Pagan Mythology

Dean Winchester

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Is it true that this was the first religion in the world and that soe ofthe holidays like christmas that we have are pagan holidays? I mean its not actually true that Pagan mytholog could be real with all them Gods but was it the first religion none to man? If it is a religion in the first place.
Is it true that this was the first religion in the world and that soe ofthe holidays like christmas that we have are pagan holidays? I mean its not actually true that Pagan mytholog could be real with all them Gods but was it the first religion none to man? If it is a religion in the first place.

I take exception to you calling a paganistic belief "not real". It is for some of us- I'm Wiccan and I do pray to a polytheistic pantheon. It's just as real as Christianity or Hinduism; meaning if you believe, then who is to tell you you're wrong? Today's religion can easily be tomorrow's mythology.

That being said, Christmas is a Christian holiday with pagan influences. In fact, most Christian holidays have pagan history. Today's society has labelled this particular holiday according to faith:

Yule: Tis what I celebrate, being witchy and all.
Christmas: What Christians celebrate.

They practically go hand in hand, are virtually the same thing. Just different names.

The Christmas Tree is a prime example of pagan influence in holidays. So is The Easter Bunny. These are symbols that have been kept alive for sake of tradition as well as out of respect for one's religion.

As for your opening question, we can argue all day on "What religion was first?" and nobody will know which one is historically right. I think the first religion according to man is the belief of a god that is everything and anything; this god wasn't a male or a female, animal or plant. Just a being that just is.

And the word "pagan" is something of an umbrella term with me. Lots of people use it just as a means of saying "everything not Christian". Truth is people have been worshipping gods and goddesses way before the Male Dominant came about in preachings. So technically the first human belief had to have been pagan.

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