Pakistan Can't Keep Their Own Nukes Safe /facepalm


crafts entire Worlds out of Words
Bitches Don't Know How to Protect Nukes

Okay, so Pakistan hasn't "officially" lost any nukes yet. But according to this report, there are holes in the security! What the fuck? These are nukes. They aren't bullets. They aren't knives. Hell, they're not machine guns or Surface to Air missiles. These are nukes.

While we know the Pakistanis can't quite keep their hands on their own nukes, we still supply them. We still argue that Pakistan should have them. May I ask why? India isn't going to do anything. Iran is checked by Israel. Don't you bring up the Taliban, those bitches came within how many miles of the Pakistani capital? Pakistan had to concede to the Taliban to get them to stop trying to invade the capital. Come the fuck on.

Should we allow a country that we know can't completely protect the nukes have them? Should we let a country that is under constant threat of insurgent take over have nukes? While we're at it, what should the guidelines be for a country to have nuclear weapons? And what the fuck is Pakistan doing having any in the first place? Stake your claim.

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