One superstar that you wish you could have changed the career of?


Getting Noticed By Management
Pretty simple, one guy that you think led a career that should have been much better (at least up until this point). There's infinite candidates; either Hardy, Christian, Kane, Gregory Helms, etc. You could go in the opposite direction maybe and say you wished maybe Cena hadn't had the success he had. But that's really fucked up, lol. Also, let's leave Benoit, Eddie, and any other wrestler that may have passed away during his career out of this.

My choice is Kane. He's still my favorite, he's still awesome, and how can I complain I mean he has the WHC right now. He's pretty much done it all, too. Tag titles, Hardcore title, IC title, WHC title, ECW Championship, etc. So to many of you I probably sound stupid right now. But what I really wished Kane had done was first of all; kept his mask. Masked Kane is what got me into wrestling. As a little kid, seeing some masked dude that is really huge was cool and an eye-catcher. Kane was mysterious and crazy. Now he's still those things, but not as interesting of a character. He only held the WWE Championship for what, one night? Come on now... On top of that, now that he's finally getting a WHC title run it's at a point of his career where he's almost through. Kane used to be one of the most athletic big guys in the business. And though he still may be, he used to be even more entertaining. But now his knees are pretty wobbled up and he can't move around the ring as best as he used to.

Picture the masked Kane, the way he used to be in the ring, with the title now on SD!. It's just better. I'm not disappointed with Kane's hall of fame career. I just wish he had more main-event success during his prime days.
I think it's Christian. I think he should of been the man who kept on attacking Jeff Hardy, but they had Matt be the attacker and it didn't really do anything for Matt. If Christian was the attacker I believe he would now be in the Main Event with one or two World Titles under his belt where I believe he should be now. I think that's the only thing I would change about Christian's carear except him being in TNA because I think WWE is trying to get back at him for going there.
Ahmed Johnson. The guy was a bull and had great potential, though countless injuries cost him majorly. I'd have Ahmed at 100% for a longer period and see what he could bring to the table.
I'd have to go with Scott Hall/Razor Ramon. This guy had so much potential that was ruined by alcohol/drug use. Sure he was a stout mid-carder, 4 IC reigns, 7 Tag reigns, but he had main event caliber and WHC written all over him. If he would have never jumped shit over to WCW, I think he would have rivaled Stone Cold in popularity around the attitude era. Hall already had a cult following upon debut and that popularity only increased every week. He was held down by Hogan (surprise surprise) when he was in the nWo and never given the opportunity to really shine, (with the exception of winning the 97 WW3, the only time he received solo recognition in WCW).

I just want to point out too that I agree with John that Ahmed Johnson was a total stud, just in the wrong era. Johnson would have been a beast in the era of Goldberg, Brock Lesnar, ect. He just didn't have the persona during the attitude era, and the injuries completely deteriorated his athleticism over the years
Kane, definitely.
I'd have had him win and looking dominant doing it at Wrestlemania 14, then another win at Unforgiven in the Inferno match, effectively putting 'Taker out for awhile. A storyline like he'd become too overconfident and lax with his success, so a real threat like Kane coming at him just threw him off balance and he needs time to regroup, the "injuries" sustained from the Inferno match would be more than enough to have him sidelined for awhile.The have Kane go over Austin at KOTR in the First Blood match, then set him up as a dominant monster heel that couldn't be stopped. Austin could have easily been feuding with McMahon and The Rock without the title, if booked properly. Then have Kane destroying everyone in sight, until it looks like nothing could possibly stop him.
Then we get the build up to Undertaker's return, starting before Survivor Series 1998, where 'Taker interferes to cost Kane the title to The Rock, allowing things to get back on course for Wrestlemania 15 for him and Austin, then you could have Paul Bearer mocking the Undertaker, bringing up his past crushing defeats by Kane, then you could have 'Taker going over all the midcard heels to "prepare" him for Kane. Have Kane and Undertaker eliminate each other in the Royal Rumble, have a no contest or a cheap win by Kane at St Valentine's Day Massacre to set up the feud ending grudge match for Wrestlemania 15 where Undertaker would finally prove he has what it takes to beat Kane.
I agree with the Ahmed Johnson thoughts, but I am going to have to say my choice is one Mr. Ken Kennedy, not Anderson. If not for injuries and one fateful night in LA he would have been a multiple time World Champion by now and would be a major player in the Main Event scene in the WWE. He was a Money in the Bank winner and was set to cash it in for a Main Event match at Wrestlemania 24 if not for an injury and then having to lose the Money in the Bank to Edge. He has mic skills that rival that of the Rock in my opinion and besides being skilled in the ring that fact alone would have gotten him much farther in the WWE than he was.
i liked the votes for Kane and Ahmed Johnson. Scott Hall is another obvious choice but the substance abuse cost him more than jumping ship or bad booking ever did.

just to say someone different, my real votes, if they're even being counted, would go for the Hardy Boyz, Dudley Boys, New Age Outlaws and Too Cool. these were all really good tag teams, or in the case of Too Cool, really fun tag teams, to have around. they all went down hill when somebody thought it'd be a good idea to split the teams up.

don't get me wrong, i enjoy all of the eight guys as singular individuals and talents. but separated, i don't believably see any of them above the upper mid card. yes, Jeff Hardy had the WHC a few times and Matt had the ECW title, both Outlaws held some IC gold, etc. but they weren't really good solo talents and i didn't believe much of any of their solo title runs. at best, solo, they're upper mid card kind of guys.

but as teams, these guys were fantastic. especially in retrospect with the current Tag Team Division and seeing how incredibly missed legit tag teams are in this day and age.

honorable mentions: Rikishi and Big Show.

Rikishi was a monster face when he started teaming with Too Cool. his career before that was very mixed with numerous gimmicks, but as the Samoan Sumo guy that gave anyone and everyone a Stink Face, he was a huge face. turning him heel by running over Stone Cold was the worst move ever and he never really recovered from that bad turn.

Big Show originally was the "long lost son of Andre the Giant" and feuded with the man that ruined Andre, Hulk Hogan. now this storyline wasn't necessarily brilliant, but it did have some history. so whether Big Show (known as The Giant during this debut and storyline) was a face with this storyline or a monster heel, he just needed to be one or the other. Big Show has gone from heel to face and back again more times than i can count and more than anyone else in their careers ever. just pick a side and stick with it. he should've had longer runs as a face and then his heel turns would be more shocking. or he should've had longer and more dominant runs as a monster heel. that would make his defeats all the more incredible for whomever beat him.

okay, so i have lots of votes.
Owen Hart because he and Taker are my favorite wrestlers all time and i feel he was misused.
1.I would not have given him the "hero" gimmick he had when he died. I thought the gimmick was stupid.
2.I would have given him a couple world titles. He deserved them, but another talent
wwe didnt want to use right.
3.Send him to, god should i say it, WCW, if he went to WCW, his career probably would have been ruined but odds are, he would still atleast be alive.
Although my first pick was Kane, I do have to agree with The Hardy Boyz and Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Kennedy would have been so much more fun than what we are getting now with the Miz because his in-ring abilities were THAT MUCH better and I'd even say he is better on the mic (not to discredit Miz's great mic skills, though). In regards to the Hardy Boyz they were my favorite tag team of all-time. High flying, big faces, Lita, the unique outfits, the cool entrance, the success, and the risk taking moves that these guys were was awesome. Both now though, are jokes. One's going to end up in jail the other is probably about to get released. It's sad, but hey, they can only blame themselves.
I am going to have to go with a dark horse here, and that horse has a lisp and was a fantastic wrestler....I am of course talking about Mr. Chris Kanyon(RIP)

Kanyon had a great thing in WCW, the positivly Paige gimmick really never got the credit it deserved, mainly due to the terrible matches he was involved in(Judy Bagwell on a Forklift anyone) But coming over in the Alliance angle he was named Alliance MVP and help the U.S and Tag Belts at the same time. The old catchphrase "Who Betta Than Kanyon" always got major heat.....unfortunetly after the Alliance WWE had nothing to do with him, Kanyon injured himself then almost died due to an infection, then became addicted to pills and depressed upon his release.

Now I would have changed things up and kept his push going post Alliance. The WWE was a few years away from losing The Rock and Stone Cold so keeping Kanyon around in that Upper Midcarder slot could have easily propelled him to the Main Event much like it did Edge.

Great on the mic even with his lisp and a fantastic wrestler, we could have seen a fantastic Main Event Heel.
The OP mentioned Gregory Helms, and I'm going to make a case for him - or rather, a case for The Hurricane. I love The Hurricane, because I love superheroes and colorful gimmicks. When he came back on ECW, I was so excited. I thought that it was only a matter of time until he won the ECW Championship. He was over, and Helms is good in the ring and on the mic. There was no reason to not at least let him contend for it.

Well...that didn't happen. He entered a fun feud with Burchill, but after that was over, Helms was arrested and punished by getting embarrassed on TV and released. And that's a damn shame, since The Hurricane was a great gimmick that provided a breath of fresh air and could have worked perfectly as a lowercard, pump-up-the-crowd deal, and the kids would have loved it. Kids love superheroes!

I would have changed it by having him contend for the ECW Championship and having his Burchill feud to be much shorter and featured on TV more often. Then I would change it so he never got arrested and released.

Certainly there are better ways to change Helms' career, but I don't care. I just miss The Hurricane. :(
Muhammed Hassan is my choice... I was really getting behind this guy as a heel, he had a lot going for him, great mic skills, good look, and talented enough to put on a good match. Davari was great as his manager/agent or whatever they called him. He was just about to get a push into the main event scene full time when 1 bad event destroyed his career. He led an attack with masked men capturing the Undertaker which happened to coincide with a terrorist attack in London. He was forced off of Smackdown and then left the world of wrestling. If this event could have been avoided or timed better I feel like Hassan could have been a fantastic superstar to have in the WWE and we still would have Davari as well who I feel even though he was very small, was also very good and could do some amazing mic work!
Giant Gonzalez. I know what you guys are thinking, this guy is nuts for picking him. I know he lacked talent and skill. However if Vince wouldve spent time with improving his skill set and worked on his endurance and the way he moved in the ring, there was major potential there. His feud with the Undertaker was great minus the wrestling, which was awful. If Vince would have singed him and instead of automatically puitting him in with a feud and worked on his ablity then he could have given him an entrance to the likes of kane. Issack yankam DDS, fake undertaker, and glen jacobs(real name) had the same problem and they were able to repackage him as kane. Imagine the possiblities with this giant heel and feuds he couldve had. he could have been a champ. Instead he lacked skill, got hurt, and vince lost patience. Thats the superstar i would change.
Marty Jannetty is man who had all the talent in the world, and could have been there with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels during the years after Hogan.

Unfortunatly Jannetty loved drugs, alcohol, and girls more than wrestling.

And the sad thing is he was given so many chances and has blown every single one. But each time he appears, he gives great performances and the fans really respond in a genuine positive way.

At the time Vince had just gotten done with the Steroid trial and was looking to get away from the Big Men, and Marty would have fit right in. He could have worked so well in the ring with The Hitman, Owen, Shawn, Razor, austin, and a young HHH.

One reason i would change the career of Marty Jannetty, is because i think he had the potential to give us one or MANY 5 star matches.
wow... i thought I had made an easy choice in mine but after reading some other posts there are some GREAT ones like Ahmed Johnson and Muhammed Hassan and all. My choice would be Sean O'Haire... I always thought this guy had the potential to be one of the best heels of all time. Him teamed together with Piper was awesome! Just too bad piper got in trouble with his HBO comments and O'haire just disappeared as well.
When I first saw this thread, immediately Ahmed Johnson popped into my head. His first 2years in WWE, he was as over as one can be, and pushed to the moon. Once Faarooq came in and injured him, he was never the same again.
Although many complained about Ahmed's in ring work, over time he would have gotten much better and I truly believe he could have been a major player in the WWF/WWE Attitude Era. I would have pushed him big time and made him the next great superstar by winning the Rumble and defeating a monster heal like Sid for the title at Wrestlemania. Could have lead to many different things.

What could have been
I'd have to go with Teddy Hart. He has a good look. He's very talented and not afraid to put his body on the line. He would be a great addition for the US title picture and possibly the World Title eventually. I really think it would be a great move for TNA to pick him up since WWE has a problem with his attitude. I think he's one of the best talents of his generation.
Man you are too damn right about "Masked Kane got me into wrestling"... tbh in those days when I was just a kid that mask of his just stuck in my head as one of the first wrestling clips I remember.

Oh yeh at one point there was his mask talking to him from the big screen *remember that anyone?* I dunno how that stroyline ended but I got so happy then thinking he will wear his mask again and beat the crap out of everything then join with The Undertaker and truly become Brothers of Destruction... but evidently it hasn't happened =[

EDIT QUOTE "The Doctor" "Certainly there are better ways to change Helms' career, but I don't care. I just miss The Hurricane."...
The statement cannot be more true... =[ EDIT
Dont post often but here is one that has endless options to chose from.
WCW High Voltage... Kenny Kaos and Robbie Rage were a great tag team coming from the WCW power plant; both had decent in ring skills and the fans got behind them as a face. The team was ended due to Robbie Rages injury and Kenny Kaos went on to team with Rick Steiner as tag team champions (Rick gave him the belt).
I would have kept these guys around and they really could have done wonders for any tag team division around now.
Ultimo Dragon... DUDE IS AMAZING, his WWE career could have been awesome but was cut short. They could have created another feud between him and Rey or team them up and have them big the underdog tag team ala MCMG in TNA.
Dean Malenko, I just love this guy. Him and Benoit could have had an awesome feud after Benoit won the title.
Paul Burchill = Could have been a GREAT upper mid-carder and sub for main event when other guys were out, much like Morrison does now.
and last but not least Charlie Haas, I have loved this guy since him and Russ were a tag team. Haas is just so dang smooth in the ring and his mic skills aint bad when given the chance. I really hope TNA picks him up.
I have a couple

DDP in WWE: seriously like really wwe give this guy something. He was a great mic worker and should of been in 5 on 5 elmination match for control instead of shane. DDP could of been a World champ a couple times. BANG!!!

O'Haire: Wow! great physique and athletic ability, and he just had the look of a champ. He could of gone really far.

Benjamin and Haas: Not only as a team but singles as well. Both were great wrestlers and they werent bad on the mic. I think these two should of been both brands champs. but for some reason WWE hates when both members of a tag team become prolific! think about that for a second.
Shelton Benjamin was way underrated. When Kurt Angle left, we had very little “athletes” left in the WWE. As soon as Shelton was moved to RAW, he got a huge push the very first night. He defeated Triple H, three weeks in a row I believe. This was huge. Then in the 2005 Gold Rush Tournament, he had the best match I’ve ever seen come out of him, against Shawn Michaels in a valiant effort. He made the Wrestlemania 21 inarguable MiTB match watch-able with his unorthodox style. Few years past by and he has a pretty good gimmick (gold standard) battling Christian in more way underrated matches for the ECW Championship. Fast Forward a few WWE Superstar appearances and he is dead weight being cut off the roster. I loved Shelton as an in ring performer and IMO he is one of the most underrated stars of all time.

Paul Burchill- reminded me so much of Triple H in his earlier days. I don’t get why he was never given a push up to mid car level. He had skills in the ring, pretty good on the mic and had a pretty good look. His Neckbreaker finisher was a reverse RKO which is brilliant. I remember him in OVW putting on great matches. If only WWE would’ve given him the opportunity too.

ODB- She was in OVW as a great diva, then a WWE official told her, she didn’t look good enough to be a WWE diva. She would’ve made a great female version of Stone Cold Steve Austin. She is a great worker and would’ve done a lot for the WWE’s terrible divas division.
I’m going to go with Bobby Lashley. He was such a machine and was extremely over. When he was running with the ECW title he looked great and set for a great run in this business. He would be a multi time world champion right now had he never left the WWE. It would be so refreshing to have him be amongst the big guns of today’s product. What if the six pack challenge at NoC involved Lashley? What if Lashley had a huge heel run with the championship? What if he had feuded with Cena or Orton or Trips over the WWE title?

There’s so many opportunities he has missed and I wish I could have seen them play out. He had the look and the talent and even though he wasn’t steller on the mic he was still incredibly over. He would have gotten better with the mic given time and could have been huge. I think he’s a big miss for professional wrestling. TNA did nothing of value with him and also missed out on someone who could be huge.

It’s fun seeing Bobby in MMA but I would really love to have seen him stick around the WWE for years and become one of the most over relevant guys in today’s business.
I don't think anyone else will agree but Lita.

I loved her. She was my favorite, she was the reason I paid attention to the Divas. Her injuries and that whole Matt/Edge thing just grinded her in ring work to a halt. I hate the way her WWE career ended. She got way too much heat for the wrong reasons but anyway Lita. I wish her career would had gone a bit differently.
i have three im gonna go with. first million dollar man ted dibiase. he was the ultimate bad guy he deserved a title more than anyone during that time even if it was for a couple months he deserved one. number 2 mr. perfect how the hell he never really main evented or held the wwf title boggles my mind other than bret hart he was the best in the biz. number 3 would be razor ramon he was crazy over was big and could have more than held his own in the world title seen. the ball was majorly dropped with all 3 of these guys.
One wrestler also comes to mind and a ton of people wont get it or dont understand , me and my brother always talk about "bad ass' billy gun sure people didnt like his character all that much, but the guy was good on the mic, and he big , tough , and talented i think aside fro N.A.O. he couldve gone single i dont think it was necassarily his fault i think its more managments fault
ok so obviously everyone agrees with Shelton Benjamin,i mean the guy was so talented and brought up so good, if they would've pushed him when he feuded with hhh when he first went to raw, then there would've been no problems. Also on that note, lets not forget about christian and we all know that story.

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