Papa John does NOT Support ObamaCare

The CEO and founder of Papa John's pizza wants investors to know that when the president's health care law takes effect, the price of pizza is going up with it.

According to "Papa" John Schnatter, the cost of providing health insurance for all of his pizza chain's uninsured, full-time employees comes out to about 14 cents on a large pizza. That's less than adding an extra topping and a third the price of an extra pepperoncini. If you want that piping hot pie delivered, the $2 delivery fee will cost you 14 times as much as that health insurance price hike.

"We're not supportive of Obamacare, like most businesses in our industry," Schnatter said on a conference call with shareholders last week, as reported by Politico. "If Obamacare is in fact not repealed, we will find tactics to shallow out any Obamacare costs and core strategies to pass that cost onto consumers in order to protect our shareholders' best interests."

The pizza place's Facebook page was soon littered with outraged pizza lovers proclaiming they would be "happy" to pay an extra 11 to 14 cents so Papa John's employees could have health insurance. "I lose more than that in a week under my sofa cushion," one Facebook commenter wrote. "I'd gladly pay 20 cents for a child to go to a doctor when they've got a cold, rather than have them show up at the ER." Another said she's taking her money to another pizza restaurant, "one that doesn't begrudge their employees the ability to seek a doctor when they're ill." The company sought to clarify Schattner's comments on Wednesday, telling ABC News in a statement that Schnatter's remarks were in direct response to a question about the costs of complying with President Obama's health care law. "We certainly understand the importance of healthcare to our customers, our employees, small business owners and their employees," the company said. But despite the pizza price increase, many of Papa John's employees may still go without employer-provided health insurance after the law takes effect in 2014. The company would not say how many of its employees are uninsured, but in 2010 the service industry had one of the lowest rates of insured employees, with 33 percent of the workforce uninsured, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. Large businesses, those with more than 50 employees, are the only ones on the hook for providing health insurance under the health reform law. While Papa John's as a whole employs 16,500 people, 80 percent of the company's restaurants are independently owned franchises. As long as a franchise owner does not employ more than 50 people, he or she does not have to pay for employee health insurance.

The Affordable Care Act only requires employers to offer health insurance to full-time employees, almost 90 percent of whom at large businesses like Papa John's corporate offices are already covered, according to a Treasury Department official.

If the pizza company decides not to cover any full-time employees who are not currently insured, it will be hit with a $2,000 fine for each employee beyond the first 30 workers. But part-time employees are not required to be covered under the law. While Papa John's would not disclose how many of its employees were part-time, in the food and beverage industry as a whole, half of all workers were part time in 2010, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Where Papa John's and other restaurant chains may run into costs from the health law is under a new definition of "full-time" employees. Anyone who works more than 35 hours, the average weekly hours of a part-time restaurant employee, is considered full-time under the law and will thus have to be provided with health insurance.

The "bulk" of the costs for complying with the Affordable Care Act will stem from restaurants being required to give health insurance to their previously part-time employees, said Angelo Amador, the vice president of Labor and Workforce Policy at the National Restaurant Association. Steven Wojcik, vice president of Public Policy for the National Business Group on Health, said he expects that rather than pay for these employees to get health insurance, restaurant owners will cut back hours to keep the majority of their workforce part-time.

"What's going to happen is restaurants are going to have to make a choice," Wojcik said. "My full-time employees, I'm going to have to move some of them to part-time. I'm definitely not going to go out and hire more restaurant employees to stay under the 50-person cap and I may scale back some of the hours of the ones that currently work more than 30 hours per week."

Wojcik said that while some waiters, cooks and pizza makers who are already full-time may score health insurance from their employer, "we will not expect a lot more coverage of restaurant employees unless Americans are willing to pay a lot more for a meal."

That's the same sentiment that former Godfather's Pizza chairman Herman Cain expressed 18 years ago when President Bill Clinton was trying to reform health care.

Cain, who ran a failed bid for the GOP presidential nomination this year, said during the 1994 health care fight that he would either have to make his pizzas far more expensive or eliminate jobs to comply with Clinton's plan and provide health insurance to more employees.

"Employers who do not cover employees do not for one simple reason, and it relates to cost," Cain said in 1994. "If you force me to cover those employees, I may not be in the position to provide those jobs."

I should have found this story on a less bias site, but ABC was the top search result.

As someone who works for Papa Johns I must say I support this statement more then any statement we as a company have issued in the seven years I've worked there. It is really a simple concept to grasp. With new taxes/mandates come higher prices and/or less jobs to offer. Simply put
Herman Cain:"If you force me to cover those employees, I may not be in the position to provide those jobs."

Now all most people got out of this article was $0.14 more per order. Its not actually that simple, that is a rough estimated average. It will vary from restaurant to restaurant, but one thing is for sure prices will rise. This is not just the case in the food service industry, but any industry that provides full time work. The price of food will rise. The price of gas will rise. The price of construction/deconstruction will rise, etc etc etc.

Do you agree or disagree with Papa John and his statements about Obamacare and why?

Keep in mind just like with Chick-Fil-A the question was asked to him, he didn't just decide to have a press conference and announce his views. I only mention this because I feel like that was completely missed in the Chick-Fil-A controversy.

Ban Papa John's!

No but seriously, if their expenses go up they can raise prices. I mean its justified.
First, I wish to remind members to check the forum in which this thread has been posted. This is not a spam forum.

Second of all, this Papa John's thing is such a crock. John Schnatter is a well-known Republican, some even even may call him a little on the extreme side. This is a complete non-issue from a political standpoint.

As a business standpoint, however, it's good to see this man acting so disingenuously. First of all, Papa John's cleared roughly $50 million in PROFIT in 2010, and if I what I read is correct, they did even better in 2011. So spare me the "tough times" speeches. Second of all, as noted in the article, the Affordable Care Act only comes into play if your business has more than 50 employees and, also noted in the article, many Papa John restaurants (80%) are franchises, meaning it's not one big company who employs all of these people.

This nothing but scare tactics, to try and make customers upset that these businesses actually have to make sure their employees can remain healthy. Prices will go up no matter what, because that's what prices do. But at the end of the day, I will rest comfortably knowing that I am not contributing any money to such fear-mongering. Not because of this man's political views, but simply because Papa John's pizza is complete and utter garbage.

Raise your prices all you want, I still don't plan on eating there.
I agree with the OP and the Papa John's CEO. He's doing what's best for the shareholders and is trying to maintain profits, and that's what a CEO should do. When operating costs rise, companies have to raise the prices of their goods and services. I don't care about the CEO's political leanings, it's mathematics pure and simple. Small businesses, franchises, corporations, hospitals, etc. will all be doing the same thing that Papa John's is doing in the coming months and years.
I agree with the OP and the Papa John's CEO. He's doing what's best for the shareholders and is trying to maintain profits, and that's what a CEO should do. When operating costs rise, companies have to raise the prices of their goods and services. I don't care about the CEO's political leanings, it's mathematics pure and simple. Small businesses, franchises, corporations, hospitals, etc. will all be doing the same thing that Papa John's is doing in the coming months and years.

^This, all of this.

that these businesses actually have to make sure their employees can remain healthy

That is complete and utter garbage. I've said it before and I will say it again...


Here is an idea, live a healthy lifestyle and support yourselves. Most employers(Including Papa Johns) offer healthcare you can buy into.

First of all, Papa John's cleared roughly $50 million in PROFIT in 2010, and if I what I read is correct, they did even better in 2011.

First of all, it is his job to make profits. Second of all, all $50 million cleared in profits didn't go directly to his pockets. We have other executives, shareholders, operating partners, area supervisor, general managers, etc etc.

When did it become frowned upon to be successful and want to stay successful?
That is complete and utter garbage. I've said it before and I will say it again...


You are right, healthcare is not a right, it has become requirement for most Americans that is met with a tax/penalty if not fulfilled. Not sure why you are yelling about something that those of us actually familiar with the topic are very well aware of.

Here is an idea, live a healthy lifestyle and support yourselves. Most employers(Including Papa Johns) offer healthcare you can buy into.

Shit happens man. The people that live the healthiest lifestyle are not immune from everything out there. Not everyone had the same upbringing.

First of all, it is his job to make profits. Second of all, all $50 million cleared in profits didn't go directly to his pockets. We have other executives, shareholders, operating partners, area supervisor, general managers, etc etc.

Do you really think Sly or anyone over the age of 12 doesn't know this? The point was made and valid.

When did it become frowned upon to be successful and want to stay successful?

So dramatic and so clueless. Stop trying to pretend the ultra wealthy are martyrs. This has nothing to do with wanting to hurt or condemn successful people. It is an attempt to clean up an industry that has taken advantage of the public and to keep the public healthier in order to reduce the financial costs to society in the long run.

I don't know if you are trolling and belong back in prison but your post is just silly.

And by the way, how are Papa John's ingredients better?
When did it become frowned upon to be successful and want to stay successful?

When you start arguing that a key part of your business model is exploiting your employees? :shrug: If they raise prices accordingly how does this effect the owners bottom line at all?

This is just scare tactics in which those with money try and rile up the underinformed masses to help those in power maintain the status quo. Quit letting the fatcats have their cake and eat it too. Supply and demand governs prices, not a millionaire making slightly less money.
Shit happens man. The people that live the healthiest lifestyle are not immune from everything out there. Not everyone had the same upbringing.

I wasn't saying they were. What do you mean upbringing, I don't live a healthy lifestyle.

So dramatic and so clueless. Stop trying to pretend the ultra wealthy are martyrs. This has nothing to do with wanting to hurt or condemn successful people. It is an attempt to clean up an industry that has taken advantage of the public and to keep the public healthier in order to reduce the financial costs to society in the long run.

I'm not even gonna explain this again. I'm over this for the better of the society crap.

I don't know if you are trolling and belong back in prison but your post is just silly.

I don't troll. This was an interesting piece of news, so I put it in the Newswire section.

And by the way, how are Papa John's ingredients better?

I am on the clock right now, so I'll explain it that way. Our dough is fresh never frozen, never exceeding 7days old. Our meats are all natural no fillers. Our vegetables are chopped by hand daily in all our restaurants. And of course everything is made fresh as you order. Everything served from Pizza Hut is frozen and pre made. Domino's vegetables come pre made in a bag and have a longer shelf life then their Parmesan cheese packets.
I'm over this for the better of the society crap.

Isn't the majority of your argument based on that it is actually better for society for there not to be this healthcare plan? I think you mean to say you are over people disagreeing with you on what is better for society. A society is composed of individuals. Whatever is best for the most individuals considering all factors, something you aren't even coming close to doing, is best for a society. Quit sucking up to your bosses on the internet.
So are Interstates, DMVs, public schools, etc. but I don't hear you bitching about them. :shrug:

Here is an idea, live a healthy lifestyle and support yourselves.
I'll remember to tell that to my old basketball coach's daughter when she gets older. She has Down Syndrome, born with it actually. I'll just remember to tell her not to worry about not having healthcare, BigDaddyAwesome says we should be far more concerned about a business who is clearing $50+ million in profits.

First of all, it is his job to make profits.
And it's the government's job to look out for the health and well-being of its citizens. :shrug:

Second of all, all $50 million cleared in profits didn't go directly to his pockets. We have other executives, shareholders, operating partners, area supervisor, general managers, etc etc.
Who cares? That $50 million was PROFITS. I'm sorry, but if they only made $30 million in profits instead of $50 million, and all of their employees were provided health coverage, somehow I doubt Papa Johns would miss that extra $20 million too much.

When did it become frowned upon to be successful and want to stay successful?
When did the health and well-being of American citizens become secondary to corporate profits?
I am on the clock right now, so I'll explain it that way. Our dough is fresh never frozen, never exceeding 7days old. Our meats are all natural no fillers. Our vegetables are chopped by hand daily in all our restaurants. And of course everything is made fresh as you order. Everything served from Pizza Hut is frozen and pre made. Domino's vegetables come pre made in a bag and have a longer shelf life then their Parmesan cheese packets.

If that's all true, and I have no reason to doubt you, why does Papa John's pizza taste so fucking terrible?

The sheer fact that people in America think this way is just sad, as is their adjunctive 'fear' of taxation, which is the real reason for the Obamacare mess. For government to even have to consider forcing such a measure on businesses speaks far more about its society than it does the government itself.

Healthcare should be paid for out of the public purse along with infrastructure, social security and defence.

And for food proprietors to be sticking their noses into these sorts of arguments is even worse, especially considering they are the main culprits.
Барбоса;4056851 said:
The sheer fact that people in America think this way is just sad, as is their adjunctive 'fear' of taxation, which is the real reason for the Obamacare mess.

The fear of taxation becomes even more sad when you realize how much people seem to theoretically hold the government accountable for everything. Fix the economic mess now government and I am unwilling to pay a dime or change anything in my current lifestyle. For some reason statements like this seem reasonable to us in the US. Even more amusing is that the people that say this the loudest are the ones that argue the cost of changing anything that effects business is going to lead to higher costs.
So are Interstates, DMVs, public schools, etc. but I don't hear you bitching about them.

Those weren't the topics at hand, but those are all government run and all of them are in some ways in disarray.

I'll remember to tell that to my old basketball coach's daughter when she gets older. She has Down Syndrome, born with it actually. I'll just remember to tell her not to worry about not having healthcare, BigDaddyAwesome says we should be far more concerned about a business who is clearing $50+ million in profits.

I somehow doubt that your old basketball coach doesn't have healthcare included in his salary.

And it's the government's job to look out for the health and well-being of its citizens.

No its not. The governments job is to protect the rights of its citizens. The only time its the governments job to protect the health of its citizens is in cases of military assault, invasion, terrorism, etc. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness does not mean If you get sick we are here to make you better.

Who cares? That $50 million was PROFITS. I'm sorry, but if they only made $30 million in profits instead of $50 million, and all of their employees were provided health coverage, somehow I doubt Papa Johns would miss that extra $20 million too much.

How do you know? $20 million goes a long way in business. Repairs, marketing, upgrades, expansion, etc etc. We are in business to maximize profits not health.

When did the health and well-being of American citizens become secondary to corporate profits?

Always. In business cash is king.

If that's all true, and I have no reason to doubt you, why does Papa John's pizza taste so fucking terrible?

Because its a fucking chain. If we were a mom and pop shop I'm sure we'd have deli style meats for our pizzas. We still have our food shipped in on trucks twice a week. The truck goes from NC to VA hitting roughly 10-20 stores. So while it is "fresh" the meats are pre made/packaged. Basically, some people like it and some don't. I'm with you on the pizza though, I hate our food, but that's normal after 7years of working in the same restaurant.

That's where you're wrong, bucko.

Declaration of Independence said:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

I think we can all agree that life is a right for all men and women. Universal healthcare enables people to live longer as people who previously could not have good healthcare are now able to do so thereby protecting their fundimental, inalienable right to life. There's also this:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights said:
Article 25.

(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

So you can fuck right off with that. You're wrong. the President of the United States says you're wrong, The founding fathers say you're wrong, and the fucking UN says you're wrong.

Here is an idea, live a healthy lifestyle and support yourselves. Most employers(Including Papa Johns) offer healthcare you can buy into.

Here are a few things off the top of my head that living a healthy lifestyle won't prevent:
  • Acromegaly
  • Phaeochromocytoma
  • Lupus
  • Cushing's
  • Type I diabetes
  • Leukemia
  • Diabetes Insipitus
  • Testicular cancer
  • Malignant Diseases
  • Parkinsons
  • Altzheimers
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • BPH
  • Hypopiturism
  • Epilepsy
  • Retinoblastoma
  • Down's Syndrome
  • Triple X
  • Chron's Disease
  • RA
  • Osteoperosis
  • Ulcerative Colitis
  • MS
  • MG
  • Atrial Fibrilation
  • Asthma
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Schitzophrenia
  • Depression
  • Borderline personality disorder
  • Lewy Body Dementia
  • Cateracts
  • Bacterial infections
  • Viral infections
  • Fungal infections
  • Hypersensitivities
  • Dyspepsia

First of all, it is his job to make profits.

Yes it is. And he will continue to make profit while protecting his employees' funtimental rights, as stated in the declaration of independence and the UN.

Second of all, all $50 million cleared in profits didn't go directly to his pockets. We have other executives, shareholders, operating partners, area supervisor, general managers, etc etc.

Oh, poor Papa John. Not getting $50 Million in his bank account. However does he cope?

When did it become frowned upon to be successful and want to stay successful?

When you act like a cunt about healthcare.
The way I see it he's just tellin' like it is. When you increase a businessman's cost of doing business he passes it on to the customers. If you still want the same price then he'll either have to let go of some of his workforce or sacrifice on the quality of the product. It's not political spin, it's reality.

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