Open Letter To The (WWE) IWC


The lord of darkness
NOTE: Im placing this in the WWE section because this is geared towards WWE fans. Please move if needed.

So Ive been seeing articles on the main page that just completely bitch about the WWE product. Ive seen fans on this forum bitch about the WWE product. Im getting tired of it. I can't count how many threads Ive seen about "who would be in your WWE stable" or "Should WWE create another stable and who should be in it?" NO MORE STABLES IN WWE...for now.

Seriously, no one is going to be happy with every decision the WWE makes, but do we really need to come on and bitch about it every week? This is what I see from the WWE IWC almost every week...

The IWC screams "We want fresh" so WWE gives us something fresh and half of the IWC is screaming "oh that sucked"


Brodus Clay. Yes we ALL wanted a monster heel, but isn't the monster heel kind of played out? Yes I was asking myself if that was a joke, but the more it went on the more I liked it. It was something fresh that kida took away from all of the seriousness. But who's to say that Brodus won't be a monster heel? Who's to say someone doesn't come out and change is mind or push him thr wrong way? Give it time people.

Chris Jericho. Yes I know him coming out and not talking is boring...but its working. You are all starting to hate him. Thats what he wants. Next week he may not get a reaction from the crowd. When he finally DOES speak, most of you haters are going to say how it was perfect and the heel Jericho is back! Guess what? HE"S BEEN BACK!

Zack Ryder. Probably in the best position of his career. Lets cut the guy some slack. Last year he was begging for a role on TV. Now he's in one of, if not THE top story on RAW. There is nowhere to go but up. WWE is not burying him, he is not being wasted, he is NOT a coward. Is his character annoying at times. Yes. But what character HASN'T been annoying at times.

Storylines. For the most part WWE is doing a good job. A few years ago fans bitched because storylines moved too fast. Now some are bitching that its taking too long. Years ago storylines took months to play out before there is ever a finish. WWE seems to be getting back to that a touch.

Im a filmmaker. When I see a movie, no one bitches about how the movie started, they applaud or bitch about how it ended. Wrestling storylines are like a movie. With movies, for 2 hours we suspend our imagination and get lost. With wrestling storylines we are supposed to. There a really dumb movies just like there have been really dumb storylines. But then you get those movies where the story is so great you applaud it. Who's to say that the Kane/Cena storyline won't be great? We have only just started.

Please...everyone. Just shut up, sit back, and enjoy the ride. WWE is TRYING. Things take time. When there is a dumb ending THEN you can bitch. Things could be a lot worse.
Zack Ryder is a weird one, because you can't have this moronic goofball representing the company, especially as he can't cut a promo to save his life. I'll admit it's perplexed me that he's so popular, but I don't think the character can last; it's far too contrived and uncomfortable.

I'll agree with you on the rest though, I enjoyed Brodus "ma baad" Clay and the Jericho thing seems to be building up to something great. Obviously in the Internet era of instant gratification people are impatient and forget that sometimes things play out better over time.

One thing that is INEXCUSABLE however, no matter how much you love pro wrestling, is the state of the tag team division.

You seem to have a similar mindset to me though we are probably rarities. I am the kind of fan who watches the show (or tv shows or movies in general) notices flaws, but usually doesn't care as long as I enjoy what I am seeing overall. A lot of people seem like they watch things with the intention to nitpick. I also have a tendency to see both the good and bad in things and the big picture as to why they probably happen and therefore am not all about WWE gearing things towards my personal wants. I don't feel that how things could be are how they actually should be. With that in mind I can defintely see why others view things as they do since they can understand why something happens yet not enjoy it. It is true that wrestling tends to have slow building things and its easy to say a variation of "watch things play out cause eventually we'll look back and not care that so and so keeps losing, so and so has this gimmick, etc." However, if people don't like what they are seeing now, then that is what they are likely to focus on because that is what is on their screen right now and that is what they have to make a decision to watch or not watch now.

A lot of scripted tv shows start out a certain way then get better as they find their footing. Some people watch those shows week after week and are able to slowly appreciate what they are seeing, others stop watching until they hear somewhere that things changes, and others aren't immediately drawn to something and decide that it isn't worth it under any circumstances. The third thing seems to be the view that a lot of wrestling fans have where they dislike something and are seem unwilling to give it a chance. I do think that a majority of people that are like that, do ultimately at least leave themselves open to changing their opinions as time goes on even if they end up keeping the same stance that they originally had, but since they post immediate reactions, the negative portion gets more of the focus on forums than the fact that some of those same people eventually change their minds when things do play out.
I've said this before but I'll say it again nothing annoys me more than people bitching about people bitching. Yes these forums are pretty negative but that's the nature of a place like this! Naturally people are going to complain more about the things they don't like because talking about liking things isn't as fun or interesting. 'I liked Raw' is not going to get half the attention a few hundred word rant about how it was balls etc would.

So yea don't worry about it mate. People are going to bitch you writing a thread about it won't make any difference.
I'm in agreement for the most part. Everybody acts like whiny spoiled kids that start throwing a tantrum when they don't get exactly what they want when they want it.

Brodus Clay: You know how they have the OMG moment of the year award for the Slammys? They should have a new WTF moment of the year. This man here would take home the slammy. Justin RRRRRoberts says "From Planet Funk..." Immediately I'm thinking, "oh no." Then Clay comes out and I'm thinking to myself "this is the lamest thing they could have done." Fast forward to the middle of the match and I'm starting to smile and laugh because damn it, its freakin entertaining to watch this big dude act like the love child of The Godfather and James Brown. What you need to realize is that the MONSTER HEEL thing is really for big guys with little charisma. Brodus Clay has charisma. And loads of it. More importantly, he really seems to enjoy it and that is all that matters.

Chris Jericho: I know what they are doing. Don't like it. It's boring. Was boring after the first 3 minutes of him running around like an idiot. I haven't enjoyed Chris Jericho since his initial return. Save Us? Save me for crying out loud. He has bored me to death ever since.

Zack Ryder: While I will admit perhaps I was off base when I stated WWE was burying him, the fact remains that he is not believable and that is what ultimately will be his downfall. I'm not a Ryder hater. I just don't see this working out long term.

Storylines: Over the last year or so WWE writing has gotten so much better. They need to stop catering to the ADD-stricken 8 year olds. "Cena hasn't had the belt for a week, the kids are gonna lose interest." While I think they have done that for the most part, they still have work to do.
For a long time now I have been saying the same as Vinnie and Dis. I have people telling me oh you dont know what you are talking about. Umm yes I do I started watching NWA and WWF in 1975..yea I know im old screw you I still enjoy it.

I hear the WWE killed Paul Heyman did in fact 3 years before WWE "officially purchased" ECW Vince was handing money under the table to him to keep them going and making payroll. Vince got them the deal on CMT prior to that they were on at midnight on MSG2. Paul and Vince have admitted this....but no one cares.

Oh and WWE killed WCW...No when AOL/Time Warner bought out Ted Turner their new business model for the TV stations had no room for redneck shows like wrestling. Tha is exactly what the CEO of AOL/TW stated. They were going to "toss out" all the WCW stuff when Bishoff could not purchase the company so Vince dived in and purchased the WCW Library.

These fans who complain about its not the attitude era are right its not its a bit better. back in the day you would have fueds lasting months and years. One of the longest was Dreamer and Raven in ECW. But there were others in NWA/WCW and WWF that lasted years. One of the Greatest recent ones was Jericho HBK. But Smark fans want quick resolutions one week and long the other. As Heenan once said " Mean Gene these ham n eggers have the memory retention of a goldfish...about two seconds"

Jericho: showing he is the MASTER of manipulation once more. Punk may be able to fool and toy with them but only Jericho can manipulate with not a word spoken. BTW huge punk fan.

Brodus: I LOVE his gimick it brings back pre attitude kayfabe and that what makes it a great SHOW. Characters larger than life IWC cant handle that. Tho I think they are more pissed that they didnt know before hand and Vince got the upper hand this time on them.

Now Zack....I just dont get it tho I love when he is on I can take a leak or grab something to eat. he annoys me as much as all the reality show morons.

End of Line
Okay, when the fans say "we want fresh" and WWE gives us "fresh" it doesn't mean we have to automatically like it because it's fresh. Little do you know that this "fresh" thing might suck as a concept.

Look at it this way: I can say "I want a Ferrari" and then if I get a Ferrari with no engine, am I supposed to like it just because it's a Ferrari? No, I want the whole thing, I want a Ferrari that runs, it's a nice car and I want the whole package.

It's the same when it comes to storylines.

When we want fresh talent, we mean GOOD fresh talent, not Alberto Del Rio.

And when you think about it, nobody wants "fresh" anything. We just think a fresh talent or a storyline automatically means a good storyline or talent because it'll be different from the current stale state of affairs, when more often than not it's far from that. Nobody wants fresh, we just want something that tickles our fancy. Fresh, old - who cares if it's worth watching? I don't. Rehash all the storylines and gimmicks you want, make me care and I'll enjoy it.

As far Jericho, Clay and so on - some people know my stance on that, I don't like either approach but that's subjective. I really wish I'd enjoy it, but unforunately I don't. My point was what I wrote above, take it into account.
I've said this before but I'll say it again nothing annoys me more than people bitching about people bitching. Yes these forums are pretty negative but that's the nature of a place like this! Naturally people are going to complain more about the things they don't like because talking about liking things isn't as fun or interesting. 'I liked Raw' is not going to get half the attention a few hundred word rant about how it was balls etc would.

So yea don't worry about it mate. People are going to bitch you writing a thread about it won't make any difference.

Man I was thinking the SAME THING. The only thing that bothers me more than people bitching about the people bitching are people talking shit about people that talk shit.

It cracks me up, while I dont agree with ranting, I do agree with what the OP was saying. I myself love wrestling, I always have and I understand that some years wrestling is not as good as others.

I compare it to a professional sports team. I will use the Colts as an example. The Colts argueable have been the NFL's most consistent team over the last 10 years. Like the attitude era in wrestling with the Austins and Rocks and so on. Wrestling was GREAT. Just as the Colts were. However, people get older like Peyton Manning or Austin and they are forced to move on due to injuries or age.

Forcing the WWE/Colts to rebuild if you will. While you are rebuilding it could take anywhere from 2 to 7 years to make the Colts a winner and to me thats what the WWE is going through right now. They are rebuilding a roster, trying to replace the aging Manning or Rock or Austin or HHH, with a budding star that can carry the team/organization back to glory.

As the OP, this kind of stuff takes time and more importantly, it takes US the fans to have open minds and not curse and go crazy at every roster move/storyline that we do NOT like.
I've said this before but I'll say it again nothing annoys me more than people bitching about people bitching. Yes these forums are pretty negative but that's the nature of a place like this! Naturally people are going to complain more about the things they don't like because talking about liking things isn't as fun or interesting. 'I liked Raw' is not going to get half the attention a few hundred word rant about how it was balls etc would.

So yea don't worry about it mate. People are going to bitch you writing a thread about it won't make any difference.

I'm not sure why you, or anyone else, feels this way. I agree that these forums along with everything else in the world is mostly negative, and even that negativity is more interesting to most people. I agree that making a thread like this won't make a difference (I know from experience). I just don't understand how bitching about bitching is more annoying than the bitching itself, especially when the guy made some good points. I understand it's your opinion, and that's fine, but the bitching about the product won't change anything either.

Getting on topic, I thought the Brodus Clay thing was hilarious and refreshing. When those teaser return promos started airing, I wasn't at all looking forward to his return. I guess the reason I found it refreshing is I just don't care for Brodus Clay, and the thought of another big monster heel on the roster seemed boring to me. But we haven't seen this type of gimmick in a while, and I'm glad they gave it to him. He did a really good job the other night.

Chris Jericho's the man. I was there in Memphis live for his return, and like anyone else, I didn't know what to expect. When he came out smiling and excited, I figured he was going to be face for a while and turn heel on CM Punk in the next month or so. But when he kept basking in the cheers and asking for more, refusing to cut a promo, I knew exactly what was happening...and I loved it. There's nothing wrong in how they're building this.

Get over yourselves and enjoy some wrestling, as always.
I never really understand people who come on here and complain about others criticizing the product. Its like going to a pizza store and complaining that they sell pepperoni pizza. Sure, everything here shouldnt be a criticism but if you're not here to talk about how much you liked something, theres only one other purpose that you're trying to serve. That being said you do have a good concept of how the IWC fans get behind something then change their minds but you gave all the wrong examples.

Brodus Clay- All we wanted was a monster heel, a guy who could be big and believable and wouldnt lose all hope of being a big star after his first loss. Instead we got a 70's clown with a homoerotic moveset. The character would work great in moderation, but its just too much for someone whos trying to make a statement.

Jericho- I dont even know why you're commenting on this, no one has said anything about Jericho. We're all waiting to see what happens with the storyline and we're enjoying it for the most part.

Zack Ryder really shouldnt even be in the spot he's in right now. I though WWE learned with BD that just because someone is over online, no matter how significant they may seem, it doesnt mean that they should get a push. Ryder is fun for the moment because hes Cena's little side kick. Hes the equivalent of the dog in I Am Legend, and Cena is Will Smith. This storyline could make or break Ryder, and its just horrible to realize that he might be back to being the fist pumping loser after its all said and done.
I never really understand people who come on here and complain about others criticizing the product. Its like going to a pizza store and complaining that they sell pepperoni pizza. Sure, everything here shouldnt be a criticism but if you're not here to talk about how much you liked something, theres only one other purpose that you're trying to serve. That being said you do have a good concept of how the IWC fans get behind something then change their minds but you gave all the wrong examples.

My point with all of this was...there are a lot of people whining about the product or certain aspects of the product when they haven't seen it in full action. When its all said and done and all the smoke clears, THEN you can bitch. Wait for the movie to end before you criticize it.

Brodus Clay- All we wanted was a monster heel, a guy who could be big and believable and wouldnt lose all hope of being a big star after his first loss. Instead we got a 70's clown with a homoerotic moveset. The character would work great in moderation, but its just too much for someone whos trying to make a statement.

But a monster heel would type-cast him into a role. Who's to say that he can't still be that AND have a little fun? Or turn into that role down the line. Henry played the comedic act for YEARS before he became the monster heel. He can still be a monster without being a heel.

Jericho- I dont even know why you're commenting on this, no one has said anything about Jericho. We're all waiting to see what happens with the storyline and we're enjoying it for the most part.

No one has said anything? All I've seen on here is half of the people bitch about what he has done so far, a 1/4 of the people like it, and another 1/4 of the people bitch at the others FOR liking it. I've seen people call it dumb, lame, overdone, etc...and I've seen people call it genius.

Zack Ryder really shouldnt even be in the spot he's in right now. I though WWE learned with BD that just because someone is over online, no matter how significant they may seem, it doesnt mean that they should get a push. Ryder is fun for the moment because hes Cena's little side kick. Hes the equivalent of the dog in I Am Legend, and Cena is Will Smith. This storyline could make or break Ryder, and its just horrible to realize that he might be back to being the fist pumping loser after its all said and done.

Ryder is was popular before WWE put him back on TV. There were signs all over the place and people chanted his name.

I said this in another thread about Ryder. AGAIN...we dont know where WWE is going with him or this storyline. Ryder might ease out of the goofy Jersey gimmick. This might be a way of him and WWE making his character stronger. Maybe this story isn't about CENA turning heel, but Ryder turning on Cena for getting him caught up in all of this.
My point with all of this was...there are a lot of people whining about the product or certain aspects of the product when they haven't seen it in full action. When its all said and done and all the smoke clears, THEN you can bitch. Wait for the movie to end before you criticize it.
Wrestling isnt a movie, it doesnt end. Storylines end but to keep ones mouth shut until the storyline is over would mean to ignore certain things that will in the end still not make sense. Like when Punk returned early I said it was too soon and everyone just told me to shut up. In the end we have Punk months later admitting it was too soon. There are people who have been watching long enough to know whats good for TV and whats not regardless of how long a storyline has been going on.

But a monster heel would type-cast him into a role. Who's to say that he can't still be that AND have a little fun? Or turn into that role down the line. Henry played the comedic act for YEARS before he became the monster heel. He can still be a monster without being a heel.
He could turn into that down the line but theres no gaurantee people would take him seriously. People still struggle to take Henry seriously and hes a veteran.

No one has said anything? All I've seen on here is half of the people bitch about what he has done so far, a 1/4 of the people like it, and another 1/4 of the people bitch at the others FOR liking it. I've seen people call it dumb, lame, overdone, etc...and I've seen people call it genius.
Ok, so theres an obvious variation for opinions, but thats good. Idk why the IWC always wants everyone to have one unified opinion. What I'm saying is no one has given up on Jericho because hes doing something different. People just think it could've been done differently and you need to respect that.

Ryder is was popular before WWE put him back on TV. There were signs all over the place and people chanted his name.

I said this in another thread about Ryder. AGAIN...we dont know where WWE is going with him or this storyline. Ryder might ease out of the goofy Jersey gimmick. This might be a way of him and WWE making his character stronger. Maybe this story isn't about CENA turning heel, but Ryder turning on Cena for getting him caught up in all of this.
And then we get a Ryder/Cena rivalry? Where exactly is that going because we know Cena is going to come out the winner in that, making Ryder look weak once again.
I don't have the entire IWC on speed dial but from what I've seen in the forums on WZ, Clay is getting big time props and at least 90% of the posters think Jericho is the second coming of christ. The only real heat from those 3 guys is Ryder and to be honest I don't understand how the guy isn't universally hated. He's nothing special in the ring and his gimmick is annoying as hell. Currently I have no use for either of them but I am open to seeing where they are going with all 3 in the future.

The IWC are some of the most impatient fans I have ever seen. They wanted new and different " Fresh " and they got it. And to the poster that said Fresh has to be good. THAT IS YOUR OPINION. And thank God Vince doesn't listen to it !

Most these IWC fans are very wrestling illiterate and always mention the attitude era as if it was the only era of wrestling. And how it is the only time that mattered. What these fools don't understand is that before the attitude area existed Vince was selling out MSG with GIMMICKS . Jim Crockett was selling out stadiums with old school wrestling and very long story lines. The AWA was on a roll with a very small roster.

If you look at those in the Hall of Fame. Many of them had characters that got them over. And it was those characters that took them to the top of the company.

Another thing these IWC fans don't understand is that storylines should take time to build. You shouldn't have an entire storyline that starts and finishes in one month. Fans are unable to get invested and it does the wrestlers no good. Characters aren't developed and motives are displayed. Its becomes one generic line after the other. These are some of the reasons why the product isn't as good as it was during the GOLDEN ERA when there were lots of GIMMICKS.

The fans knew it was fake and suspended belief and enjoyed the show. They didn't fantasy book, print diatribes in the newspaper and bitch to the top of the ceiling. They knew it was entertainment. And what they didn't do was promise never to watch the show because their favorite wrestler didn't become World Heavyweight Champion. [ I have heard that on these forum more than I could count. To you I say " Good Bye ]

I love the sport and can enjoy it. If you don't like WWE, Try ROH, PWG or actually do something that will make a difference and support your Local Indies. But to complain is just crazy.

And for those hating on Brodus Clay - Him being World Champion is a decision that is made outside of his control. Creative chooses who gets that brass ring and they want the Funkasaurus to be a dancing champion , they could do it. But if they have no plans for him ever to be a champion then it would never happen even if he was a monster heel. Obviously the IWC doesn't know how booking and creative works. Some people brought into a company will never have the brass ring. Plus having a happy go lucky Gentle Monster can sell merchandise to those that actually matter = The Kids . Parents will enjoy taking the children to see Brodus and he can have a very good career and not be future endeavored like other Monster Heels [ Cough...Big Daddy V..Cough ] . And if you asked him, He is just happy to have a job doing what he loves and making big bucks at it.

Thank God Vince doesn't listen to these fools.
I've said this before but I'll say it again nothing annoys me more than people bitching about people bitching. Yes these forums are pretty negative but that's the nature of a place like this! Naturally people are going to complain more about the things they don't like because talking about liking things isn't as fun or interesting. 'I liked Raw' is not going to get half the attention a few hundred word rant about how it was balls etc would.

So yea don't worry about it mate. People are going to bitch you writing a thread about it won't make any difference.

What I hate even more is people bitching about people bitching about people bitching.......shit lost my train of thought.

Like someone else mentioned he had a few very good points. So why come on and 'diss' his thread when you could come on and comment and be involved in something positive...

Anyway. I agree, love Brodus Clay debut. The fact is though, the guy has had like 4 minutes of TV time, give him a chance to prove himself.

Cant stand Zack Ryder, dont get the fuss about him :shrug:

Jerichos return and subsequent 'promo' also has me interested to see what will happen. How he explains it etc. The fact is, everyone knows he WILL talk and when he does it will be all the better because of his silence so far
NOTE: Im placing this in the WWE section because this is geared towards WWE fans. Please move if needed.

So Ive been seeing articles on the main page that just completely bitch about the WWE product. Ive seen fans on this forum bitch about the WWE product. Im getting tired of it. I can't count how many threads Ive seen about "who would be in your WWE stable" or "Should WWE create another stable and who should be in it?" NO MORE STABLES IN WWE...for now.

Seriously, no one is going to be happy with every decision the WWE makes, but do we really need to come on and bitch about it every week? This is what I see from the WWE IWC almost every week...

The IWC screams "We want fresh" so WWE gives us something fresh and half of the IWC is screaming "oh that sucked"


Brodus Clay. Yes we ALL wanted a monster heel, but isn't the monster heel kind of played out? Yes I was asking myself if that was a joke, but the more it went on the more I liked it. It was something fresh that kida took away from all of the seriousness. But who's to say that Brodus won't be a monster heel? Who's to say someone doesn't come out and change is mind or push him thr wrong way? Give it time people.

Chris Jericho. Yes I know him coming out and not talking is boring...but its working. You are all starting to hate him. Thats what he wants. Next week he may not get a reaction from the crowd. When he finally DOES speak, most of you haters are going to say how it was perfect and the heel Jericho is back! Guess what? HE"S BEEN BACK!

Zack Ryder. Probably in the best position of his career. Lets cut the guy some slack. Last year he was begging for a role on TV. Now he's in one of, if not THE top story on RAW. There is nowhere to go but up. WWE is not burying him, he is not being wasted, he is NOT a coward. Is his character annoying at times. Yes. But what character HASN'T been annoying at times.

Storylines. For the most part WWE is doing a good job. A few years ago fans bitched because storylines moved too fast. Now some are bitching that its taking too long. Years ago storylines took months to play out before there is ever a finish. WWE seems to be getting back to that a touch.

Totally agree with what you said about these superstars.

Clay was something fresh and something that we haven't seen in a while. I personally loved it, I don't know why people have a problem with it.

Jericho could go either way. But, I'll say this. Even though he doesn't talk, would you rather him not be in the WWE, or show up and not talk?

Plus, you can never please the IWC.
The IWC said this but then said something contradictory! Yeah, well, obviously. The internet wrestling community isn't just one bloke with a blog.

People generalise internet wrestling fans; they see the internet wrestling community as one big entity. One person says they want to see something fresh, then another complains when they see something fresh and oh, suddenly there's hypocrisy pouring out of the IWC's ass. The IWC is not one person - it is millions; millions of different views, tastes and opinions. To saddle a group of millions of loosely affiliated people with one opinion just seems silly. It's useless.

That said, even if one were to consider internet wrestling fans one big homogeneous blog, the implication that someone who wants something fresh should accept anything new is pretty ridiculous. I'm almost certain that people who want fresh, new and original stuff would also like it to be good, fresh, new and original stuff. You can't just chuck whatever you want at the wall and go, "Well, you said you wanted fresh stuff, so I gave you Jim Ross performing ******io on Jerry Lawler, yet you're still complaining? There's just no pleasing you people."

People that wanted fresh material, therefore, don't automatically have to like everything that floats down the creek, including Jericho, Clay and Ryder.
The Jericho and Clay situations got similar reactions from me and I think most people. You watching and your like WTF? Then you go back, and it's like "Hey that actually is cool now that I think about it"

I love the IWC! I don't even have to post to see the negative rants, or the insightful positive stuff. It is everyone! The haters and the Cock Riders and everyone in between. I could be entertained for hours because hey, at the end of the day it is normal people like me just giving their opinions. No matter which one you are, it's clear there are still some good old fashioned passionate wrestling fans out there.
So Ive been seeing articles on the main page that just completely bitch about the WWE product.
Pics or it didn't happen? We talking articles or editorials? News, or opinion pieces? Don't just generalize the main page and say they're bitching about the WWE product. Many of us also bitch about the TNA product, and in small cases the ROH product. Many of us also praise the good WWE does, but it all comes down to opinion, and moreover putting something out there that people will read. Next time, I'll write up an editorial just for you entitled "WWE and Me: The Story of Two Star-Crossed Lovers Walking Through a Field of Tulips"

I've seen fans on this forum bitch about the WWE product.
Key word: fans. Meaning people that spend their time watching what the WWE puts out. Some of which spend their hard earned money going to shows, ordering PPVs, and buying merch. Giving them the right to bitch about things they DON'T LIKE. Of course, there's a lot of ignorance that gets spread around, and of course everyone thinks being a booker or a creative writer is a bloody walk in the park... But on the whole, bitching is just bitching. You are currently doing it, as am I. I'm bitching about your bitching about bitching.

Im getting tired of it. I can't count how many threads Ive seen about "who would be in your WWE stable" or "Should WWE create another stable and who should be in it?" NO MORE STABLES IN WWE...for now.
It's quite possible that people just want to make threads because it's fun. Using your brain creatively and coming up with cool stables...what's the problem with that? Maybe you're just choosing to look at the forums as a place to bitch, when in reality they are an equal-opportunity partner for bitching, praising, creative thinking, and whatever else you feel like doing - wrestling related or not.

Seriously, no one is going to be happy with every decision the WWE makes, but do we really need to come on and bitch about it every week?
The Cubs have been losing for 104 years, but I still get together with my friends every week and bitch about how the Cardinals are kicking our ass... For those who want it to be, this a community. We make friends, we talk about wrestling, we talk about things not related to wrestling...who are you to say that we're doing it wrong?

Im a filmmaker.
Proof? I'm not trying to challenge you here, I'm just genuinely interested. I'm an aspiring film critic.

When I see a movie, no one bitches about how the movie started, they applaud or bitch about how it ended.
Not actually true... As a musician, I was taught young that there are two things people remember: the beginning and the end. Conflict and resolution. You can't an end without a beginning, and the introduction sets the stage for the entire film, album, game, wrestling angle, etc.

Wrestling storylines are like a movie.
They're more like a TV show, but I see your point.

With movies, for 2 hours we suspend our imagination and get lost. With wrestling storylines we are supposed to.
Yes, and the introduction and "rising actions" are supposed to take us in. They are the catalyst for suspension, and without enough gunpowder, you're not going to get the "boom" you're looking for at the end. I would LIKE to suspend my imagination - I would LIKE to get lost in the story...but I can't just force myself into that state.

Please...everyone. Just shut up, sit back, and enjoy the ride.
See, this is why I have trouble believing you're a film maker. As such, it's your responsibility to entertain. You can't make a terrible movie and then blame the fans for not enjoying it. And you can't go on tirades when they don't enjoy it, and decide to take to a forum to talk about their displeasure. WWE should be held responsible for all of their actions; both good and bad.
Brodus Clay. Yes we ALL wanted a monster heel, but isn't the monster heel kind of played out? Yes I was asking myself if that was a joke, but the more it went on the more I liked it. It was something fresh that kida took away from all of the seriousness. But who's to say that Brodus won't be a monster heel? Who's to say someone doesn't come out and change is mind or push him thr wrong way? Give it time people.

I don't understand why ALL is emphasized. I, for one, did not want a monster heel. It would have gave me yet another reason to fast-forward when I watch RAW.

Brodus Clay's character is fun, entertaining; a REFRESHING change to a stale program.
You could let it bother you; like you could let tailgating bother you. Its not going to solve anything though. Personally, I kinda like them no matter how bitchy (or occasionally stupid) they are.

The forums have a magical way of addressing it in that stupid posts often can't hide from the IWC's searchlight. I endorse Mustang Sally and Great White Sam, to name a few, as some of WZ Forums finest groundskeepers, to name only a couple.

These forums would be pretty boring if no one complained, probably.

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