One for the weekend


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
Lets see if I can keep up with this:

One for the weekend is a comedy news story I’ve read in the week that just baffles me, I'll update on a Friday but feel free to chip in. The first of such actually was a news story from last week in Georgia, USA

A mother is upset after her 6-year-old boy found a pornographic drawing on the inside of a used video game.Traci Turner said she bought the Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games Wii game used at a GameStop store in Cumming.

Turner said when her son opened the game, he began yelling after he found sexual images on the inside cover.“They were extremely inappropriate. It was very sexual in nature and I was not prepared to answer the questions of what was going on in the picture,” said Turner.

Turner said she also had to explain the drawing to other parents because her son had several friends over for a playdate who also saw the images.Turner called the GameStop store to let them know what she found inside their merchandise. She said an employee thanked her for calling and hung up.

“It was kind of shocking because I expected them to have more of a reaction like I did. Like, ‘Oh my gosh, can you bring it to us. I apologize,’” said Turner.

An employee at the store told Channel 2 Action News reporter Amy Napier Viteri she did apologize to Turner.Turner said she just wanted an apology and an assurance that employees would be vigilant in the future. She said she will buy new games to avoid the incident happening again.
A few things made me laugh at this, firstly on the link above is the news report which lasts three minutes. In that time I counted three different times where they said “the game was rated E for everyone.” The other is how did someone in a game store take the game and not check the inside of the cover? What astounds me more is someone actually took this game into the store to trade in and didn’t think this would be a problem. Thirdly we have this wonderful quote ““It was kind of shocking because I expected them to have more of a reaction like I did. Like, ‘Oh my gosh, can you bring it to us. I apologize.’” Genius. Fourthly is the hilarious name of the town where this happened, surely you expect it from living there?

I know game companies are pulling the stops to squash the preowned market but I am reliably informed that this is not a Nintendo issued policy.

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If anything stuff like this will increase pre-owned sales. Discounted games with free porn included? Sold.

I'd love to know how that happened. Whenever I've traded in a game or seen it done, the employees usually open the game to inspect it and I imagine that they'd do so again before putting in on the shelf. So either that employee was being lazy and just took it or he or another worker planted the photo for lawlz. Considering that the employee immediately hung up after she called, I think we may have our culprit.

I don't know how she wouldn't be prepared to explain that stuff to her son. I'm sure there have been plenty of times she's had to explain why people keep snickering at their town's name.

Though if I'd found that stuff inside a copy of Catherine, I'd probably think nothing of it.
If you watdch the video on the link of the original story you realise how out of proportion this has been blown.

It seems like some 6 year old has drew on the inside of the cover as kids do but with added penis' rather than an actual photo of some fuckage going on. It wouldn't surprise me if it actually was the kid who's game it is who did it.

Still a hilarious story.
If you watdch the video on the link of the original story you realise how out of proportion this has been blown.

It seems like some 6 year old has drew on the inside of the cover as kids do but with added penis' rather than an actual photo of some fuckage going on. It wouldn't surprise me if it actually was the kid who's game it is who did it.

Still a hilarious story.

But think of all the "penis" that is going to be coming out of the mouths of those Cummings children. :)
The fact that this happened in a town with that name is nothing short of ironic and quite funny. It's also ironic that something X-rated would be found inside of a game rated for everyone of every age. That being said.... The fault lies with the store because they should have been able to find those images and refused to buy back the copy after finding them. If someone is trading in a video game, then the workers need to be checking the case as well as the game disc. They pay so much attention to the game disc that they probably completely forgot to look at the inside of the game's case. It's not rocket science.... Incidents like this will be prevented if the workers at stores like GameStop just simply check the game case too, rather than just the disc itself. The store should also have offered any way to make up for it, such as a free copy of the same game to replace it with. The way they acted makes it look like they don't even care.

GAME Australia has introduced a revamped reward card scheme which has ruffled a few feathers down under with (pictured) risque advertising.

The new scheme, dubbed GAME ON, rewards consumers with 10 points per $1 spent, with 1000 points being claimable as $2 back on in-store purchases.

Ben Grant, marketing director at GAME, told MCV: “We decided to relaunch our Reward Card program, with extra benefits, to give us a major point of difference over the competition. It is important for videogames companies to acquire, retain and engage with customers, and our GAME ON Reward Card will certainly do that.”

“People like saving money, and being rewarded for their loyalty, and gaming customers are no different. We firmly believe that our new Reward Card program gives customers a compelling reason to shop with us.”

“Our Reward Card customers will be given VIP access to many benefits that money cannot buy, such as free gaming preview events and competitions, priority access to collector’s editions, and early access to sale promotions.”

MCV understands that GAME’s use of innuendo-based advertising has attracted multiple complaints from offended parties with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), although GAME declined to answer questions about any controversial reactions.

I find this hilarious, the cards are very juvenile lad type humour which being a mix between a video gamer and an Aussie suits it down to a T. Over here though the cards would be more suited to Gamestation than Game which has a rather different reputation than the fun loving laddish humour Game of Australia are showing.

I also love that there are complaints about this, it’s their reward card scheme not an actual advertisement, people need to lighten up.

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Gamers can’t tell real world from fantasy, say researchers

Hardcore gamers become so immersed in virtual worlds that they turn to imaginary consoles to ‘zoom in’ to people in crowds or to pick things up from the floor, according to a study.

Some teenagers even confess that flashbacks from games can blot out real life – and others admit to fantasising about running over and killing pedestrians.

A study of 42 gamers aged 15 to 21 who played for at least ten hours a week revealed that most have experienced ‘games transfer phenomena’ – doing or thinking things in real life as if they were still in a fantasy environment.

Researchers from Nottingham Trent university said gamers sometimes use reflex actions instinctively picked up over hours in front of the screen.

One 15-year-old named Simon admitted wanting to use a ‘gravity gun’ from the game Half Life to fetch something from the fridge.

Another gamer, Milton, 19, said when he dropped a sandwich after playing Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time his finger ‘twitched’ as he tried to retrieve it with his console.

Linus, 19, said he thought he could use a search button in World of Warcraft when he tried to look for his older brother in a crowd. Others said they unwittingly acted out situations inspired by games.

The report said a few participants reported ‘criminal thoughts’ such as recreating Grand Theft Auto, which awards points for ‘wrecking things and killing people’ while they are driving.

The study’s co-author Prof Mark Griffiths said video games could develop particular skills but more research was needed to examine possible negative consequences.

Video games specialist Tristan Donovan told Metro that studies were ‘still inconclusive’ about the effect of gaming on behaviour.
Oh dear oh dear, where do I start on this one?

The sensationalist headline is hilarious: “Gamers can’t tell real world from fantasy” I can 100% bet you that they can, in your face researchers from Nottingham Trent University.

The HUGE study they did, a whopping 42 people from the huge age range of 15-21. How many were 15? How many were 21? These are quite important things here.

The blasé attitude they same to have about a 15-21 year old ‘fantasising about killing pedestrians’

Simon has the right idea, he wishes he had a gravity gun, don’t we all? How many people have watched X-Men and wished they had a mutant power? Or read Lord of The Rings and wished they were as cool as Legolas?

Milton needs to explain this one for me, I’ve read it over Ten times and still don’t get at what they mean. His finger ‘twitched’ as he tried to get it with the console? Did he pick the pad up and use it? It’s not like anyone’s ever picked up a TV remote and tried to turn someone’s volume down.

Now I know they’re making names up, Linus? He lost his big brother so uses the zoom function from WOW? Linus has a sister, she’s called Lucy. This is the only Linus in recorded history. Does it really matter if one 19-year-old WOW gamer thought they could use a search feature? Really?

‘Acted out situations inspired by games’ which games? Which situations?

Another truly terrible article by mainstream media showing gamers as crazies once again, where’s the study into people who watch TV? Watch movies? Read? It’s not like they’re going to get a swift Hadouken…or is it?

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