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Paul Heyman - TNA's last hope for creative?


"In response to iMPACT!'s lackluster ratings, discussion of bringing Jim Ross and Paul Heyman to TNA has heated up amongst company officials. Heyman is contractually free, but hasn't shown much interest in joining TNA when friends have asked him about joining the company in the past. However, they feel he would accept a position with the company if he was given power beyond appearing as a character and writing shows.

It should be noted that Heyman recently blasted the promotion on his Twitter account, more specifically the current RVD and Jeff Hardy storyline"

Can someone help me out here. Is Paul heyman that much of a creative genious and can he really make TNA better and watchable, thats the way everyone seems to be putting it. Someone told me that he created all those epic smackdown moments from 2002-2003 and if thats true, then TNA really does need this guy

I don't think any one person is going to make TNA's ratings jump from 0.8 to 3.0. It seems like the fans, and the people within TNA themselves, are expecting to find some "magic" person like that, be it a wrestler or someone backstage. It's just not going to happen. They need to come up with a long-term game plan and strategy for what they want their company to be all about and what will differentiate them from WWE, and then they need to commit to it and hope for a gradual shift in the ratings.

We've already got Bischoff in the company, the man who helped beat WWE in the ratings before, and nothing much is happening. So no, I don't think bringing in Heyman would totally change TNA as we know it. Do I think he would be worth hiring? Hell yeah! I would definitely tune in to see if he can add to their momentum. I think he would be a great addition to the company, and I'm surprised that he's not more enthusiastic about another chance at a war with Vince. I would love to see him come on board.
While I think he is ten times better than russo at creating logical, entertaining storylines I always wonder why people complain how stale wrestling is right now and then beg for the same people that have been running the wrestling business the last two decades(bischoff, heyman, etc) What we need is fresh blood. I'm certain that somewhere out there is someone under the age of 40 who could logically book and run a show. Christ, look at who is running the show in WWE and TNA. I would bet a good chunk of money that members of each companies creative team average aroudn the age of 45 or 50. what we need is fresh blood not the same three people running the show namely bischoff, heyman and mcmahon. without an infusion of young, motivated writers wrestling will die.
I have to agree with you both to some degree. Heyman knows how to use lackluster talent and give them meaning. He knows how to create a cult like following that can propel a brand to national status. This is something that Hogan/Bishoff have no experience in.

The ratings won't jump but having him and raven calling storylines could create compelling storylines.

Another route is to hire someone who writes sitcoms and/or dramas. They know how to get people hooked and keep them coming back. If you look at the soaps they have endured for years and many are doing better than ever. It's the writing and hook. So I think TNA should find some hollywood writers that are better able to craft storylines and then have someone there help the talent to sell the moves..
Paul Heyman is quite creative, but there is no one single person that's going to be able to pull TNA out of the funk that it's in. Just my opinion and I might be wrong on it. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what TNA can do at this point. I know some fans would like to see TNA become something of a cross between the old ECW and a standard porn flick, but it's not going to happen nor do I think it would be successful. Sleazy stunts designed only to draw ratings aren't going to help TNA in the long run.

There are talented wrestlers on the roster, but they're just doing what creative is telling them to do and that's all that they really can do. If Paul Heyman were to agree to join TNA, I believe Dixie Carter would have to be willing to fork over a significant portion of TNA Creative power over to him and I don't believe that she will. A significant portion of TNA's fanbase has disappeared and they aren't bringing in new fans so something is eventually going to have to give. Blame Russo, Blame Hogan or whoever, but I do believe that changes backstage are going to have to be made for TNA to recover. Forget about growth at this particular point, just try to get back to where you were for the time being.
Paul Heyman knows that kind of environment. He knows wrestling, and worked very well with very little. I would hire him, and let him hire a staff should he can pass on his genius to another generation.

TNA has more resources then ECW, so he might be able to make something amazing. You know he would fire Flair, and maybe some others. Hell he might do what the company needs to do,and bring in talent.

Heyman a lone can't do it, but with a staff of his choice, he can.
Why does everyone think one or two people can make a difference there is a reason u have a company and u need to make a functioning enviorment and keep everyone on the same page bringing in someone new every 2 to 3 months kills whatever unity they have
I think TNA should get rid of Russo. I don't believe he has any new or cutting edge ideas. He seems to rehash the same old story lines. Most of the time it is the old vs new, power vs up and comer, blah blah blah. His story lines have been MEM vs Frontline, or The Band vs. Young, or The New Blood vs the Millionaires Club.

I like the idea of Heyman coming in, but I think Bischoff is just as capable. What I think they should do is bring in a few writers. I would bring in a couple of sitcom guys, and a couple of 1 hour drama guys. The drama guys would be from like a 24, Lost, or Flash Forward type of background. I would have someone with a wrestling background as the writers boss. Whether its Bischoff, Heyman, Ross, or even Russo. They would have the ability to kind of book the show, but have the writers creating new stories for rivalries.

TNA needs to hit on the right story with the right character to get people hooked. Something that gets the wrestling community buzzing. An NWO, Stone Cold, Rock, D-X, or Invasion angle of their own. I don't know who or what it would be.

I had hoped that AJ or Sting's Heel Turns would have been it. Maybe turning Hardy could do the trick. Who knows, but I will keep watching....

my first post so bear with me. to all who think that bischoff is the answer i would remind you, that he had deep pockets, and still lost wcw to wwe. if you work a problem, and come up with a wrong answer, and work the same problem the exact same way, you are going to come up with the same wrong answer. i say let heyman run wild, as he cant hurt it worse than it is.
While I think he is ten times better than russo at creating logical, entertaining storylines I always wonder why people complain how stale wrestling is right now and then beg for the same people that have been running the wrestling business the last two decades(bischoff, heyman, etc) What we need is fresh blood. I'm certain that somewhere out there is someone under the age of 40 who could logically book and run a show. Christ, look at who is running the show in WWE and TNA. I would bet a good chunk of money that members of each companies creative team average aroudn the age of 45 or 50. what we need is fresh blood not the same three people running the show namely bischoff, heyman and mcmahon. without an infusion of young, motivated writers wrestling will die.

I totally agree, but they wont hire me lol

They won't hire anyone who hasn't been with a big network/show before, which is understandable. You dont want someone who has no idea what they are doing trying to run a show.

But most people who have been writing for TV for years DONT WANT TO DO WRESTLING! Most people who want to write for wrestling ONLY want to write for wrestling. It is a completely different style than say, a sitcom.

They need writers who are creative but have followed the product and have been for years. To create compelling storylines they need new fresh ideas, but they also must work off of history. A lot of storylines from the 80's and even 90's have been redone in the past few years but nobody has noticed. One example is the match in WWE where Angle got his head shaved but denied it by wearing a toupee under wrestling headgear. That had already been done (I forget who it was though).

new creative ideas + great old forgotten ideas = RATINGS
Hey guys i am new to this forum. I think alone Paul Heyman can't make much of a upgrade to the rating's alone. But why would you give Paul Heyman power's beyond "Creative writer and On-screen character" ? There is nothing more he is good at besides those two things and maybe talent scouter.
I dont see Paul Heyman joining TNA for one reason

Remember that article WrestleZone and other sites had up? I'll never forget it saying Paul Heyman & Todd Gordon were gonna collaborate together in 2011 what is seemingly gonna be a third wrestling promotion (like an ECW for the MNWII between WWE & TNA) So by July 2011 they said they'll announce it, and they said "it" starts August 2011

that's what I remember reading so it sounds atleast to me like a third wrestling company will be here in 2011

around the same time the WWE Network launches

I must say I expect the MNWII to be better at this point in the year of 2011 and for wrestling to reach a new peak down the road after this

I dont know if anyone else remembers the article I'm referring to but it said that Paul & Todd were gonna work together and it would be The Greatest Collaboration in Wrestling History and the big announcement wouldnt be revealed until July 2011 & it starts August 2011

All I can think of is does Shane have anything to do with it. I have so many thoughts of MNW Conspiracy running through my head in general. Too much has fallen in place in too coincidentally for a lot of things concerning both WWE & TNA
Paul Heyman is one of the best bookers of all time. At the same time he was one of the worst business men of all time. However the opposite can be said about Eric Bischoff. He is a good business man, if the two are able to co-exist then TNA will see lots of great things in the future.

The only thing that is holding this company down is the booking.. Vince Russo has to go, he has had time and time again to prove himself. Its time to move on.

From a business perspective, TNA has changed a lot since Eric and Hogan came in. (In a positive way) They have made TNA more mainstream, advertised it to the teeth! and recently Spike TV has advertised it a lot, also I read somewhere that merchindise sales are up too.

These are things TNA could not do before.. all they need is good booking to round the show up. (there some things that are good, but the majority have been dumb (losing your title in a lock box? and not being mad about it??))

Paul heyman is a genius and I believe he will be on TNA soon. However, from what I understand Spike TV used to be TNN. and Heyman and TNN had a lawsuit over the raw deal that ECW got when they were on TNN. That could all be over with now, but I would LOVE Heyman on TNA as a positive sign of going forward. He was able to build a promotion with almost no money.. imagine if he had the money and talent that TNA currently has? The sky would be the limit and I hope to got that he comes to TNA sooner rather than later..

To get a good idealogy on Paul Heyman for those too young to remember, rent or buy or watch online the Rise and Fall of ECW to truly understand this man and you will grow to appriciate him even more.
One of the reasons this keeps getting brought up is because Bischoff and Heyman are different people. To casual wrestling fans it looks like Bischoff is better, but Heyman probably is. Here's why:

Bischoff is more of an old school businessman. He thinks along the lines of "this is how wrestling and entertainment works and if it's not working then it's the fans fault because they're stupid, I know what's best and that's what I'll give them."

Whereas Heyman is more new school. He thinks along the lines of "This is a different generation. They want something different. The basic formula is correct but we need to find a new way to deliver. Instead of thinking we know best let's listen to the fans and culture and give them want they want."

Heyman would think of new ways to promote the talent. At least that's what I think. Bischoff is great for TNA to have as an on screen character, but his way of thinking and booking is not what's right for today.
The sole hiring of Paul Heyman will not turn ratings around overnight nor improve the product dramatically. Quite frankly, no single thing will. As much as people say otherwise, TNA needs to do what WCW did circa 1995/96... a lot of good little things. That said, hiring Paul Heyman on the creative side would be a very good little thing to do. Letting him have meaningful impact and say in the product would be even better.

The reasons are fairly obvious and most have been mentioned. Primarily though, Paul knows how to build talent in the roster. Moreover, he is a master at accentuating the positive and hiding the negative, both with the talent and the product in general. Why was ECW's Taz regarded as such a monster and WWE's Tazz a mere step above enhancement talent? It came down to how each character was built, the story that was told, and the persona that was allowed to develop. Raven is another example... incredible in ECW, a shell of his former self in both WCW and WWE. Simply put, he wasn't allowed to shine. Rob Van Dam... a little more success than the aforementioned but ultimately the same sad story.

TNA could do a great thing by hiring Paul Heyman... as long as they don't cut his hands off and tape his mouth shut. He shouldn't have totally free reign over the company either, but there is a lot he can do with the talent... especially the younger guys who really haven't had a "chance" yet. TNA should not only hire him, but let him do his job afterward. Essentially, the opposite of how Vince "handled" Heyman during the first go-around of WWECW.
As much of a mark as I am for the original ECW and Paul E. Dangerously, I really don't know if ECW could be replicated again. Granted TNA has the resources to fund Heyman's vision, but remember when ECW was on TNN (which was the old name for Spike TV)? They couldn't do half of what was perfectly fine for them to do on the syndicated show (that I would get up at 3am Thursday mornings just to watch every week).

That being said, Heyman would need complete creative control over TNA. Russo, Hogan and Bischoff would need their pink slips. Actually, keep Bischoff as an on-screen personality kind of like how Cyrus was.

If you remember with ECW, Heyman had a knack for showing the good elements to what they had and hiding the bad elements. Since ECW, when has Rhino been good?

Paul Heyman is one of the best bookers of all time. At the same time he was one of the worst business men of all time. However the opposite can be said about Eric Bischoff. He is a good business man, if the two are able to co-exist then TNA will see lots of great things in the future.

Bischoff is a good business man? You realise that WCW never made a dime while he was at the helm? Bischoff just had a seemingly endless supply of money. And let's be honest here, if Heyman had access to the money Bischoff had, the WWE right now would be the FCW for ECW.
Bischoff is a good business man? You realise that WCW never made a dime while he was at the helm? Bischoff just had a seemingly endless supply of money. And let's be honest here, if Heyman had access to the money Bischoff had, the WWE right now would be the FCW for ECW.

What? you realize that 1997-1998 were WCW's most profitable years. (Its recorded and documented) Bischoff was at the helm during that time. In 1999 is when thing plummeted when the company was NOT lead by bischoff and had a who's who of Bookers (Nash, Russo, Sullivan etc) that burried the company by 2000.

Also WCW did not start making serious money till they went to Monday nights.. which was also lead by Bischoff. Merchindise was hirer than EVER with the NWO stuff and Sting (crow gimmick)/Goldberg stuff.. all this was a result of Bishcoff. So to say he never made a dime.. is completely false.

In any event having Heyman and Bischoff together would work for TNA, as I believe TNA needs a strong Booker! and Heyman will bring that to the table. If you watch the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD everyone stated the same thing.. that Heyman was a genuis writing storys and booking, but he was a horrible business man. This is where Bischoff can assist in.

Also if ratings are any indication of money... (like how people are stating now in the TNA vs WWE monday night war) then let the record show the figures below from 1995-1999 WCW was VERY profitable on Monday nights..and this was during Bischoff at the helm. Not to mention the money they made before the Monday night move. The Numbers do not lie.. so to say that WCW was not profitable under Eric is completely false.


Now is Paul Heyman the LAST hope for TNA? well I dunno I am sure there are some good bookers out there that are no were near as popular or are sitting on the sidelines waiting for there chance. But if history proves anything, if Heyman is given the regin to do what he wants in TNA and leave the business/promotional stuff to Eric/Dixie/Spike and Hogan.. then it could work. However by that point they would need to get rid of Russo. I just can not see any value in the man.

Just to add another note about Eric..

In 1991 Turner Broadcasting’s World Championship Wrestling recruited Eric as an on-camera talent. Eric’s entrepreneurial instincts and interests were catalysts for him to quickly make the transition from on-camera talent and move through the corporate ranks at Turner. Eric was promoted to Executive Producer in 1993, Vice President in 1994, Executive Vice President in 1996, and President in 1998.

Before leaving Turner Broadcasting in 1999, Eric had established WCW as the leader in the sports/entertainment category for nearly two years—out performing the WWE from 1996-1998. He was also responsible for growing the licensing, merchandising, pay-per-view, and live event business units to record levels, increasing revenues from $24million in 1993 to $350million in 1998, building the division into a profit center for the first time since Ted Turner purchased the franchise in 1988.

1998 was recorded as WCW's most profitable year. Its been well documented, also for most of that year Hogan was champ. So to say he never made a dime is laughable.
What? you realize that 1997-1998 were WCW's most profitable years. (Its recorded and documented) Bischoff was at the helm during that time. In 1999 is when thing plummeted when the company was NOT lead by bischoff and had a who's who of Bookers (Nash, Russo, Sullivan etc) that burried the company by 2000.

Also WCW did not start making serious money till they went to Monday nights.. which was also lead by Bischoff. Merchindise was hirer than EVER with the NWO stuff and Sting (crow gimmick)/Goldberg stuff.. all this was a result of Bishcoff. So to say he never made a dime.. is completely false.

In any event having Heyman and Bischoff together would work for TNA, as I believe TNA needs a strong Booker! and Heyman will bring that to the table. If you watch the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD everyone stated the same thing.. that Heyman was a genuis writing storys and booking, but he was a horrible business man. This is where Bischoff can assist in.

Also if ratings are any indication of money... (like how people are stating now in the TNA vs WWE monday night war) then let the record show the figures below from 1995-1999 WCW was VERY profitable on Monday nights..and this was during Bischoff at the helm. Not to mention the money they made before the Monday night move. The Numbers do not lie.. so to say that WCW was not profitable under Eric is completely false.


Now is Paul Heyman the LAST hope for TNA? well I dunno I am sure there are some good bookers out there that are no were near as popular or are sitting on the sidelines waiting for there chance. But if history proves anything, if Heyman is given the regin to do what he wants in TNA and leave the business/promotional stuff to Eric/Dixie/Spike and Hogan.. then it could work. However by that point they would need to get rid of Russo. I just can not see any value in the man.

Just to add another note about Eric..

1998 was recorded as WCW's most profitable year. Its been well documented, also for most of that year Hogan was champ. So to say he never made a dime is laughable.

They made a boatload of cash, but he was shelling out HUGE contracts to the talent (some even made huge cheques without ever even appearing like Lanny Poffo) which negated the revenues. Hell, Hogan even got 700 grand PER PPV. JR even said in some interview that WCW never got out of the red.
I've been watching TNA every week and I really try to like what they are doing but honestly there is way to much Hogan, Flair, Nasty (finally gone), The Band and not enough X-Division and actually wrestling.

I hate how RVD is being used right now. "The hottest free agent hardly gets any TV time" Same with Hardy, these are two awesome wrestlers who don't get used right. Beer Money are bishoffs lackys when they are an awesome tag team. And the list goes on. I think AJ Styles is the least used World Champion i have ever seen in wrestling.

Paul Heyman is creative as hell when it comes to booking. He made a lot of nobody's into the names we recognized today in a lil company. Heyman I think could do some amazing things on camera managing the right guy and booking the shows.

Pope, Anderson, Motor City, Generation Me, Lethal, LAX, Beer Money, RVD, Hardy, Angle, Styles, Abyss, Desmond Wolfe, Joe, etc etc these guys could be taken to another level in TNA if Heyman was running things. Its really sad a guy like Chris Daniels who has so much wrestling talent got put away in a corner and now gone from TNA. Vince Russo's time in wrestling is over. Shock tv doesn't work anymore.

Another thing that could help TNA is getting out of that impact zone. I don't know how many people fit in there but on TV it looks like 500 people are there. The ECW Arena looked bigger for crying out loud.

TNA is heading for a slow death the way its going now.. Seriously the 50 year old Wolfpac.. I'm not that Nostalgic and I'm sure many of you aren't either.
I've been watching TNA every week and I really try to like what they are doing but honestly there is way to much Hogan, Flair, Nasty (finally gone), The Band and not enough X-Division and actually wrestling.

I hate how RVD is being used right now. "The hottest free agent hardly gets any TV time" Same with Hardy, these are two awesome wrestlers who don't get used right. Beer Money are bishoffs lackys when they are an awesome tag team. And the list goes on. I think AJ Styles is the least used World Champion i have ever seen in wrestling.

Paul Heyman is creative as hell when it comes to booking. He made a lot of nobody's into the names we recognized today in a lil company. Heyman I think could do some amazing things on camera managing the right guy and booking the shows.

Pope, Anderson, Motor City, Generation Me, Lethal, LAX, Beer Money, RVD, Hardy, Angle, Styles, Abyss, Desmond Wolfe, Joe, etc etc these guys could be taken to another level in TNA if Heyman was running things. Its really sad a guy like Chris Daniels who has so much wrestling talent got put away in a corner and now gone from TNA. Vince Russo's time in wrestling is over. Shock tv doesn't work anymore.

Another thing that could help TNA is getting out of that impact zone. I don't know how many people fit in there but on TV it looks like 500 people are there. The ECW Arena looked bigger for crying out loud.

TNA is heading for a slow death the way its going now.. Seriously the 50 year old Wolfpac.. I'm not that Nostalgic and I'm sure many of you aren't either.

Seeing the Wolfpac once or twice was cool for nostalgia. But you're right, it's time they get rid of them.

I think shock TV does still work. Vince Russo doesn't shock anyone though.

TNA really needs to house clean. They need to get rid of all the high-priced names they bought (with the exception of Angle and Anderson) and build the talent they had. Flair can be good as a manager or a colour commentator, but I don't want to see him in the ring.

I think Paul E would do the house cleaning, or job out the former WWE wrestlers relentlessly until they quit. I think he understands that for TNA to succeed it needs to be an alternative product to the WWE, not a shitty version of WWE with WWE rejects.
A lot people are forgetting that Heyman comes with a lot of baggage. He is a gameplayer with talent playing a lot of head games and he had a hard time working for a female boss before in WWE with Steph.
Can someone help me out here. Is Paul heyman that much of a creative genious and can he really make TNA better and watchable, thats the way everyone seems to be putting it. Someone told me that he created all those epic smackdown moments from 2002-2003 and if thats true, then TNA really does need this guy


I think alot of you fail to see the big picture here. If TNA was able to bring Heyman aboard, it would make the appeal of a network giving TNA a second show seem like a good idea. You have to remember, in this day and age, when it comes to opportunities, people are more apt to give one to an already established and known name than to shell out money for someone with potential. And TNA did the right thing by bringing in Hogan and Bishoff, two well known names in the wrestling and entertainment business. Don't let the ratings fool you. TNA now has names with which to think of expansion in the near future. And bringing Paul Heyman in, with HIS resume of work, would just be another plus for TNA management. And it would also help to alleviate some of the pressure on Russo and enable him to step down concentrate on something smaller for the moment, such as the X-Division or the Knockouts, or the tag division. So it's win win as I see it.
I doubt Heyman would be given enough control within the company to make a true and large enough impact, as much as i wish he could.

Heyman has shown that with enough control, and passion of his workers, they can truly push for the stars. However i fear TNA is less ECW and more WCW.
Paul knows how to get the best of his performers, so I think that TNA could make good forward steps with a line up akin to:

Bisch- consultant/ on screen character
Heyman- Head booker
Jim Ross- Tag booker/ ppv commentator
Gabe Sapolsky- X Division booker
Scott D'Amour- Knockouts booker

Paul knows how to get the best of his performers, so I think that TNA could make good forward steps with a line up akin to:

Bisch- consultant/ on screen character
Heyman- Head booker
Jim Ross- Tag booker/ ppv commentator
Gabe Sapolsky- X Division booker
Scott D'Amour- Knockouts booker


Firstly too many cooks here

Heyman and Ross dont get along. Heyman is a solo operator who will undercut the rest. Gabe and Heyman wouldnt work with each other as Heyman has gone to pains not claim credit for Gabe's success.

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