One Small Step Over Hornswoggle....One Giant Leap for McIntyre?

Mustang Sally

Sells seashells by the seashore
When Drew was standing in the ring, awaiting his opponent and The Great Khali came staggering down the runway, I was sure Drew was going to win the match. As cowardly as Drew behaved before the bell (hiding his face in his hands at the notion of having to face the giant) I still figured he was going to win, since he was already beyond his final chance and would be afforded no more opportunities to stay employed in WWE. This was going to be the turn we Drew fans were waiting for!

Conversely, when Khali was replaced by Hornswoggle, I was scared to death the little guy was going to take a beating.....and then roll Drew up for the pin. If it had happened, what then for Drew? Where would he go from there? As it was, Teddy Long had fired him and you figure the only reason John Laurinaitis gave Drew another shot was to mess with Teddy, right? Could it be that since John L. brought Drew back, Teddy would say to John L.: "Okay, you want him so bad? Fine, take him with you to Raw!"

But, whatever happens from here, I'm presuming Drew's lengthy period of punishment has finally ended. Yes, he was better off being sacrificed to consistent losers on Smackdown than not appearing on TV at all. Being humbled on national television each week is still better than that, but it has to end sometime, yes? Now, we find out.

It would be great to be a fly on the wall at writer's meetings; to find out what in the hell these guys are doing in consultation with Stephanie and Vince. Why start a push for a guy like Heath Slater, having him win a couple of matches and even naming him "The One Man Rock Band".....only to turn him back to a jobber? Then, taking a guy like Zeke Jackson, featuring him as a "monster-in-training" and having him wipe up the ring with everyone in his path......then turning him into a patsy overnight? Not to mention producing a string of vignettes for Justin Gabriel, painting him as a hero in his native South Africa......only to abandon his push and turning him back into a loser just as quickly? You can name others to whom this has happened.

So, what does it all mean for Drew now? His victory over Hornswoggle doesn't suddenly cast him as a threat to anyone, does it? I thought they might have planned to turn him face, but torturing a dwarf and having him revel in the deed......while finishing his victory by being conked on the head by Khali......hardly indicates a face change for McIntyre.

Yet, he apparently is staying with the company and we've read that they're planning a new gimmick for him at long last. I hope it's something big, and not only because he's my favorite wrestler. Has anyone who's attained the heights Drew previously enjoyed ever been subjected to such a lengthy punishment? Of course, that's presuming it was a punishment. Could it be they thought the guy simply wasn't ready for the push he received initially.....and that now he is? He even got some mic time before his match with Hornswoggle and seemed to handle it better than he used to. (Oh! Would I love to hear that Scottish accent!.....but even though I can't, I read his lips and saw that he handled his speech flawlessly and with poise). Plus, his work in the ring has been excellent these past months even as he's been losing.....and even though it's not possible to look good fighting a man half your size, Drew did some fearsome body slams on the little man and saw that he landed flat so as to absorb the blow without injury.

One way or the other, the time is finally here. No more Purgatory. No more Human Sacrifice. Whether he's working for John Laurinaitis or Teddy Long, here's hoping McIntyre gets a fitting reward for all the time he's spent being a good soldier while his buddies have enjoyed major pushes.

It's time.
MVP take 2

got in the shits with the company for comments and a relationship

goes on a year long losing streak then gets a cheap win and hey presto back to upper midcard and a face turn to boot.

Drew has the look and can wrestle but they needed to change his persona, he's sooooo mind numbing. Maybe they could repackage him as Tall Hornswoggle or Doink 3
I'm with you, Mustang Sally; I can't imagine what they have been planning for Drew. I must've Brain Chopped close to 13 Scottish guys around town while researching possible storyline outcomes... If my hypothesis is correct, next week Drew will put Khali in a Head Loch.

I've heard about The Chosen One's rumored new gimmick... no matter what it is how could it be worse than what he's in now? What's even more bizarre is how would a losing streak like his turn into a playboy gimmick? Do chicks dig it when you beat up little people? Because if they do... *knuckles cracking*

All kidding aside, I'd really like to see them utilize some of McIntyre's talent. You watch Drew move around the ring and he's as smooth as if he were back in Glasgow. When I saw him slip through the ropes during Khali's entrance it become evident that Drew was no slouch, from his in ring execution to his every subtle detail.

The guy performs like there's no audience watching him at all; no pressure, just naturally fluent. When he starts talking, you'd swear he was actually sorry for losing! This thing has gone as far as it can go, though, right? It's always darkest before dawn, after all. Sheamus was getting his ass handed to him last year by Morrison, now he's in the Smackdown main event at Mania... just sayin, is all.

I can't even venture an educated guess, but because I like shooting in the dark: maybe he'll be on the winning Team Laurinitis at Mania and the gracious new Smackdown GM will throw him a bone? Hmmm... guess I better just watch Smackdown and let someone else do the writing. But alas, it's bedtime for Sleepy; I start a new job first thing in the a.m. so until then: stay in school, be yourself, extend your warranties and goodnight and best regards, wrestling fans.

You found the secret message! "Ach! My retirement grease!" - Groundskeeper Willie
When Drew was standing in the ring, awaiting his opponent and The Great Khali came staggering down the runway, I was sure Drew was going to win the match. As cowardly as Drew behaved before the bell (hiding his face in his hands at the notion of having to face the giant) I still figured he was going to win, since he was already beyond his final chance and would be afforded no more opportunities to stay employed in WWE. This was going to be the turn we Drew fans were waiting for!

Conversely, when Khali was replaced by Hornswoggle, I was scared to death the little guy was going to take a beating.....and then roll Drew up for the pin. If it had happened, what then for Drew? Where would he go from there? As it was, Teddy Long had fired him and you figure the only reason John Laurinaitis gave Drew another shot was to mess with Teddy, right? Could it be that since John L. brought Drew back, Teddy would say to John L.: "Okay, you want him so bad? Fine, take him with you to Raw!"

But, whatever happens from here, I'm presuming Drew's lengthy period of punishment has finally ended. Yes, he was better off being sacrificed to consistent losers on Smackdown than not appearing on TV at all. Being humbled on national television each week is still better than that, but it has to end sometime, yes? Now, we find out.

It would be great to be a fly on the wall at writer's meetings; to find out what in the hell these guys are doing in consultation with Stephanie and Vince. Why start a push for a guy like Heath Slater, having him win a couple of matches and even naming him "The One Man Rock Band".....only to turn him back to a jobber? Then, taking a guy like Zeke Jackson, featuring him as a "monster-in-training" and having him wipe up the ring with everyone in his path......then turning him into a patsy overnight? Not to mention producing a string of vignettes for Justin Gabriel, painting him as a hero in his native South Africa......only to abandon his push and turning him back into a loser just as quickly? You can name others to whom this has happened.It's time.

Because all those people are not a draw, they tried and it didn't work. or maybe just maybe they aren't worth of being pushed ie they are happy just getting a paycheck or refuse to better themselves

We don't work there. we can only go on hearsay what really happens backstage
In response to why guys like Heath Slater, Big Zeke, and Justin Gabriel get the beginnings of a push and then fall off, I think it's just the WWE doesn't get the crowd reaction they were expecting so they pull the plug.

As for Drew many others, I thought this losing streak would ultimately end in a face turn. But I can't imagine that happening now, after the way he was acting in his match with Hornswaggle.

I think it's entirely possible he's not done losing yet. But I really can't figure out where they plan on going from here. The best bet would probably be that he gets involved in the Teddy Long/Johnny Ace feud, maybe ending up on Raw. But I do think he's finally going to get a big push at some point in the not too distant future, face or hell, Raw or Smackdown.
I think this Friday will be an indicator of whether or not McIntyre's losing streak is over. The fact that Khali came in and attacked McIntyre and carried Hornswoggle to the back might mean that Khali will attempt to avenge 'Swoggle by having a match with Drew McIntyre. While Khali isn't the force he once was, he's still a former World Champion and is a physical freak of nature, so a pinfall victory for McIntyre would still be a substantial step in the right direction. Even if McIntyre cheats like crazy to win, he'll still have won. A count out or DQ win won't reveal much one way or the other as it can be brushed off as more of a fluke win.

I have a feeling McIntyre will have decent heat going into this Friday, if he's on the show, due to the simple fact that he beat up a midget. Few things can make a guy seem more like a lowlife in wrestling than beating up a midget, except maybe purposely hitting a woman or purposely doing something in which she's put in harm's way. If he is on the show and scores a decisive win over Khali, especially if he's underhanded about it, then he'll have a chance of sustaining his newly found heat.
As soon as he lifted Horny's shoulders off the mat after the first pin attempt to prolong the pain and suffering, I was certain Drew was going to lose. When he did it a second time, I almost didn't want to watch. Thankfully he was able to slay the imp and secure himself a job... for now.

Where does he go from here? If he joins Ace's team at Mania, then that's pretty good, even if it's the curtain raiser and he gets eliminated first; losing at Mania is better than not being there at all. Better still, what if he scores the pin to beat Teddy's team? He could play up the playboy gimmick from there, perhaps he got a big pay-day for winning at Mania or the like. After that, I'm not too sure what he can do.

If he had gone face, or does go face, I'd like to see him feud with Cody Rhodes. They were a tag-team all of what, a month or something? There's a little history there, but they can move on to something new depending on what the fall-out from Mania is with the IC belt, if Drew remains on Smackdown etc.

Like Jack-Hammer said, until we see Smackdown this week and get an idea of his direction, it's really quite tough to call, but fun to speculate about at least.
Pretty tough to make a decisive call on where McIntyre goes long term but I can definitely see him joining Team Laurinaitis for Wrestlemania. It is a 12 man tag team match after all and there are still four other slots on his team that need to be filled. Post-Wrestlamania season though? I think it will depends on who wins the Team Long/Team Laurinaitis match at the big PPV as it can hold implications for whoever competed on whose team. Maybe we'll see him get some sort of title shot if Laurinaitis is in control or job if Long is in control. I sure hope it isn't the latter though. I'd like to see McIntyre make some progress. Maybe a repackage of his character. I wonder if his flamboyant gimmick was scrapped.
Things appear to finally be looking better for Drew McIntyre. I can easily see him fitting in as a member of JL's team in the GM match at Wrestlemania. Long made Drew's life miserable and even though he was a heel, he still wants (kayfabe) to keep his job. JL re-hired him and gave him another chance that he deserved. This is obviously going to make Long upset, opening up the door for McIntyre to compete on JL's side to get revenge on Long. After that, a couple of decent midcard feud victories should help him regain most of his lost momentum.

Guys like Hornswoggle and The Khali aren't quite anything to write home about in terms of legit threats, but Drew had been on such a bad losing streak lately that ANY victory would have to be seen as a great sign. I'm happy to see things starting to turn around for him and hopefully he will see his push re-started. They don't have to do the Chosen One gimmick again. As long as the gimmick he ends up with doesn't hurt his odds of being seen as a threat to guys further up the card and he gets time onscreen, then I'll be happy. I still see him as a future champion so hopefully WWE will go through with pushing him this time around because he is worth pushing straight to the top.
Discouraging Smackdown for Drew. Fed to Big Show again.

This doesn't sound like the beginning of a new angle, does it?

At first, I thought it was Teddy Long's way of getting Drew off his brand. But if Teddy's team loses at WM, he won't have a brand.

Maybe John L. has plans for Drew.

I mean.....c'mon already.
I was only half paying attention to Drew's match (I know, I know Sally, I'm disappointed with myself too) but I thought I heard Michael Cole say something about a year's contract, then got thinking of Test post Survivor Series 2001 when he won the immunity battle royale. Before I knew it, Drew had been knocked out by the Show's paw.

I guess that with the build-up to Mania gaining more momentum with each week, they're probably holding off on whatever potential storyline they may be planning until after Mania has been and gone. That his story is still being featured is a promising sign. Well, I hope it is.
Discouraging Smackdown for Drew. Fed to Big Show again.

This doesn't sound like the beginning of a new angle, does it?

It's all in the symbolism, my dear. Drew gets a match last week where he destroys Hornswoggle to the point he can't continue, so what happens to him this week?

He's put in a match where the tables are turned, and the referee says he can't go no mo.

Perhaps this was just enhancement for Big Show, to make him look strong in the weeks heading into his match with Cody Rhodes at Wrestlemania. Let's not pretend like Drew McIntyre has suddenly become a hot, clammored for, commodity. But for you McIntyre fans, the continuity of him beating a wrestler(albeit a midget) so that he can't continue only to have the same thing happen to him the next week has to resonate with you somewhat, that plans are there at least. Teddy wasn't shy about antagonizing him, was he? Perhaps he'll be joining Team Johnny at Wrestlemania.

This has to be something he and Team Drew can hang their collective hats on. It could be worse: He could be Zack Ryder.....
That his story is still being featured is a promising sign. Well, I hope it is.

You're right; there's no doubt it's promising that he's showing up, as opposed to that long period in which we saw neither hide nor hair of him on the weekly shows.

It isn't really winning and losing that counts. Yes, there's a negative connotation with losing all your matches as far as the fans are concerned.....but to the company, if they're using you on the show, you're still considered a contributing member of the roster. On the other hand, losing every single match casts you as a jobber, who may (or may not) be retained by the company. Management knows....we do not.

I'm just disappointed his push (if there is to be one) hasn't started yet. I figured the break came last week when he finally won a match, albeit against Hornswoggle. But in losing to Big Show, Drew still acted as a complete coward, complaining to the referee that he had to face the man. I mean, c'mon.

But as I said, this is still miles better than leaving Drew at home on Mondays and Fridays while everyone else gets to come out and play.
The good news for McIntyre fans that he is in an actual storyline weekly on Smackdown. A lot better than doing nothing on Raw. I'm guessing it leads to some sort of character change sometime after Wrestlemania.

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