Only One World Title The Real Problem?


Getting Noticed By Management

Should the WHC make its return? Is that the root problem? And is it a quick fix? Do you want the belt back or not?

I think it might of been a 50/50 split on fans wanting only 1 world title instead of a WWE championship and the WH championship, but has this become the problem? The IC title sure doesn't seem to be the title it should of been, Ziggler, the Miz, and Harper the former champs have yet to go to the next level, so you cant yet consider the belt to be the launch pad to stardom.

Having a second world title could honestly fix every problem the WWE has going for it, Bryan or Ziggler could be the WHC, and fans would be happy. And wouldn't have a issue at all with Reigns. Right?

But since we have 1 meaningful championship we have Reigns being hot shot /forced to the top above DB, Ziggler, Bray, Ambros and other more deserving and over' contenders.

And lets sum it up, never has 2 guys been booed and hated so much as Reigns and Batista have been, and that all started a month after the WWE joined the WWE title and the WHC title back at TLC in 2013. You have to imagine if they still had the belts split last year that Batista winning and facing Orton for just the WWE title, while Cena faces DB for the WHC or something, the fans would of totally been OK with Batista winning.
Having two world titles doesn't make sense when there is one roster. They didn't it for a while and it was clear the WHC was the lesser of the two. Why should someone be a World Champ if they are, in reality, a mid-carder.

Being the World Champion should mean you are the best. Like there would be less attention on Brock if there was someone else defending the World Title every month. And would people have been as invested in Bryan at last years Mania if the other World Title match was something like Cena/Punk or Cena/Wyatt. Probably not.

The IC title has gained some prestige lately. The stuff with Miz, Ziggler and Harper made it interesting and The Authority used it to show their power. Fuck knows what their plans are for Barrett but heading into Mania you could have Ziggler, Barrett, Sheamus, Harper, Ryback and even Ambrose feuding over this belt. That makes it interesting. Plus the potential of Cena and the US title (which itself has been used wisely in recent months) and there is no need for a second "World" title. Just more interesting booking over the current mid-card belts.
Only the elite should hold the world title (or at least the people WWE perceive as the elite). Two world titles diminishes that.

What WWE need to do, and should have done when they abandoned the Big Gold Belt, is book the Intercontinental Championship as effectively as they did the World Heavyweight Championship. When it was around the WHC was an incredibly well booked mid-card title in its later years and people like Rollins, Reigns and Ambrose would've been perfect for it.
when WWE split up their brands and made one title, THAT was my exact fear. that people like Bryan would be held back. so yeah i think having one world title is a huge problem, especially for a company like the WWE. for a company as small as TNA, having one world title makes sense, they (TNA) just needs a mid card title to help build up someone like EC3....but WWE (due to how large the company is) needs to have two brands that feud with the other and have two champions (world and mid card) and then have feuds for those titles and make the feuds relevant by having great promos. but WWE isn't going back to the brand it's one world champion, so guys who should hold the title likely won't be champion till 2017.
The return of the World Heavyweight Championship won't fix this problem. The problem isn't that WWE has too many or too little championships, the problem revolves around Vince McMahon's ass backwards creative decisions.

Instead of trying to possibly create a number of viable upper tier stars who could potentially step up to be "the guy" if necessary, he wants to keep putting most of his eggs into the basket of one star. It's been John Cena for the past decade and it looks as though he's going down the road of doing the same thing, only with Roman Reigns rather than Cena.

The WHC has been gone for just over a year and rather than use this as an opportunity to further build up the mid-card titles to make them more viable, thereby possibly generating more stars that could reach that upper tier, he's squandered it with the same old nonsensical booking that's becoming more and more a staple of his.

I'm of the opinion that what Vince needs to do is to actually do what he swears he already does: listen to the fans. We all know that he doesn't, otherwise the fiasco that was the 2015 Royal Rumble match wouldn't have happened. I'm not saying that Vince can cater to every fan or to every whim, nobody can do that as not everyone wants the same things. However, there is one single, undeniable thing right now that it's easy to see most fans do want: they want Daniel Bryan on top. They don't care that he doesn't look like a superhero, that's one of the many reasons why so many fans have rallied around him anyway. They're tired of traditional "superhero" characters that they're being told they're "supposed" to cheer for and if Vince doesn't realize that, then I honestly believe it's time for him to step down before he does irreparable damage to the WWE brand.
Not at all.
The title actually means something now due to Brock/Heyman.
You can do whatever you want when that is strapped on you including not showing up unless it's to fight for the strap. You will see PLENTY more part-timers doing this in the near future because the WWE can't build a fucking star for the life of them.
I wouldn't of brought up the topic had WWE of made the IC important, and for a time when Ziggler had the belt leading into Survivor Series the belt did seem important, but since TLC when Ziggler won it in a great ladder match it just seems like the belt has meant nothing, they just threw it to the side once Brock was coming back, and once the Rumble came up.

Not having a IC title match at the Rumble didn't help. Just seems like its a belt no one cares to have right now. And the US title is doing nothing with Rusev. Seems like since Sheamus was put on the shelf that title amounted to nothing.
Definitely another brand split should be in effect with there being 2 World Titles as opposed to being only one

Should the WHC make its return? Is that the root problem? And is it a quick fix? Do you want the belt back or not?

I think it might of been a 50/50 split on fans wanting only 1 world title instead of a WWE championship and the WH championship, but has this become the problem? The IC title sure doesn't seem to be the title it should of been, Ziggler, the Miz, and Harper the former champs have yet to go to the next level, so you cant yet consider the belt to be the launch pad to stardom.

Having a second world title could honestly fix every problem the WWE has going for it, Bryan or Ziggler could be the WHC, and fans would be happy. And wouldn't have a issue at all with Reigns. Right?

But since we have 1 meaningful championship we have Reigns being hot shot /forced to the top above DB, Ziggler, Bray, Ambros and other more deserving and over' contenders.

And lets sum it up, never has 2 guys been booed and hated so much as Reigns and Batista have been, and that all started a month after the WWE joined the WWE title and the WHC title back at TLC in 2013. You have to imagine if they still had the belts split last year that Batista winning and facing Orton for just the WWE title, while Cena faces DB for the WHC or something, the fans would of totally been OK with Batista winning.

I don't think they need the WHC back. When it was an active title, it was essentially the IC Championship.

I don't know why they don't make Bryan the IC Champion.
The return of the World Heavyweight Championship won't fix this problem. The problem isn't that WWE has too many or too little championships, the problem revolves around Vince McMahon's ass backwards creative decisions.

Instead of trying to possibly create a number of viable upper tier stars who could potentially step up to be "the guy" if necessary, he wants to keep putting most of his eggs into the basket of one star. It's been John Cena for the past decade and it looks as though he's going down the road of doing the same thing, only with Roman Reigns rather than Cena.

The WHC has been gone for just over a year and rather than use this as an opportunity to further build up the mid-card titles to make them more viable, thereby possibly generating more stars that could reach that upper tier, he's squandered it with the same old nonsensical booking that's becoming more and more a staple of his.

I'm of the opinion that what Vince needs to do is to actually do what he swears he already does: listen to the fans. We all know that he doesn't, otherwise the fiasco that was the 2015 Royal Rumble match wouldn't have happened. I'm not saying that Vince can cater to every fan or to every whim, nobody can do that as not everyone wants the same things. However, there is one single, undeniable thing right now that it's easy to see most fans do want: they want Daniel Bryan on top. They don't care that he doesn't look like a superhero, that's one of the many reasons why so many fans have rallied around him anyway. They're tired of traditional "superhero" characters that they're being told they're "supposed" to cheer for and if Vince doesn't realize that, then I honestly believe it's time for him to step down before he does irreparable damage to the WWE brand.

No-one had a problem with WWF/E putting all their chips on Hulk Hogan back in the 80's, and have him as the sole guy for three or four years, until "Macho Man" and others started getting a run.

Also, before that, Bruno Sammartino and Bob Backlund held the title for years. That is putting your eggs in one basket.

The problem is that the fans think that if you aren't champion, your career amounts to nothing. "Million Dollar Man" ted DiBiase, Jake Roberts, Ricky Steamboat and Mr Perfect never had a run with the WWE World Title, yet all are considered Legends of the industry, are all deserving HoFers and I haven't heard anyone question whether any of them are truly deserving of Legend status.

No, having two titles created another problem. It meant that anyone had a run, even those who, back in the 80's and 90's would never have got a run.
JBL and Mark Henry got a run because of their "years of service" rather than because they would have been good champions, or deserved it. Also, indy darlings get a run because the fans say so.

Vince picked Hulk Hogan as his champion. These days, the fans think they know better than Vince, and tell the WWE who will be their champion- or else! The tail is trying to wag the dog.

Years ago, people would have been happy with Daniel Bryan being IC champion. Today, he MUST be WWE Champion, or they will riot.

It's the wrestling smarks who need to get their heads out of their ass, not WWE. You fans should know your role, and that is as a paying customer. Love it or leave it.

Fans need to remember what their indy drling C.M. Punk, during his heel run, once said :"You pay to see me. I don't pay to see you!"
Let’s imagine for a second that at TLC 2013, instead of:

WWE / World Heavyweight Championship Title Unification match
WWE Champion, Randy Orton vs. World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena

We got:

WWE / Intercontinental Championship Title Unification match
WWE Champion, Randy Orton vs. Intercontinental Champion, Big E. Langston


World Heavyweight / United States Championship Title Unification match
World Champion, John Cena vs. United States Champion, Dean Ambrose

How would things be if instead of the World Heavyweight Championship Title retiring, we reverted back to the way the Championship Title structure was from October 20, 2002 to May 18, 2003?? We would have the WWE Championship Title, World Heavyweight Championship Title, WWE World Tag Team Championship Titles, and of course, the Divas Championship Title.

We all know that the Big Gold Belt would be a glorified second place trophy, but the key word is “glorified”. Perception is reality, and let’s face it, ever since Stone Cold Steve Austin reinstated the Intercontinental Championship Title and Stephanie reinstated the United States Championship Title, we all considered them to be new versions of the European Championship Title and Hardcore Championship Title respectively. We all viewed them as 3rd and 4th place trophies. Even with the removal of the then 2nd place trophy in 2013, we still viewed the IC as 3rd and US as 4th.

Would it have made a difference?? I think it would have.
Let’s imagine for a second that at TLC 2013, instead of:

WWE / World Heavyweight Championship Title Unification match
WWE Champion, Randy Orton vs. World Heavyweight Champion, John Cena

We got:

WWE / Intercontinental Championship Title Unification match
WWE Champion, Randy Orton vs. Intercontinental Champion, Big E. Langston


World Heavyweight / United States Championship Title Unification match
World Champion, John Cena vs. United States Champion, Dean Ambrose

How would things be if instead of the World Heavyweight Championship Title retiring, we reverted back to the way the Championship Title structure was from October 20, 2002 to May 18, 2003?? We would have the WWE Championship Title, World Heavyweight Championship Title, WWE World Tag Team Championship Titles, and of course, the Divas Championship Title.

We all know that the Big Gold Belt would be a glorified second place trophy, but the key word is “glorified”. Perception is reality, and let’s face it, ever since Stone Cold Steve Austin reinstated the Intercontinental Championship Title and Stephanie reinstated the United States Championship Title, we all considered them to be new versions of the European Championship Title and Hardcore Championship Title respectively. We all viewed them as 3rd and 4th place trophies. Even with the removal of the then 2nd place trophy in 2013, we still viewed the IC as 3rd and US as 4th.

Would it have made a difference?? I think it would have.

Essentially you're trying to shuck and jive from a Boring, Constantly-Done matchup, even though no real alternative makes sense.

The WWE matchup has next to no suspense- because you literally cannot unseat the hand-picked 'champion' of the Authority, much less at a B-Show PPV, and even MORE less at the hands of a midcarder. The WHC matchup has a little bit more to it because Cena would most likely pry Ambrose's title away from him, which in turn is one more badly needed blow inflicted upon the Shield at this time. But even so it's a small-time match by comparison.

And from there... then what? Who does Orton fight at the Rumble?
No. We do not need two World Championships anymore. The right decision was made to unify the WWE Championship and World Heavyweight Championship. There is no justification to have two World Championships and that has not been the case since 2011 when Raw entered the Supershow format which ended the Brand Extension. What they should be doing is treating the Intercontinental Championship essentially the same way that the big gold World Heavyweight Championship was treated in its last couple of years, as the #2 belt and a prize for both upper midcarders as well as former World Champions seeking something to do. The roster is large enough to justify having two midcard belts with the US Championship for true midcarders, those further up but not at the very top should go for the Intercontinental. Bringing back the big gold belt, as much as I loved that design, would only further clog up the title structure. It isn't needed. One World Championship defended monthly (Lesnar is a whole other topic....) is all WWE needs.
I actually would prefer a brand split again. Talent like Bryan, Rollins, Ambrose, and many more would benefit from this. It would allow more time for them on the mic, in the ring, and give them something to strive towards. Essentially right now NXT is the WWE indy fed. You bring in people from the outside who are making money for the other feds and put them somewhere. After that they go on to the main roster. At this point having a national network display the talent of the stars instead of just being on the net would help WWE build more stars. Look at Curtis Axel, who can't cut the Raw mustard so to speak. Let's face it 99% of NXT is cruiserwieghts. Bringing back the brand split and secondary title and using it as a launching platform to RAW would be best for business. As for paying to watch WWE. Who does that? Seriously? Even with the WWE network, so many subscribers cancelled due to the Rumble that it wasn't funny. Vince doesn't realize the FANS are what gives him his money, not his ideas. The Title since Brock has held it and when any part timer holds it makes it worthless to me.
The problem isn't having one title...two titles.....5 titles or anything like that. The problem is that damn Money in the bank Contract.

That thing made sense twice. It made sense with Edge because of his gimmick, and it made sense with RVD because they wanted to set up the ECW relaunch. after that its basically a hotshot. And a really bad one at that. It takes away the meaning of being the champion and if you really think about it, Its really just lazy booking. Look at Seth....He's slowly becoming...Okay He's an internet darling that is starting to get over with the fans as a heel. Now say I'm vince and i say "I want seth to with the title by extreme rules this year" Instead of planting seeds and coming up with a program for him, he's just going to randomly cash in that briefcase and hotshot too it. Like they did with miz, like they did with swagger, and like they did with punk the first time.....and how well dd those title runs work out?
We do not need another World Title on the go here, because God knows it wouldn't be booked properly either.

That's the problem not the title, the booking of it. First of all you have to get it on TV more. I had almost forgotten there was one. Sure Lesnar is a dominating champion, when we see him. Which isn't often enough.

And this shitshow that will be Wrestlemania, if they go with the current plan isn't going to help the title much either. Sure Lesnar will drop it to Reigns and the fans will shit all over it. Hopefully they will have Seth Rollins waiting in the wings to cash in.

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