Part I: Rebuilding the WWE Product


Dark Match Jobber
Even though this is the Raw forum, this has to do with all of the WWE, like most I've been watching WWE for years, and as the years have grown the product has become very stale. I use to rush home to catch Raw and Smackdown, now I barely watch Smackdown, and after every Raw, I ask myself why did I just watch this. I have some ideas on how to make the product better and what should be done with some individuals. So here goes.

1) I can't say I'm a fan of The Miz but after seeing him in this feud with Cena I think he has potential, but to make it to the next stage I think two things must happen. He needs to change his ring attire, it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen a wrestler wear, the hair I can deal with but change them clothes. Also, he has to be given a new name, I can't take The Miz name seriously, perhaps he could just use his real name like many wrestlers are doing nowadays, or a name that is at least cool.

2) Future endevor hornswoggle right away. This guy takes up too much tv time, doesn't sell merchandise and is a pain to watch

3) This Concerns the U.S. and Intercontinental titles

As we all know these titles are just held by individuals, there was a time when winning one of these titles actually meant something and you had feuds over them. Hell there was even a time when they made a big deal out of HHH holding the Intercontinental title when him and Austin teamed up.

My solution for the I.C. title is to first build you Mid-Carders, have them develop personalities and individual feuds for the time being, while leaving the I.C. title status as it is at the moment. After you have some good mid card feuds and your heels and faces established, have the current holder of the title get injured (kayfabe), thus leading to a tournament with all the Mid-carders involved, with all the individual feuds spilling into the hunt for the title, thus creating new feuds, and those coming up short having a bad taste in their mouths, leaving the champ always with a next opponent after they have finished their current feud, and giving the Mid carders always with feuds and a reason to want to win and wrestle.

For the U.S. title, the solution for that lies in the same direction as the I.C. title but with a different twist. You build the the Mid-Card the same way but you do away with the U.S. title. Hear me out, as the I.C. title is being built up in status once again on whatever show its on at the time, you have the current U.S. champ attack the I.C. champ on an episode of superstars or raw(for more exposure), claiming that the talent on his show is boring him and that he's been watching the I.C. champ for the past few months, and claims that they're both on the same level on their respective shows, but before he makes the leap to the Heavyweight titles, hes gonna do something that hasn't been done in a while in the WWE, and that is unify the titles (yea i know about the tag titles but that division is horrible, lol). this leads to a feud that last for maybe a month or two with some dqs here and there, some other WWE BS to stop the unification. But at the end the I.C. champ pulls out the stops winning the matching and unifying the titles, thus making the I.C. title that more prestiges and important. All at the same time the Mid-Card on the show with the U.S. title has been growing and getting new feuds, but has no secondary title, then the GM or whoever can introduce a Brand new redesigned (the current design is horrible) WWE U.S. title later shortened to U.S. title, the explanation can be that since the purchase of WCW, the WWE kept that U.S. title in use, but with its history now unified with the I.C. title, this is the WWE U.S. title. And a tournament like the one for the I.C. title can be introduced to crown a new WWE U.S. title champion.

4) This concerns the Tag Division

Its time to get this divison back to being fun, fast paced and important. I say blow the whole division up. I like the idea of have the tag champs appear on both shows, but to get this division back to respectability, these things and then some must be don
-Give two well established stars the straps ala Jericho and Edge and let them hold them for a while like 5 to 6 months, rarely defending them. I say do this cause you keep the titles in the fans minds by having them on two well established ppl, and gives the WWE the necessary time to build new teams for both shows and get the crowd into them and familiar with each team, eventually leading to teams building their way to the tag gold

-Also, tag teams need to be more like tag teams and not just two random guys put together, they need to have matching attire, a tag team name(not just John Smith & John Doe), and the WWE has to bring back tag team finishers, remember when ppl use to go wild for these, especially the 3-D

-2 teams I would put together in this division would be Golddust and TBK and Mike Knox and Festus.First, I would have Golddust drop that gimmick, debut as Dustin Rhodes and have him approach Cody about his behavior lately and how his father is ashamed of what hes become as Ortons little pet, leading to a little feud btwn. the two only for debiase to interfere. Which leads to dustin to apprach a now face TBK (who's been searching for a tag partner still) and tell him he's just found himself a damn partner and they're gonna tear someones ass in two, starting with Legacy.

As far as Mike Knox and Festus goes, this can be one of your power house teams in the division. I would leave Mike Knox with his current gimmick and completely repackage Festus. I'd have him cut all his hair off so he's bald, grow a full beard, and do away with that comatoses type thing he does, basically make him one big bad ass.

This concludes Part I of Rebuilding the WWE product stay tuned for Part II where I take a look at the Womans Division, Cruiser Weights, The Refs, and more.
Even though this is the Raw forum, this has to do with all of the WWE, like most I've been watching WWE for years, and as the years have grown the product has become very stale. I use to rush home to catch Raw and Smackdown, now I barely watch Smackdown, and after every Raw, I ask myself why did I just watch this. I have some ideas on how to make the product better and what should be done with some individuals. So here goes.
Sweet. I hope the suggestions rock.

1) I can't say I'm a fan of The Miz but after seeing him in this feud with Cena I think he has potential, but to make it to the next stage I think two things must happen. He needs to change his ring attire, it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen a wrestler wear, the hair I can deal with but change them clothes.
Sweet. Oh, wait. Not sweet. Most wrestlers in the WWE wear the exact same thing and you want to take one of the guys with a bit of a distinct look and put plain old trunks on the guy? What exactly are you hoping for this to accomplish?

I personally think stand-out ring attire should be used in the WWE and Miz has just that. We also need more singlets and some gym shorts floating around the locker room. Make these guys stand out.

Also, he has to be given a new name, I can't take The Miz name seriously, perhaps he could just use his real name like many wrestlers are doing nowadays, or a name that is at least cool.
So he's getting over with this name, and you want to take that away from him? At a point in time when top wrestlers are named "Edge" and "The Big Show"? Exactly how is Miz's name worse than those.

2) Future endevor hornswoggle right away. This guy takes up too much tv time, doesn't sell merchandise and is a pain to watch
Actually, he moves boatloards of those cheap bowler hats and kids love watching him. He may be annoying, but he's one of the most over faces on the roster.

3) This Concerns the U.S. and Intercontinental titles

As we all know these titles are just held by individuals, there was a time when...
...they were held by tag teams? Stables? Anti-matter?

...winning one of these titles actually meant something and you had feuds over them. Hell there was even a time when they made a big deal out of HHH holding the Intercontinental title when him and Austin teamed up.
So you're trying to say that Jericho and Rey's current feud over the IC title and all MVP's done to chase the US title going all the way back to the begining of the year aren't helping matters?

My solution for the I.C. title is to first build you Mid-Carders, have them develop personalities and individual feuds for the time being, while leaving the I.C. title status as it is at the moment.
JoMo's feud with Shelton and his involvement with Punk, Jericho, and Edge...
Ziggler's feud with Khali...
Truth's feud with Shelton..

It'd be nice if your brilliant suggestions were things that weren't already being accoplished adequately. Just saying.

After you have some good mid card feuds and your heels and faces established, have the current holder of the title get injured (kayfabe), thus leading to a tournament with all the Mid-carders involved, with all the individual feuds spilling into the hunt for the title, thus creating new feuds, and those coming up short having a bad taste in their mouths, leaving the champ always with a next opponent after they have finished their current feud, and giving the Mid carders always with feuds and a reason to want to win and wrestle.
Wait... why are we doing this rather than having the established IC champ put over the best of crop of up and comers? This just makes the new champ look second rate. Besides, a good booker doesn't need to cook up an injury to have multiple guys enter the title hunt.

Your ideas really kinda suck.

For the U.S. title, the solution for that lies in the same direction as the I.C. title but with a different twist. You build the the Mid-Card the same way but you do away with the U.S. title. Hear me out,
Okay, but at this rate I may be sorry I continued reading...

as the I.C. title is being built up in status once again on whatever show its on at the time, you have the current U.S. champ attack the I.C. champ on an episode of superstars or raw(for more exposure), claiming that the talent on his show is boring him and that he's been watching the I.C. champ for the past few months, and claims that they're both on the same level on their respective shows, but before he makes the leap to the Heavyweight titles, hes gonna do something that hasn't been done in a while in the WWE, and that is unify the titles (yea i know about the tag titles but that division is horrible, lol).
Test. Edge. Survivor Series. 2001.

How long have you been watching wrestling?

I still have yet to understand why we're getting rid of the US title.

this leads to a feud that last for maybe a month or two with some dqs here and there, some other WWE BS to stop the unification. But at the end the I.C. champ pulls out the stops winning the matching and unifying the titles, thus making the I.C. title that more prestiges and important. All at the same time the Mid-Card on the show with the U.S. title has been growing and getting new feuds, but has no secondary title, then the GM or whoever can introduce a Brand new redesigned (the current design is horrible) WWE U.S. title later shortened to U.S. title, the explanation can be that since the purchase of WCW, the WWE kept that U.S. title in use, but with its history now unified with the I.C. title, this is the WWE U.S. title. And a tournament like the one for the I.C. title can be introduced to crown a new WWE U.S. title champion.
So a new title belt design will make you more interested in the product?

Additionally, getting rid of a title just to introduce a new version of the exact same title but taking away the history of the belt seems... like an awful idea frankly. You take away the ability for the announcers to say Kofi Kingston is holding the same title as Terry Funk, Ricky Steamboat, Sting, Ric Flair, Bret Hart, Steve Austin, Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, and so on. Why would we need a new belt with a new history?

4) This concerns the Tag Division
Sweet. I love the tag division and wish they'd do something with it. What would you do with it?

Its time to get this divison back to being fun, fast paced and important. I say blow the whole division up. I like the idea of have the tag champs appear on both shows, but to get this division back to respectability, these things and then some must be don
-Give two well established stars the straps ala Jericho and Edge and let them hold them for a while like 5 to 6 months, rarely defending them. I say do this cause you keep the titles in the fans minds by having them on two well established ppl, and gives the WWE the necessary time to build new teams for both shows and get the crowd into them and familiar with each team, eventually leading to teams building their way to the tag gold
So the best thing for the belts is to have the champions never defend them? Well, Lord knows this has done wonders for the IC title.

I'm not buying what you're selling. What else do you have?

-Also, tag teams need to be more like tag teams and not just two random guys put together, they need to have matching attire, a tag team name(not just John Smith & John Doe), and the WWE has to bring back tag team finishers, remember when ppl use to go wild for these, especially the 3-D

-2 teams I would put together in this division would be Golddust and TBK and Mike Knox and Festus.First, I would have Golddust drop that gimmick, debut as Dustin Rhodes and have him approach Cody about his behavior lately and how his father is ashamed of what hes become as Ortons little pet, leading to a little feud btwn. the two only for debiase to interfere. Which leads to dustin to apprach a now face TBK (who's been searching for a tag partner still) and tell him he's just found himself a damn partner and they're gonna tear someones ass in two, starting with Legacy.
Why are we getting rid of the Golddust character? Heaven forbid we keep gimmicks that are actually over.

As far as Mike Knox and Festus goes, this can be one of your power house teams in the division. I would leave Mike Knox with his current gimmick and completely repackage Festus. I'd have him cut all his hair off so he's bald, grow a full beard, and do away with that comatoses type thing he does, basically make him one big bad ass.
I like it all except for the head shaving. Knox rocks and Festus has shown signs of potential.
I like it all except for the head shaving. Knox rocks and Festus has shown signs of potential.

I've always thought that Festus could be like a new Kane-type character. You know, have his music play at the Royal Rumble, then the lights dim and out comes this new Festus with a mask and all. But I would change his name.

As far as the original poster, I don't get how the WWE needs fixing. Raw this past Monday was better than expected, Smackdown has been awesome ever since the draft. ECW was a little off this week without Henry, Swagger, and Bourne, but that's only because we didn't know anybody who was there. The WWE is doing fine, did you see Raw's rating for the past couple of weeks? And if it is in need of a makeover, your ideas aren't helping much. Although I applaud you for creating a solution, rather than just complaining. But the WWE is fine.
I agree with the same thing as the person who started this thread that they need to rebuild WWE before TNA can kill WWE for life. The only thing I think what he said was wrong was about The Miz.

The Superstars They Need To Showcase More And Less Of
WWE is in need of new stars to shine and to get those old people like Triple H to get out of the title hunt and to make stars out of certain superstars instead of just wrestling Randy Orton every day of every week of every month of every year. Some of the stars I am talking about are like The Miz, Festus, Jesse, The Brain Kendrick, Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Evan Bourne, Jack Swagger, The Hart Dynasty, Cody Rhodes, Ted Jr., Kofi Kingston, Carlito, Primo, among others.

WWE needs to put to rest some superstars from the limelight like Triple H and focus more on the future, but you know damn sure that WWE isn't going to be doing that since Triple H is screwing the boss's daughter every night in and out. But anyways, they can't depend on him to showcase the most amazing matches because he keeps on wrestling Randy Orton. WWE needs to let him lay down for wrestlers that will become big in the company like some of the wrestlers I said above.

The I.C. And U.S. Championships
The I.C. title is perfectly fine at the moment with the Chris Jericho and Rey Mysterio feud which by the way was a really entertaining feud was what we need to see more often. That feud really put the I.C. title back into the picture and if we don't have anyone feuding over the I.C. title then we just forget about it. Rey Mysterio can feud with the likes of Dolph Ziggler and Charlie Haas over the I.C. title and actually lose it to a rising new superstar.

The U.S. title goes the same way for Raw, as it isn't in the spotlight as much as the ECW, World, WWE, and I.C. titles are. Kofi Kingston needs to defend that against a superstar that will actually put on a good feud with him and not blow it. Like have him feud with Carlito by making Carlito heel or Primo heel. But instead there going to have him feud with a superstar like Big Show who when gets a move down to him that makes him fall lands on his side no matter what move he gets done to him.

The Unifying Of The Tag Team Championships
WWE needs to make a totally new belt for the Tag Team Championships, to me it seems that the superstars have trouble carrying both titles because they are probably really heavy and that can cause them to have pain in there backs or arms.

WWE needs to put together teams that have somewhat a similar style in either there wrestling ability or if they dress somewhat the same or if they are both from a different country like Paul Burchill and William Regal or Cryme Time. Putting the titles on Jericho and Edge was a surprise to me as I never thought those 2 superstars would team up together. But they did and that is that.
First, I would have Golddust drop that gimmick, debut as Dustin Rhodes...
I couldn't agree more with that statement. That seems to be one of the bigger problems with the WWE, not knowing when/how to change a gimmick. Couldn't they just try this out with Golddust and see if it works? If it does and the fans don't have some huge outcry they'd know they could do it with almost anyone at almost anytime. For example: Have him drop the GD gimmick and join Legacy. He'd get alot of heat for it from the older fans and is talented enough to appear like he belongs there. And as long as its done right if a gimmick wasn't working they could look at Dustin and say, "Hey, that worked for him. Why can't we try it with (insert played out gimmick here)?"
Even though this is the Raw forum, this has to do with all of the WWE, like most I've been watching WWE for years, and as the years have grown the product has become very stale. I use to rush home to catch Raw and Smackdown, now I barely watch Smackdown, and after every Raw, I ask myself why did I just watch this. I have some ideas on how to make the product better and what should be done with some individuals. So here goes.

It's called being tired of the product. Go away for a few months/a year, and when you come back you'll be pleasantly surprised. I'm sure of it. But if you aren't, then alright. The WWE isn't going to please everyone.

1) I can't say I'm a fan of The Miz but after seeing him in this feud with Cena I think he has potential, but to make it to the next stage I think two things must happen. He needs to change his ring attire, it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen a wrestler wear, the hair I can deal with but change them clothes. Also, he has to be given a new name, I can't take The Miz name seriously, perhaps he could just use his real name like many wrestlers are doing nowadays, or a name that is at least cool.

Have you seen Cena's attire when he was a rapper? How about now? He wrestles in jean shorts. Fits his gimmick, sure. But if Miz is shit on for wearing attire that fits his gimmick, then so will Cena. And I love Cena.

You have a problem with "The Miz?" and not "Triple H?" "Festus?" "UNDERTAKER?" There are plenty other weird names in the WWE.

2) Future endevor hornswoggle right away. This guy takes up too much tv time, doesn't sell merchandise and is a pain to watch

You know his merch sales? I haven't seen those records anywhere.

He gets a reaction from the crowd that is larger than Shelton Benjamin. Larger than Bourne the other night. If Hornswoggle is future endeavored, so should Benjamin and Bourne. At least The Swoggle gets a reaction.

As we all know these titles are just held by individuals, there was a time when winning one of these titles actually meant something and you had feuds over them. Hell there was even a time when they made a big deal out of HHH holding the Intercontinental title when him and Austin teamed up.

They make a big deal of it now! Swear. Mysterio holding that IC title is huge for it. The US title? OK. Kofi isn't doing much. But a good long Swagger run with it would be epic.

My solution for the I.C. title is to first build you Mid-Carders, have them develop personalities and individual feuds for the time being, while leaving the I.C. title status as it is at the moment. After you have some good mid card feuds and your heels and faces established, have the current holder of the title get injured (kayfabe), thus leading to a tournament with all the Mid-carders involved, with all the individual feuds spilling into the hunt for the title, thus creating new feuds, and those coming up short having a bad taste in their mouths, leaving the champ always with a next opponent after they have finished their current feud, and giving the Mid carders always with feuds and a reason to want to win and wrestle.

So, basically, what they're trying to do now. Except they don't have enough time every Raw. Seriously. They have so much time set up with Orton vs. Whomever, they really only have time for a match and a promo or two. I wouldn't trust Creative to keep more than two or three feuds running at a moment, to tell you the truth. And that's counting the Women's title feud they always have running.

For the U.S. title, the solution for that lies in the same direction as the I.C. title but with a different twist. You build the the Mid-Card the same way but you do away with the U.S. title. Hear me out, as the I.C. title is being built up in status once again on whatever show its on at the time, you have the current U.S. champ attack the I.C. champ on an episode of superstars or raw(for more exposure), claiming that the talent on his show is boring him and that he's been watching the I.C. champ for the past few months, and claims that they're both on the same level on their respective shows, but before he makes the leap to the Heavyweight titles, hes gonna do something that hasn't been done in a while in the WWE, and that is unify the titles (yea i know about the tag titles but that division is horrible, lol). this leads to a feud that last for maybe a month or two with some dqs here and there, some other WWE BS to stop the unification. But at the end the I.C. champ pulls out the stops winning the matching and unifying the titles, thus making the I.C. title that more prestiges and important. All at the same time the Mid-Card on the show with the U.S. title has been growing and getting new feuds, but has no secondary title, then the GM or whoever can introduce a Brand new redesigned (the current design is horrible) WWE U.S. title later shortened to U.S. title, the explanation can be that since the purchase of WCW, the WWE kept that U.S. title in use, but with its history now unified with the I.C. title, this is the WWE U.S. title. And a tournament like the one for the I.C. title can be introduced to crown a new WWE U.S. title champion.

Or, you could have a Swagger vs. Kofi feud. Followed by a year's worth of Mr. All-American American kicking some face ass all over his US championship. That'd work a lot more for the prestige of the title than DESTROYING THE TITLE.

Its time to get this divison back to being fun, fast paced and important. I say blow the whole division up. I like the idea of have the tag champs appear on both shows, but to get this division back to respectability, these things and then some must be don
-Give two well established stars the straps ala Jericho and Edge and let them hold them for a while like 5 to 6 months, rarely defending them. I say do this cause you keep the titles in the fans minds by having them on two well established ppl, and gives the WWE the necessary time to build new teams for both shows and get the crowd into them and familiar with each team, eventually leading to teams building their way to the tag gold

So, what they're doing now. Except for defending them more. Because that's sorta what you're supposed to do. Defend your titles.

-Also, tag teams need to be more like tag teams and not just two random guys put together, they need to have matching attire, a tag team name(not just John Smith & John Doe), and the WWE has to bring back tag team finishers, remember when ppl use to go wild for these, especially the

-2 teams I would put together in this division would be Golddust and TBK and Mike Knox and Festus.First, I would have Golddust drop that gimmick, debut as Dustin Rhodes and have him approach Cody about his behavior lately and how his father is ashamed of what hes become as Ortons little pet, leading to a little feud btwn. the two only for debiase to interfere. Which leads to dustin to apprach a now face TBK (who's been searching for a tag partner still) and tell him he's just found himself a damn partner and they're gonna tear someones ass in two, starting with Legacy.

As far as Mike Knox and Festus goes, this can be one of your power house teams in the division. I would leave Mike Knox with his current gimmick and completely repackage Festus. I'd have him cut all his hair off so he's bald, grow a full beard, and do away with that comatoses type thing he does, basically make him one big bad ass.

This concludes Part I of Rebuilding the WWE product stay tuned for Part II where I take a look at the Womans Division, Cruiser Weights, The Refs, and more.

Why drop Goldust? He's over with that gimmick. I don't see why you would try to fix what isn't broken. Have Goldust team up with Santino and take the tag-team division by storm with a newly formed team of wrestlers that were once looked down upon as losers, but are trying to prove themselves.

I do agree that the tag teams should feel more like teams though. Right now they feel like loose confederations, honestly.

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