Paula Abdul Leaving American Idol

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I can do whatever I want
Well according to her official(confirmed)twitter account, Paula has officially left Idol after contract negotiations fell through.

It;s been reported that Paula was receiving 2 Million a year for the show while both Ryan & Simon recently signed huge 20 mill a year contracts. This is the apparent reason for Abdul not signing.

So will Paula the orginal idol judge leaving, hurt the ratings for TV's #1 rated show? Or will Paula soon be forgotten like Shannon & Boone, Edie Brit and George O'Malley?

Personally I'm shocked :( I went on Perez's website and show the news. Although Paula's opinion meant shit on the show, she was the comedic relief the show needed. Plus she was there from the beginning. I'm a fan of Kara, but she was nothing like Paula and she will sure get tons of backlash.

Paula's "drunken" ways will be missed :(
I always liked Paula and her antics with Simon were funny. But I don't think it will hurt the show.

I read that Seacrest just signed a 45 million deal for 3 years, and she wanted 20 but they offered her 10. 45 million? It's amazing people have that much money to waste, personally I don't care for Ryan that much.
Thank God. She is the worst judge by far on that show. She cares more about the outfits then the music. She had no clue what she was talking about and either did anybody who actually watched the show. I'm glad the show is down to 3 judges again as 4 was way to much. The only thing i will miss of Paula is Simon making fun of Paula. Good riddance.
Fuck Paula. Seriously? 10 million dollars? Just for sitting on your ass once a week and debating wether or not someone can sing? If she won't do it, I will. I'm not trying to knock people that make a lot of money, I AM a Capitalist, but seriously.... 10 million is huge. And from what I heard, its 30% more than she was making. I wish I got 30% pay raises.
Paula's reasonings for quitting seem flawed, considering her job consist of saying yes and no whilst drinking something out of a coke cup and recieving money that could easily last a lifetime. Regardless, I'm not indifferent, but I'm not too sad about her leaving. Ratings probably will not decrease in no significant amount seeing as Paula isn't no where near the focal point of the show, and you'd have to be an extreme fan of hers to watch. That doesn't sound likely to be hordes of die hard Paula fans that are crazy enough to watch her say repeatetive things - perhaps 10, at most, thus ratings won't decrease significantly. She was weird anyways.
People actually care what this drunken fool does? She's amusing if you enjoy watching celebrities be made fun of on The Soup. I do, so I wish she'd stay on so I could continue to gain pleasure from watching her lower the bar for the human race.

I don't actually watch American Idol you see. Because I don't have terrible taste.
I don't even watch this show, but this might be sad for some of her "fans", although I don't know how you could be a fan of someone who just sits there and drink Coke. She was there from the beginning, but let's face it: Ryan's the face of the show, and everybody watches Simon to see who he's gonna rip a new asshole in, so that's probably why they got double her pay. To be honest, Paula had no real purpose on the show other than a nostalgia factor for her fans, so nobody's really losing any sleep. I'm sure she'll find a job somewhere. These days, people make a reality show out of fucking anything, so that's what she'll probably be doing.
what a dumb bitch. 10 million is a shit load more money then i make. she got 30% increase like you said that is ungodly i wish i could get that to. she leaving will not hurt the show. ratings are fine without her. Simon and Ryan are the draws to the dam show anyway. Kara is better looking anyway and brings more to the show. good ridens ho no more jokes from Simon on you but you will always be his bitch.
Whats so good about her, for her to think that she is actually relevant. I mean come one here, she is famous for making a song in the 80's that later bombed so hard, K-Fed would have been gold in comparison. Every videoclip released with her in it consists of her stumbling anf fumbling around talking like someone who just had a numbing needle mixed with Somas and alcohol. I seriously hope they biring in someone who actually had/has a successful music career.
I haven't watched American Idol since Ruben Studdard won, ok.. i've tried to watch it, but get bored or disgusted and quit. Paul Abdul was dumb as a stump, and she definitely wasn't drinking Coke out of that cup. Farewell.
I really couldn’t care less if Paula is leaving the show. She really didn’t add to the show at all and she wasn’t the reason people watch the show anyways; well at least I didn’t watch the show for her. Anyways, her reason to leave the show is stupid one to be honest. Like I said, she is not the reason why the majority of people watch the show for so why give her a huge paycheck? It’s just absurd that she thinks she deserves more money when she really doesn’t. It’s stupid to leave even though she is still getting a ton of money. Does she not watch the news and see how many people are losing their jobs and don’t have enough money? I bet there are thousands of people who wish they had a fraction of the money she was offered yet she easily gives it up because it’s not enough. Things like this just make me roll my eyes.:icon_rolleyes:
none of the judges add credibility to the show, its reality tv where people get a chance to be punted into the spotlight.

The sad truth is that three different guys get 30-45 million contracts Paula wanted a misly 20 mil to stay on the show to prove that she was worth something, they instead just let her leave which reintegrated the fact that they couldn't care less they wanted someone prettier and more boobage to get the young men in which IMO is sad, reality TV is killing acting and music anyway because its breeding idiots with no talent into the industry (with some exceptions), the good thing about all this is she will probably end up selling a tell all story about her crappy time there so its a win win situation for all.
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