People Amaze Me

Wow, what the fuck? People really are just stupid.

90% of the time there's a suicide note...90% of the time suicides aren't caused by multiple untreated concussions sustained over a career.
Yeah, I was just skimming that one, made me chuckle, and that made me sad inside.

Ha, funny to have The Crock point out that, er, crock?

Fuck wordplay. I'm knackered.
Not only is it ******ed, but it's a copy and paste job.

The post in there calling it "one of the best threads" made me die a little inside.
Man, that thread is just insulting. It's a shame what the actual wrestling-related forums have become. They're just overloaded with spam and terrible threads.
That's not the first time that theory has been posted, every few yrs. it seems some asshole needs to show his stupidity by posting that same shit. What they fail to realize is that Kevin Sullivan is simply not smart enough to pull that off & get away with it scott free.
wrestling_is_real sure has been typing a lot. Take a look at that keyboard...when's the last time he cleaned it? Every single key has probably been touched by his dirty fingers hundreds of times, leaving nothing but bacteria slowly growing a microscopic layer of filth and disease. Maybe he should was his hands.
That's not the first time that theory has been posted, every few yrs. it seems some asshole needs to show his stupidity by posting that same shit. What they fail to realize is that Kevin Sullivan is simply not smart enough to pull that off & get away with it scott free.

But he's a Satanist -- he clearly could have possessed Chris Benoit! :rolleyes:
I Googled some stuff and read alot and came to this stunning conclusion: I think Benoit killed his family and then himself. I know, I know, it may make too much sense.
I Googled some stuff and read alot and came to this stunning conclusion: I think Benoit killed his family and then himself. I know, I know, it may make too much sense.

that's not it, because I figured it out.

Kevin Sullivan had the satanic gimmick before, and Undertaker had the satanic like Ministry gimmick, so obviously they both practiced it outside of wrestling, it wasn't just a gimmick to them, so they conspired to kill the Benoit family.
that's not it, because I figured it out.

Kevin Sullivan had the satanic gimmick before, and Undertaker had the satanic like Ministry gimmick, so obviously they conspired to kill the Benoit family.

...And your name is Sinister Shadows. Obviously, you're Kevin Sullivan and you did it. And you've come to WrestleZone to admire the fact that everybody is talking about your deeds. You terrible person.
Why hasn't anyone explored the possibility of a witch doctor enchanting his Bow-Flex, which went around on a murderous rampage? It probably wasn't being used anymore, and when it gained sentience had a long conversation with Benoit to rekindle their relationship. It probably sent out the texts, too.
These are the people that still think the World is flat.

Milenko isn't exactly "people."

Here's my theory: Melina did it. She knew if Benoit was out of the way, JoMo would move onto better things, leading to his move to Smackdown. Once on Smackdown, well, she had ample opportunity to ride Dave Batista.
The person who posted it PM'd me asking why it was closed. He then proceeded to compare the Benoit murders with the JFK murder.

Because apparently Kevin Sullivan and the US Government/Mafia have equal ability to orchestrate coverups. Makes sense, right?

People like him worry me. We should require a license to procreate.

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