We all know who the Paul Heyman guys are - Lesnar, Punk, RVD, Tazz etc.
If Heyman was in the WWE during the new generation (93-96), who do you see him taking under his wing to elevate to that next level?
Psycho Sid
Dibiase worked as Sids manager, but I think this guy would have definitely benefited from having Heyman by his side. He just strikes me as a guy Heyman would want to work with. I see their relationship similar to the one he has with Brock Lesnar.
Owen Hart
A fabulous ring technician who never quite got to the main event stage. I think when he first turned heel, Heyman would have been the perfect fit and really got him over.
Ahmed Johnson
This guy looked incredible. Sadly he never got over the way he should have. I cant remember his mic skills, so he probably didnt have any but there was plenty for Heyman to work with.
The Ringmaster
Heyman loved Austin. He said during his WCW days that Austin would one day be the face of wrestling and he was correct. Had Heyman been around WWE in the mid 90s then you can bet your last dollar/pound that Heyman and Austin would have worked together. Maybe it would have changed the landscape of the attitude era though and Austin 3:16 may have never been born!!!!
If Heyman was in the WWE during the new generation (93-96), who do you see him taking under his wing to elevate to that next level?
Psycho Sid
Dibiase worked as Sids manager, but I think this guy would have definitely benefited from having Heyman by his side. He just strikes me as a guy Heyman would want to work with. I see their relationship similar to the one he has with Brock Lesnar.
Owen Hart
A fabulous ring technician who never quite got to the main event stage. I think when he first turned heel, Heyman would have been the perfect fit and really got him over.
Ahmed Johnson
This guy looked incredible. Sadly he never got over the way he should have. I cant remember his mic skills, so he probably didnt have any but there was plenty for Heyman to work with.
The Ringmaster
Heyman loved Austin. He said during his WCW days that Austin would one day be the face of wrestling and he was correct. Had Heyman been around WWE in the mid 90s then you can bet your last dollar/pound that Heyman and Austin would have worked together. Maybe it would have changed the landscape of the attitude era though and Austin 3:16 may have never been born!!!!