Orton, Danielson, Styles. Which of these three do you start your promotion with?

Which of the three would you pick to start your wrestling promotion?

  • Randy Orton

  • Bryan Danielson

  • AJ Styles

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Team Finnley Baylor
There are three wrestlers who we can say are mark makers in pro wrestling. Bryan Danielson, Randy Orton, and AJ Styles. ALL of these wrestlers bring something unique to the table.

Danielson - Unique wrestling style, can put on 5 star matches, and isn't bad on the mic. Not very marketable as a merchandise pusher, but attracts the pure wrestling fan hungry for someone that can bring them back to the glory days of pro wrestling. Can also carry mediocre wrestlers to solid matches.

Orton - Son of Cowboy Bob Orton, is a great character who can mesh with about any character you put on him. Great technical wrestler, good on the mic, and is marketable. Only downside is that he's got a volatile temper and he's only as good as the people around him.

Styles - Great marketability. No worry of drug problems. High flyer, charismatic, and can work the stick real good, too. Size is his downfall as most may not believe the hype of someone under 6 foot tall. Also needs decent wrestlers around him to be able to work well.

So take your pick. Which ONE of these wrestlers would you choose to start your promotion?
i would love danielson in my promotion because first he loves tag wrestling so do I (not the point) and he has a unique move set. AJ has a few unique moves and randy is just plain boring
So we're assuming that we eliminate the popularity of all these guys. No one knows who they are, they just have their respective talents.

Well I'd take Danielson out immediately. Aj is better in the ring and Orton is more convincing on the mic and in his character. Danielson has never done anything for me and I don't expect that to change. He just doesn't seem like a star.

Aj Styles might be a good choice. He would put on solid matches to start and he'd get the crowd behind him as he fights heel after heel. Sort of like a much lesser version of Hulk Hogan. The problem is, I don't think a face should be on top for most of the year. I think most of the time, a heel should be on top because that makes the face becoming champion all the more special.

So I'm going with Orton. Put the title on him. Have him cut his usual great promos, have him beat some faces, some clean and some using dirty tactics. Just pretty much have him dominate for the first year. But while Orton is dominating, I would be building up some unknown, talented face that people could really get bhind. Orton and that face would feud for a couple of months then have a match at whatever is the biggest wrestling PPV my company has. That would just equal money. By this time people would be gagging for Orton to have his ass handed to him and the title taken away.

So yeah, Orton would be the best person to start a company with for the sake of making future stars.
I've always said these past few years that if I had to choose ANYONE in pro wrestling to build my up-start company around, it'd be AJ Styles. But to compare him to the other two guys listed....

Bryan Danielson is a fantastic wrestler, no doubt, and is definitely in my top 3 favorite wrestlers from today's generation. If I were to build a company, I would DEFINITELY try my hardest to sign him. However, if you put a gun to my head and said I could only choose between he and AJ Styles, then I would have to go with AJ Styles. I can't really explain why because I actually am a bigger fan of Dragon overall; I just think AJ's more marketable and could be my 'Hulk Hogan', so to speak. However, with that said, I would LOVE to have Bryan Danielson as my 'Roddy Piper' for him to feud with. Danielson as heel is purely priceless, and his work with AJ Styles in Ring of Honor was just incredible. If I could choose, the AJ Styles/Bryan Danielson feud would be my first big on for the company, and would last for quite sometime.

Randy Orton is another guy I like. He's by far my favorite wrestler on Raw, in fact. However, I couldn't build a company around him. He'd be great to sign, of course, and someone for AJ to feud with, but I would still choose AJ and/or Danielson over him if I had to. Orton is a great, great wrestler, but I just don't think he has enough to offer as the other two names.

And then there's the Phenomenal AJ Styles. The dude has everything you could ever want in a professional wrestler. Great looks, a ton of charisma, good on the mic, and AWESOME in the ring. Also, he's unselfish and completely professional. Seriously, what more could you want in a professional wrestler? I can't think of anything, which is why I think he's currently the best all around pro wrestler today in the entire industry.
Between these three, I would have to go with the proven commodity, Randy Orton. He is currently the WWE Champion. Who better to start a Pro Sports Wrestling Entertainment company with than a certified Champion?? Do not get me wrong, I would definitely try to hire the other two to challenge Randy for the Title in a Triple Threat Main Event, but I would start with the Top and work my way down.
Honestly my only choice would be orton out of the three, danielson may be able to draw for ring of honor, but has never proven he can draw on the big stage, aj styles, sorry to tell you, but the guy is not as big of a draw as most think, whos watching tna for aj styles, gimme a break, i honestly cant remember alot of his matches, too many damn jumps and flips, orton has proven he is not only a effective heel but quite the draw on the big stage, and thats what counts putting butts in the seats and not just the iwc.
sorry but thats the way it is
This is a very tough decision, but I have to go with AJ here. Let's take a look.

Danielson is a fantastic wrestler with a style that is different than most. He was able to use this to form a great connection with the ROH fans and become the most popular wrestler in the history of the company. His promos can be hiliarious at times and he is an overall great and entertaining guy. However, I don't see him as the #1 guy in a "major" wrestling company, he just doesn't have what it takes to be the top dog in my opinion.

As for Orton, the obvious big plus is with his size. Both Danielson and Styles are smaller guys, and as we know, the bigger guys are traditionally the most famous. Orton has a great look and heel persona, plus he is more than capable in the ring. However, I don't think he is that good as a face, his promos can bore me to sleep at times, and he has been known for having a temper backstage. Not really the guy I'd want to build my company around.

AJ Styles is the total package and would be the best guy to start a company with, maybe out of anyone in wrestling today. He may not be the biggest or the handsomest wrestler out there, but the fans absolutely love him. His mic work has improved from average to borderline great. He is a great company guy who won't give you any problems.

The biggest plus is, he is by far the best pro "wrestler" in wrestling today. He could be in there against a broom and he'd put on a good match. Heck, he was able to have an above average match with Shane Douglas, who is slightly less agile than a broom. AJ Styles would be mine John Cena, except for the fact that he is capable of a 5 star match against any opponent, anytime. He's that good.
Randy Orton, and it's not a close call. The guy is on his way to being a great of this industry, no doubt. He has the in-ring skill, he has the mic work nailed on the head.

One of the biggest things though, he's Randy ORTON. The name alone stands to garner more interest that AJ Styles & Bryan Danielson. Granted, both are very talented, but going on name alone Randy Orton is bigger than both. If we include the casual fan, or someone who has only watched once or twice, who do you think they would have a better chance of seeing? It's Orton. The WWE are a bigger company, and he gets better & bigger press because of it.
If they all have their current name value and history and blah blah blah then the obvious choice from a business perspective would be Randy Orton, he's a good wrestler, a good heel and he has a name value which would attract more than the other two combined.

Still, Jeff Hardy may well be proof that the smaller high flyers are were the business is going these days, or are certainly capable of carrying a brand or company. AJ could be much better than Jeff if given the chance. So maybe looking to the future, yeah, I think I'd pick AJ Styles. Give him some credible heels to fued with, see what happens.
i'd have 2 go with AJ Styles, i just love watching this man wrestle, he is amazing to me, best thing about professional wrestling to me, if TNA didnt have him i dont think it would be as good as it is, his move set is friggin awesome.

It would be incredible if i could get both him and daniels, would be brilliant, now im excited haha.
AJ Styles. He would just be the best out of the 3 of them to soar to the top quickest. He's likeable, great mic skills and a solid wrestling style.

Orton is the type of guy that would be better signed once your company is soaring. He would be great to bring in a year or 2 down the track once some credibility has been estalished for the promotion.

Danielson while a good wrestler I just can't see him being the main man, the Hulk, the Stone Cold of a promotion. AJ can do it and would be a faithful employee so to speak, someone you can count on to build the company alongside you.

AJ Styles FTW here.
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