Overlooked Happenings On 11/19/13 Raw


With all the buzz surrounding the return of Rey Mysterio, Big E. Langston becoming Intercontinental Champion and the overall final push for Survivor Series, a few thing don't seem to have gotten all that much attention.

Last night saw the main roster debut of Xavier Woods. Woods, who's real name is Austin Watson, is best known for his time as Consequences Creed in TNA from late 2007 through March 2010. Woods teamed with R-Truth last night, scoring a win over 3MB. Woods & Truth teamed together during his earliest days in TNA but shortly before Truth asked for his release. According to reports, Woods & Truth will remain as a tag team.

We also saw a heel turn for Miz last night as he teamed with Kofi Kingston against The Real Americans. While on tour in Europe, Miz played as heel at some of the shows due to them being short on heels. Though it was reported afterward that WWE was going to keep Miz babyface, that obviously didn't happen as of last night. Miz refused to be tagged in during the match, mocking Kofi on the outside as he was forced to submit.

As for Woods, it's too soon to say really. Scoring a win over 3MB isn't exactly something that'll make someone stand out. I've read that one reason why he's on the main roster is they feel he represents WWE well and that so many negative African American stereotypes can't be applied to him. In 2008, he graduated from Furman University in South Carolina with two degrees, one for psychology and one for philosophy.

As for Miz going heel, it needed to happen as he's mostly just been floundering for most of this year. He was hard to like as a babyface because he was basically the same cocky, sarcastic little bastard he played as a heel.
The Miz turns heel and gets to have a pre-show match against Kofi Kingston. I can't see how his career is ever going to recover. If I set my mind to it, I could have a pre-show match against Kofi Kingston.

I'm very much a fan of pairing people together based on their ethnicity. No seriously, I think that's how it should be done. I like my tag teams to dress and look the same. My only issue is that Truth & Woods don't wear similar attire and R-Truth is dead weight these days. In fact, if I set my mind to it I could team with R-Truth as well. Probably on next years Survivor Series pre-show. I'll keep everybody updated with my progress throughout the year.
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The only thing I really noticed is how childish the WWE is. Last week in a house show in England AJ Lee passed out for some reason during a match with one of the Bellas.

So what does the WWE do this week on Raw, the basically mock her by having Vikki Guerrero, fake passing out during her match with AJ. And I am sure that it is something that 90% of the audience had no idea what was going on
I think that Miz is salvageable as he is a pretty good heel on the mic and a decent performer in the ring (as long as you're not R-Truth, I suppose). The issue is that they never seem to commit to giving guys like Miz or Kingston an actual feud. When did the WWE start sucking at doing this? It used to be nearly everyone on the roster had some sort of feud with someone else. Instead these guys become triple threat match fodder on PPVs.
Dixie Carter Tweeted that, "Miz's new found attitude is a major change to the face of the wrestling world and that nothing will be the same ever again!"

I think "Overlooked Happening" is a great way to describe the heel turn. It feels so insignificant that it probably explains why I didn't even remember it when doing my own Raw review. The only things I was left thinking was, "does this mean we are getting a mini-Miz/Kofi feud?" and "could Miz join The RA?". But mostly it just left me feeling nothing.

Woods debut was fine. I don't know much about what he is supposed to be after last night. He's kind of small, he seems like he is going to be a "happy fun guy" type but that 's about it. I certainly don't see him getting much singles time. Tons of Funk may have to go heel for a little extra balance at the bottom of the tag team food chain. Maybe Woods and Truth can feud with Tons of Funk over The Funkadactyls or Naomi can spit from Cameron and start to work with Woods and Truth.
As long as Xavier Woods does not vomit in a match, he should be fine. Other than that, Woods just seems like a enhancement talent for the future.
Xavier Woods' getting his debut isn't earth-shattering but I am a fan of his. He is certainly talented and has a personality. He is someone that will put on good matches and will probably get quite over with the fans. He might not have the same potential as others from NXT but he does have a place on the main roster. I also like him being paired with Truth. A few weeks ago I was desperate for Truth to be fired but I rewatched some of the "conspiracy" stuff and I can't hate him. He and Woods could be a very fun duo - only problem is that there are plenty of face tag-teams.

As for The Miz, I think this is a great move by the WWE. The Miz is much better as a heel and I really did enjoy some of his work when he was US/WWE champion. I honestly think that The Miz can get back near the top and I look forward to it.
There not overlooked its just that no one cares. Miz isn't interesting in anyway and I was unhappy he turned heel as I enjoyed all the beatdowns he took. Xavier Woods followed in the Los Matadores blueprint of debuting, fight the worse guys on the roster and do nothing special to get people talking about you
Woods, who's real name is Austin Watson, is best known for his time as Consequences Creed in TNA from late 2007 through March 2010.

Shows what I know. I figured he was a raw rookie, as he looked tentative and stilted in his ring maneuvers last night. Then, his introduction and post-match celebration looked even greener because he wasn't doing his thing; he was doing R-Truth's, which is kind of hard to follow.

Well, no problem; Woods has plenty of time to carve out his own identity and will hopefully be given good material to work with. Whether it involves R-Truth or not will be interesting, as Truth was ignored after his return to WWE....then given a huge push as a bad guy......followed by a quick, unexplained switch back to face-dom, which ended his push as quick as a wink.

In other words, management doesn't have to push R-Truth to world title status again, but it would be nice to see him do something beside rap & job.
I've read that one reason why he's on the main roster is they feel he represents WWE well and that so many negative African American stereotypes can't be applied to him.

Umm...where exactly did you hear that? That is one of the most ridiculously racist statements I have ever heard. I am seriously offended by this and I really wonder why you felt it necessary to repeat.

I am an African American college student working on my bachelors with a 3.9 gpa, should I be in the WWE too? My sister, also black, has a bachelors in psychology...should she be the diva's champ? You can apply a stereotype to anyone regardless of a degree. There is white and Mexican stereotypes too but nobody said anything when Rey and Del Rio was signed or when any white wrestlers get signed.
The mizs heel turn you could see coming in a way Michael Cole spilled the beans before hand saying from his sources that they would rather be in singles matches. Anyway,miz going heel is ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ! When he was a heel he was well better than a face but not by much.. As far as Mr woods goes,i thought he looked familiar!. A double PHD good for him..

Plenty of time for Mr woods to carve out his own path,i just hope he doesnt tag with R-truth too much and do the rap gimmick or whatever they were doing.. But whatever WWE does,please dont make Xavier Woods another happy go lucky guy,we dont need any more of that!
I don't care about Miz's heel turn.

Is it the right, and more importantly, logical move? Yes, because as others said, nothing really changed for Miz's face persona. He was the same snarky and unlikeable dick, who went out of his way to get under everyone's skin (i.e. Miz TV) as a face. On top of that, Miz was exposed a looooongggg time ago for being nothing more than a serviceable mid card heel at best. He was a fall guy to help set up Rock VS Cena at Wrestlemania 28 in the main event of Mania 27, and when you look back on it, his WWE Championship reign was very forgettable. Besides the cash-in on Orton, I can't remember one good or truly great match from his time as WWE Champion.

So yes, Miz is back where he belongs as a heel, but I don't expect any big plans for him in the future. He might land a spot in the Raw/WWE Championship Elimination Chamber in 2014, but that's about it.

I enjoyed Woods debut, though. Again, I don't watch NXT, but I vividly remember Woods as Consequences Creed in TNA. Well, I guess his most memorable moment in TNA was blowing chunks in the middle of the ring during a match, but still, I thought the guy had plenty of potential. But the way he portrayed the Creed character (based on Apollo Creed from Rocky) was way too corny to be taken seriously. It felt like a parody portrayal more than anything.

Still, Woods and Truth have potential together as a tag team. You could clearly see the chemistry between the two last night, and with more time and seasoning together, I could picture both of them evolving into a top contender for the tag team titles.
I am an African American college student working on my bachelors with a 3.9 gpa, should I be in the WWE too? My sister, also black, has a bachelors in psychology...should she be the diva's champ? You can apply a stereotype to anyone regardless of a degree. There is white and Mexican stereotypes too but nobody said anything when Rey and Del Rio was signed or when any white wrestlers get signed.

I don't understand what you're offended by...

The fact that they have an African American Superstar who bucks racial stereotypes, and he's being rewarded for it?

Should you be in WWE? Probably not, but IF you were,they would most likely tote your accomplishments the same way they do for everyone else. Before Woods it was Otunga's law degree, Kurt Angle's Olympic Medals, and Jerry Lawler's heart attacks.

And no, your sister cannot be diva's champion. That honor goes to girls hooking up with top talent, so unless she starts dating Sheamus, it isn't happening.
I don't understand what you're offended by...

The fact that they have an African American Superstar who bucks racial stereotypes, and he's being rewarded for it?

Should you be in WWE? Probably not, but IF you were,they would most likely tote your accomplishments the same way they do for everyone else. Before Woods it was Otunga's law degree, Kurt Angle's Olympic Medals, and Jerry Lawler's heart attacks.

And no, your sister cannot be diva's champion. That honor goes to girls hooking up with top talent, so unless she starts dating Sheamus, it isn't happening.

I'm offended because he was rewarded for going to college as if that is such a shocking accomplishment for an African American. I would love for blacks to be treated the same as everybody else. He should be called up to the main roster for the same reason that the white wrestlers do. Why does he need to not be a stereotype? Who is judging black wrestlers by stereotypes? Just mentioning that he doesn't fit the stereotype is pretty much saying that you believe that black people are usually uneducated.
I'm offended because he was rewarded for going to college as if that is such a shocking accomplishment for an African American. I would love for blacks to be treated the same as everybody else. He should be called up to the main roster for the same reason that the white wrestlers do. Why does he need to not be a stereotype? Who is judging black wrestlers by stereotypes? Just mentioning that he doesn't fit the stereotype is pretty much saying that you believe that black people are usually uneducated.

Jesus Christ you oversensitive fuck. The OP posted something he read on a website. 90% of shit on wrestling sites are false and even if this is true who gives a fuck? I'm sure Xavier Woods is extremely proud of his achievements and if that's the reason they want to bring him up to the main roster then so be it. I guarantee he isn't complaining. It's not like this is the first time WWE has pushed people or brought people up due to varying factors like this. Del Rio and Mysterio have been multiple time world champions in part because it brings in more of the Latino fan base. Bret Hart became champion in the early 90s because WWE wanted to break the steroid, bodybuilding stereotype. This shit happens.

And btw no one gives a flying fuck that you are a black kid in college with a 3.9 GPA. You're offended that the WWE pushes someone because of that and then you bring it up yourself to, I guess, try and give your post some relevance. I'm sure you probably have a problem with the network that first aired the Cosby Show because it broke the stereotype of a black TV family.
Jesus Christ you oversensitive fuck. The OP posted something he read on a website. 90% of shit on wrestling sites are false and even if this is true who gives a fuck? I'm sure Xavier Woods is extremely proud of his achievements and if that's the reason they want to bring him up to the main roster then so be it. I guarantee he isn't complaining. It's not like this is the first time WWE has pushed people or brought people up due to varying factors like this. Del Rio and Mysterio have been multiple time world champions in part because it brings in more of the Latino fan base. Bret Hart became champion in the early 90s because WWE wanted to break the steroid, bodybuilding stereotype. This shit happens.

And btw no one gives a flying fuck that you are a black kid in college with a 3.9 GPA. You're offended that the WWE pushes someone because of that and then you bring it up yourself to, I guess, try and give your post some relevance. I'm sure you probably have a problem with the network that first aired the Cosby Show because it broke the stereotype of a black TV family.

Im oversensitive? So I cant complain about a blatantly racist comment but everybody else on here can fill 40 pages with full paragraphs bitching about Austin Aries putting his crotch in a women's face, Matt Morgan calling the IWC fat and lazy, Michael Hayes offering a GROWN ASS WOMEN a drink, and Darren Young being gay. Del Rio and Mysterio being pushed to bring in Latino fans is in no way the same as Woods getting called up. The OP stated that he read that Woods pretty much got called up for NOT acting like the "typical" black person, which is some BS. I pointed out that im in college to show that this is not and uncommon occurrence. I know tons of African Americans with college degrees, so why the hell is Woods special? I don't expect or want to be treated differently because I go to college. That comment was a slap in the face to an entire race.

To answer your question of "who gives a fuck," black wrestlers that want to make it to the WWE. That statement makes it seem as though a black person needs a college degree to get in the wwe. It also makes it seem as though black people cant be themselves if they want to make it. Wrestling in the US is dominated by white people, and this comment just makes me feel as though other black wrestlers and I have zero chance to make it in the wrestling business unless I go get a PhD.

What stereotype did the Cosby show break? There are shows that aired way before the Cosby show with black families that dealt with the same exact problems as the ones shown on the Cosby show. If you're referring to their occupations on the show, it had almost NO affect on the show. Their careers were barely showcased, maybe once every 4-5 episodes. The Cosby show was a joke and most black people don't even consider that a classic African American tv show. Shows like Good Times, Sanford and Son, and The Jefferson's are respected much more than The Cosby show for that very reason. Cosby Show was a terrible example to make.

BTW, I wasn't trying to bash the OP. I was simply stating that the comment that he read and re-posted was offensive. Big Sexy, I am not sure why this attack was necessary, I was simply stating how I felt which is what everyone does on here.
Im oversensitive? So I cant complain about a blatantly racist comment but everybody else on here can fill 40 pages with full paragraphs bitching about Austin Aries putting his crotch in a women's face, Matt Morgan calling the IWC fat and lazy, Michael Hayes offering a GROWN ASS WOMEN a drink, and Darren Young being gay. Del Rio and Mysterio being pushed to bring in Latino fans is in no way the same as Woods getting called up. The OP stated that he read that Woods pretty much got called up for NOT acting like the "typical" black person, which is some BS. I pointed out that im in college to show that this is not and uncommon occurrence. I know tons of African Americans with college degrees, so why the hell is Woods special? I don't expect or want to be treated differently because I go to college. That comment was a slap in the face to an entire race.

To answer your question of "who gives a fuck," black wrestlers that want to make it to the WWE. That statement makes it seem as though a black person needs a college degree to get in the wwe. It also makes it seem as though black people cant be themselves if they want to make it. Wrestling in the US is dominated by white people, and this comment just makes me feel as though other black wrestlers and I have zero chance to make it in the wrestling business unless I go get a PhD.

What stereotype did the Cosby show break? There are shows that aired way before the Cosby show with black families that dealt with the same exact problems as the ones shown on the Cosby show. If you're referring to their occupations on the show, it had almost NO affect on the show. Their careers were barely showcased, maybe once every 4-5 episodes. The Cosby show was a joke and most black people don't even consider that a classic African American tv show. Shows like Good Times, Sanford and Son, and The Jefferson's are respected much more than The Cosby show for that very reason. Cosby Show was a terrible example to make.

BTW, I wasn't trying to bash the OP. I was simply stating that the comment that he read and re-posted was offensive. Big Sexy, I am not sure why this attack was necessary, I was simply stating how I felt which is what everyone does on here.

I'm about the most liberal person imaginable, especially in regards to race relations in America. And I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that you're just whining for no reason.

On to what happened on Raw, I loved watching Ziggler mock JJ. I can't stand JJ, and Ziggler taking a few pokes at him was awesome.
The Miz works better as a heel and because he's good on the mic, I think he can have some decent midcard feud AND I think he's "credible" enough to be a guy that can used to put over some midcard faces. I don't ever see him in the main event picture again but guys that are good on the mic (I'm not saying he's great on the mic), always have a place on the roster, IMO.

This Xavier Woods game seems like nothing special. I like Truth though so hopefully these two will work well as a tag team. Would WWE pit them in a feud with The Real Americans? Not sure about that one, although it would be interesting to see how far they'd let Colter go in his promos.
Im oversensitive? So I cant complain about a blatantly racist comment

There was no racist comment. There was a report (one that is likely false) about the WWE's thought process behind bringing Woods up to the main roster.

I pointed out that im in college to show that this is not and uncommon occurrence. I know tons of African Americans with college degrees, so why the hell is Woods special?

He's special because he's a charismatic and talented wrestler. And we don't live in the 1800s, everyone is well aware that a lot of black people go to college. It didn't need to be pointed out.

To answer your question of "who gives a fuck," black wrestlers that want to make it to the WWE. That statement makes it seem as though a black person needs a college degree to get in the wwe. It also makes it seem as though black people cant be themselves if they want to make it. Wrestling in the US is dominated by white people, and this comment just makes me feel as though other black wrestlers and I have zero chance to make it in the wrestling business unless I go get a PhD.

Only 12.6% of the American population is African American (according to the 2010 US Census). Using WWE's superstar page, 18.7% of the WWE main roster talent is African American. 72.4% of the American population is white. Only 56% of the WWE main roster talent is white. Most occupations are dominated by white people because there is a lot more white people in the US. I don't know how many of the black wrestlers in the WWE have a degree but I'm sure there's at least a handful who don't

What stereotype did the Cosby show break? There are shows that aired way before the Cosby show with black families that dealt with the same exact problems as the ones shown on the Cosby show. If you're referring to their occupations on the show, it had almost NO affect on the show. Their careers were barely showcased, maybe once every 4-5 episodes. The Cosby show was a joke and most black people don't even consider that a classic African American tv show. Shows like Good Times, Sanford and Son, and The Jefferson's are respected much more than The Cosby show for that very reason. Cosby Show was a terrible example to make.

Their occupation was exactly the stereotype that was broken. The Jeffersons: Dry Cleaning Business Owner and Homemaker. Sanford and Son: Junk and Antique dealers. James and Florida Evans: Housewife and Minimum Wage jobs. The Huxtables: Doctor and Lawyer. One of those things doesn't belong. Their careers were portrayed in some way in a ton of episodes. The Cosby Show also won 5 NAACP Image Awards so some black people had to like it.

Big Sexy, I am not sure why this attack was necessary, I was simply stating how I felt which is what everyone does on here.

Unlike what you are accusing the WWE of, I treat all idiots on this site equally and I do it in many different threads about many different subjects. .
There was no racist comment. There was a report (one that is likely false) about the WWE's thought process behind bringing Woods up to the main roster.

He's special because he's a charismatic and talented wrestler. And we don't live in the 1800s, everyone is well aware that a lot of black people go to college. It didn't need to be pointed out.

Only 12.6% of the American population is African American (according to the 2010 US Census). Using WWE's superstar page, 18.7% of the WWE main roster talent is African American. 72.4% of the American population is white. Only 56% of the WWE main roster talent is white. Most occupations are dominated by white people because there is a lot more white people in the US. I don't know how many of the black wrestlers in the WWE have a degree but I'm sure there's at least a handful who don't

Their occupation was exactly the stereotype that was broken. The Jeffersons: Dry Cleaning Business Owner and Homemaker. Sanford and Son: Junk and Antique dealers. James and Florida Evans: Housewife and Minimum Wage jobs. The Huxtables: Doctor and Lawyer. One of those things doesn't belong. Their careers were portrayed in some way in a ton of episodes. The Cosby Show also won 5 NAACP Image Awards so some black people had to like it.

Unlike what you are accusing the WWE of, I treat all idiots on this site equally and I do it in many different threads about many different subjects. .
I dont know why you are making a big deal out of one comment I said. It seems as though you are the type of person that needs to insult people to feel good about yourself, considering the fact that you have attacked me personally without me doing the same to you.

First off I would like to say congratulations on your discovery of Google and Wikipedia. That is great that you can search details about awards and percentages of people in the wwe.

You didnt prove anything I said to be untrue. I stated that the WWE is dominated by white people. You came back with a statistic of 56 percent which is more than half of the roster. This statistic proves my point that the WWE roster is majority white. As for most occupations being dominated by whites, that is true. However, not when it comes to pro sports. WWE wants to be known as a sport so I will treat it as such. Two of the three major sports in the US are dominated by African Americans (NFL, NBA). This may have nothing to do with the argument, I just felt like pointing that out since you have also given useless information about NAACP awards that the average black person didn't even vote for. It is widely known throughout the black community that the Cosby show was hated because it showed a black family displaying white stereotypes. As I stated earlier, there occupations weren't even a huge part of the show.

I didnt point out that people dont believe black people go to college. The OP statement about stereotypes is what brought that subject up. The statement implies that Woods looks good because he doesn't fall under the stereotype that black people are uneducated.

When did I accuse the WWE of anything? My first post implies that I didnt believe the WWE said this. Maybe I didnt make that clear enough, but I never for a second believed that the WWE made that statement because they know better than to say something so stupid.
Umm...where exactly did you hear that? That is one of the most ridiculously racist statements I have ever heard. I am seriously offended by this and I really wonder why you felt it necessary to repeat.

Dude, I feel for you. I'm black and I strongly disagree with the way you seemed to have interpreted the original comment made regarding a rumor about Woods' selection to the WWE main roster. From what I can see, nothing offensive was meant by the comment. Negative stereotypes about people of our ethnic background exist. They have for quite a while. I'm sure you're aware that this is not anything new.

It's entirely plausible that the WWE would want to push a black wrestler who isn't just some meathead bodyguard (Big E during his first push w/ Ziggler), a incoherent rapper (R-Truth), a wannabe thug (JTG), or athletic primadonnas (PrimeTime Players). If you would have chose to believe the rumor, then it suggests that the company acknowledges its flaw in the black characters they've used in the past. Not every black wrestler is Kofi Kingston.
Dude, I feel for you. I'm black and I strongly disagree with the way you seemed to have interpreted the original comment made regarding a rumor about Woods' selection to the WWE main roster. From what I can see, nothing offensive was meant by the comment. Negative stereotypes about people of our ethnic background exist. They have for quite a while. I'm sure you're aware that this is not anything new.

It's entirely plausible that the WWE would want to push a black wrestler who isn't just some meathead bodyguard (Big E during his first push w/ Ziggler), a incoherent rapper (R-Truth), a wannabe thug (JTG), or athletic primadonnas (PrimeTime Players). If you would have chose to believe the rumor, then it suggests that the company acknowledges its flaw in the black characters they've used in the past. Not every black wrestler is Kofi Kingston.
It really wasnt that serious. Other people on here commented and turned this into something different. I didnt like the statement and that was it.

And I feel for you as well, If you are black and dont see a problem with someone black being pushed because they are black and don't act black. How is there nothing wrong with that statement? If an NBA team came out and said that they signed a white person because they dont fit the white stereotypes, would that be ok? I wasn't trying to make this a big deal but there is obviously something wrong with both those statements.
And I feel for you as well, If you are black and dont see a problem with someone black being pushed because they are black and don't act black. How is there nothing wrong with that statement? If an NBA team came out and said that they signed a white person because they dont fit the white stereotypes, would that be ok? I wasn't trying to make this a big deal but there is obviously something wrong with both those statements.

If it were publicly worded/said in that manner, I would take offense at that remark but the underlying sentiment for the decision is one that I agree with. Negative stereotypes are just that...negative. I applaud the acknowledgement of misuse or misrepresentation of any people because before you can actually do something about a problem, you have to first recognize that there is a problem. And that's what I feel the rumor was stating about WWE's possible creative turn.

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