Orton: WWE Champ in 2007?


Pre-Show Stalwart
New Year's Revolution is gonna be in St. Louis which is Randy Orton's hometown. you never know... maybe the Legend Killer wins his 2nd WWE title at NY Revolution. Do you think Orton will be champ by then or is he not due for another title reign for a while???
its definately gonna happen. if it doesnt...raw will go down hill. it may not be what the fans want, but it still plays to the hometowner, and i just hope that it happens.
olympiclegendkiller said:
If it happens at all it will probably be at mania

yeah your probably right but it would be some shit if he did win at NYR. i would be very proud.
i dont think orton will be holding a championship belt untill he puts the bong down.

Hes been caught twice for the grass
What makes you think that matters, i mean this is the same company that had both Edge and Cena lose championship matches in there hometowns, 2 people who actually follow rules, So why would they give it to him when he continues to get suspended?
damn right teddyandkathy!! why should the dopeman win??
he shouldnt win a title for a long time iv also heard that he has a bad attitude twords women who dont treat him like god
If Orton keeps his nose clean then there is a chance of him holding the WWE title, a Cena vs Orton fued would be good in my view.
I don't think he's gonna get a push for a while. I mean, this dude main-evented WrestleMania this year, and now he's in the mid-card going for the IC belt and jobbing to senile legends like Hulk Hogan. I think this is going to be this way for a long time.
wrestling247 said:
i dont think orton will be holding a championship belt untill he puts the bong down.

Hes been caught twice for the grass

If it was anyone else they would have been fired by now. Luckily Vince see's Orton as the future and keeps giving him another chance. How many more chances can he give Orton though?
orton should win it because he has more talent than edge or cena. triple h is better but taking steps into the new generation requires orton to get a title run soon. i can care less if he makes some girl cry backstage.
I can see orton winning the title later on in the year maybe summerslam but i think he's still skatin on thin ice because of those 2 positive drug test. he will win the title in '07 but i think triple h will get the belt before orton does. EVEN THO KANE REALLY DESERVES THE TITLE AND SHOULD WIN IT BEFORE HE RETIRES SO HE CAN HAVE A REAL TITLE REIGN!
Mania23OffThaHook said:
New Year's Revolution is gonna be in St. Louis which is Randy Orton's hometown. you never know... maybe the Legend Killer wins his 2nd WWE title at NY Revolution. Do you think Orton will be champ by then or is he not due for another title reign for a while???
i hope so!!!!if he doesnt i will be pissed.i like cena,but at this rate he's going to have more title reigns than the undertaker has had in his career.
Orton is wasting his own talent!

When is he going to realise he has a job that millions of people would die to have and he thinks he is better than the world!

I like Orton i think he has amazing potential and is a great athlete but until he starts acting like an adult then he doesnt deserve to win the title! I would love to see Orton hold the WWE title. i had stopped watching wrestling for a while when he won his first titles.
not gonna happen dude but if it happened i sure will be excited cause orton is a nice wrestler wiht lots of good things in him:
Good Things About orton:

1. mic skills
2. good looks
3. good technique
4. nice attitude and style
5. He is Son of Bob Orton
yes Yes YES!!! I have been waiting for this since WrestleMania 22... I heard rumours Randy Orton, Yes The Legend Killer RANDY ORTON will be WWE Champion!!! OH YES!!! You heard me, I said it... RANDY ORTONNNNNNNNNNNNNN
Good Mic Skills
Good Athelete
Son Of Legendary Bob Orton
Top heel, WWE Champion... What more could you want!

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