Paris Hilton Gets Jail Time

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Ok now yesterday I was watching her on Larry King Live and I have to say she threw out some of the biggest BS i have ever seen. She's talking like how this has changed her for the better and she will give more to the needy and just be a better person. Then heres the best part she said he jail time was unnesscary as what she did wasnt that bad. She even talked about how she read the bible and when Larry asked her whast her favoritve passage she was like "um i like them all". I dunno i hope people can change but i doubt she will as for me actions speak louder than words.
Yeah I saw that as well AJ...I just wanted to slap her, like "Excuse me? Driving drunk isn't bad? Tell that to the millions of families who've had people killed by drunk drivers you spoiled little bitch". I give her one week before she's back out there posing on the red carpet for every party, and being the stupid bitch that she is. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why do you think you're better then everyone else? You didn't deserve jail time? YOU COULD'VE KILLED SOMEONE! My god, I just wanted to vomit when I heard her say that. She's such a stupid spoiled ****e it's ridiculious, anyone who looks up to this girl is either 10 years old or has serious mental issues.

Heres for hoping she goes back.
I'd have more respect for her if she just owned up to what she did. Instead,she continues with the whole I was railroaded routine.
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