Original v. Cover: Melt With You

Original v. Cover: Melt With You

  • Original: Modern English

  • Cover: Bowling For Soup

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Undercardbob Jobberpants
The original comes from, surprisingly enough, a punk band. You might not know it from the song because it's very atypical of their style, which is probably why it became popular and they became a one-hit wonder. If this song seems familiar and you can't quite place it, it could be because it was featured in a Burger King commercial.

There's the original. You'll find it on just about any 80s compilation album.

A couple of years ago, a pop-punk band called Bowling For Soup covered it for the soundtrack of the Disney Movie "Sky High". Now, of course the movie was lame, but I happen to enjoy the song, and the band. I know pop-punk has a pretty bad rap, but I enjoy some of it every now and then, and Bowling For Soup is one of the best examples. Of course they're no musical geniuses, but they're funny (note the kazoo solo at the 2:01 mark) and a lot of fun to listen to when you're int he right mood.

So. Original or cover?
Nice choice here Dex. This case however has to be the easiest one I've encountered yet. I enjoy quite a bit of pop-punk (I've always been a huge Blink 182 fan) and have for a long time, but Bowling For Soup to me are just total and utter drivel. Listening to them or Simple Plan makes me want to cut my throat and bury myself in Minor Threat albums. What these kids call "punk" these days, ugh.

The Modern English song is simply one of the greatest singles that the 80's produced, and that is saying quite a bit considering the strength of music in that decade. I remember hearing this song many times as a kid on the radio, and whenever I hear it to this day it brings back memories of hanging out with my dad in his car at midnight, sleeping over his buddy's house, watching horror movies and driving around listening to this song among others. This song will always put a big fat smile on my face because of that, there are so many songs that I associate with my father, so to me this match up isn't even a question.

The Modern English win this, and they win it easily. EASILY.
Sorry but if there's one genre I wish would go away forever, it's Pop-Punk. I can't stand the vocals and don't understand the appeal of listening to someone sing like they're going through puberty. Pop-Punk is seriously nails on a chalkboard for me. And I'm not even a huge fan of this song to begin with. I love 80's music but that song just doesn't really do anything for me.
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