On the Razor's Edge: Cena/McMahon Storyline Idea


crafts entire Worlds out of Words
Yeah, I used a pun. I hate puns. But this is the best name I could come up with for this little idea thread I've come up with. I might make a series. Probably. Maybe not.


Anyway, let's take a look at the Cena/McMahon feud.

This a feud loooong overdue. Cena hasn't really had a McMahon "You're fucking me over" feud yet, and he sorely needs one. If this doesn't get him cemented as a Face, then this also gives him an avenue for a Heel turn.

I was responding to a thread in the WM 26 section and this idea dawned on me. Cena/McMahon stable war. Oh fuck yes.

The New Corporation (Or equally shitty name)

McMahon has Batista. He also sorta has McIntyre, by association. He personally signed the beast, after all. Make McIntyre the promising rookie.

You now need a upper mid-card wrestler that will use this to finally push through to the main event, and another main-event star to keep the stable going on Smackdown.

Enter Jericho (for Smackdown) and Dibiase (for Raw).

That now has McMahon's stable, some kind of rehashing of the Corporation, at McMahon, Batista, Jericho, Dibiase, and McIntyre. You can throw in the Miz/Big Show if you want. Give them a Tag Team.

Cena and the Team of Misfit Toys

Cena is there. But he counts as the leader. He can wrestle, and I hope he does. In fact, I'll officially count him as the counter to Batista.

Who will counter Jericho? Why Edge. And Edge will be the stable's main face on Smackdown. Hurrah.

Who will counter Dibiase? Orton. This makes his face turn even easier to accomplish.

Who will counter McIntyre? This is where it gets sticky. Kofi is a real, easy choice. But we need a selection on Smackdown to really make it work. I don't want Matt Hardy anywhere near my stable, so I'm left with making the pick for Christian. Then you get the rub from Christian/Edge inspired promo orgasms.

Who will counter The Miz/Big Show? Why, our friendly neighborhood tag team of JTG and Shad Gespard.

Cena and his lovely stable of Good People lists as follows: Cena, Edge, Orton, Christian, and Cryme Tyme.

Final Thoughts

Of course, this feud will be evenly split over Smackdown and Raw. Batista has make the jump to Raw for this to work. Cena vs. Batista/McMahon and Orton vs. Dibiase Jr. will dominate this faction's feud for Raw. Edge/Jericho, Christian/McIntyre, and Cryme Tyme vs. Show/Miz will be on Smackdown.

If this doesn't work for Cena's character, then he can revolt against his faction and join the New Corporation.

However, this is a perfect way to capitalize on the shit storm faction war that was promised back when there was no GM for Raw. This could really, truly work...and I fully believe it withstand even the WWE writers trying to fuck shit up like they always do.

So. What do you think? Is the New Corporation vs. Cena's School of Thuganomics destined for greatness? Or will McMahon and Batista vs. Cena live a lackluster life with shitty build after shitty build? Should I pick different people for the stables? Would one person here or one person there really make this work?

Stake your claim.
I think we are seeing somewhat of a McMahon/Cena feud, but not nearly in depth enough for two warring stables to be born of. First of all, the McMahon/Cena angle is basically all jumbled up between a Cena/Batista and Vince/Bret feud, so I am not sure how that would transition into the main feud being between McMahon/Cena. Bret would have to take a backseat, and they didn't bring him back to do that.

I think it's always a big problem when you have a stable with too many mega-stars in it. So having Jericho AND Batista with McMahon would take away from a Corporation-type stable and take away from each guys stardom (one guy would have to take somewhat of a backseat to the other). In a stable like that, you need to have just One mega-star, and some other guys who aren't on his level backing him up.

And as for Cena's stable, he doesn't need one, nor is he over enough with the ENTIRE wrestling audience to lead one. Cena can take care of McMahon by himself. I have never liked face stables, they don't work very well. It takes away from their credibility as singles stars. I don't mind a face wrestler having a friend to help them out (Savage/Hogan, HBK/HHH), but a face stable doesn't usually do too well, unless it has some tweener tendencies, like DX (the original DX, not HBK/HHH/Hornswaggle garbage).

Also, I think putting Orton in that kind of stable would just straight KILL his momentum. He is not a "good guy." He may get a face reaction, but that is because he is doing heelish things that some of the crowd is into. Also, he and Cena HATE each other (in the storyline world), and that would just not look right. To do this, you would have to turn Orton into more of a "good guy" and I don't think that would go over well. He is getting over as a tweener, doing heel things.
I think we are seeing somewhat of a McMahon/Cena feud, but not nearly in depth enough for two warring stables to be born of. First of all, the McMahon/Cena angle is basically all jumbled up between a Cena/Batista and Vince/Bret feud, so I am not sure how that would transition into the main feud being between McMahon/Cena. Bret would have to take a backseat, and they didn't bring him back to do that.

Well, Bret is taking a backseat of sorts. It's transitioned solely into McMahon/Batista fucking with Cena. Bret was written off TV, if you remember.

I think it's always a big problem when you have a stable with too many mega-stars in it. So having Jericho AND Batista with McMahon would take away from a Corporation-type stable and take away from each guys stardom (one guy would have to take somewhat of a backseat to the other). In a stable like that, you need to have just One mega-star, and some other guys who aren't on his level backing him up.

When the stable feuds are focused to only one brand, I hope to limit such "Star Level clashes," as I choose to summarize your post here.

And as for Cena's stable, he doesn't need one, nor is he over enough with the ENTIRE wrestling audience to lead one. Cena can take care of McMahon by himself. I have never liked face stables, they don't work very well. It takes away from their credibility as singles stars. I don't mind a face wrestler having a friend to help them out (Savage/Hogan, HBK/HHH), but a face stable doesn't usually do too well, unless it has some tweener tendencies, like DX (the original DX, not HBK/HHH/Hornswaggle garbage).

Once again, the stable is more spread out over Smackdown/Raw.

However...I see where you're going. Have the Corporation stable form, and each face take on each individual member. The Cena stable is really no more than a loose association.

Also, I think putting Orton in that kind of stable would just straight KILL his momentum. He is not a "good guy." He may get a face reaction, but that is because he is doing heelish things that some of the crowd is into. Also, he and Cena HATE each other (in the storyline world), and that would just not look right. To do this, you would have to turn Orton into more of a "good guy" and I don't think that would go over well. He is getting over as a tweener, doing heel things.

Orton obviously has the face backing against the Heel Legacy. Orton can get a serious backing if he works the Legacy break up just right. Orton doesn't have to be heel or tweener. He can pull off a face turn, I promise. This stable war will help.
I agree that Orton CAN pull off a face turn, but why? He is much, much more interesting as an evil, sadistic character. If people are cheering him now for what he is doing, why change it? He is not a likable guy, inside or outside of the ring. He just looks like a mean son of a b***h, and I think that has a lot to do with why he is getting so over. To change his "gimmick" right now would be a momentum killer. People like him for what he is right now, not what he COULD be.

Also, I don't like John Cena, not at all, but that is not why I don't want him to have his own stable. I think a guy like Cena is much more interesting if he has the deck stacked against him. So, I agree that a loose-association with one or two guys would help out big time. I also think having McMahon have a loose association with certain guys on both shows would be a better way to go than having a full-blown stable taking over Raw and Smackdown.

As for Bret Hart, I highly doubt he has ACTUALLY been written out. His feud with McMahon is FAR from over, in my opinion. I think having some interaction between Bret/Cena/Batista/McMahon is inevitable, but I really think the two feuds will be more seperate than they have been the last month or so. Bret and Vince will have a street fight, even with his "broken" leg. Maybe they will go the route of Bret backing Cena, with Vince backing Batista (assuming bret really isn't physically able to go), but I hope not.
Bret will come back in response to the person saying he was written off thats not it, I wouldnt be surprised if they are messing with us thinking Bret cant go and he can, a Street Fight doesnt take much to be great anyhow

but on this, no a stable like that wouldnt work, no split stables especially using too much star power like that and about to be pushed stars just wouldnt happen
I don't see this like an Austin/McMahon 2, i see this more like two feuds crammed into one. I think Batista will say that his problem with John Cena is that he hogs the spotlight which Batista wants more than anyone and that is why he attacked Cena and took his title, now he's in the spotlight. While they will talk about Bret Hart and think he's hurt badly and say that they set up the Hart being run over thing and Vince will accept the match thinking, he will win easy, then get surprised of course.
I think this is a great idea and I would love for it to work, especially since I love stables. It would be the perfect way to get through the summer, especially since one more HBK and Taker are taking time off.

However, I don't see this coming to fruition. I think Cena will be pissed at McMahon, but the true focus appears to be Cena and Batista. There is the flip side of McMahon and Bret Hart as well. Two separate feuds that seemed to be intertwined at this current moment. What I fear happening is that this whole mess becomes one off. What I mean by this is that if McMahon and Hart have their match, that is it for Hart, and he goes off into the sunset. Also, once Cena beats Batista for the title again at Mania (or vice-versa, but I think the latter more likely) than thats it for their feud. Its just a chance to have one mega-match on Mania.

Two things I think can happen though that may lead to this feud continuing. One, Batista cheats to beat Cena, so Cena is pissed and goes after Batista once more. The other, and I think more likely, is that Hart beats and humiliates McMahon at Mania. Of course, McMahon will be embarrassed, pissed off, and can't take it out against Hart because he is gone. So what does Mcmahon do, go after the one closely aligned to McMahon, who is Cena. This may be the chance to create a cluster of stable warfare between these two.

Here would be by choices for stable members if this does indeed happen.

Team Cena: Cena, Cryme Tyme, Morrison (why not), Christian

Team McMahon: Batista, Miz/Show, McIntyre, Big Zeke and Dibiase

I would not include Jericho or Edge because I think these two need to do their own thing. I think having Jericho in this would only hurt him, as the attention would be more on Batista. Edge would be an interesting choice, and I think he works as part of the feud at a later date, once his feud with Jericho is through (I have a plan for Edge, wait and see). I also would not include Orton because I don't want to see him as a face, and well McMahon hates him so he could not get on the heel side of the faction.

I think including Ezekiel Jackson is paramount because this was Mcmahon's choice to end ecw as champion. Jackson involved in this feud I believe could push him to the next level.

Now for Edge, here is my plan for him. After Edge feuds with Jericho, I think the next step is for Edge to feud with CM Punk and the SES. At this point, I feel the SES should have grown to 4 or 5 members (possible a returning Joey Mercury, even someone out of left field such as Matt Hardy, why not). After having 1 big ppv match, I think we should see a rehashing off the Corporation merging with the Ministry. CM Punk is someone McMahon would want as the face of his business. Someone with conviction, who is ruthless, and more importantly, does not take drugs. CM Punk and his SES could join forces with McMahon's group, weed out the weak members, and become an elite force. Edge, to counter this, must join with his "brother" and his arch nemesis "Cena" or face destruction.
While you bring a good idea to the table, things will get too convoluted. If anything, you form such factions to raise up midcard talent, not bring in the likes of orton, edge, punk, etc who are already over with the fans.

Plus there is a huge number in this equation: 64. Vince is 64 years old, he is not the bump taker he was at 54, or even at 59. He can pull off the nasty Chairman vince effectively, but at the end of the day seeing Cena F-U a senior citizen week after week isnt like seeing Austin stun the boss. Thats why i believe this feud will be limited just to Cena/Hart.
I dont get why ppl actually think a stable would actually happen between TWO brands when they are keeping them seperate as much as possible now, it's not gonna happen.

And shouldnt and the Tag champs will still be the only ones who can go on any show they want

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