Past Wrestlers in the PG Era


Pre-Show Stalwart
So I am curious to know what wrestlers/teams/stables etc. from the past you all think would have really benefited in the PG era. Maybe it was a Midcard talent who could never make it to the Main Event stage because they were not edgy enough. Maybe It was star who would be a even bigger star in today's wrestling scene. Whatever it is I am curious to know who and why they would of benefited in the new PG era of the WWE.

My first one I am going to say would be the tag team of Too Cool. There gimmick was fun and everyone went crazy when they came out. Everyone wanted to see them win just so they would dance. I think there fun, up beat gimmick would do very well in today's PG era. Plus I think they would bring some much needed teams in the weak WWE tag division. I think Too Cool was always over shadowed by Edge and Christian, Hardy Boyz, New Age Outlaws, Dudley Boyz etc. If Too Cool was a tag team in this era they would be HUGE!

Who else do you all think would have benefited greatly from the PG era of the WWE?
I remember somebody in another thread say that Gangrel or Kevin Thorn would have worked in the PG Era and the more I think about it, I agree. With the unprecedented popularity of Twilight, a vampire gimmick would do pretty darn well in this era. When Pirates of the Caribbean was hot, they put Paul Burchill in a pirate outfit and now that's what he's best known for.
You know it got me thinking ot about a guy who couldn't get over, but did. However i think he could have used a completely different gimmick to do so in the pg era and probably have still made it, even if it was in a totally different way. Mick Foley. Yes he was/is one of the most over and fan loved people in wrestling, but he debuted in the WWF as Mankind, which probably would scare the kiddies away from t-shirts and mask buying (though he gets my vote for most underrated mask ever).
I think he could have actually debuted as Dude Love and could have made a good name for himself before "becoming" Mick Foley. Think about it, when you were a little kid, didn't you think tyedie and disco music was funny and also cool in that funny way? I'm pretty sure he sould have sold alot of headbands and tyedie shirts. I'm sure alot of people are glad he didnt debut as a comedy character, but nonetheless he could have during the pg era and still goten me over me thinks.
As soon as I saw the title of this, I immediately thought of Too Cool. They were fun, they had cool music and audience participation, they danced and just looked like they were having a great time in the ring. They would DEFINATELY have fitted in with the PG style WWE no question! The kids wouls go crazy to see these guys gettin their groove on after the matches!

Also, naked Mideon....always a hit with the kids haha

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