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Panda Energy (TNA) Has More Money Than WWE?


Dark Match Jobber
Panda Energy is owned by Dixie Carter's family who has more money than Vince and the WWE.Right now it is a very rich wealthy company. It's earnings are ten times more of what WWE is and thats why TNA has alot money.
Her dad runs Panda and has spent as much as 5 billion dollars just to build 1 power plant. So actually Panda Energy is worth at least 10 times what the wwe and McMahons are worth.
But the Carter family has enough money that tna could lose millions every year and they wouldn't even notice it.Wow if Vince had that much money he would wwe invincible.Seriously what the hell is wrong with tna?With so much money they could have beaten wwe
Well, i may get hate for this, but i believe that the reason is Panda Energy and it's owner are not stupid.

He probably already gave a lot of money to Dixie to handle TNA ( see millionarie contracts of Hogan, Bischoff, RVD, Hardy and Anderson ), and TNA's business didn't pick up much. If Panda Energy invested more on TNA, they would probably lose even more money, but that's just my opinion.

Above all else, if ratings and PPV buys don't increase, why should more money be invested?

Btw, this should be on TNA Section.
Here, I'll end this quickly.

Panda Energy is a privately held company, which means that they do not need to report their revenue or profit. However, one source suggests that they make between $10-50 million a year in revenue (keeping in mind that revenue is before you take out operating expenses)(see: http://www.jigsaw.com/id140996/panda_energy_international_inc_company.xhtml ). Any company would spend a billion dollars to earn a power plant if over a period it returned more revenue than an equivalent investment. That doesn't say anything about how much they bring in.

The WWE is a public company and does report revenue. Their revenue last year was over 477 million (see: http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/wwe/profile).

So, Panda=$50 million, WWE $477 million. And it would be insulting to he board of Panda if you insinuated that they were going to throw more money into the ocean for no reason.
It doesn't matter how much money Panda has, what matters is how much they are willing to invest in a wrestling side project. The WWE is a wrestling company whose sole purpose is to run a wrestling promotion and promote its wrestlers in other venues, such as getting them in movies, etc for the purpose of extending their wrestling profitability. Panda is an energy company that owns TNA as a hobby. Its just one of the little pet projects, not the focus of the entire company. As such, they will never devote the kind of money that goes into the WWE.
It doesn't matter how much money Panda has, what matters is how much they are willing to invest in a wrestling side project. The WWE is a wrestling company whose sole purpose is to run a wrestling promotion and promote its wrestlers in other venues, such as getting them in movies, etc for the purpose of extending their wrestling profitability. Panda is an energy company that owns TNA as a hobby. Its just one of the little pet projects, not the focus of the entire company. As such, they will never devote the kind of money that goes into the WWE.

^^This exactly. Panda Energy might have the 50 million spoken of but they certainly dont have that much dedicated to the wrestling company. a very small fraction of their money is allotted for tna...and to say a company can lose millions for years and not be affected is just hilarious (WCW???) lastly, the carter family's money is an entirely different subject than panda energy's money but you seem to think they are the same thing, like panda energy is just the carters spare bank acct. i gotta think this thread was started by a troll no one can actually believe what the OP posted....
Ok, this it the 2nd thread you started that you bring up Panda Energy and money. The first you say that Panda Energy shouldn't invest more in TNA. Now you are saying if they did TNA would be unstoppable.

When it comes down to it if you don't have great storylines(not saying I don't enjoy TNA just that most people seem to hate TNA) people won't watch. Also WWE is making partnerships left and right getting their name out there. TNA has really failed to do that. But to OP I would just stop making any more Panda Energy threads.
From Panda Energy's website:

Altogether, the company has raised more than U.S. $5 billion to develop and build more than 9,000 megawatts of generating capacity

Notice how it said RAISED.

The Carters don't have BILLIONS in revenue and are NOT billionaires. If they were their company would be FAR bigger and you'd be hearing them A LOT more on the news.
Because not every penny Panda Energy has is going to be invested in TNA... I don't know much about the company but I assume they have a lot of other things they focus on and TNA was in many ways just a bit of fun for the owners.
But its the same as WCW that had a massive comapny behind them that could have a actually did invest millions in to the product and look where WCW is now .

You can have $1billion and give it to a idot and you might aswell have $1. I other words haveing the money isnt the same as useing it to make the best of your product.

i would also like to say i think if VKM went to Panda and offerd them a good price they would sell
How much money did Ted Turner have in WCW's heyday? Bad storylines are bad storylines. And not focusing on wrestling in the meanwhile isn't going to help no matter how much money you have or don't have.
As others have said, even if Panda Energy does have more money than WWE, so what? That's not some indicator that they're investing tons of money into TNA or that in and of itself would mean that TNA would dominate WWE. If people just aren't into the product you're putting out, then it doesn't matter how much money you MIGHT have backing you.
Even if they wanted to spent all their profit in TNA it would take a few years for anything to come back if it did at all. First off Panda Energy is the only yhe whole of a few different ventures, including IMPACT and the biggest is the power plants. 95% of their revenue is from the power plants. In no way do these numbers represent anything on the wrestling side of it. In my opinion big daddy Carter is probably using IMPACT as a tax write off.
^^This exactly. Panda Energy might have the 50 million spoken of but they certainly dont have that much dedicated to the wrestling company. a very small fraction of their money is allotted for tna...and to say a company can lose millions for years and not be affected is just hilarious (WCW???) lastly, the carter family's money is an entirely different subject than panda energy's money but you seem to think they are the same thing, like panda energy is just the carters spare bank acct. i gotta think this thread was started by a troll no one can actually believe what the OP posted....

This is what I am talking about. This dude is CLEARLY flaming the original poster but did his post get deleted or did he get infracted? No.

On to the post, the poster wasnt saying that a company would not be hurt losing millions a year. He was saying a COMPANY worth the kinda money he thought Panda had wouldnt mind losing that kind of money and that alll depends on the person with the money. I love spending money, I can be broke for 2 weeks straight and not care. Some people feel like shit when they spend money at all.

However money does not make a wrestling company. Sure you will need funds to expand. Say TNA gets bigger and really does try to pry Cena away from Vince which he wont because I think Cena is waiting to date HHH and Stephanies kid(s) but they will need to be able to throw a baseball field filled with money at them to do so.
TNA sucks is does not matter !! TNA is the place where the old guys have to compete to make money the wwe has done a great job starting to reload the old guys into new ones. I dont see PANDA blowing big money to save samoa joe the biggest star from running to the wwe next month. soon after that AJ styles as said he is interested in a run in the big show !!
TNA sucks is does not matter !! TNA is the place where the old guys have to compete to make money the wwe has done a great job starting to reload the old guys into new ones. I dont see PANDA blowing big money to save samoa joe the biggest star from running to the wwe next month. soon after that AJ styles as said he is interested in a run in the big show !!
Why are 99% of the WWE fans absolute morons? This is a serious question. I have no problem with anyone until douchebaggery like this comes up. And people wonder why TNA's ratings aren't going up. Well, part of the reason is "fans" like this one walking around, spewing their BS and giving TNA (and the business) a bad name. Go fuck yourself, sir. Go fuck yourself hard.

Anyway, like others have stated - yes, Panda Energy does have more money than WWE. Does it matter? It would if Panda was dumping trucks of cash in TNA. But they're not. They're being smart about it and that's the way to go. Money doesn't buy viewers, so who has more is an incredibly idle argument.

Besides, Panda Energy has zero reason to invest a lot in TNA. Is TNA dying? Absolutely not. Is TNA thriving? Absolutely not. It's doing pretty good, though. It's growing year by year, the product is improving and everything is happening at the pace it should be. Regardless, I doubt that TNA is making Panda Energy a shit load of cash. It's making some, but not enough for Bob and Janice Carter to go "Okay, this is a gold mine, let's invest in it, make it bigger so it'll make us even more money than it is now." Investing a crap load of money in TNA at this point would be nothing but gamble to see if a little green will prove to be a rocket up the comapny's ass.

It's just good to know that TNA is backed up by Panda Energy who has a lot of resources in case something crazy happens, while WWE is mostly backed by itself and they're losing money year by year, more and more. Interest is down, PPV buys are down, ratings are slightly down (RAW), SmackDown is in the shitter, it shows no signs of growing, only shrinking. Meanwhile, the exact opposite is happening in TNA and has been for a quite some time. It's funny how people say TNA is like WCW when if any company is like WCW near the end it's the WWE. Shitty writing, wrestlers wanting out, losing money, losing ratings, throwing loads of cash at wrestlers just so they'd stick around and of course regardless of how bad the product is 99% of the time - a fairly big following of fans that will watch until the damn thing croaks.
In the end it doesn't matter if Panda has more money or not. With the funds Dixie already has, she mismanaged the company to almost ruin. Muti-million dollar contracts for those who don't really deserve it is the same mistake WCW made.

I feel that if someone else had the same amount of moeny that Ms. Carter had at the same time, they could've done a better job. Instead of paying Hogan, Hardy, Flair, etc...they could've expanded their markets by holding Impacts in other citites.

Instead of staying in Orlando, they could've made some headway north of Pennsylvainia and became a player in the Northeast. I've been saying for years that they should sign an exclusive deal with the new Brooklyn Nets arena to:

a)keep WWE out
b) establish a Northeast New York Market venue to challenge WWE.
c) steal some fans, when Vince has a house show in MSG, run a show in Brooklyn for cheaper...get people to choose.

Just a few opinions....
Once again, some IWC professor comes out and makes a total fool out of himself. God damn people, have some self respect.
In the end it doesn't matter if Panda has more money or not. With the funds Dixie already has, she mismanaged the company to almost ruin. Muti-million dollar contracts for those who don't really deserve it is the same mistake WCW made.
Show me how Dixie arter mismanaged the company and almost ruined it. I want solid proof, black on white. Numbers, bonafide facts and such. Not speculations, not scumsheet rumors.

I also want you to prove and show me who these individuals are with "multi million dollar contracts". Again, please provide the sources.

See, I know you can't, I know you're talking out of your ass like just about every other bozo, but I just want to mess with you. Still, please, show me the sources.

I feel that if someone else had the same amount of moeny that Ms. Carter had at the same time, they could've done a better job. Instead of paying Hogan, Hardy, Flair, etc...they could've expanded their markets by holding Impacts in other citites.
Again, you speak as if you know how much money Dixie Carter has. You don't. Therefore this argument is invalid.

Oh, and I bet my ass Hogan and Bischoff's collective contracts are worth a lot less money than going on the road. Money for the venue, money for trucks, for equipment, for people to set it all up, the list goes on and these are just things I think are worth a lot of money. I've never produced a show, there could be a ton more things to pay for. Think for crying out loud. You're acting as if TNA never wanted to go on the road and the old guys' contracts are binding them to the Impact Zone.

They are going on the road more than any other year in 2011 WITH Hogan, Bischoff, Kurt, Sting, RVD and Anderson on the payroll. What does that tell you?

Instead of staying in Orlando, they could've made some headway north of Pennsylvainia and became a player in the Northeast. I've been saying for years that they should sign an exclusive deal with the new Brooklyn Nets arena to:

a)keep WWE out
b) establish a Northeast New York Market venue to challenge WWE.
c) steal some fans, when Vince has a house show in MSG, run a show in Brooklyn for cheaper...get people to choose.

Just a few opinions....
Could-a, would-a, should-a. Seriously? I can sit here and spew hogwash about what COULD happen and what SHOULD happen all day. What you're doing is giving us a piece of your mind. Science fiction. "If they did this, that would've happened". Bullshit. It would, in your head, but not in reality.

Shut the hell up, sit back, enjoy the product and stop acting like you have all the answers.
If any company continues to lose money, over time they will eventually shut down. But this isn't the case with tna, tna is actually turning profit and not hurting. They are(was) breaking records in other countries and beating wwe in the ratings in those countries. Panda Probably has set a yearly budget for tna and has not giving them a blank check and saying "here, make the company #1 in the usa."
I personally think Vince should give Carter Sr. a call and tell him he wants to buy the non-profitable company. He should tell him straight that he knows its non-profitable and the only reason he wants to buy the company is to keep all the drawing power all in one place. The truth is, legends and vets only draw in WWE. They can go to TNA and try to draw, but they won't. WWE IS the draw. The presence of legends only amplifies it. In TNA, there's nothing to amplify.

Anyway, if Vince got his hands on all the people in TNA, it would be pretty badass.

As for TNA, they won't flourish on their own. The best bet on Bob Carter's cards is to SELL SELL SELL.
It's just good to know that TNA is backed up by Panda Energy who has a lot of resources in case something crazy happens, while WWE is mostly backed by itself and they're losing money year by year, more and more.

See, you were doing just fine until here. A little bit of hatred in your voice, but nothing overwhelming horrible. And then you came up with this doozie. Do you actually think the WWE is losing money while TNA is making money? I know you love TNA and hate WWE, but you can't possibly be this naive and/or stupid could you? I am going to include a link from WWE.com which has the most recent financial information I can find. It's for quarter 1 of 2011 (which won't include Wrestlemania Revenue) as it's from January 1-March 31, but in those 3 months, WWE recorded revenues of 119.9 million. Before I get jumped by someone with 2 business classes under their belt, their net income is 8.6 million. I'll leave you to look at the stats to see the breakdown of revenue, but to say WWE is losing money every year is pretty stupid. http://corporate.wwe.com/company/financials.jsp

The fact of the matter is that Panda Energy has some money, but it has to look at TNA for what it is, a side project investment they have. If you are running a company and you invested in a smaller one, you are most likely looking at the bottom line. Are they paying off as an investment? Well, considering the fact that we're talking about private companies here, I don't have that answer for you. That said, I can almost guarantee that Panda Energy as a company probably doesn't bring in the revenue WWE does. It's difficult to do so as a private company so I doubt it. I'm sure they do just fine and have quite a profitable business, but look at it this way. Part of Panda's profits have to go into funding TNA to run, right? I mean, it's entirely possible that TNA can fund itself, but it would be tough. If that's the case, it's sort of like a kid out of college getting an apartment. Yes, you can afford it, but you aren't living too well after it because your costs are almost as much as you are making. If I had to guess, that's where I'd think TNA is at.

Still, they have a consistent product which is fine. The difference between TNA and say WCW though is that WCW was run by Ted Turner who loved his wrestling and spent frivolously on it because he felt like it. For years, he was losing money on his investment, then he made some money for a few years, then by 1999 he was losing hundreds of millions of dollars on it. Until the mergers which made him a non-voice in the greater company, he didn't care and would have eaten those hundreds of millions of dollars just so he could own a wrestling company. Most businesses wouldn't do that. If TNA ever started losing tons and tons of money, I would bet that the Carters would cut that investment loose faster than a chick catching her dude cheating.

So does Panda have more money than WWE? Probably not. Does it matter? Definitely not. They are funding TNA and unless Bischoff decides to go back to his heyday and start spending money on KISS concerts and shit, I doubt they are loses tons each year. My guess is that they are making a small profit which the Carters see as a decent investment. They aren't going to drop more money into it because looking at their numbers, they aren't going to believe that more money in will mean more profit, but as far as investments go, there have been worse ones.
It doesn't matter how much money Panda has, what matters is how much they are willing to invest in a wrestling side project. The WWE is a wrestling company whose sole purpose is to run a wrestling promotion and promote its wrestlers in other venues, such as getting them in movies, etc for the purpose of extending their wrestling profitability. Panda is an energy company that owns TNA as a hobby. Its just one of the little pet projects, not the focus of the entire company. As such, they will never devote the kind of money that goes into the WWE.

pretty much sums it all up... it's not about how much they have but how much they want to spend on TNA. It's just like pro sports owners of shitty teams, they own it and can make money off of it, but are in no rush to spend more money to try and make more off of it. I hope for the sake of TNA that their owners are not quite in that position, but I'm just using that to make a point. A lot of those teams owners have a ton of money yet they short change their own teams so it can just as easily happen in the wrestling industry as well (again I'm not saying that i think this is what IS happening in tna).

One thing I will say though is, and this is strictly according to what i read on this site, but there was a post after Dest X about how some of the TNA originals aren't happy and morale is down and most don't feel any job security etc. Well if that is the case then that is a damn shame. TNA has been improving throughout time, it hasn't hit that breakout point yet but it just may (look at Punk, as GREAT as he is, he only now hit that breakout point, or so it would seem anyways). It's sad that the talent is unhappy at this point because I feel like TNA could be on the verge of that breakout point, but losing some top originals would be a huge set back. If the report is true, TNA needs to lock those guys up (as paul heyman would say, they are the ones who are gonna hit 600 homeruns in the future so why not snatch em up). I personally think these guys should be given some lucrative k's because that will be a way to attract future talent and possibly get guys to switch over from WWE. The best parts of the 80s and 90s was the way a wrestler could switch over companies and it would be nice to see more guys get fresh starts in TNA and then either become huge stars there or return to WWE as bigger stars and vice versa.
the key thing is how the money is spend. just one example - both WCW and TNA spent big money to get Hulk Hogan into the company but there is a difference. when WCW hired Hogan, he was still a fairly big name in wrestling and there were matches (Hogan/Flair, Hogan/Sting) that people wanted to see. plus he could still wrestle somewhat at that time. in order to make WCW seem like real competition to WWF, it made sense to hire Hogan since he was extremely well known. But that was over 15 years ago. Look at the Rock - he is doing exactly what Hogan tried to do (transition to movies, etc) but he is more successful than Hogan was. Hogan was something unique in the late 80's/early 90's but he isn't today which is why TNA hiring him was not nearly as impactful as when WCW hired him. not to say Hogan doesn't have value, but is his value enough to justify keeping him? could the money have been put to a better use? long-term, WCW got their value out of Hogan, TNA probably won't. so it isn't a matter of how much money you have to spend, it is how you use it.

the other thing is that wrestling is WWE's bread and butter but TNA is a side project for Panda. if things got tough, Vince would drop the movies and such but keep RAW going. if things got tight for Panda, TNA would probably be the first thing on the chopping block. Panda is not Ted Turner.
the key thing is how the money is spend. just one example - both WCW and TNA spent big money to get Hulk Hogan into the company but there is a difference. when WCW hired Hogan, he was still a fairly big name in wrestling and there were matches (Hogan/Flair, Hogan/Sting) that people wanted to see. plus he could still wrestle somewhat at that time. in order to make WCW seem like real competition to WWF, it made sense to hire Hogan since he was extremely well known. But that was over 15 years ago. Look at the Rock - he is doing exactly what Hogan tried to do (transition to movies, etc) but he is more successful than Hogan was. Hogan was something unique in the late 80's/early 90's but he isn't today which is why TNA hiring him was not nearly as impactful as when WCW hired him. not to say Hogan doesn't have value, but is his value enough to justify keeping him? could the money have been put to a better use? long-term, WCW got their value out of Hogan, TNA probably won't. so it isn't a matter of how much money you have to spend, it is how you use it.

the other thing is that wrestling is WWE's bread and butter but TNA is a side project for Panda. if things got tough, Vince would drop the movies and such but keep RAW going. if things got tight for Panda, TNA would probably be the first thing on the chopping block. Panda is not Ted Turner.
Its not about money its what you do with it. Instead of using the money to find some good quality roster they used it on a bunch of washed up wrestlers and former WWE superstars. Money doesnt mean anything in the field of entertainment. Almost everyone who has a TV show is rich, but what separates the successful shows from the not so successful shows is the storyline. TNA is always all over the place. I know if I miss a episode of Smackdown or RAW I'll be able to tune in the following week and figure out whats going on. If I miss TNA, which I often do, then I'm in the dark about whats going on for the majority of the show. They lack structure for lack of better words. One thing that they could use that money for, however, is to get on the road more often.
I remember being in the audience for Dixie Carter's YouShoot Live interview, and one of the questions somebody asked was (more or less) "How much would Vince have to offer you to sell TNA to him?" Dixie joked that maybe they should buy WWE and asked how much they were worth.

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