Parents need to stop shielding their children

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
So over the past 18 years or so, yes I mean 18 even though I am 18, parents have been crashing down on the media and everyone else for using "bad language" or "inappropriate behavior". And in some cases, it's true. The media shouldn't put something like a person being raped on the news (it's personal). However, parents shouldn't try to make their kids think stuff like that doesn't happen. Because the fact is, it does happen. I mean, sure, nobody wants their child to be a killer, a pedophile, a rapist, or anything like that... But you know, good old fashion home training would clear that up nicely.

Whatever happened to the parents who didn't shield their children from something wrong, but instead, told them the difference between right and wrong?

It just irritates me when people cover up the wrongs and never mention it to their kids. I mean somethings have to be let known. Like, not bullying somebody or else you could end up like people from Fort Hood or Virginia Tech.

Seriously, I've got a girlfriend with a 3 year old who asks question after question... And each one of those, I answer with honesty. No covering it up or anything.
I have a 6 year old, and I don't shield anything from him. His mom's father passed away, and we sat him down, and explained what happened and why (his grandfather was a raging alcoholic). The few small school functions that I've been to have shown me that what I do is OK. The other kids are all immature, even for their age, and rely on mommy and daddy for everything.

My son doesn't think the world is coming to an end when something bad happens, and it makes him much more stable. It makes parenting easier to let your kids see the realism of life.
It depends on the age of the child - some simply aren't mature enough to be able to handle 'the truth'. I look after a 7 year old, because her mother isn't capable of it; she's lazy, irresponsible, 'depressed' and quite possibly (I should say most probably) an alcoholic. Now, this 7 year old understands that her mother isn't capable of looking after her. She knows for the most part her mum can't look after her because she chooses to act in ways which don't work with a child.

She also has a brother, who's 4, and immature for his age due to, most probably a learning difficulty or a type of medical disorder. He doesn't understand that his mum chooses to act specific ways, and he's not ready to understand the facts. If he asks for his mum, I tell him she's not well, and is being looked after. Explaining to a 4 year old that his mother is a bad person doesn't sit well with me, it'd simply confuse and hurt him, because his brain isn't ready for it.

While wrapping a child in cotton wool is not a good idea, and not one I condone, there is a such thing as too much information. Teaching a child right from wrong, and teaching them not to talk to strangers can be done without explaining the horrors of rape or murder to them.

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