OLD SCHOOL RAW: Who do you REALLY want to see?


WWE Million Dollar Champion
Ok so we are about to see an OLD SCHOOL episode of RAW.
We have seen some of the names being advertised for this event, such as, Superfly Jimmy Snuka, Sgt Slaughter, Tatanka, The Million Dollar Man, Mae Young, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Dusty Rhodes etc...
This is all very nice, but we see these guys show up from time to time anyway, I know that there may be a surprise or 2 tomorrow (I know there are Ultimate Warrior rumors) but who would you REALLY like to see that you haven't seen in a LONG time. Of course, we all want to see the Rock, lets take that as a given.

Throw out 5 names that you would love to see and why. Tag Teams count as 1.

My 5 (in no particular order) and sheerly for FUN!

1, Demolition, I would love to see these guys again. One of my favorite tag teams. Just to hear that music hit the arena would be awesome.

2, Macho Man Randy Savage, this man played many important roles in the WWF. I would like to see this man in the HOF!

3, Akeem w/Slick, the African Dream baby! Jive soul bro!

4, Max Moon, haha, not really.:lmao:

Real number 4, Animal from LOD, I still want a pair of those shoulder pads, who doesn't?

and 5, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, LEGEND!!!

List away folks, and keep it in the name of fun!:)
Xpac and the New Age Outlaws, I assume this is a pipe dream, i believe Road Dogg still has a job in TNA backstage..

If not them, then Psyco Sid.. one of the best heels of the 90's IMO a 7 footer that could work with anyone.. good on the stick, but Legit Crazy. Its after softball season, should be able to book him
1. Shawn Michaels
Can we consider Shawn Michaels as one? It's been awhile since he last appeared and him and Jericho are my top 2 favourite wrestlers. He appeared on the first episode of Raw, and I consider him one of the "old school" wrestlers.

2. Steiner Brothers
It's been awhile since we've seen them appear too, and I think they were one great tag team. During Scott's early days, I thought he was a very good wrestler alongside his brother, Scott always stood out as well because of his mic skills. I would love to see them in a match even, Scott was in TNA before, and he's still in shape to wrestle.

3. Marty Jannetty
I've always liked JAnnety to be honest with you, he's always been overshadowed of course by Michaels but I've always enjoyed his work, and I remember about 5 or so years ago, before Michaels faced Angle at Wrestlemania, Jannetty had a great match with Angle. I wnat him to appear in a segment with Michaels, that would be a mark out moment for me.

4. Bret Hart
I seriously don't care if it hasn't been a LONG time since we haven't seen him, and I'm not sure if he is set to appear tomorrow or not, but I want to see him. Why? I'm a Canadian. Why does that matter? Because as a Canadian wrestling fan it's an obligation to like Hart haha.

5. Lex Luger
I was watching Chair Shot Reality last week on Wrestlezone,and it truly has made me miss Luger a lot. We've seen mostly every wrestler make that one come back to the WWE (even Bret friggin Hart) except for Luger and Savage. Luger, has said to be doing better, and he said he still does talk to Vince on occasion, and with Luger living in Atlanta maybe this would be a good way to have him come back and than have him appear in the HOF ceremony and be inducted, but have Luger introduced to the WWE audience and to the newer fans of the wwe universe.

5. Bob Backlund
Arugably the best world champion in the WWE history, that's right. I want to see Backlund appear again, last I saw of him was 10 years ago when he was managing Kurt Angle and made that triple threat match involving Benoit and Jericho as well (which was my favourite match on that card btw). I want to see him return

Boy, I can keep going...I love Savage, was actualyl the first wrestler I ever heard about. I would have easily listed him on this list but you've mentioned him before and I didn't want to make this redundant, so I wanted to bring up some new names.
Ive been kind of confused about old school raw. Is it old school RAW (as in people that where on the show in say 93-95) or is it old school WWF on raw (as in guys from the 80's). Based on the list of names Id have to go old school WWF.

Powers of Pain

Killer Bees

King Kong Bundy
I could name a million guys from the past. But in most cases they have nothing to do with Raw. I think it is an old school WWE theme more than an old school Raw theme. I'll go beyond who I think would show up and just list who I want to be on the show.

Ultimate Warrior - Who knows what will ever happen? If you ask The Warrior, he would tell you it isn't ever going to happen. Then the next time he speaks, he gives credit and respect to Vince. All I really know about this, is I would like to see him do something in WWE again. Just have him run through some annoying Heel and leave.

Randy Savage - He is one of my all time favorites and I do not think he has gotten the credit he deserves. Seeing him do a couple things in WWE would be awesome. Hopefully it would expose him to new wrestling fans and also expose some of the work he has done.

Brock Lesnar - I would like to see him return. I think he would tear it up again. He has obviously been in shape since he left. So a return for him would never be a question of if he can still do it.

Sid Vicious - Sid still wants to return to a major company for one final run. I say give it to him. He couldn't be any worse than Khali or some other fly by night "giant". I always thought Sid was pretty good, and I would not mind if he came back into the spotlight.

X-Pac - I have wanted him to return for years. I always wanted that final run of DX as Shawn Michaels, Triple H, X-Pac and possibly The New Age Outlaws. I know all of Waltman's past and problems and stuff. But he can still wrestle. So it should not be too much of a stretch for him to wrestle again one day.

The lights go out, the music creepily comes on as fire engulfs the stage top, through the fire emerges a man in white and its the vampire himself. I mean come on everyone is drooling over a pair of dudes who so want the same girl. Screw Team Jacob, F%^& Team Edward...The Brood is the true vampire team!!! LOL

P.S. Too Cool would so be the shit too :)
1. Terri Runnels/Kristal Marshall/Torrie Wilson - Any 1 of the 3 hottest divas ever, in my opinion, on the show would be amazing.

2. The Godfather - He has chosen a truly deplorable occupation but what can I say? That happy pimp just makes me smile.

3. Brutus the Barber Beefcake - In retrospect not the greatest worker but as a kid watching some dude put people to sleep and then cut their hair was even cooler than throwing a snake on them.

4. Jim the Anvil Neidhart - Put him in a mixed tag w/ his daughter. Also, maybe the payday will get him to stop breaking into peoples houses for a while.

5. Gangrel - Vampires are in right now.
Considering that we are taking Warrior and Rock out of the discussion, here's the top five personalities I'd like to see at Raw:

1) Macho Man Randy Savage- I would love to see Savage come out and interrupt some new star like The Miz. While The Miz doesn't need any more of a "rub" from any of the other wrestlers, interacting with Savage would go down as one of the infamous (if not more entertaining) segments in Raw history. Plus, there's a history of Savage on Raw since Savage was both a wrestler and an announcer on the show off and on from 1993-94.

2) Jake Roberts- The man hasn't been on WWE TV since 2005 (and that was a one off appearance). Having Jake bring out the snake and freak out one of the legends or current stars would be hilarious. An extra bonus would be to see Jake Roberts interact with CM Punk as it would be the ultimate meeting of two completely different personalities.

3) Slick- The Doctor of Style has only been seen once in the last 17 years (Mania 23). I believe he is now an ordained minister, but for one night, who wouldn't like to see Slick do an old school appearance on Raw?

4) Demolition- Again, a really cool idea would be for Demolition to show up for a tag team match. Ax and Smash are still wrestling at many independent shows, and while its been about 20 years since WWE last saw this great team, it would be quite the sight to see Demolition walk the aisle one last time.

5) Sable or Trish Stratus- Sable is the first woman many think of when they think of the Divas of the Attitude Era. It would be great to see Sable show up and do an interview. Let's face it: Sable talking would be greater than 12 LayCool matches combined. Trish Stratus is a little more recent in the minds of WWE fans, and she is frankly the greatest wrestling DIVA in WWE history (Chyna doesn't count in my opinion). Stratus would be able to get the crowd's interest with any interaction she would have and be able to have a decent five minute match.
Have the Raw GM make an announcement that for one night bc its old school Raw that he's handing the reigns over to someone. And just to make everyone miss Vickie Guerrero, have Howard Finkel get up there...

"Ladies and gentleman, your Raw General Manager for tonight....BROTHER LOOOOOOOOOOVE!!"

*Cue music as he walks out red faced and smiling ear to ear.*


What wouldn't any of us give for that? Lol And the hilarity that would ensue between Blubber Love and today's superstars only to have him chased away later by his old "pal" Rowdy Roddy Piper. Lmao!
The list of names that are coming so far, most are usually on raw now and then. Im tired of seeing slaughter and sheik all the time so im glad we've got some like mae young (interaction with mark henry HAS to happen), tatanka and piper.

5 that i want to see:

New age outlaws: Hearing that music would be awesome! Seeing the introduction once again. Im sure the crowd, a majority would know who they are.

The Godfather: ♪ Pow wow wow wow! yeahh! ♪ awesome music, just sets a party mood!

Gangrel: Vampires were in BEFORE the crap known as Twilight, awesome entrance!

Too Cool: Rikishi, brian lawler, scotty 2 hotty! That dance! Wooot wooot!

Stone cold steve austin: Needs to be there! Hopefully less restrictions aswell
1)demolition- cause they are the shit and the first 3 time tag champs and possibly yhe longest rigning too boot
2)ultimate warrior- jus to run shod through someone jus to prove he can actually put on a good match
3)taka michinochu-because he was a damn good lightwieght and awsome as part of ki anti
regardless of who all does show up, it would be cool for them to band together to take out nexus in a 12man tag match(as long as it isnt the legends)
I would love to see Gangrel come back, rising up through the ring of fire on the stage, clutching his goblet and with the awesome "Brood" music playing...would be THE SHIT

Terri Runnels, Sable, Lita and Trish....all so hot and would be great to see them back in the WWE again

Shawn Michaels. Yes he has been a part of the WWE modern-era but for him to come back as old-school HBK singing his own entrance music haha, legendary.

The Steiners, I would LOVE see see the Steiner Screwdriver or Steinerline on WWE TV again!
1: The Rock - would love to see the great one show up on old school Raw and lay some smackdown on Cena's candy ass!

2: HBK Shawn Michaels - wouldn't be Raw without the showstopper, the main event, the icon, The Heartbreak Kid.

3: Stone Cold Steve Austin - Having Austin show up would be awesome, especially if he gives somebody a stunner such as C.M. Punk or The Miz

4: Macho Man Randy Savage - would be awesome to see Macho show up on Raw, especially if they get him behind the mic as he did back in the early days of Raw. Also would be hilarious to hear him have an exchange with Cole and Lawler.

5: Kevin Nash - would shock the world if he showed up on Raw, especially after his falling out with TNA, this would make for a huge story if Nash were to show up on Raw tonight, besides Nash was around for the early years of Raw up to 96 when he jumped ship to WCW and alongside Hall, and Hollywood Hogan began the nWo.
Not sure if The Rock can be sondiered "old skool"..he started in 96 to maybe not but this is MIAMI! Be amazing to see the great one return tonight. Hopefully something would transpire and he would return for a bout at WM27
I like this topic and I also agree with someone that said it seems most of the names being advertised are from the 80's. My list would be.

1. Jake "The Snake" Roberts - I think its time for Jake to return to WWE for this show. Even if he don't wrestle he could do somethin interesting. Why not bring Damian or another snake to the show with him.

2. Rikishi - I say this because he was actually a raw competitor for years and that his sons are on raw. It would make for an interesting reunion.

3. Steiner Brothers - I am a big Steiner mark although I don't see it happening with the hate Scott has for WWE. I would love to see them on Raw.

4. New Age Outlaws - I actually think they should come back to WWE anyways. Very entertaining team that can work with the young teams. If I'm not mistaken neither guy is with TNA anymore so it's possible.

5. Shawn Michaels - I think he was considered a legend long before Raw began. He was on the first Raw and deserves to come back for 1 night only. If if it's only to cut a promo with Triple H
I'm not fussed who we see as long as it's authentic OLD SCHOOL RAW fell, maybe the OLD RAW stage that actually said RAW, and OLD SCHOOL wrestlers compete against NEW SCHOOL guys maybe even build a few matches up for Survivor Series with the teams having the OLD SCHOOL kind of names, like Guts & Glory the Teamsters etc etc give a nice mixture.
It was nice to see Lita a while back. I still want her to be on Old School Raw.

1. Lita (She could pair up with Edge for a mixed tag team match or actually put to rest for one night the crappy women's wrestling that usually goes on.)
2. Stone Cold (Come on! If you want the Rock, you have to put Stone Cold with him!
3. Trish Stratus

That's all I got so far.
id like to see terri runnels come back n do something with goldust and that new girl that screwed over goldust that be pretty cool... of course have austin rock hbk there....if nash showed up i think that would be huge and would really make tna step there game up and try to do something big. I hope luger shows up since hes in the new smackdown game it be cool to see him on tv again. Seeing the macho man say WOO YEAAAA again on wwe tv cant beat that. the one thing i hope doesnt happen is the night ending with nexus just beating down all the legends thats just broing and we seen it before
5 OLD SCHOOL wrestlers I would love to see tonight:

1. Tully Blanchard -- Have him return and team up with Arn Anderson for one night
2. Papa Shango -- The guy was spooky to say the least... One more match v/s Undertaker
3. Randy Savage -- No explination necessary
4. Scott Hall -- Have him coming out as Razor Ramone
5. King Kong Bundy -- I would love to see him walking down the aisle again with Bobby Heenan by his side!
Realistically Raw will be nothing special, with them using the modern stage, having the same list of LEGENDS appear that already make 1-2 appearances a year and they'll just be used as comedy relief.

Personally I'd love to have Randy Savages music hit at the beginning and find out he's guest announcer for the night and maybe have a surprise Lex Luger and Ultimate Warrior appearance.

But I have a feeling tonight will be a let down, can't wait to see Piper though!
Who you won't see

Demolition - Old and Decrepit
New Age Outlaws - TNA Alumni
Papa Shango - See Below
Jake Roberts - Near death
Jim Neidhart - Just got arrested, WWE doesn't want that publicity
Shawn Michaels - Doesn't want to overexpose himself so soon after his retirement
Lex Luger - Can't walk
Powers of Pain - Who?
Killer Bees - Who??
King Kong Bundy - C'mon...
Brock Lesnar - Lol
X-Pac - Horrendous reputation... x-pac heat.. etc
Randy Savage - Nailed steph when she was 15... Vince needs to die for him to make a WWE appearance... period.

Who You MAY See
Too Cool w/ Rikishi - Scotty Armstrong still has a good reputation the WWE, Rikishi's sons are there and Brian Christopher make a one night I guess..
The Godfather - Made an appearance at the gimmick battle royal on raw, still in decent shape.
Steve Blackman - Same as above

Let's seperate fantasy from reality in this thread for once. Next thing you know people will be talking a Droz comeback
Yes, let's seperate fantasy from reality. Like the fantasy of how Papa Shango won't show and Godfather will when they're THE SAME PERSON!

Anyway, I'm really really hoping that Randy Savage shows up. It seems his relationship with WWE is slowly improving, and c'mon, who wouldn't love seeing him in a WWE ring one more time?
I'll keep this very short. Done. Lol joking. What matches would you like to see at old school raw?

Me...I'd love to see Jim the anviel nedihart tag with natalya to vs Jimmy superfly Snuka and tamina. It would be a cool daddy/daughter match hahahha....

Okay over to you guys
1. Terri Runnels/Kristal Marshall/Torrie Wilson
3. Brutus the Barber Beefcake - In retrospect not the greatest worker but as a kid watching some dude put people to sleep and then cut their hair was even cooler than throwing a snake on them.

I heard the Brutus has signed with TNA recently. Is that true? Can anyone confirm? I heard him and Hogan are like best mates in real life and super tight and they were developing a programme together where Brutus would be a major part of the storyline.

Anyway, in relation to the thread, you'd have to go with Macho Man. That would be the coolest OLD SCHOOL RAW ever in my opinion. I would mark out to see Macho Man anywhere really in any capacity. Even just as a commentator or GM for the night would be awesome.
Second to macho Man would be Ultimate Warrior but only for nostalgia really.
I would love to see Marty Janetty also.
My last pick would have to be THE BUSHWACKERS. I would mark out to see Luke and Butch again. The Bushwackers rock and would complete an old school wrestling night.
Well- since you(the OP) asked who we'd LIKE to see & not who we THINK we'll see (lunarseed: I think your post was not needed. Maybe you just didnt understand what the OP was asking for. The inclusion of the Droz comment was just rediculous! Also owned by InuJosha-lol)

......the 2 guys I'd love to see most, are also 2 guys that I unfortunately dont think we'll ever see on WWE-TV again.

Savage & Roberts

Two of my all time favorites, from when I was a kid. Probably the only 2 'basically full time heels' that I liked when I was a youngster.

What are the odds of either of them being on the show- let alone both of them??? I'd say probly less then 1% unfortunately.

Im guessing we'll see guys like Koko B. Ware, Doink the Clown & Marty Jannetty... to go along with the obvious: Slaughter, IRS, Million Dollar Man, Duggan & others still working inside the company. It'd be great to see the likes of Sid, Stieners- even Heenan- But I dont see that happening either. I like the Terri Runnels idea to join in the Goldust/Aksana angle I guess. Be nice to see her again (I hope)

But overall- I expect tonight to be very underwhelming. Giving the fans not much more then the people that we see every time something like "old school" happens. Im sick of those guys- show me something new if you want me to pay attention!

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