Paul Heyman Back???

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SmackDown! is MY Show

There is a lot of talk going around about Paul Heyman being brought back. He wouldn't be brought back to the creative team, but rather, to lead the 'ECW Originals'. People in creative are talking about booking Heyman's return to television. They might do an angle where Heyman cuts a major promo by saying that before he was ousted last December, he was simply doing what Vince McMahon was telling him to do. However, he's back and will finally stand up to Vince. He will then help lead his boys in their war with McMahon and the new breed of ECW. WWE has pretty much kept Heyman under contract to prevent him from possibly going to TNA

I think having Heyman back to lead the Originals would be good only if they start to let the Originals win some matches as lately its been all New Breed. Yet, I still wished Heyman was the main creative head for the new ECW and was able to do it on his own with out VKM getting the final say. So what do you all think about the idea of Heyman comming back to TV as the leader of the ECW Originals??
It would be a nice big turn. But until it happens Ill be watching this with interest. I think that the majority of the new Breed would have gotten over in the old ECW. But having Heyman there will most likely help WWECW to no end. Even tough he is not creative head I get the feeling that he will be a major contributer to the Creative.
Yeah i agree Shadowmancer he will likely play a major part in the creative in some way or atleast have some input i would imagine....of course this is only true if he does come back to TV. This could be a spark that ECW needs seeying Heyman on TV regardless if hes playing a heel role or face role it just feels right seeying him in ECW period.
Yeah, but it also means that he is back on Tv as well. It is also a shot in the arm of a brand that needs it. This could actually be a thing to bring ECW up to a decent brand. at least better than it is.
I would love to see Heyman back on TV. I am a huge fan of his. At this point, I am actually interested in the Originals vs. New Breed angle, but I know it is only meant to eventually bury the originals. Regardless, it would have a more authentic feel if Heyman was involved.
I'm a huge fan of Paul Heyman (if some people didn't realize what my sig really meant.) He is a genius in the sense that he gave his wrestlers freedom, but he came up with a lot of the concepts. He wasn't even an active wrestlers in E.C.W. but, every time he cut a promo, you just felt his raw energy. If he isn't given creative control, thats fine, whatever WWE has in store for him though, I'm sure he has the infamous ace under his sleeve though. And I agree fully, with or without control, seeing Paul back on an E.C.W. show will be just as sweet as anything. It just doesn't feel right without him. It might even spark a new light in some of the originals, and maybe get them to win more matches.

P.S. I hate Bobby Lashley
Ok first off I relize that Heyman is still under contract with WWE, but if they were to do this I can't see him being to motivated, Heyman hates not having controll, and in this situation he would have absoulutly none, he would have to cut promos they right for him and do as they say, I don't think this will work out as well as WWE thinks if they do go through with it. I tyink it's a bad idea, I f I was Heyman I would go on TV and do everything in my power to get released, fuck up promos, blow off shows do what ever it takes
bringing paul heyman back against the new breed would be a good thing. the old school should be beating the new breed but there not. id say heyman should also find a way to get released from wwe and head over to TNA, as far as TNA they would be a much stronger organization and for them to get rid of vince russo hes only fucked up a thousand times.
I don't think it would really help matters at this point. I mean, the originals have done nothing but get the young guys over, even if I did find the last two tag matches to be passable in terms of work and crowd response. It just pains me to see ECW running half-assed by some nitwits from Stanford that don't understand what made the company tick in the first place. There is hardly anything "extreme" about what goes on Tuesday nights on Sci-Fi. It should be changed to MCW. Mundane Championship Wrestling. Heyman needs to either get out of his contract or let it expire. He needs to go elsewhere so that Stephanie McMahon is nowhere near him and so that he can use his talents for booking where every move has to be run through committee and scrutinized by jackoffs with writing degrees that don't know a thing about professional wrestling.
Writing degrees for the Stoylines Id leave but id have the Bookers be people like Tommy Dreamer, who know what they are talking about. But id have those Writing degrees people get a match plan for the next three weeks. Then write the feuds based around them not the other way around. Anyway Kasey, I think you'd agree that the quality of the show is improving slowly in terms of quality at least to a WWE standard rather then the shitometre that it was on before. As to what Heyman should do is to create his own company and have someone else deal with the financial side and build for a new Wrestling Mecca that people will remember like the original ECW. Either that or manage to take WSX and put it on a meaningful channel that won't cut it because the head offices are worried that people are complete dumbasses and will go and hit people over the head with Flourescent Light tubes.
Writing degrees for the Stoylines Id leave but id have the Bookers be people like Tommy Dreamer, who know what they are talking about. But id have those Writing degrees people get a match plan for the next three weeks. Then write the feuds based around them not the other way around. Anyway Kasey, I think you'd agree that the quality of the show is improving slowly in terms of quality at least to a WWE standard rather then the shitometre that it was on before. As to what Heyman should do is to create his own company and have someone else deal with the financial side and build for a new Wrestling Mecca that people will remember like the original ECW. Either that or manage to take WSX and put it on a meaningful channel that won't cut it because the head offices are worried that people are complete dumbasses and will go and hit people over the head with Flourescent Light tubes.
It's improved a smidgeon for me on the last telecast, but they have light-years to travel before I'll stand behind it. Like I've stated with regards to the entire entity that is the WWE: I think they have all the pieces of the puzzle to do something special, but the usage of those pieces is f**king atrocious. McMahon is only sticking his nose in their business now because the ratings are approaching TNA territory and that is something he wants to avoid entirely. The sad thing is that as a show ECW had tremendous lead-in ratings that were above 3. In under a year's time, the show has been so bad on a consistent basis that they lost the equivalent of TNA's entire audience. If that isn't a wakeup call that the current modus operandi isn't a f*ckup of colossal proportions, than I don't know what is. I just hope they figure out whether or not they're going to take it back to the roots and let them do what they should do, and possibly enjoy some success with it. just put a bullet in the back of ECW's head and stop letting it die a slow death.
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