People Claiming Benefits To Be Given Work

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
So they say. If you are able-bodied and claiming benefits, you will have ajob found for you. Or something like that. It might be voulenteer work. And rightfully so. You get people who claim benefits yet never go out and look for jobs. Some people should stop being so fucking lazy. There are plenty of easy jobs out there. If you aren't intelligent then I'm sure the jobs offered to you won't stretch you. You don't have to think much to pick up litter after all.
If at 16, with currently no qualifications, I can get a job, anyone can. I fail to see how people can be lazy all day and still get a pay check every week. I mean, I might just pack in my job and sit at home all week and still get paid for it.

If people have a genuine reason they can't work, such as disability, then the government should help them out weekly. But people should also get a set amount of time to get a job in which the government gives them money. Maybe 2-3 months. After those months are up, they receive no money unless they get a job. There would be no bigger reason for them to get a job. If they don't they starve to death.
This is actually a growing problem here in Minneapolis. Maybe people get unemployment for ridiculous amounts of time and never look for jobs. The sad thing is, the office workers skew numbers to get them eligible. A news program that runs stings went to the office and had someone apply who was just over the limit for what will get them benefits. The lady worker the desk told them to go spend 2,000 dollars so that they would drop below the line for their savings. That mixed with them having no job got them a check every month. Can you say BS?

Minnesotas welfare is so forgiving that people move here to take advantage of it. You can see now why I hate Minneapolis so much.

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