Payback Predicitions for WZPC

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
Pre-Show Match
Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow
Winner and Confidence: Sheamus 2
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

United States Championship Match
Dean Ambrose (c) vs. Kane
Winner and Confidence: Dean Ambrose 7
Method of Finish (5 points):pin

Tag Team Championship Match
Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins (c) vs. Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan
Winner and Confidence: Reigns and Rollins 1
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Intercontinental Championship Triple Threat Match
Wade Barrett (c) vs. The Miz vs. Curtis Axel
Winner and Confidence: Curtis Axel 6
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

Divas Championship Match
Kaitlyn (c) vs. AJ Lee
Winner and Confidence: AJ 4
Method of Finish (5 points): Submission

Best in the World Showdown
Chris Jericho vs. CM Punk
Winner and Confidence: Punk 3
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
Winner and Confidence: Ziggler 5
Method of Finish (5 points): Pin

WWE Championship Three Stages of Hell Match
John Cena (c) vs. Ryback
Winner and Confidence:Cena 8
Method of Finish (First Fall) (5 points): Ryback Put in Ambulence
First Fall Winner (5 points): Cena
Second Fall Winner (5 points): Ryback
Third Fall (if necessary) Winner (5 points): Cena

Bonus Questions

Which match of the ones listed will go on first? (excluding the Pre-Show)(5 points) Intercontinental Title Match

Which match of the ones listed will go on last? (5 points)

Cena vs Ryback

What will be the shortest and longest match of the evening? (10 points)

Shortest: Divas Title Match
Longest: Cena vs Ryback
made another mistake forgot last match of the night actually comes out to 81. But theo I've messed up 3 times so you should check.
Not a bad job, Macios. I would've predicted every outcome the same, though I wouldn't have had Reigns and Rollins so low on my prediction confidence. I would've gotten the DZ/ADR match wrong as well. Though I'm intrigued where that story is going.
That could be a top score right there.

If I retained my ICX Championship then maybe I got my next challenger right here.
That could be a top score right there.

If I retained my ICX Championship then maybe I got my next challenger right here.

Thanks man. If indeed my first title match ever would be against you I'd be thrilled. Money in the Bank is hard to predict so it be a very spirited and contested match indeed.
I've been a tag champ 3 times and this is my 2nd time being the ICX champ. I got one title left to win before getting the triple crown.

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