Opening the box - the Pandora thread

Guardian of Takhisis

Dark Match Winner
I've been meaning to start this thread for awhile now so here it goes. This kind of goes along with my whole discovery theme that I've been staying on since I started posting here. A few years back I was at work and I heard a song by 12 Stones playing in another part of the factory. I had never heard any of there stuff on the radio so I asked the guy that was listening to it what station he was on. He said that is was a website called Pandora. He told me that you go the site and it plays only the music like what you want to listen to without anything you don't. I must say it sounded pretty good because I know we all have a particular station we listen to but it doesn't always play what we want to hear. Sometimes they only play the new stuff by a certain artist or they don't even play your music because that type of station doesn't exist. So a couple months later I went to the website and it asked me what type of artist or genre did I like. My choice was....
[YOUTUBE]YyyACnGDa8c&ob=av2n[/YOUTUBE]I didn't choose that song just the artist because the only song I had heard by them was Piece by Piece off the Punisher soundtrack. I wanted to hear more of them but no radio station played them. I saw them in concert but I was so new to them I don't remember any of their songs. Wished I would have payed more attention because all of their songs that I heard are awesome.
I started listening to it all the time on my computer especially when I was playing Diablo II. For some weird reason all the music synched up with all the fighting I was doing. Then I heard that you could use Pandora on your smartphones so that was one reason why I got a smartphone this past Christmas. I listen to it all the time at work and I can say I've only thumbed down a few songs. Now here's the reason why I started this thread. What I want to know is if you have also discovered Pandora radio. I'm sure most of you have but if you haven't then you should give it a listen. I also want to know if you've come upon any artist that you have never heard of while listening to Pandora or you've come across a new song by one of your favorite artists that you never heard. Here's a few songs and artist that I've discovered while listening to it.
I had never heard of them and I'm pretty sure it chose them because I said I liked Rammstein.
Another one is
I'm not sure what the first song they played on my Pandora was but I instantly liked them when I heard it. I had heard of this band but had never listened to any of their music. The one song "I Don't Care" featuring the lead singer from Three Days Grace I had always thought was a Three Days Grace song until I saw it marked as Apocalyptica.
My last one for this post is
This is kindof the same thing Apocalyptica. I had heard of this group but never listened to any of the music. I definitely enjoyed this song marked it as a like but I haven't heard anything else by them except for the lead singers vocals on Bittersweet by Apocalyptica.
I have to pay attention to my Pandora because there's more I want to post but I can't think of their names or the songs but when I do believe me I'll be back to share and I want you to also. :headbanger:
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Here's one more. Never heard of the band but when the song came up I definitely enjoyed it. Hope to hear more by them so I think I'll update my list and put them as a band I want to hear more of.
I think I know how SSC felt in his dubstep thread because no one was posting in it. lulz. I found a few more the other day to add to this thread. I hope that some of the bands that I'm putting down are ones that other people haven't heard and getting them to listen to new music.

Here's the first one.
Birthday Massacre. Really good band. I think another one of their songs have come up on my pandora but I don't remember. I really enjoy this song.

Here's another.
Thousand Foot Krutch. This song cam on my pandora and I absolutely loved it. Really got me moving while driving in my car into work the other day.

I'll keep posting as I find more even if no one else does.
Pandora is great, especially since the radio stations pretty much suck. Here's one I found and loved. Every time I think I've got a handle on who's who in the Symphonic Metal genre I inevitably find another band with multiple albums out and a great sound that I somehow completely missed.

This is Visions of Atlantis - Seven Seas. This is a pretty cool video made from Pirates of the Caribbean too.

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