Paper Luigi

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member

So in Paper Mario 2, Luigi ended up going on a little quest of his own. You could talk to him in the main town in between events you played through and he would update on the status of his quest and meet various allies he recruited. I remembered thinking that Luigi's quest sounded like it could have been a fun spin off title if it got released. Why not? The novelty of a Paper LUIGI game, with a story already basically ready for it with characters and everything. Gameplay would be similar to Paper Mario, with Luigi as the main guy and the various guys he brought to the main town when Mario talks to him as the party members. You'd be able to talk to Mario and his allies just as you could to Luigi in the actual Paper Mario 2 game. I think it would have been fun to play simply for the novelty of a Paper Mario style game but as Luigi instead and also because it could have possibly started a Paper Luigi spinoff series within the series. Or perhaps that's wishful thinking.

So what do you think, would you have liked to play this game? Why or why not?
I think this would be pretty cool. I actually started playing the original Paper Mario for the first time recently and I'm enjoying it so far. Luigi doesn't get nearly enough recognition so this wouldn't be a bad way to put in back in the spotlight.

While the gameplay can be similar to Paper Mario, it's going to need it's own, unique elements to separate it from the two. Maybe Luigi can go rescue Daisy and Waluigi (another criminally underused character) could be the villain. Or better yet, he could go save Mario for a change. Another idea would be a sequel to Luigi's Mansion, but in paper form.
For what it is worth, I thoroughly enjoyed Luigi's Mansion. Not only was it fun, it was a good "training wheel" for people new to the GameCube controller.

With that being said, does anyone really care about Luigi? I understand that other Mario characters got their own spin off (Yoshi's Story is my mom's favorite game lol). But does sidekicks need their own game all the time.. That and I really have grown to hate Luigi for being whiny and always of need of help. Eh.

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