Paul Daley suspended 30 days for cheap shot on Koscheck

Buffalo Dave

Yeeeeeeeah Buddy!!
Everyone should remember this from UFC 113 back in May. For anyone who doesn't heres a quick rundown. Koscheck and Daley fought for number one contender spot to be able to challenge GSP for his welterweight title. Koscheck dominated the fight by using his wrestling skills to win a decision over Daley. After the bell sounded at the end of the fight, as they were seperated both going back to their corners Daley walked over to Koscheck while his back was turned and threw a cheap shot to Kos's face.

Dana White fired Daley that night from the UFC claiming Daley will never be allowed back again, even if he becomes the best welterweight in the world.

Now today he was suspended by the Quebec Athletic Commission for 30 days. They say it started on Tuesday so he isn't in danger of being suspended for his next fight which is September 11 at Shark Fights 13.

My question is, Do you think the suspension is fair? Should it be longer?

I believe that the 30 days is a little light for something that cheap. He is a professional fighter, in no way should any fighter ever do something that stupid. I think at least a 60-90 day suspension should've been handed down. What gets me more angry is that it took over 3 months to hand down the suspension. Plus it is timed just right so he doesn't miss his next fight and was able to get a fight in about a month ago. So what is really being punished for?
That sounds very very light considering he did one of the biggest no nos in the sport. You fight til the bell and that's it, his little cheap shot was worse than anything Koscheck has ever done. The fact that it took so long to hand it down seems fishy, not going to accuse anyone of anything but the timing is very questionable. I mean, how much time did that actually take to review? Two seconds. Now I don't know about all the rules and regulations that go along with this but if he's only missing one fight then it's really not a big deal for him. The suspension is meant to be a punishment and the punishment for fighting after the bell should be steeper than this I would think. A 3 fight ban would sound good to me, but what do I know.
The way I look at it is that Daley earned himself a lifetime ban from the UFC to begin with following these antics. Considering that he went from literally being on the doorstep of the #1 Contendership for the title against GSP to fighting for literally no money in Australia... well, that's a pretty big punishment in itself.

All he had to do was beat Josh Koscheck. He would have been not only the #1 contender, but he would have landed a TUF coaching gig. The TUF coaching gig lends itself as a major platform for both coaches. Even if he lost and was a sportsman about losing, chances are he still would have been in the title mix. Dana seemed like he really liked him.

He last fought in Australia, and now he's fighting for the Shark Fights promotion. The fall from grace he's endured over the last couple of months I'm sure was a humbling experience in itself. He cost himself a lot of money. He would have been a solid contributor to the Welterweight Division. He offered something that really nobody else did in that division, and he would have had job security.

So yeah, I think the lifetime ban from the UFC was pretty much punishment in itself. You really can't suspend him for too long, he needs to make a living after all.
You don't think a lifetime ban from the biggest MMA company in the world is enough? Damn your pretty harsh. In my opinion he shouldn't have been suspended at all. Sure his antics were worth a suspension, but you have to look at it like this. People fight in lower level shows to work their way up to the UFC. Daley now must fight in smaller shows for the rest of his career without any goal of getting to the UFC again. Sure his actions were sickening but Daley will never have a chance to be the best of the best again. I believe that alone is punishment enough.
Hey Yo!

Now the go is a douche, no doubt. But this suspension, he allowed him self to receieve a major pay cut and earned him self a hate relationship with the UFC, which is not good at all in the world of MMA. When the biggest company says Fuck off will never take you again no matter how could you are or become, that's when you start thinking about another career path. Daley's suspension didnt really need to happen.
Well, it seems like they are beating a dead horse with this action. Daley already got cut from the UFC and a lifetime ban, something only him and one other person have ever gotten to my knowledge, that other person being Renato Sobral. Not to mention they decided on this suspension well after the event actually happened. Now, I could understand if it was decided maybe a month or two after the incident but we're in fucking August now, that is three months after the fact. Luckily this suspension won't interfere with his upcoming fight but it still seems incredibly unnecessary.

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