Paying Homage to the First HIAC


Pre-Show Stalwart
With the massive "conspiracy" against the Undertaker, and CM Punk still relatively new as Champion, i thought of the perfect way to keep Punk as champion, and also Pay homage to the first HIAC match. During the match, near the end after a good back and forth, have the lights go out as undertaker goes for a pin off of the Tombstone. When the lights come back on, a masked Kane is behind the Undertaker. Taker turns around and gets nailed with a chokeslam and a tombstone, and Punk picks up the win. Then, have Taker confront Kane backstage (now unmasked), and Kane claim that he is oblivious to what happened. Kane can either really be unknowing of what is going on, with him having some sort of mental disorder causing him to have a split personality, or maybe a sleep disorder where he lashes out as masked Kane while sleepwalking or something of the sort, like people who take a sleep drug, and end up driving in their sleep. Or Kane can claim that the masked entity is someone different altogether, and toy with the Undertaker, playing a face while unmasked, and attacking Undertaker while masked.
I read in another forum on vince screwing the Undertaker, that said Vince might use Kane as a mule, but i think this would be far more intriguing, since it would be kane at the head of the conspiracy in fact.
this is probably the best idea i'f heard for kane in a long time. alot of people want the mask back and this would be perfect. i would have kane pretend that it wasnt him who attacked taker and just use the mask to make it seem like it wasnt him. then he pulls off the mask and the undertaker is like "holy shit it was u", plus you could have a taker v kane 3 at mania
this is probably the best idea i'f heard for kane in a long time. alot of people want the mask back and this would be perfect. i would have kane pretend that it wasnt him who attacked taker and just use the mask to make it seem like it wasnt him. then he pulls off the mask and the undertaker is like "holy shit it was u", plus you could have a taker v kane 3 at mania

Take out Kane vs Taker 3 at Mania and you have a good plan. I'm sick of seeing them face off at Mania and neither of them are gonna have many more so I don't think thats a good idea. The thread starters plan for Kane was pretty good though.

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