One Shining Moment-HHH


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Might make this a series if it catches on.

So, many wrestlers have that one career defining moment that makes them who they are. Hogan slamming Andre, Sting walking to the ring to face Hogan, Savage and Liz reuniting, etc. However, there are several where this moment isn't as clear. The point of this thread is going to be debating what you think a certain wrestler's defining moment in their career is. It might be their best match, it might be their most famous moment, or something else like that. It's the moment or match that in your mind defines this character.

To begin with, we'll start with HHH. What one moment (on camera, so not marrying the boss' daughter in real life) is his most famous? To me, it's his return in 2002. The buildup for this was perfect as all that was done was put up a graphic saying HHH returns January 7, 2002. It was in Madison Square Garden adn the pop is monsterous. He immediately was the biigest star in the company all over again and was launched back to the world title. The pop is maybe the loudest I've ever heard period. It changed the course of his career as he was now the official top dog in the company.

So what do you think? What is HHH's most famous moment/match?
I'm going to agree and say that was his biggest moment. Personally I was at that Raw in MSG and the videos don't do the pop he got justice. He was out for a solid 8 months and if I remember correctly no one was expecting him, but I could be wrong.

The only other moment I think that could be his big moment was him actually marrying Stephanie and starting the McMahon-Helmsley era as I thought he was the best heel in the business at that time.
I'm going to agree and say that was his biggest moment. Personally I was at that Raw in MSG and the videos don't do the pop he got justice. He was out for a solid 8 months and if I remember correctly no one was expecting him, but I could be wrong.

His return was announced, and all sorts of videos were shown to hype it. I'll never forget January 7, 2002. It was very exciting watching that happen live on Raw.

His second injury and return at SummerSlam 2007 was very exciting also. The promo's were alot better this time around.

But I would have to say that him winning the Undisputed Championship by defeating Chris Jericho at WrestleMania X8, was his best moment. It was like a year of hell to get back to WrestleMania and win "the big one" again.
The day The Rock left was his shining moment - since Rocky was always bigger than him and accomplished more in less time, it really gave HHH the ability to capitalize and "dominate"
I don't know if this is on topic, but, my shinning moment for Triple H was when he tapped out at WM XX to Chris Benoit. That day I gained a truckload of respect for him.
I think Triple H's defining moment would be his win at WM 18. When you talk about the other shining moments of guys like Hogan, Sting, and Savage, most of those could be captured in one or two snapshots. I think in the long run, the picture that will always come to mind when I think of Triple H is the one of him standing on the turnbuckle with both titles in hand after winning that match. That was really when the Triple H era as we know it started (I would argue this over it starting with his first title before his injury for example.) When you look a lot of the other things he's done, despite being important and memorable, this one freeze frame captures his success and triumph and final overtaking of the top. Everything after this night has been icing on the cake for Hunter.

This is of course if he doesn't break the all time world title record (which he will...I don't think anyone doubts that.)
I have to go with The Royal Rumble 2000, against Cactus Jack at Madison Square Garden. 2000 was the one year throughout his entire career where HHH was truly great, and it started with that match against Foley at The Royal Rumble.

*****'s gets thrown around way too much in pro wrestling, but that was truly a five star fucking match.

The month before hand, Steph turned on Vince at Armageddon to make an alliance with Trips, and the feud against Foley was the first feud with HHH and Steph as a couple, so it was very important that the promos leading up to it were great, and that the match ended up being great. And it all did. That match/feud MADE HHH and Stephanie into a true heels and ever since then, whenever they've have had heel runs, it mostly got over with fans and it all goes back to that Cactus feud. Without that to start of HHH's run in 2000, who knows where he ends up.
The day The Rock left was his shining moment - since Rocky was always bigger than him and accomplished more in less time, it really gave HHH the ability to capitalize and "dominate"

Yeah, this. Seriously though, I'd say his return at MSG as well, although tHe Rock and Austi nwere still around at that time, it showed that while he wouldn't be as big as those two, he was more than capable of carryign the company like Hart/HBK did whilst they were waiting for their next megastar (apparently Cena), and so I'd agree with this.

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