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Paige And The Ineveitable Double Standards

WWE has a real problem here but one they can't do anything about...

They literally cannot touch anyone involved in the video or they will bring a major storm on themselves... as controversial as the video being made/getting out is, there is a real backlash against so called "**** shaming" at the moment... any punishment on the WWE's part would fall into that trap and basically create a Hogan style lawsuit.

If the video was taken in 2014, that's anytime in the last 3 years... neither Paige or Woods were "quite" on the roster then if it was filmed early in the year... so it's doubly difficult for WWE to do too much... All 3 clearly knew each other well from NXT, they were consenting adults and lets face it, people in WWE probably knew about it...

WWE has often straddled a line when it comes to interfering in relationships between what they treat legally as "independent contractors". It's not going to take much for someone to sue them over it and open the whole "are they staff" debate in a court...which Vince really doesn't want. With the issues over her ADR relationship already and then a company backlash over this... Paige could very easily claim she was being singled out/hounded/bullied... and that would get WWE into a lot of legal trouble. In many ways, this was the best thing that could happen to Paige... after all, how can WWE argue "moral terpitude" with the tales of Steph and Randy, the harrassment scandals and their record of settling sexual harrasment suits ala Sable... Most Judges and Juries would come down on them like a ton of bricks.

It's hard to feel sorry for anyone involved, as the adage "if you don't want it out there, don't film it" comes to mind, but if Paige likes that sort of thing... then why can't she do it? Who does it actually hurt?

As for Woods... it's a little more murky... His wife is expecting a baby right now...so it's probably not gone down too well... As I remember he got married around 2015, so at the time if he was "single" then again, no ones business... but even if he'd told his new wife about it and they weren't together then, having it come out publicly isn't going to be good...

The guy probably laughing is Maddox... suddenly he is relevant again.

One guy probably smiling too is The Rock... he's making a movie about Paige... she's now all over the news... there's no such thing as bad publicity, so when the movie is released... more people will now be interested than perhaps would have been before. That also will probably save Paige from too many repercussions... if the E do mess with her, Rocky will no doubt come down on her side...

It's embarrasing for WWE and it IS a problem due to Linda now being in the Cabinet... it's a scandal WWE don't need... especially with New Day being so promient over Mania weekend... but at the same time, Trump can hardly call the moral highground either with his record...
The hypocrisy is for WWE pretending to be offended when they advertised soft porn (in the form of a "Playboy" magazine spread) readily to promote Wrestlemania for a few years.

It isn't like WWE suddenly got a conscience. We remember the "Attitude Era", where Vince himself was front and centre in a storyline where Trish crawled around and barked like a dog, while in lingerie. The only reason this is a problem now is because Vince wants the kiddie dollar, and to appease sponsors and advertisers, and the media who are looking at anything to hit WWE with since the Benoit murders.

Why not give Paige "paid" leave for a while, leave her off screen, and then bring her back when someone else is in a porn scandal instead? This way, you are seen to "do the right thing" but keeping a valuable employee as well.

Also, the whole thing with Steph and Tripper's kids looking on google for it. Hey, why not just access the Network, and they can see daddy make out with a corpse, or drug mummy and marry her without consent on-screen.

The ONLY reason Trips and Steph don't want their kids finding out about Chyna, isn't because of her porn, but because mummy stole daddy off her.

The WWE has not stated anything about now being offended by this kind of stuff. They don't do this stuff anymore but haven't condemned it. Paige is recovering from a neck injury, she isn't going to be on TV anyway. This will blow over in a month. No one will care.

Chyna did a porn about Vince and Stephanie. That's weird. If someone I used to date did a porn about my girlfriend and her dad, I would also be freaked out. I wouldn't want people searching for that. I wouldn't want my eventual kids to ever look that up. If Chyna had done just a regular porn, I bet WWE would have eventually embraced her back. But with how insane she was and that porn about Vince & Steph, I can see why they didn't want anything to do with her.
I certainly don't think it was a good career move for any of the 3 names mentioned, What they do in their private lives is their own business but the leak has surely got to be a huge embaressment for the WWE as the fact that they are such a well known public figure repressenting a billion dollar corporation, Not to forget role models for millions of kids over the world, They could have been more careful by making all these recordings, A few innocent leaked pictures may have been easily forgotten and overlooked but I'm not so sure about hardcore porn, Not at all compatable with the WWE's current image.
The WWE has not stated anything about now being offended by this kind of stuff. They don't do this stuff anymore but haven't condemned it. Paige is recovering from a neck injury, she isn't going to be on TV anyway. This will blow over in a month. No one will care.

Chyna did a porn about Vince and Stephanie. That's weird. If someone I used to date did a porn about my girlfriend and her dad, I would also be freaked out. I wouldn't want people searching for that. I wouldn't want my eventual kids to ever look that up. If Chyna had done just a regular porn, I bet WWE would have eventually embraced her back. But with how insane she was and that porn about Vince & Steph, I can see why they didn't want anything to do with her.

It's no more weird making a porn about Steph and Vince, then allegedly Vince once suggesting a storyline where he is the father of Steph's baby, and when she refused, he suggested Shane be the father instead.
It's no more weird making a porn about Steph and Vince, then allegedly Vince once suggesting a storyline where he is the father of Steph's baby, and when she refused, he suggested Shane be the father instead.

Vince was sexually abused as a child. Multiple times and by multiple people (including his mom). That tends to screw you up. It's a wonder that he is a functioning human being in the first place considering his childhood.

That storyline isn't alleged, Steph has confirmed Vince wanted to do it but dropped it once she threatened to not let Vince go to the wedding. Still not as weird as what Chyna did. Still don't know what the point of your posts are in response to mine.
such a shame what has happened to Paige, she had the world at her feet a few years ago but she's made some bad choices and is paying for them. She should be one of the top women in WWE along with Charlotte, Sasha, Bayley etc but she isn't. Don't know if she'll ever get back to where she once was now
such a shame what has happened to Paige, she had the world at her feet a few years ago but she's made some bad choices and is paying for them. She should be one of the top women in WWE along with Charlotte, Sasha, Bayley etc but she isn't. Don't know if she'll ever get back to where she once was now

I don't think that they will ever let her back on WWE TV and just quietly let her contract expire and wish her good luck in her future endeavors.
Honestly, Paige has been a prime candidate for a firing for a while. What's stopping it is the movie w/ Rock and her age. They were probably hoping she would mature a little bit.

That being said she didn't do anything wrong, unless she leaked them herself lol. It's her personal life.. But this is horrible pr for the WWE. They are company that markets themselves to young kids. In a weird way it probably helps her acting career. Kardashians built a brand of this kind of stuff.
It's embarrasing for WWE and it IS a problem due to Linda now being in the Cabinet... it's a scandal WWE don't need... especially with New Day being so promient over Mania weekend... but at the same time, Trump can hardly call the moral highground either with his record...

I doubt it'll affect Linda all that much as, if I'm not mistaken, she's no longer involved in any sort of corporate way with the company and hasn't been for years. Besides, all Trump has to do is keep making unfounded claims and allegations about being wiretapped or new stuff to surface regarding whether or not some of his staff members were in contact with Russian officials during the election and nobody'll give Linda a second thought.

Things like this aren't really a "scandal" until people make them into one. After all, even though this isn't exactly the same thing as there are pics and video, this isn't any worse than anything any of the boys have done both past and present with ring rats. If you listen to guys like Scott Hall and Kevin Nash, they were pretty much banging women left & right in locker rooms while the women themselves were either wearing or holding the belts. As far as sympathy goes, I agree with those who've said that it's hard to be sympathetic, at least to some degree, because we live in an age where people's phones get hacked. It's universes riskier if you're someone who happens to live your life in the public eye. She didn't deserve it happening to her, nobody does, but it's also the risk you run if you record yourself nude and/or having sex with someone.

Whenever Paige is cleared to return to the ring, it might be best if WWE just keeps her off TV for a good while longer and let the thing blow over. As you suggested, and others have already, there's not really much WWE can do here in terms of consequences to Paige without coming off looking really, really bad and possibly opening themselves up to legal action. WWE's all about being as PC as possible, so this is a situation they're going to have to handle as delicately as possible.

At the same time, they don't want to send the message that wrestlers can do things that run the risk of embarrassing the company without suffering some sort of punishment. I mean, if Paige comes back and finds herself winning the Raw Women's Championship the night she returns, for instance, then maybe that's not sending the right sort of message. Who knows? Maybe some of the other women could suddenly find themselves "hacked" and have risqué content splattered all over the internet if they feel that they might have WWE over a barrel.

So yeah, endure the various chants that may pop up here & there among female segments or matches, ignore them, don't play into them, keep Paige off TV and the next scandal will be along before anyone knows it.
I don't think that they will ever let her back on WWE TV and just quietly let her contract expire and wish her good luck in her future endeavors.

It's the fan's fickleness, and Vince being in love with Charlotte that pushed Paige down the ladder, I believe.

I remember when Paige was in NXT. For months, I heard Paige this and Paige that and how she should be brought up. Her debut, where she won the title of A.J. Lee on RAW, got a massive pop.

I thought that Paige would be as big as Trish and Lita were in their time. She didn't look like a normal Diva, with goth looks and a kickass attitude. I could see her being huge, and given her pedigree, and her age, I saw her either having the title or chasing the title for the next decade.

But then the fans turned on her. They said that she was horrible as a judge on "Tough Enough". Guess what, if someone isn't performing, they need to be told that. Better someone like Paige than Vince, Tripper or Steph. But in this age of any "Simon Cowell" type judge not fawning over a reality contestant, being labeled as "nasty", she became hated.

Then the Divas Revolution came along. Now, Paige started as the star of it. But they fast-tracked Paige v Charlotte, instead of keeping it for Wrestlemania. Paige's family might be renowned in UK wrestling, but Charlotte came from Ric Flair's loins, and we all know how WWE love kissing Ric Flair's loin area (look at the sickening "Ric Flair Farewell" the night after Wrestlemania 24). So, Charlotte got the nod. Also, the Four Horsewomen were considered cool, and no-one else even got a look in until the brand split. Even then, Paige got drafted to RAW, along with Charlotte, Sasha and Bayley, who dominated air-time. No-one else got a look in, when Vince's favourite Charlotte, and Triple H backed Sasha battled 1,000 times. It looked like Raw had two Divas.

Paige dated a guy who got fired for decking a racist employee (WWE sack Hogan for racism, but keep some backstage bottom-feeder. But then, mocking Mexicans doesn't draw the heat that insulting black people does, so Hogan goes and racist employee stays). Del Rio sounded off about the company, so Paige was guilty by association. Also, Vince wanted to push Charlotte, who cuts the same promo every week, is built like a man and has an ugly wart on her chin, but she is Ric Flair's little girl, and his daughter trumps the daughter of a famous wrestling family in England. So Charlotte gets promoted to the top, and fights other Horsewoman all the time. The fans only want the Horsewoman, and every other Diva takes second place.

I would hope that Paige goes to TNA, but TNA is a basketcase who will fold soon and be bought by WWE, meaning that Paige will be working for Vince again. Unless this is way down the track, Charlotte will still be the top Diva, doing the same things, week after week.

Paige failed two Wellness tests. I bet Charlotte doesn't (since she probably isn't tested, since she is the top star of the Divas Division, and falling out with her is falling out with Ric Flair).

Paige was wrestling back when Charlotte was Ashleigh Flair and taking photos of her dad falling on his face, and being thrown off the turnbuckles. match after match. Paige is also better looking than the Four Horsewomen combined, and WWE could have captured the female market who aren't stunning beauties, but are pretty and edgy. She also had a big following in the UK, who WWE love giving RAW and SD a show each year, while my country of Australia get house shows only.

How the mighty has fallen. Paige could have been the top Diva, but soon got forgotten when the company and the fans wanted NXT's "flavours of the month" instead.
Oy vey.

But then the fans turned on her. They said that she was horrible as a judge on "Tough Enough". Guess what, if someone isn't performing, they need to be told that. Better someone like Paige than Vince, Tripper or Steph. But in this age of any "Simon Cowell" type judge not fawning over a reality contestant, being labeled as "nasty", she became hated.

Barely anyone watched that show. She did not become hated. She is not hated. Paige had a lot of steam because she used to be one of the few who could have good matches. Now she isn't. Then she got suspended and injured. Her momentum is gone. That can be fixed.

Then the Divas Revolution came along. Now, Paige started as the star of it. But they fast-tracked Paige v Charlotte, instead of keeping it for Wrestlemania. Paige's family might be renowned in UK wrestling, but Charlotte came from Ric Flair's loins, and we all know how WWE love kissing Ric Flair's loin area (look at the sickening "Ric Flair Farewell" the night after Wrestlemania 24). So, Charlotte got the nod. Also, the Four Horsewomen were considered cool, and no-one else even got a look in until the brand split. Even then, Paige got drafted to RAW, along with Charlotte, Sasha and Bayley, who dominated air-time. No-one else got a look in, when Vince's favourite Charlotte, and Triple H backed Sasha battled 1,000 times. It looked like Raw had two Divas.

Or Paige got injured and they have like 5 women on the Raw roster. Sasha/Charlotte happening 500 times was due to limited roster and not any other cause.

Paige dated a guy who got fired for decking a racist employee (WWE sack Hogan for racism, but keep some backstage bottom-feeder. But then, mocking Mexicans doesn't draw the heat that insulting black people does, so Hogan goes and racist employee stays). Del Rio sounded off about the company, so Paige was guilty by association. Also, Vince wanted to push Charlotte, who cuts the same promo every week, is built like a man and has an ugly wart on her chin, but she is Ric Flair's little girl, and his daughter trumps the daughter of a famous wrestling family in England. So Charlotte gets promoted to the top, and fights other Horsewoman all the time. The fans only want the Horsewoman, and every other Diva takes second place.

Guess who also got fired, the guy who Del Rio punched! Facts are fun. Del Rio was fired because generally punching someone, unless in self-defense, is viewed as a bad thing. WWE was in the right to fire both of them for that. You can't have a bunch of vigilantes running around.

Charlotte is better than Paige. Like way better.

I would hope that Paige goes to TNA, but TNA is a basketcase who will fold soon and be bought by WWE, meaning that Paige will be working for Vince again. Unless this is way down the track, Charlotte will still be the top Diva, doing the same things, week after week.

Charlotte deserves to be at the top.

Paige failed two Wellness tests. I bet Charlotte doesn't (since she probably isn't tested, since she is the top star of the Divas Division, and falling out with her is falling out with Ric Flair).

Lance Storm says the drug testing is 100% legit. I believe him over you. Paige probably got busted for some painkiller due to her neck. I bet Charlotte is tested and passes because she is healthy and doesn't have a fucked up neck.

Paige was wrestling back when Charlotte was Ashleigh Flair and taking photos of her dad falling on his face, and being thrown off the turnbuckles. match after match. Paige is also better looking than the Four Horsewomen combined, and WWE could have captured the female market who aren't stunning beauties, but are pretty and edgy. She also had a big following in the UK, who WWE love giving RAW and SD a show each year, while my country of Australia get house shows only.

Looks are subjective. For example, I don't find Paige attractive. At all. Woah it is like people have different views or something.

Doesn't matter who started first. Cena may not have even been alive when Brooklyn Brawler started. Doesn't make Brawler better.

How the mighty has fallen. Paige could have been the top Diva, but soon got forgotten when the company and the fans wanted NXT's "flavours of the month" instead.

She wasn't forgotten. She got injured and surpassed.
Oy vey.

Barely anyone watched that show. She did not become hated. She is not hated. Paige had a lot of steam because she used to be one of the few who could have good matches. Now she isn't. Then she got suspended and injured. Her momentum is gone. That can be fixed.

Or Paige got injured and they have like 5 women on the Raw roster. Sasha/Charlotte happening 500 times was due to limited roster and not any other cause.

Guess who also got fired, the guy who Del Rio punched! Facts are fun. Del Rio was fired because generally punching someone, unless in self-defense, is viewed as a bad thing. WWE was in the right to fire both of them for that. You can't have a bunch of vigilantes running around.

Charlotte is better than Paige. Like way better.

Charlotte deserves to be at the top.

Lance Storm says the drug testing is 100% legit. I believe him over you. Paige probably got busted for some painkiller due to her neck. I bet Charlotte is tested and passes because she is healthy and doesn't have a fucked up neck.

Looks are subjective. For example, I don't find Paige attractive. At all. Woah it is like people have different views or something.

Doesn't matter who started first. Cena may not have even been alive when Brooklyn Brawler started. Doesn't make Brawler better.

She wasn't forgotten. She got injured and surpassed.

If they are having Sasha and Charlotte 500 times because there is no-one else, then don't have a freakin' Brand Extension. Put all the Divas together, and then we would still get variety while Paige is out.

The guy who racially vilified Del Rio may have got sacked as well, but they sacked Del Rio first, and only sacked the employee when Del Rio mouthed off about WWE backing the employee initially, and media and public pressure forced WWE's hand. WWE still had a grudge against Del Rio for publicising the whole thing, instead of keeping quiet, and punished Paige because she was with him.

"Charlotte is better than Paige. Way better".

Looks-wise. No. Paige has a tight little body, whereas Charlotte looks like Ric Flair in drag. If Charlotte had a sex tape, do you think as many guys would go checking it out as with Paige?

Also, Paige has been wrestling since the age of six. Charlotte only took up wrestling five years ago. So Paige has been doing it most of her life. Charlotte is very good in the ring, but no better than Paige wrestling-wise.

"Charlotte deserves to be on top".

Sure helps when your old man is Ric Flair, though.

Far be it for me to accuse WWE of nepotism. I'm sure that Triple H taking over WWE soon has nothing to do with him being married to the current owner's daughter.

Lance Storm! LANCE STORM! Yeah, a guy who doesn't even work in WWE anymore, and hung out with druggies Chris Candido and Sunny, can spot if someone is juiced up or not.

I don't even work in WWE, and yet I noticed in late 2003-early 2004, Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero's muscles were huge compared to earlier on. They bulked up pretty quick, and then won main titles soon after. Coincidence. Also, both are now dead, and the Atlanta police believe Benoit killed his family due to "roid rage". I saw with my own eyes that they looked much more muscular than you can get with simple weightwork.

How did Benoit even get to where he was, if it was steroid use, if the Wellness Policy is 100% legit? Lance Armstrong should have become a wrestler, instead of a cyclist, since USADA would leave him alone.

It does matter that Paige started first, because she has been wrestling 15-20 years, whereas Charlotte has wrestled five years.
A strong sign that this will blow over without anyone getting fired is New Day poking fun at the leak situation last night. It wasn't anything overt as they did it in a way that fits with their characters, but the fact that it was brought up in any way suggests that there aren't going to be any real consequences. If this was 3 to 5 years ago, Vince probably would've been in some sort of panic mode and taken Woods off camera indefinitely so it's nice to see that he's realized, or some have helped him to realize, that a little sex tape scandal is hardly the end of the world. There was a bit of a "New Day Fucks" chant from the crowd but it's possible that might be an anomaly because...well they were in Brooklyn last night and it's common knowledge that New York crowds can be extremely crude.

While this doesn't have anything to do with the topic exactly: "How did Benoit even get to where he was, if it was steroid use, if the Wellness Policy is 100% legit?" The Wellness Policy didn't come into effect until after Benoit died. The Wellness Policy came about partially because it was good business to do so, partially as a public relations strategy and partially to keep Congress from stepping in and regulating WWE as it hinted that it might do. Before that, WWE did just like every other wrestling company was doing and most of them still do: they didn't care what you did with your body or put into it as long as it didn't affect your work. Tinkering with the Wellness Policy results would bring about FAR more trouble than it'd be worth as it'd bring a shit storm of negative publicity and potential legal ramifications too numerous to get into.
If this was 3 to 5 years ago, Vince probably would've been in some sort of panic mode and taken Woods off camera indefinitely so it's nice to see that he's realized, or some have helped him to realize, that a little sex tape scandal is hardly the end of the world.
And if it were the Attitude Era, he would have loved it. Vince "knows" a lot more than people give him credit for. He simply caters to different markets at different times, and those markets don't always coincide what we, the hardcore fans, like to see. While still a PG product, the concerns are less than they otherwise might have been 3 to 5 years ago, as you point out. Vince knows exactly what goes on behind closed doors in the business. He probably simply wishes that his people would keep the technology out of it or learn how to use the things safely.

I see this as a needless distraction, and nothing more. Like I already pointed out, this turns back the clock on the Women's Revolution. I don't care what the sponsors think, or how some people might be appalled. The little kids in the audience who cheer Cena won't know what's going on. Everyone else buying tickets or a WWE Network subscription really won't care, at least not enough to cancel a subscription or stop buying tickets.
A strong sign that this will blow over without anyone getting fired is New Day poking fun at the leak situation last night. It wasn't anything overt as they did it in a way that fits with their characters, but the fact that it was brought up in any way suggests that there aren't going to be any real consequences. If this was 3 to 5 years ago, Vince probably would've been in some sort of panic mode and taken Woods off camera indefinitely so it's nice to see that he's realized, or some have helped him to realize, that a little sex tape scandal is hardly the end of the world. There was a bit of a "New Day Fucks" chant from the crowd but it's possible that might be an anomaly because...well they were in Brooklyn last night and it's common knowledge that New York crowds can be extremely crude.

What you say is true. I did hear a "We want Paige" chant, didn't hear the New Day chants, but just the fact that Woods was on TV last night and the way they handled it, shows that it might be swept under the rug.

Now in saying that I have to point out that Paige hasn't been on TV in awhile and doesn't look like she'll be back anytime soon. Has there been a date for her returning? If it's anything like Emma, could be a couple of years before we see her.

Also what might have saved Paige a lot of grief is the fact that Woods is extremely popular, and any punishment handed down would have to have included him. She is also the subject of the movie the Rock is making. The WWE might not want to bite the hand that feeds them.

Casual fans may not even be aware of what happened and hard core fans don't care. The only thing that might change is talent will be warned that if they have anything out there they don't want seen, get rid of it before someone finds it. I'm almost positive the WWE won't put up with these incidents forever.
When she is "fit" for Camera, there's an easy way to "reduce her role" for a bit without making it look like a punishment... Make her a manager for Jack Gallagher... Have her dress in the leather catsuit ala Emma Peel and make them the WWE's version of the (60's) Avengers... When they're ready to let her back in... she turns on Gentleman Jack and job done... Being in a "goofy" gimmick would send the message but give opportunity (much how New Day started) to take it somewhere.
When she is "fit" for Camera, there's an easy way to "reduce her role" for a bit without making it look like a punishment... Make her a manager for Jack Gallagher... Have her dress in the leather catsuit ala Emma Peel and make them the WWE's version of the (60's) Avengers... When they're ready to let her back in... she turns on Gentleman Jack and job done... Being in a "goofy" gimmick would send the message but give opportunity (much how New Day started) to take it somewhere.

I wouldn't mind seeing Paige in a leather, skintight catsuit. It might even make her more popular, which would derail WWE punishing her.

The only problem is that for many of today's audience, they would be disappointed with a "Avengers" gimmick, and would ask "Where's Ironman?", "Where's Captain America?"
Looks-wise. No. Paige has a tight little body, whereas Charlotte looks like Ric Flair in drag. If Charlotte had a sex tape, do you think as many guys would go checking it out as with Paige?

Is this really the opinion of most people?? Bony, white Paige is getting all of the views that tall, blonde, curvy Charlotte wouldn't get?? I know we all have our types, but this statement blew my mind!
my thoughts is simple, they were consenting adults having sex that they recorded and it was stolen and made public.

for what I read, WWE will not take action unless sponsors complain, hopefully their sponsors have compassion towards the situation, they did not make this public it was done with out their consent.

it boils down to 3 adults having sex amongst each other, nothing more.

while watching Raw, it looked like they had New Day doing a skit where they ask Wood's if he had something he needed to tell them, so clearly it looks like WWE is supporting them rather then cutting him loose.

like Paige's dad stated, they did not kill anyone or rob a bank they had sex in private among consenting adults.

time to move on and let them move passed this
Honestly, Paige has been a prime candidate for a firing for a while. What's stopping it is the movie w/ Rock and her age. They were probably hoping she would mature a little bit.

That being said she didn't do anything wrong, unless she leaked them herself lol. It's her personal life.. But this is horrible pr for the WWE. They are company that markets themselves to young kids. In a weird way it probably helps her acting career. Kardashians built a brand of this kind of stuff.

If they bring Paige back, that would be the perfect way to rebrand her.

Have her be like a Kardashian, taking selfies, posing all the time. Make her character become a vacuous, shallow person who attention-seeks.
Is this really the opinion of most people?? Bony, white Paige is getting all of the views that tall, blonde, curvy Charlotte wouldn't get?? I know we all have our types, but this statement blew my mind!

I would rather look at Paige, though pasty, she has a great feminine figure, and perfect breasts, rather than the muscular, manish body of Charlotte with her fake tan, butch face and chin wart.

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