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Old Stars Dissapeared?

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What is TNA's future and who will it be based around. In this year many new TNA wrestler have previously been in other major companies and i would call it a WWE INVASION. Lets take a look. Rvd-WWE,ECW Jeff Hardy-WWE MR anderson-wwe Brian Kendrick-wwe and im sure there is more.

What im saying is TNA is filled with WWE failures who have come to TNA and taken over. We no longer see old school tna classics involving samao joe, aj styles, jeff jaret and kurt angle. Instead in the main events are Rvd.

Think of it this way, RVD came into TNA and within no time he gets the world title. Never in the wwe would you see someone come in and beat john cena for the title in a non ppv. Then be demoted to a untied states title or somewhat. Aj styles is now tv champ demoted from even competing for the world title.

Samao Joe gets put in matches that mean nothing and a long time ago abducted by people than forgetton about. Kurt angle is to distracted climbing the ranks than competing for the title. These old stars who can still put on awesome matches are gone. Instead RVD a champ that never looses and has a terrible attitude and mr anderson. Mr Kennedy was a failure in wwe and coming into TNA how does that make him good.

Also last year even matt morgan was up their in the gold range instead put in stupid storylines and embarresed. Its sad to see and i would like to know who made this happen.

Also the x division the title that was one of the reasons of tna even being on the map has been completely destroyed. You never see them anymore and if you do its between kendrick a wwe recruit and some english dude whos too big for that division.

Falling apart in my eyes.
It's really irritating when people use the term "WWE reject". Mostly everyone has worked for a different company. Hell, did you really think any of the TNA originals really start off from TNA? Hell no, they came from elsewhere. Take your frustrations out of here and place 'em in the appropriate threads. We don't see the point of this one or your intentions other than ranting.

This thread will end up deleted or locked, so I'm gonna stop here.
This a ridiculous Hey Lets Bash Tna Thread. Hey lets see one company sees nothing special about you so you should stop doing what you do. That's basically what your saying about the so called wwe rejects. Lets see Joe's suspended, we saw A.j vs Angle last night, and we all know Jeff Jarett can't draw for shit. How in the world does Doug Williams suck? The guy is a really good technical wrestler you must have him confused with Terry not. You talk to much bullshit for me to go over so im done with this thread and oh dude your spelling and grammar is absolutely dreadful. If your gonna make a shit thread at least make it easy to read.
Are people feeling SUPER STUPID that TNA out-did themselves in such a glaringly obvious way and start bashing the company for virtually anything possible and creating threads about this? First is this assclown, I saw another assclown bitch about Foley being knocked out and the ECW crew looking at him, questioning the sense in this as it was dark. What the hell?

By the way, smart ass, WWE is filled with former ECW/WWE/TNA "rejects" too. We don't moan about it because they have families to support and mouths to feed. They're wrestlers, that's their job, their only job. They get fired from one company - they go to the second best option. For some it was WWE for others it was TNA, sometimes ROH. If you're not okay with people trying to provide for themselves and their families, well then you can keep your head inside of your ass and feast on your own crap. From the little I could see you can last three eternities - 'cause you're full of it!

It's really irritating when people use the term "WWE reject". Mostly everyone has worked for a different company. Hell, did you really think any of the TNA originals really start off from TNA? Hell no, they came from elsewhere. Take your frustrations out of here and place 'em in the appropriate threads. We don't see the point of this one or your intentions other than ranting.

This thread will end up deleted or locked, so I'm gonna stop here.

I wish the WWE marks would use the same logic...What about that ROH/TNA "reject" CM Punk? People jumping companies happens all the time. To think it only happens from WWE to TNA is knowing nothing about the history of this great sport. Check out the territories back in the 70s and 80s. That was the rule; not the exception.
What is TNA's future and who will it be based around. In this year many new TNA wrestler have previously been in other major companies and i would call it a WWE INVASION. Lets take a look. Rvd-WWE,ECW Jeff Hardy-WWE MR anderson-wwe Brian Kendrick-wwe and im sure there is more.
4 and 2 of them hadn't been in the WWE for ages.

What im saying is TNA is filled with WWE failures who have come to TNA and taken over.
So why is every champion save for RVD a TNA wrestler/wrestlers?

We no longer see old school tna classics involving samao joe, aj styles, jeff jaret and kurt angle. Instead in the main events are Rvd.
Kurt Angle came from the WWE, why aren't you bitching about him?

Think of it this way, RVD came into TNA and within no time he gets the world title.

Never in the wwe would you see someone come in and beat john cena for the title in a non ppv. Then be demoted to a untied states title or somewhat. Aj styles is now tv champ demoted from even competing for the world title.
Really? No one would come in and beat a WWE champion, then have that champion get demoted to the mid-card? Especially not on free tv? Hmmm...

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HryG8Xrm68o?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HryG8Xrm68o?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

Samao Joe gets put in matches that mean nothing and a long time ago abducted by people than forgetton about.
He's supposedly been suspended for being a whiny bitch. Who cares.

Kurt angle is to distracted climbing the ranks than competing for the title.
He's climbing the ranks to become #1 contender. Herpa derp.

These old stars who can still put on awesome matches are gone. Instead RVD a champ that never looses and has a terrible attitude
Did you somehow miss the fact that RVD just got completely destroyed on iMPACT?

and mr anderson. Mr Kennedy was a failure in wwe and coming into TNA how does that make him good.
So because the WWE played politics and fucked Ken Anderson around he shouldn't be allowed to go somewhere he's respected?

Also last year even matt morgan was up their in the gold range instead put in stupid storylines and embarresed. Its sad to see and i would like to know who made this happen.
Matt Morgan just beat two of the most over faces in TNA.

Also the x division the title that was one of the reasons of tna even being on the map has been completely destroyed.
The x-division never drew. Ever.

You never see them anymore and if you do its between kendrick a wwe recruit and some english dude whos too big for that division.
So Doug Wiliams is "too big" for the X-division? Really? But you liked it when Samoa Joe was wrestling AJ and Daniels for the X title? Make up your mind.

Not to mention that for someone who claims to be a fan of the old X-division you sure have a strange memory of it, guys like Low-Ki, Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles were not exclusive to performing high spots. Doug Williams is fixing that division. It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits.

Falling apart in my eyes.
Well then you must be blind because it's fine.
I'm sick of hearing WWE rejects seriously! TNA has done so much more to let guys shine even more than WWE ever did. Guys like Christian finally got their chance and won the world title. They've let guy like the Pope and Mr. Anderson, Matt Morgan finally get the main-event push quite that was never given to them in the E. TNA may not beat the E in rating but when it comes to wrestling and when it comes to letting others show their true potential that's where they beat the E at. Wrestlers have come and gone through the promotions and we don't bash them for going to the E so what's the difference of them going to TNA or back in the day when others jumped to WCW/ECW. Granted I could care less about Jeff Jarrett and his white pants because he comes off as HHH to me. So get over yourself I'm like the rest of these guys on this topic and let others be.
4 and 2 of them hadn't been in the WWE for ages.

So why is every champion save for RVD a TNA wrestler/wrestlers?

Kurt Angle came from the WWE, why aren't you bitching about him?

Really? No one would come in and beat a WWE champion, then have that champion get demoted to the mid-card? Especially not on free tv? Hmmm...

[YOUTUBE]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/HryG8Xrm68o?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/HryG8Xrm68o?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]

He's supposedly been suspended for being a whiny bitch. Who cares.

He's climbing the ranks to become #1 contender. Herpa derp.

Did you somehow miss the fact that RVD just got completely destroyed on iMPACT?

So because the WWE played politics and fucked Ken Anderson around he shouldn't be allowed to go somewhere he's respected?

Matt Morgan just beat two of the most over faces in TNA.

The x-division never drew. Ever.

So Doug Wiliams is "too big" for the X-division? Really? But you liked it when Samoa Joe was wrestling AJ and Daniels for the X title? Make up your mind.

Not to mention that for someone who claims to be a fan of the old X-division you sure have a strange memory of it, guys like Low-Ki, Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles were not exclusive to performing high spots. Doug Williams is fixing that division. It's not about weight limits, it's about no limits.

Well then you must be blind because it's fine.

why arnt i bitching about Kurt Angle because he has shown passion for TNA and has put on classic matches. Also he said in an interview that he loves wrestling for a little crowd that cheers than a big crowd that says nothing. Obviously he isnt in TNA for the money because he could be making way more.

Who got beaten on free T.V. than demoted to mid card? This happened in a matter of weeks idiot. Plus Aj was the top of the company.

Im not saying its bad im enjoying these days but i would like more involvment with the old stars because they are still in the company and deserve some respect.

The old x division matches were way more exciting than the slowness of the 'technical' style their doing now. Anyway fuck Anderson.
Hulk Hogan
Easy E
The Kendrick

theres loads more, as some1 stated, its not the fact that most wrestlers worked for dif companys while comming up, its the fact TNA is the Company build to be what WWE is not, an alternative wrestling show, and they like to announce that on TV alot, and for those of you unsure by alternative to WWE, they mean, Total Nonstop oAps
OK, I've watched about 2 episodes of TNA in my time but I have to say, they're not built on WWE rejects. Most of them left on free will, eg Jeff Hardy.

I get that the point of this thread is about old stars being replaced by already established main eventers, but what does TNA want to do the most? Draw. Jeff Hardy was one of, if not the biggest draw in WWE before he left. He was on top of the world. So what happens when he goes to a different company? His fans follow.
RVD left WWE a long time ago. When he shows his face in the wrestling world again where is it? Oh, TNA. So a bunch of his fans go there too. And because people haven't seen him in so long, they're just aching for the chance to see him wrestle again. So if he's the World Champion, TNA obviously feels that he is going to draw a lot of people and earn them a lot of money. That's the way it works.

Now I'll admit, AJ Styles is a phenomenal wrestler (excuse the pun). He's one of the most entertaining I've ever seen. But he's been pushed out of the spotlight a bit by these newcomers. So TNA doesn't want to make him look pathetic by leaving him in the main event getting trashed every week do they? No. They want to make him a champion. And at the same time it increases the prestige of the TV Title.

So next time, maybe a bit of thought from a buisness point of view before you post a thread like this. Put yourself in TNA's shoes.
why arnt i bitching about Kurt Angle because he has shown passion for TNA and has put on classic matches. Also he said in an interview that he loves wrestling for a little crowd that cheers than a big crowd that says nothing. Obviously he isnt in TNA for the money because he could be making way more.
But th other guys are only there for money and you know this 100% yeah?:rolleyes:

Who got beaten on free T.V. than demoted to mid card? This happened in a matter of weeks idiot. Plus Aj was the top of the company.
I don't know why you can't see the video I linked in my first post, the correct answer was Chris Jericho, this year.

Im not saying its bad im enjoying these days but i would like more involvment with the old stars because they are still in the company and deserve some respect.
Again, every champion except world is a TNA original.

The old x division matches were way more exciting than the slowness of the 'technical' style their doing now. Anyway fuck Anderson.

So, to you exciting=fast. I'm sorry but I prefer matches that mean something and have stories. Doug Williams is a mat wrestler, a fucking good one. I'd rather a few Doug Williams matches against BK with a story than I would a bunch of matches between Amazing Red and Kaz with no story.
i am a WWE fan always have been always will be but i like TNA it has potential to be challenging WWE for ratings. They wont beat the WWE and it out of business like WWE did with WCW but that because wwe is just too big and has been going for too long and not because failings.

what i think is that is that TNA should be using the originals more than the older stars because they are the future of the company. i am not saying that they should get rid of the old WWE stars keep them just don't over use them use them to help younger stars like ric is with fortune. As for the X division take it back to the old no limits it been lacking lately that what got me watching tna in first place there is nothing wrong with Doug being in it they just have to make it exciting again like it was with Daniels, Aj and Joe
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