One year of the EurAvison era


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On the 24th November 2015 Titus Avison defeated Johnny Scumm to win the EurAsian champion. One year later and he still holds the title. would like to congratulate Mr. Avison on this achievement. What's more impressive is 2016 is a leap year!

Please leave your favourite memories of the EurAvison era below with reasons why.


Website Manager
David Kerms
Weird Empty Arena Pure Rules Match against Vee A.D.Z. The match had a great hype and Titus did a great job in making people vote for the Pure Rules but the match itself didn't live up to the hype. It wasn't a pleasant memory for Vee but for Titus.

The moment I loved, Apocalypse against Flex Mussel. "Been there, done that!" That was one of the sweetest memories I can come across his title reign. Titus did brought the championship to the top. It sort of overshadowed Eve Taylor's Open weight title run.
Only two legends could hold a title for a year straight.

Congratulations to Titus. You're making WZCW a better place each day.

With Love,

The Hollow Ones
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I thought Titus shined brightly in The Lethal Lottery match itself. Took an epic nut shot and was forgotten until he snuck up and eliminated Theron and Saxton at the same time. He Tit dropped Logan when Noah cashed in his KFAD and convinced him to pin the downed wrestler for the title. He then got his just deserts by Noah himself later in the match. A pretty fun story for one wrestler in a single match, I'd say.

He has to work on his biceps though. Not nearly as impressive as somebody unnamed who happens to have the best biceps in WZCW.

Having now passed Ty Burna's 421 day reign as champion rumours state that a protest is planned at Kingdom Come. This is by a group of people who feel Titus Avison does not represent what a champion should be.



Website Manager
David Kerms

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