dont understand or respect that subject, just that sometimes we need to laugh at these things or you would never be able to get over the bad things in life!

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